Supreme Stock God

C1678 Real marco polo

C1678 Real marco polo

Zhou Hao and Isabella Sler's cooperation had basically been settled. Zhou Hao had only helped Isabella Sler when facing the Pope, and the people from Night Race were Zhou Hao's henchmen. If there was anything that they needed help with in the future, they would unconditionally accept.    


Looking at it this way, Zhou Hao seemed to have taken advantage of the situation. After all, he had only agreed to help Isabella Sler, but his Night Race had to continue helping Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao didn't have the power or experts of the vampires like Night Race, and if something wasn't resolved, he would still have to use his own people. The key point was that in the Special Ability Realm, his own people definitely wouldn't be a match for these people.    


At the very least, he reckoned that Liu Hongmei would not be her match when facing a Prince of Night Race. Although she didn't know how many people were there, she at least knew that there were still a few more of them, and those dukes would definitely be more as well. If they were really enemies with the Special Ability User, making them attack was definitely more convenient than him.    


He had already become a celebrity in the Special Ability realm and had offended many people. They did not dare to find trouble with him and could not help but think of the people around him. The help of Night Race was extremely important.    


To Isabella Sler, having the people from the Night Race serve Zhou Hao was not a big deal, since there were a lot of people from the Night Race. Although these people could be considered to be people with extraordinary statuses and strength to outsiders, to the Vampire Emperor, these people did not even qualify for him to take a look.    


Compared to his own sons and grandsons, Isabella Sler's promise to Zhou Hao was extremely important. This was an expert of the same level as him, and one that had even promised to deal with Light Pope together.    


The War God of the United States and the Chief Li of China each represented their own country. If a battle between two top-notch experts really happened, no matter which one of them were fighting, the other two would just watch and not help.    


Zhou Hao was the only exception. When the Vampire Emperor heard Zhou Hao say that he was the Fighter, he started to understand that this time, the Chief Li was probably just acting like a sheep that was roasted to the dogs. The Fighter and the Special Ability User were different, they had trained hard to obtain power, not their Inherent Skills, yet this kind of person was stronger by three levels.    


Although the cooperation between the two was a bit dramatic, it was also considered something that they needed, when the two of them tacitly agreed on the relationship between the two, Zhou Hao curiously asked Isabella Sler: "Mr. Shistle, you just mentioned that you met an expert in China, I am very interested in learning about this history."    


"I knew that Zhou Hao would definitely ask something. Although it's an old story, I have always remembered it deeply, and it just so happens that you are also an Eastern Fighter. I'll chat with you then." Isabella Sler said with confidence. He had indeed guessed that Zhou Hao wanted to ask, what he had said previously, was to arouse Zhou Hao's curiosity?    


Zhou Hao laughed: "Yes, I just want to know, what realm have those experts from ancient China reached?"    


"As for the specific realm, I am truly unable to estimate it. Back then, when I went to China, I did not possess the strength that I do now. Although I am also an overlord, there are different levels of strength." Isabella Sler shook his head.    


Zhou Hao was a little disappointed. Looking at Isabella Sler, this old fellow had piqued his curiosity, but in the end, even he did not know. Luckily he was no longer as impulsive as he was in the past, otherwise he would really have to blame Isabella Sler.    


How could the thousand years of experience of the vampire not see what Zhou Hao was thinking? Without panicking, he continued to speak slowly: "Even though I can't confirm my cultivation level, but I can tell you about their situation!"    


"Right, right. How could I have forgotten that? Tell me about it, Mr. Zhou Hao was startled, and thought that he was being impatient. After hearing that the other party was talking about a senior expert, he himself was like a child who liked to hear stories, and could not wait any longer.    


Isabella Sler did not express any dissatisfaction towards Zhou Hao. After all, when he was young, if someone told him about his clan's experts, he would be very impatient.    


In his eyes, no matter how strong Zhou Hao was, he was just a young man in his twenties. He did not know that Zhou Hao was a man who had lived two lifetimes, and although his experiences were inferior to his, his determination was not something ordinary people could compare to.    


