Supreme Stock God

C1653 Zhou liren's shock

C1653 Zhou liren's shock

Zhou Hao and Zhou Liren were summing up their trip to Macao from the back of the study room. When it came to the Dong Family faction, Zhou Liren's political awareness was much better than Zhou Hao's, and he could immediately see through the problem. On the contrary, Zhou Hao was still a little confused.    


"You don't need to think too much. Right now, the people from Dong Family are probably only here to deal with you. If they really do something that would harm the country, there's no need for us to do anything." Zhou Liren smiled and said to Zhou Hao: "Right now, it's mainly you, as long as you can endure it yourself, and withstand their difficulties."    


"I really don't think much of them. Although Dong Family people always cause trouble for me, they don't dare to deal with me in the open. If they were to make a move in the dark, I don't think anyone would be more skilled than me." Zhou Hao nodded his head, and said proudly.    


"You are growing stronger now. You can't be too careful. How can there be any simple person who can become the standing committee of the Politburo? Moreover, it's enough to prove their strength in a single faction." Zhou Liren shook his head, and reminded Zhou Hao: "Think about it, the reason why our Zhou Family has our current status, was not because of your godfather's care."    


Zhou Hao was startled, but it seemed like he was a little pleased with himself now. Seeing that it was not a good sign, he immediately replied humbly: "Father, you are right, I cannot underestimate them. Even if we cannot be considered as enemies, we at least have our own contradictions, if I do this I will suffer."    


Zhou Liren was very pleased, there were many times when he felt that Zhou Hao was not like his own son. This son was currently only in his early twenties, but no matter how he thought about it, he did not seem to be someone of this age.    


Especially in the area of martial arts, he had already surpassed himself by far. It was really hard to imagine what kind of comprehension ability he had. It was just too strong.    


If it was a fortuitous encounter that caused Zhou Hao to become Supreme Expert, then to be able to break through the current realm could only be said to be Zhou Hao's own comprehension ability. External strength was simply impossible to accomplish, if not, in all these years, Zhou Liren had long broken through the current realm, and Li Congyun was definitely above the realm of Supreme Expert.    


He did not know that although Zhou Hao was not as old as him, he was a man of two lifetimes, especially after experiencing life and death situations. He had a lot of different views and abilities that ordinary people did not have, but he could easily possess them.    


Zhou Hao only thought that he had a premonition that was similar to the Special Ability in the past, but now he knew that the real Special Ability User existed in this world. She wasn't really a Special Ability User, at most, he only had a premonition.    


After all, other than the Special Ability User who had the Prophecy Technique, who could predict the future like he did? To be able to defeat He Hongsen in Macao, it was all thanks to his own ability.    


Even if he was his own father, there were some things he couldn't tell Zhou Liren. Furthermore, he was only a Fighter at the moment, and did not want to become a Special Ability User, at the very least, he could have his freedom while the Special Ability User could only enter that department.    


Perhaps it was because in everyone's eyes, although the Martial Arts Master possessed power that exceeded ordinary people, they still belonged to the human category, but those Special Ability User's opportunities could not even be considered human.    


Moreover, there were some whose Special Ability were extremely strange. No matter how you looked at it, they seemed to have already exceeded the limits of a human's physical strength, but the Fighter was different from them, they were not that magical.    


It was just that no one could be sure if the current Zhou Hao had already surpassed the ordinary Fighter. Even Zhou Hao himself could not say clearly that he was still not human.    


During his battle with the three foreign Special Ability User s back then, Zhou Hao had used their powers. At this time, Zhou Hao could vaguely feel that he had already exceeded the limits of a normal human's body, and the powers he could control were already somewhat similar to Special Ability User's.    


However, even now, he still could not completely control the powers in the natural world. It was as if those powers did not belong to him, and he could not control them well.    


Zhou Hao did not tell him the content of this. Now that he thought about Devil Cult, he hesitated a little, but still said to Zhou Liren with some embarrassment: "Dad, this time when I went out, other than official business, I also did a little private thing."    


