Supreme Stock God

C1712 Arrive in hong kong again

C1712 Arrive in hong kong again

According to Zhou Hao's curiosity, after hearing the dao legends introduced to him by the Taoist Ling Mu, he would definitely go to some dao sects to take a look. Even if he could not verify whether or not someone had cultivated to immortal, he should at least be able to meet these experts.    


After seeing the Taoist Ling Mu, he realized that there were a lot of things in this world that he did not know about. In the past, his strength only belonged to the top experts of the world when he was at the Extreme Stage, but now, he knew that that was not the case.    


Back then, he knew that in the Martial Arts Master, the strongest person was the Supreme Expert and he was one of them.    


Only now did he realize that he had always belonged to the category of sitting in the well and watching the sky. If it wasn't for the fact that those experts were all in the hidden realm and he had only been dealing with his own enemies and didn't do any evil deeds, it would be hard to say if there were two Taoist Ling Mu s acting on his behalf.    


In this era, they were not as strong as they were in Zhou Hao's previous life. There were not many rules and regulations for many traveling groups, and as long as they did not take back the money for the press conference, the people of the traveling group would not get entangled with them. In their eyes, it should be Zhou Hao and Yu Kexin who met each other on the road, and then, they would have to travel together.    


They naturally wouldn't explain too much to these people. Zhou Hao had left Yu Kexin at Taoist Ling Mu, he knew that since he had accepted his disciple, he would definitely teach him well, and he wasn't worried about what Taoist Ling Mu might think. With his strength, if he wanted to think about anything, he wouldn't even need to use the excuse of taking Yu Kexin in.    


Yu Kexin was naturally not willing to let Zhou Hao leave just like that, in the end, she told Zhou Hao her address in Tianjin. If Zhou Hao had the time, he would let her go to Tianjin to play with him, at that time, he would be his free guide.    


Zhou Hao had always had a high EQ. Since Yu Kexin had expressed it so clearly, he naturally knew what this girl meant, but not only did she have a wife and children, she also had a lot of beauties, so she didn't have such strong intentions for beauties. However, because the two of them could be considered to be in trouble together and had some feelings for each other, he also gave her method of communication to Yu Kexin.    


Yu Kexin did not know that Zhou Hao already had a wife and child. In her opinion, this young man was very strong, and should be considered a first-rate expert. He would definitely have a girlfriend, as for having a wife and child, it was a bit too exaggerated.    


Regardless of whether it was the martial arts world, the Special Ability Realm, or the cultivation world, or even the legendary cultivation world, they all had nothing to do with him. Since he had been reborn, he had always wanted to be a rich person and live his life in peace.    


As for the miraculous things that he had been involved in, even if it was a change in his life, it wouldn't become mainstream. He had been so busy with these things for so long that he hadn't paid much attention to it.    


After he left Wu Dang Mountain, he felt that he had already left Beijing, so he decided to directly go to Hong Kong to take a look, because actually, Zhou Hao always had the intention of escaping from him. He did not know how He Xueyun would react to him forcing He Hongsen out of Macau.    


In fact, he still understood He Xueyun. If in the past, she still cared a lot about He Hongsen, but now, it didn't matter, because she had herself, and was about to have a baby. Not long after the new year, she was going to be a mother.    


Don't mention what He Hongsen did to her in the past, even a normal father would step aside when a woman has children and a husband. Of course, if a husband wants to deal with his father, they definitely won't agree. He Hongsen's situation was a special one, and Zhou Hao felt that it was about time he faced it.    


It was almost the Spring Festival, and he was destined to be in Beijing, but he still had three women in Hong Kong, so he couldn't just ignore them.    


Whether it was Su Lin or Liang Xiaobing, both of them had never seen each other because she had to hide from He Xueyun. Recently, one of them was the one in charge of Asia Television Limited and the other was a celebrity that everyone knew, they were both very busy, but no matter how busy they were, they would definitely want him to go.    


Of course, before she went to Hong Kong, he still had to call her family to report the situation. Zhao Yuqin did not mind that he had other women, but she could not accept his stealthy actions.    


Zhao Yuqin naturally knew about the women in Hong Kong. Out of affection for her husband and brother, she did not say much, but only let him remember to return home to celebrate the new year. At the same time, Liu Hongmei thought of her identity as a bodyguard and insisted on going to Hong Kong to stay with Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao made Liu Hongmei stay in Beijing for awhile, he had his own reasons. Not only did he have the ability to move freely, he also wanted her to protect his family.    


Forget about the threats that the Dong Family had constantly brought him, even if Zhou Liren was very strong, he would never be able to be at home often. There were even Special Ability User from other countries, and no one knew when two experts would come to his house to cause trouble.    


The bodyguards of Pluto and the Ninja that Red Leaf brought with her were all scattered around as bodyguards for the important people beside her, but in the end, they did not have Supreme Expert. He had even told them before he came to the Wudang Sect that they had to be in contact with each other, and that if anyone needed help, they had to ask Yu Zhengyu for help.    


Liu Hongmei could not leave Beijing now. When she was not in Beijing, she was the strongest bodyguard in the world, so even if her strength was not the strongest in the world, she would at least be at the top.    


In other words, if there really was an expert that he could not deal with, no matter how strong Liu Hongmei was, he would not be able to protect himself.    


Liu Hongmei was a mature woman, and her relationship with Zhou Hao was different as well. She didn't have the kind of desire to be together with Zhou Hao forever, she only wanted to be together with him and improve her own strength. She knew that only by following Zhou Hao would she be able to explore an even higher realm.    