As he thought about it, he opened his mouth and said, "If I were talking about those unknown experts, you would definitely not know about it. I will just talk about someone with a record. You know Zhang Sanfeng, right?"    


"What?" Are you joking with me, Zhang Sanfeng, that founder of Wu Dang? " Zhou Hao was shocked, he did not expect Isabella Sler to be the first to mention Zhang San, Spiritual Master Zhang, who was personally bestowed the title by the Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty, even he was not willing to accept it.    


He was born at the end of Song Dynasty, yet he died at the beginning of Ming Dynasty. He did not have an accurate year of birth or death, but according to the historical records, he definitely lived over one hundred years. In fact, many people even said that he lived past one hundred and fifty years old.    


Seeing Zhou Hao's expression, Isabella Sler knew that he knew Zhang Sanfeng as well. He was a top expert from ancient China, and was not in a rush to tell Zhou Hao a story, he only smiled at him.    


Zhou Hao felt that he had lost control of himself, and said embarrassedly: "Mr. Suan, don't blame me for being too agitated, the person you are talking about is truly too mysterious."    


"Miracle?" Yes, Mr. Zhou Hao, I agree with you saying this. When I was travelling around China, among all the people I met, Zhang Sanfeng was considered to be number one in terms of magic. At the very least, when I met other people, none of them were as good as Mr. Zhang Sanfeng. " Isabella Sler thought about what Zhou Hao had said, and he was sure that Zhang Sanfeng was mysterious.    


Zhou Hao did not know whether to laugh or cry, he had heard of people calling him grandmaster Zhang Sanfeng, and had also heard of people calling him Master Zhang, it was the first time that someone called him Master Zhang, but when he thought about it, no matter how envious Isabella Sler was, he could not avoid the customs in England, and felt relieved.    


Isabella Sler didn't know what Zhou Hao was thinking, but said: "This was about seven hundred years ago, when I had just reached the realm of an emperor, and was already travelling everywhere. At that time, when I was at Europe's end, I felt that it was meaningless, so I just kept heading east, and then, I came to the mystical China."    


Zhou Hao was not very familiar with history, but he could roughly calculate it. According to Isabella Sler, it should have been at the end of the Ming Dynasty, when Marco Polo had already returned from the east, he also knew that the reason behind the Western invasion of China was because of Marco Polo's travel notes. It seemed like the time of the Vampire Emperor and Marco Polo's arrival in China was about the same.    


Just then, he heard Isabella Sler say: "Actually, there are records of China on our side, it's just that it's not systematic at all, so when I was in China, I changed my name to Marco Polo, and when I came back, I wrote a travel diary."    


Zhou Hao's eyes immediately widened as he looked at Isabella Sler for a long time. He almost cried out, this Isabella Sler was actually Marco Polo, the invaders in the east were all caused by him.    


Back then, Isabella Sler had changed into Marco Polo and wrote down his travel notes. On one hand, it was for the record, on the other hand, it was because of his experiences in the East that made him reminisce. It could also be said that he was amazed by China.    


Isabella Sler sighed: "At that time, I only wanted to record what I saw and heard, moreover, I was very respectful towards China, and even became a Chinese fanatic, that's why I wrote it down, I never thought that the later generations would actually covet China's wealth, and in the modern times, Western aggression towards China, a portion of it was really my fault, it made me feel very guilty."    


Zhou Hao was dumbstruck. He did not need to reprimand him this time, he was feeling extremely guilty, but he could only say something in response, "Mr. Isabella Sler, I remember Marco Polo is Italian and you are British."    


"Yeah, I was English before, but since I want to change my name, isn't it easy to change my nationality?" Isabella Sler smiled, then suddenly said a few words in a language that Zhou Hao did not understand. His mouth seemed to contain something, and his voice seemed to tremble as he spoke.    


Although Zhou Hao could not understand, but from the characteristics of this language, Zhou Hao could guess that it should be Italian. He thought to himself that he had gone stupid again, this guy that had lived for more than a thousand years, impersonating an Italian was not that simple.    


