Supreme Stock God

C1720 Subvisual energy

C1720 Subvisual energy

The appearance of Zhou Run Fa and Yang Zi Qiong had ignited the enthusiasm of all the reporters. In the eyes of the public, these two were the most popular people in Hong Kong at the moment.    


Although they did not know about the movie Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, but since it was directed by Li An, and Zhou Run Fa and Yang Zi Qiong were acting together, it must be very good. Zhou Hao knew even more that this movie would become a milestone for the Chinese people.    


Zhou Hao did not remember the specific time of the < Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon >, but he did know that it should be this year. Perhaps they had already begun to advertise, and as for the method of promotion, Zhou Hao was not too concerned about it, if not for the Asia Television Limited and carnival, he would not have paid attention to most of the movies, as he was really too busy recently, but Zhou Run Fa was indeed an actor that he liked.    


In Hong Kong, there were only two male celebrities that Zhou Hao could recognize and like. One was the current Zhou Run Fa, and the other was the former film emperor, Liang Jia Hui.    


Even with so many movie stars in Hong Kong, including some new ones, no one could surpass them in acting. Even the actor who had the most film emperors in history, Liang Zhaowei, did not dare to surpass them in acting.    


Because Liang Jiahui was a little low-key, it had nothing to do with Asia Television Limited, he did not participate in the carnival this time, and Zhou Hao was very satisfied that Zhou Run Fa was able to come, since there was at least one of the two acting gods present.    


For celebrities at this level, Chen Shisan's identity was clearly not enough. Other than Asia Television Limited's CEO Su Lin, only Liang Jiashu would be able to receive them, but of course, they would not think that Asia Television Limited was lacking in respect for them. After all, Su Lin was going to walk on the red carpet today.    


Everyone who came to participate in Asia Television Limited carnival knew that Zhou Hao was coming. Since it was so, no one expected that Su Lin would entertain the guests here. Everyone knew the relationship between Zhou Hao and Su Lin, and they all knew it in their hearts.    


However, the two of them were different this time. Before, they were both male and female. This time, the two men came together, and they were both fat. This was definitely a heavyweight.    


In the Hong Kong entertainment circle, there were only a few highly regarded Fatty Hai, the most respected one of whom was Wang Tianlin, one of the fat experts under Sixth Uncle Wireless, and one of the top executives of the industry. Many of the celebrities had become famous under him, and it could be said that in the television industry, those who did not know about Wang Tianlin did not need to be present, because Asia Television Limited had also invited this senior, but he was, after all, very old, and had not personally attended.    


He was Wang Tianlin's son, Director Wang Jing, and he was also a well-known fatty. He was the son of Wang Tianlin, and was also a well-known director in Hong Kong, so he could be said to be the most famous commercial film director in Hong Kong.    


Wang Jing is a high-yield director who specializes in commercial films. He has more than 200 films in his life and the box office is worth billions of dollars. No one can help but admit that he is a director of commercial films.    


Although he hadn't reached the level of Zhou Hao in his previous life yet, he had already been in the movie industry for more than twenty years, and his identity and position could not be compared to that of ordinary directors. He had worked with many famous actors before.    


Emperor of Kung Fu Li, Li Lianjie, was also once his actress. Even Cheng Long had worked with him before. Many movie stars and television stars had worked together with him. There were even a few female celebrities who were popular with him.    


He was a director who pursued commercialization. Naturally, he would not let go of this kind of extremely profitable movie. Many of the famous female celebrities in Hong Kong were once female celebrities in his movies, and as a result, they became popular.    


It could be said that Wang Jing was the most popular female celebrity in Hong Kong. Similarly, he was considered the godfather of Hong Kong's Windy Moon Film and was also the most famous salty and wet director. His small eyes, in particular, made people feel like they were shrinking.    


Basically, he would be invited to all sorts of major events, and he would never disappoint anyone. Now that Asia Television Limited was participating, naturally Asia Television Limited would invite this famous director, who not only came himself, but also as a representative of his father to participate in the carnival.    


Other than him, the most famous people in Hong Kong were two other obese men, one was the Fat Cat Film Emperor Zheng Zesi and the other was the martial arts star Hong Jinbao. Zheng Zesi could not come back today because he was overseas, so naturally he could not attend the carnival, and regarding his identity, he was still lacking a bit in terms of standing when walking with Wang Jing, so this time the one beside Wang Jing was Fatty Hong Jinbao.    


Hong Jinbao's position in Hong Kong's entertainment circle was even higher than his big brother, Cheng Long. Hong Jinbao's position in Hong Kong, was even higher than his big brother, Cheng Long.    


If it was said that Hong Kong's action star Cheng Long was called a big brother by everyone, then Hong Jinbao was known as a big brother, a loyal person who dared to fight. Many people had been supported by him, and it could be said that many people in Hong Kong's showbiz industry couldn't do without his help.    


Apart from the famous Hong Kong star Chen Xiongqi, Hong Jinbao could be considered the most versatile person, not to mention that he also owned his own film company, DeBao. Even though he was a subsidiary of Jiahe, he was still a very brilliant film company.    


Zhou Hao liked this very special actor very much, especially Hong Jinbao's ghost film, which had been in Hong Kong for 10 years and was famous for its ghost film and zombie film series. The number one player in the ghost film was the fatty Hong Jinbao, and the first person in the zombie film was naturally the well-known zombie Taoist Lin Zhengying.    