The last time Zhou Hao came from a foreign country, he had given her some pointers, andhee was still digesting them. His strength could be said to be in the process of rising, and even though he was still far from the peak of Supreme Expert, she was already much stronger than when he first stepped into this realm. It had only been less than a month.    


If she was the one training by herself, she would definitely have made progress, but this speed was like the difference between heaven and earth. Maybe after ten or eight years, Liu Hongmei might not even be able to reach her current level.    


It was only now that Zhou Hao realized that having more women might not be a good thing. At least others wouldn't have to worry about it, so he had to comfort every single woman one by one.    


During the time he had been gone, they had not let go of him, and he had decided to keep all the women around, not to let any of them go, and to make them happy, so that he would spend more time and energy on it. When he hung up, he smiled wryly, and half a day went by.    


If he hadn't been certain that he had truly been reborn, he might have even thought that he was in a dream. He had experienced so much to achieve such a feat, and in fact, it was not easy either.    


He shook his head to clear his thoughts. From Wuhan straight to Hong Kong, Hong Kong could be considered his second home. Relatively speaking, it was even more familiar than Beijing. After his rebirth, besides his home, he had spent the most time in Hong Kong.    


When she came here, no one gave them any notice, they just wanted to give them a surprise. Su Lin was too busy every day, and would definitely not be making any movies or television dramas, or even record records, so he definitely did not have time right now. She planned to directly look for He Xueyun, because recently, He Xueyun had already reached the production time, so she did not do anything.    


After Zhou Hao got off the plane, he immediately called for a taxi to go to the mountain villa. At first, the taxi driver only saw Zhou Hao's simple clothes and thought that he was just a normal tourist.    


As a driver, he was naturally very familiar with Hong Kong, and knew that those who stayed at the Half-Mountain Villa were either rich or noble. Even if Zhou Hao was not going home, he must have relatives, so he naturally did not think too much about it.    


Zhou Hao naturally did not care what the taxi driver was thinking, he was considering how he should explain to He Xueyun about He Hongsen's situation. Due to the country's circumstances, when He Hongsen was forced to leave Macau, there were no reports at all.    


The distance from the airport to the villa was not too far, and very quickly, Zhou Hao arrived at the place. Without wasting any time, Zhou Hao directly threw the money to the taxi driver, and without letting him find the change, he directly entered his own house. Since this was his own home, Zhou Hao naturally had the key to the door.    


The driver saw that Zhou Hao was very magnanimous, with the key to the house, he should be the owner of this place. He thought to himself that he was quite smart this time, no crap, this young man was not like the other rich people in Hong Kong, although rich, he was very stingy.    


Zhou Hao had not come back for a few months. Although the servants here all knew who Zhou Hao was, when they suddenly saw him, the servants did not even realize that the person in front of them was their employer, the old master of this family. Usually, they would only see the two mistresses.    


Due to Liang Xiaobing's identity, she did not live here, and only came to visit He Xueyun whenever she had nothing to do. Although Su Lin was actually the one in charge of the Asia Television Limited, she lived behind the scenes, so it was not a problem for her to stay here.    


The servant was stunned for half a minute before replying respectfully, "Master, you're back. Madam is having an afternoon nap, let's go get her."    


Zhou Hao waved his hands. He knew that when women were pregnant, they would be more addicted to sleep, and it was also afternoon when he came back. He reckoned that she was probably sleeping in her room, so even if he wanted to surprise her, he didn't need to disturb his nap.    


Everyone understood that He Xueyun was pregnant, especially the maids. If it wasn't for the fact that Zhou Hao had arrived, they wouldn't have wanted to alarm him, as this lady was very nice to the servants, and they were also very concerned about her.    


Zhou Hao told the servants to continue with their own matters. He didn't need to entertain himself, as once he was in his own home, he shouldn't make himself look like a guest. This way, not only would the servants feel uncomfortable, Zhou Hao himself felt awkward.    


Even with his wealth, he knew that Hong Kong's customs were a bit like ancient China, but after all, it was not that era and he was not used to being served. Even in Beijing, his parents didn't have a nanny, and if it wasn't for his son, they wouldn't even have a nanny.    


Zhou Hao directly went to the resting room on the second floor where He Xueyun was. He was an expert, so even if he did not intentionally tread lightly, his footsteps would still be soundless. Unless it was someone with the strength of Supreme Expert or above, they would not be able to discover Zhou Hao.    


At his level, every single movement would naturally lead to the use of martial arts. Forget about sleeping soundly, even if one was awake, it would still be impossible to discover Zhou Hao.    


Because He Xueyun was pregnant, she naturally wanted to be fat. Her originally beautiful face became round, and carried the beauty of a pregnant woman, which was what other women did not have, but when Zhao Yuqin was giving birth, he was not by her side.    


With so many women by her side, and He Xueyun being the only one who was pregnant, her body had grown a lot fatter than usual, especially her bulging stomach. It could be predicted that in less than two months, a little life would be born.    


Of course, even if he was any stronger, he wouldn't be able to confirm that the child in her womb was male or female. Furthermore, he didn't want He Xueyun to inspect it, as far as he was concerned, both males and females are his own children, and he would love her the same way.    


He didn't know if it was because they had the same thoughts, but to a certain extent, they would sense each other. When Zhou Hao came in, he was clearly silent, and furthermore, Zhou Hao was sure that He Xueyun was in her sleep, so she should be sound asleep.    


But he had only been standing beside He Xueyun for less than a minute. After thinking about He Xueyun and the child, she seemed to have a reaction. Her closed eyes moved slightly, and she suddenly opened them, and saw Zhou Hao right in front of her.    




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