Supreme Stock God

C1685 Godly doctor zhou

C1685 Godly doctor zhou

Hearing Old Mr Liu's words, Zhou Hao was also a little worried. As a Special Ability User, his physique would always be much better than an ordinary person's, and being able to cause severe injuries to Old Mr Liu, it seemed that the Chu Family sisters would be troubled this time.    


Without further ado, Zhou Hao quickly said: "Elder Liu, bring me over to have a look, maybe I can help."    


"Alright, you don't have to be too anxious. They're actually not in danger of dying. It's just that Bing Bing is a little troublesome. There's something wrong with her situation right now." Old Mr Liu told Zhou Hao as he led Zhou Hao to the ward.    


As long as there were no problems with his life, he refused to believe that his internal Qi and medical skills would not be able to solve the problem in front of him. In his opinion, even if they were injured, it would only affect his movements and his life would not be a problem, so Zhou Hao could still be considered half a genius doctor.    


According to what Jack said before, she was only suffering from a concussion, although still a little dazed, the problem was not serious. When she saw Zhou Hao, she smiled and said: "Zhou Hao, we lost face for you, you actually got injured."    


"Let's not talk about that for now. Are you alright?" Zhou Hao was not afraid of the difference between males and females, he directly grabbed onto Chu Bingyan's hand and placed his hand on her wrist. Actually, with Zhou Hao's medical skills, with just a glance, he could guess Chu Bingyan's general situation.    


At first, she thought that the reason why Zhou Hao had grabbed his hand was because he was worried. However, when she saw Zhou Hao's serious expression, she realized that something was amiss, and couldn't help but look at Old Mr Liu.    


Seeing that Chu Bingyan was a little confused, the Old Mr Liu explained, "Zhou Hao wants to check for you, he should be able to help you."    


In fact, he did not really understand Zhou Hao that much, but he knew that Zhou Hao was a Fighter, different from the Special Ability User, he had a certain understanding of normal Fighter, many of them were experts in the medical field, the only difference was that Zhou Hao's internal energy was so strong, maybe his medical skills were not bad too.    


She was only in her twenties. If she did not meet Zhou Hao, she had always thought that the strongest person in the world would be the Special Ability User, and as for that Martial Arts Master, she had always thought that it would be just a flowery martial arts.    


If he did not have a certain level of confidence, he would not be able to check his pulse immediately. She would definitely not be able to meet with Chinese medicine here in England, and could only take Western medicine, and even if those medicine had a certain effect on her injuries, it would still take a long time for them to take effect.    


Chu Bingyan was not seriously injured, but at least she was concussed, and felt dizzy and nauseous from time to time. If Zhou Hao could really help her, she would naturally be happy.    


After a while, Zhou Hao let out a sigh of relief, and said in a more gentle tone: "It's nothing serious, just my head was injured. I'll give you a massage, and you should be fine. Lie your head on my lap.    


He used his internal energy to help massage the acupuncture points, so it was not difficult for him to help Chu Bingyan. If he had no medical skills, he would have to help with acupuncture, and by now, his internal energy had already broken through to the next stage, so he could use his internal energy to help Chu Bingyan.    


Chu Bingyan usually acted very hot, but she had never interacted with a man before. Now that Zhou Hao was letting her lie down on his lap, Chu Bingyan's face was completely red, she could not bear to lie down.    


Zhou Hao naturally understood Chu Bingyan's thoughts, and laughed at her boldness, "Yanyan, quickly do as you're told, I still need to see Bing Bing after curing your wounds."    


This concerned her sister. Chu Bingyan's heart trembled, although she was still very embarrassed, she did not waste any more time, and directly laid on Zhou Hao's lap, thinking that if Zhou Hao could cure her, helping Chu Bingyan should not be a problem.    


Zhou Hao didn't care what Jack and the Old Mr Liu thought of him, he had already placed his hands on Chu Bingyan's head, and injected his Qi into her head, and with the stimulation of his Qi and massage of his hands, he was slowly healing the injuries on her head.    