Asia Television Limited's "I Have a Date with a Zombie" was mentioned in the title of the film. Of course, the actor who played Mao Xiaofang was Lin Zhengying, who was also a member of Hong's class, Hong Jinbao.    


Even such a heavyweight like him could no longer be considered an ordinary actor, but could be considered a person at the level of a movie company's owner. Walking together with the renowned great director Wang Jing was naturally within everyone's expectations, but it was already enough to make all the entertainment reporters sigh with emotion at the power of Asia Television Limited.    


They could all see that even if it was such a character, he couldn't be considered to be the best. After all, it was still too early. There must be more people behind him.    


Not only did the reporters recognize him, but all the celebrities who had entered earlier also rushed forward to greet them. Small famous actors wanted to get on good terms with them, and most of the famous actors were their friends.    


After Hong Jinbao and Wang Jing entered, there was suddenly a short period of calm outside. At this time, most of the people from the entertainment circle would arrive, and the next people would be people with very good statuses. It was as if they naturally put some distance between them and the people in front of them.    


Roughly five minutes later, the first person that appeared in front of everyone was a middle-aged man wearing glasses. This time, he did not accompany anyone else. He was a very special person, but none of them dared to underestimate this solo man.    


He was wearing gentle glasses, so one could see that he was definitely a talented person. Naturally, everyone knew him very well, not only because he was once the male lead in many movies, but more importantly because of his identity. He was once one of the three big shots of New Arts City in Hong Kong, and was now the boss of the Oriental Film Company.    


He was one of the most talented people in Hong Kong, and he was the one who had started filming the Ghostblade series. He had once won the recognition of many young female celebrities, and he had also made the audiences of the early 1980s remember the name of this series.    


New Arts City was the overlord of Hong Kong's movie industry in the 1980s. There was no doubt that they would become the box-office winners every year. They were the best film series in the world and were so popular that Jiahe and Shao couldn't even fight back.    


The three giants, Mecca, Huang Baiming, and Shi Tian, broke down in the early nineties due to disagreements. Other than Huang Baiming, who was still developing in the entertainment circle, Mecca and Shi Tian both left the circle.    


Now that Huang Baiming had come alone, no one dared to underestimate him. No matter how frail he looked, everyone knew his power, and even though everyone had already guessed that he would be attending this year's carnival, they were still shocked to see it.    


As the boss of a movie company, to some extent, he would just be cooperating with Asia Television Limited at most, and wouldn't be like a celebrity. If he was invited, he would generally give some face, and if Huang Baiming wasn't very interested in the Asian Stock God Zhou Hao and also knew that he was a scholar, he definitely wouldn't have come personally. After all, his identity was no small matter.    


After Huang Baiming walked in, everyone no longer dared to look down on Asia Television Limited. Whoever dared to say that they had flipped over occasionally would be able to guess the future development of Asia Television Limited based on how many guests they had invited.    


At this time, the reporters did not know that Zhou Hao still had a portion of the shares in Wireless, since that matter was a secret and had not been announced to the public. Other than the internal affairs, no one knew what was going on.    


This time, it was without a doubt, another movie company, the giant Jiahu Cinema Company. This was an established movie company, the superstar Cheng Long, the big brother Hong Jinbao, they were all signed by this movie company, and most importantly, Jiahe was once Bruce Lee's company.    


Although Mr. Li Xiaolong was no longer around, he was the pride of all Chinese. The company he used to be in held the weight of Jia He, and the person who came this time was actually the boss of Jia He Company.    


Everyone was already numb to the shock from before. Today's Asia Television Limited Carnival was basically a joint event of the Hong Kong Golden Statue Awards and the Golden Melody Awards. If someone at this level was here, who would dare to say that Asia Television Limited was an ordinary television station?    


The two had been working together for dozens of years and had always been together. Zou Wenhui had always been a decision maker, and He Guanchang had always been a support member. Both of them were bosses and subordinates, and they were also good friends.    


However, they didn't want the three giants of New Arts City to disintegrate due to a problem with their interests, and Zou Wenhui and He Guanchang had always gotten along well. That year, when they were suppressed by Mrs Shao, they survived together, and when there was a pressure on New Art City, they also collaborated together to resist. After so many years, they were still the best partners.    


The current Jia He was already an established film company, and basically no one in Hong Kong dared to challenge them. Right now, both of them had a higher position, and rarely attended any of the various events. However, they never expected that Asia Television Limited had brought them here today as well.    


It wasn't that their news was of no value, but that they couldn't get anything useful from the mouth of such an old cunning fox. At most, other than being shocked, they would take more photos of these two great figures. They were a little numbed by the energy of Asia Television Limited.    


The last bit of suspense was whether or not the Asia Television Limited would invite, the old rival of the wireless, to join them. Everyone knew without even needing to think that the wireless treasure had already come, and that the Asia Television Limited would definitely invite Sixth Uncle and Sixth Aunt. The key point was whether or not they would come, not only was it a matter of face Asia Television Limited, there was also the guess of the relationship between the Asia Television Limited and the wireless.    


After a year, many actors from the two television stations helped each other. Everyone could vaguely guess that the relationship between Asia Television Limited and wireless had changed, but if Sixth Uncle and Sixth Aunt couldn't join this year's carnival, they would never be able to confirm it.    


The crowd did not have to wait for too long, in just two minutes, they saw the people they were waiting for, Sixth Uncle, Shao Yifu, and Sixth Aunt, appearing.    




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