Isabella Sler knew that Zhou Hao believed in himself, but he still smiled and said: "When I was at the Yuan Dynasty, I found out that they had a type of noodle soup that was very delicious, so I brought it back to Italy. Who would have known that the people from Italy would actually make noodle soup out of him, I really don't know what these Italians are thinking."    


This time, when Zhou Hao heard this, he almost bit his tongue. He said in a speechless manner, "Mr. Isabella Sler, aren't you guys Night Race? I thought you guys didn't need to eat. Why did you bring the noodles back? The spaghetti is actually from China. "    


"The situation is like this, according to the rules, the people of our race indeed don't need to eat, and the lower class people will have bad reactions when they eat. But after reaching the level of Vampire Prince, they can be like ordinary people, I can eat every day now, just like you guys, when I was in China, I was in this state." Since Isabella Sler had already started, he would not hide it and patiently explain.    


Zhou Hao nodded his head, this time he did not raise any questions, he knew that if he asked too many questions, it would involve the secrets of the Night Race, no matter how cooperative they were, the other party would not be able to tell him the secrets, he knew enough was enough.    


It was just that he did not expect that after he asked Isabella Sler what kind of expert he had met, he actually managed to get his hands on Marco Polo, and he was even a living one.    


Although Zhou Hao was already in the same realm as him, and it was the first time that he was rich in the entire world, even if he was someone who had been reborn, hearing Isabella Sler's stories still felt like he was listening to a fantasy.    


It was because Isabella Sler was an old monster who had lived for a thousand years. If it wasn't for him facing him face-to-face, Zhou Hao would have thought that he was dreaming. There were really many people who didn't know anything in this world.    


Isabella Sler didn't know that because of his own words, he had already started to doubt whether or not the world he was seeing was still as unknown as before. He continued: "Back then, when I met Zhang Sanfeng while travelling in China, he was already over a hundred. Although we lived for a long time, I knew that over a hundred years, humans would still grow old and decrepit."    


Zhou Hao wanted to praise him so much that he could speak Chinese, but he was even more curious about Zhang Sanfeng. He could not help but ask: "How is the one hundred year old Zhang Sanfeng?"    


"How is it? "Hehe, that's a good question. When I first met Zhang Sanfeng, he looked like a sixty-year-old old man. And the most important thing is, I can't see any signs of old age on him." Isabella Sler laughed.    


Before Zhou Hao could say anything, he explained: "Because of our Night Race's special characteristics, we could see a person's age from his physiological characteristics, and it was just like you. I was certain that you were only in your twenties, and absolutely not rejuvenated, but I was unable to sense it from Zhang Sanfeng's body.    


Zhou Hao inhaled a breath of cold air. Ever since he came into contact with the Special Ability User, he knew that many of the Special Ability User s had mystical powers.    


Because of his own unique characteristics, he must have some innate skills. Most likely, Isabella Sler had said that seeing someone else's age was one kind of ability, but Zhang Sanfeng was actually able to rely on his own ability to make the other party unable to see his true age, what kind of abilities did he have, and what kind of realm was he in.    


Not to mention that he had already come into contact with many experts, even an ordinary person could tell the difference. Zhang Sanfeng was indeed a legendary expert, just that he was different.    


Isabella Sler obviously wanted to give Zhou Hao time to digest his energy, so two minutes later, he said: "When I saw Zhang Sanfeng, it was right outside the city. At that time, I just happened to interrupt my journey to go to the capital, and in the end, I met him.    


Back then, there were many people who practiced martial arts, and there were also many bandits. Even I, as the Night Race Emperor, had to be more careful as I walked between the cities. In the end, I saw Zhang Sanfeng face off against the three bandits.    


"Bandits?" What can a bandit do to Patriarch Zhang Sanfeng? " Zhou Hao was a little curious. In his eyes, the strength of the three thieves were not worth mentioning.    


"At that time, the three thieves were not as strong as they are now. At least three of them were not weaker than you. Most of them were also top tier experts." Isabella Sler knew that Zhou Hao was looking down on him, so he looked at Zhou Hao meaningfully and laughed.    




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