Not to mention the fact that the Martial Arts Master was extremely mysterious to him, even the Old Mr Liu found it unbelievable. Zhou Hao's hands were massaging Chu Bingyan's head, as if a phantom image had flashed past them, and they were unable to clearly see what Zhou Hao had done.    


Just as the two of them were thinking about how effective Zhou Hao's actions would be, Chu Bingyan had already exclaimed, "Ah, it feels so good! My head isn't spinning yet, how could I be so fast, hm? It's too mysterious, how did you manage to do it, Zhou Hao. "    


In his excitement, Chu Bingyan wanted to sit up. Zhou Hao knew that she must be very excited, so he quickly held her down and said in a deep voice, "Lie down well, there are still a few acupoints, otherwise it will leave behind side effects."    


Although Chu Bingyan was surprised and excited, she did not disobey Zhou Hao's orders. This boy was originally the leader of the group, and now he was also a doctor, so she could listen to him, but she was curious in her heart, as to how this guy did it, it was as if she had never received any treatment before.    


Jack was a foreigner, although he knew that China was very mysterious, he never expected Zhou Hao to be so powerful. According to him, Chu Bingyan's head was concussed, and such an injury would take at least some time to heal, but Zhou Hao had casually healed it. This was completely out of his expectations, to the point of exceeding his expectations.    


Old Mr Liu didn't know as much about China as him, but seeing how Zhou Hao was able to destroy Chu Bingyan's head with a wave of his hand, such a medical skill was still shocking to him. Even the most famous doctors in the country couldn't do it.    


did not care what they thought, with the combination of his internal force and medical techniques, although Zhou Hao could not be considered a grandmaster of the times, he had indeed already surpassed a lot of Chinese medicine. At the very least, he had no way of using the methods he used to save people, as that would require an extremely high level of internal energy, and it would be very difficult for him to achieve this without breaking through.    


"Alright, your internal injuries have basically been cured. You just need to take care of yourself for two days and you should be fully recovered." After Zhou Hao finished massaging the last two acupoints, he clapped his hands and said to Old Mr Liu: "Elder Liu, bring me to see Bing Bing."    


However, Zhou Hao was obviously an expert in traditional Chinese medicine. With him around, he did not have to worry about Chu Bingyan at all, as long as she was around, she was not in danger of dying. It was just that she had been unconscious the entire time, so Zhou Hao should be able to wake her up.    


Jack wanted to make sure that a miracle had happened so he immediately followed Zhou Hao and Old Mr Liu to the observation room. The two of them did not mind Jack following them, as this matter could not be kept a secret.    


"Miss Bing Bing's situation is more complicated than Miss Yan's. If you want to see her, you have to get permission from the hospital." Before Zhou Hao and Old Mr Liu even reached the observation room, Jack had already said: "How about I go and inform the Principal right away and ask him to give you this right to see her?"    


"Is that so? Then I'll have to trouble you. Go look for the dean for a moment, we'll head over first." Zhou Hao thought for a moment before nodding his head. He was also afraid of unnecessary trouble.    


"I'm honored to be of service to you." Jack had always admired Zhou Hao's strength a lot, but now that he heard Zhou Hao's courtesy, not only did he not feel that it was troublesome to do so, he was even secretly delighted. To be able to serve such an expert was indeed a rare opportunity.    


Right now, Jack also understood why the leader of the base was so courteous to Zhou Hao and wanted him to not offend Zhou Hao no matter what. This Chinese was simply too awesome.    


Chu Bingyan was in the observation room. Without permission from the Principal and the principal, Zhou Hao was not qualified to enter, so he naturally would not force his way in. He was here to save her, not to cause trouble.    


Just as Zhou Hao was observing Chu Bingyan from outside, the hospital's president was already walking in with a doctor. They probably wanted to see who was so strong that even their hospital couldn't wake them up, but Zhou Hao was able to wake him up.    


Jack, who did not have much status in front of Zhou Hao and the others, was actually a big shot in front of them. After all, he was a staff member of a special British institution, although the Special Ability User Association looked like a civil organization in Britain, in reality, like the special operations team in China, they were only there for the British government to handle some matters.    


Now, for such an organization's staff, they needed to find the hospital's president for some matters. As long as they could prove their identity, it would be enough. Even if they were in the UK, they would not value privileges as much as China, and of course, no one would go against the government's wishes.    


"Hello, I am the President of the hospital, you must be Mr. Zhou Hao, do you have a way to wake Miss Chu Bingyan up?" The fifty year old Principal was extremely polite to Zhou Hao. On the way here, Jack probably already introduced Zhou Hao's situation, his heart was filled with curiosity.    


Zhou Hao did not answer with certainty. Instead, he muttered to himself, "Hello, President. I'm not sure if I can wake him up either.    


"Logically speaking, Miss Chu Bingyan is your friend. I can open the door for you, but it would be best if she is not disturbed in the observation room. We follow the principle of being responsible to the patient, and hope that you can open the door, otherwise there will be other bad results, which is definitely not a good thing for the patient."    


Zhou Hao had a whole new level of respect for this Principal. It seemed that many people said that foreign doctors were more responsible, and this was not an exaggeration. He was clearly a big shot, and he was even Chu Bingyan's friend.    


After thinking for a moment, Zhou Hao still smiled and said, "President, I think you should know that I am a Chinese doctor. I want to use a Chinese medicine to wake her up."    


Many foreign doctors were actually studying Chinese medicine. Hearing Zhou Hao say that he was a doctor, the dean's eyes lit up, but thinking about those famous Chinese doctors who had white hair and grey hair, and whose eyes were clouded with old age, the boy in front of them was only in his twenties. Could it be that he really had high medical skills?    


Although Zhou Hao couldn't read the thoughts, he could tell that the dean had a certain understanding of Chinese medicine, and was a little inferior compared to those old doctors. He also didn't have that much of a persuasive power.    


Luckily, other than him being able to understand the meaning of the dean's words, Jack could also understand it. He quickly said, "President Mike, Mr. Zhou Hao's medical skills are very good, Miss Chu Bingyan's concussion has already completely recovered. I forgot to tell you earlier." After he finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Hao a little embarrassedly.    


The dean's body trembled. These Chinese people with special status were staying in his hospital, so he was very concerned about them. Naturally, he knew what Chu Bingyan's disease was, to be able to recover in such a short period of time.    


If he did not know that Jack's identity was not something to joke about, he might have even thought that the other party was lying. However, because of this, he became very interested in Zhou Hao's medical skills and directly said to the attending physician beside him, "Open the door of the observation room and have Mr. Zhou Hao check on Miss Chu Bingyan."    


Zhou Hao did not waste any words and directly nodded his head and entered the observation room. He knew that this sealed room was actually disinfected, it was just that he was afraid of the issue. The Principal let him, a person who was not a medical personnel, in, taking risks.    


Chu BingYan looked the same as ever, there was no trace of the cold aura that would keep strangers away from her body, she lay quietly on the bed, as though she was a weak girl. Zhou Hao had never seen this girl look like this before.    


He sighed inwardly. Luckily, he was able to make it in time because of her internal injuries. Even though he couldn't examine her with western medicine, he knew that she was mentally injured. If he had come two days late, even if his life wasn't in danger, she probably wouldn't have been able to sleep well or even had mental problems.    


When he thought about the terrifying consequences, Zhou Hao also hated the people who ambushed him to the bone. Even if these people could not kill him, they had almost left Chu Bingyan with an internal injury that she could never heal.    


Zhou Hao made up his mind that he would definitely investigate her in the future and make them beg for death. However, he wanted to wake Chu Bingyan up first, as he had already seen the reason why Chu Bingyan was unconscious, and he no longer needed to check her pulse like he did with Chu Bingyan before. Instead, he grabbed onto her wrist and channeled his energy into her.    


Right now, Zhou Hao's internal energy was already different from before, it was as though a dam had burst, and the parts of Chu Bingyan's body that were injured were directly destroyed by Zhou Hao's internal energy. In less than a minute, Chu Bingyan's eyes twitched, and she actually woke up.    




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