Zhou Liren was stunned for a moment. Seeing Zhou Hao's embarrassed face, and thinking about the beauty that Zhou Hao had brought back, that woman, even he himself thought that he was the most beautiful one.    


With his understanding of his son, all these private matters were simply the matters of a woman. His son was good in everything, just that there were too many women, he was very satisfied with Zhao Yuqin and those women, but now that Zhou Hao brought another one back, it made him speechless.    


"Son, although I don't mind carrying a few more grandchildren, but if you go out like this and bring one back, Yuqin and the others won't be able to accept it. Besides, you can keep her outside, don't bring her back!" Zhou Liren thought for a while, and felt that he should give Zhou Hao a beating. If he allowed this brat to continue, how many wives would he have in the Zhou family?    


Zhou Hao was stunned, he did not expect Zhou Liren to say this, and then, he shook his head and laughed involuntarily: "Father, what are you thinking about? Mei Sis and I are fine, there is absolutely no difference between the two of us."    


Zhou Liren curled his lips, not believing in Zhou Hao. Ever since he and his son had gotten rid of their grudges, his words were rather direct, and he snorted: "Don't tell me that you two aren't related in any way, it doesn't matter why he came here with you. I don't believe that such a beautiful girl would fall in love."    


Zhou Hao laughed bitterly, his usual way of doing things already made people not believe him. Instead, it was Zhao Yuqin who had a higher level of trust in him, so naturally he wouldn't blame Zhou Liren.    


"Me and Mei-jie, we do have some relationship, but it's different from what you think." Zhou Hao tried to explain the relationship between him and Liu Hongmei.    


"Actually, I'm not too concerned about your relationship, but don't make Yuqin unable to accept it. Child, you really don't know what's important. Why do you want to bring her home?" Zhou Liren shook his head and grumbled.    


Zhou Hao was speechless, this was the first time Zhou Liren had clearly expressed his attitude towards his women, but he had to clarify the relationship between him and Liu Hongmei, otherwise, he would not be able to talk about Xiao Zhao.    


This was a power that even the government would not ignore. If he truly managed to integrate all of the power within the Devil Cult, they would definitely not be weaker than the power that the Devil Cult was back then. How could Zhou Hao hide such a power?    


"Dad, listen to me. Although elder sister Mei looks to be in her mid-twenties, she's actually already forty years old. What do you think I have to do with her?" Thinking of this, Zhou Hao had no choice but to speak the truth.    


"It can't be! She's almost my age? " Hearing Zhou Hao's words, Zhou Liren could not help but widen his eyes. He was also in his forties, and then, he asked in shock, "Could she be an expert as well?"    


Fortunately, Zhou Liren reacted very quickly and immediately thought of this possibility. Zhou Hao secretly heaved a sigh of relief and nodded: "Yes, even if her strength cannot compare with yours and Uncle Li Congyun's, it will still be difficult for you two to defeat her. You will need at least a thousand moves before victory is decided."    


This time, Zhou Liren did not continue speaking, but his expression became serious. This was the fifth Supreme Expert he knew, other than Zhou Hao and Yu Zhengyu, the only old ones were Zhou Liren and Li Congyun, the entire martial arts Lin knew of the two of them. Yu Zhengyu and Zhou Hao should be considered invisible experts, and the martial arts forest people did not know of them.    


But now, another Supreme Expert appeared out of nowhere. Supreme Expert, who could compete with him in more than a thousand moves, even if he was weaker, he would still be on the same level, not to mention, this kind of expert, even if he was careless, he would still lose.    


After thinking for a moment, he said, "How did you meet this expert? Tell me about him, and why did she come to your house with you?"    


Although he still believed that this woman was related to Zhou Hao, he couldn't be sure that they had a relationship. After all, she was a peak-level expert, and she was forty years old.    


Zhou Hao knew that his father had misunderstood him quite a bit, and immediately said: "This matter is a long story, but it can also be considered a kind of coincidence."    


He told Zhou Liren about the relationship he had with Xiao Zhao, all the way to his Devil Cult, and even the situation where Liu Hongmei broke through to Supreme Expert. Naturally, he also told Zhou Liren about Liu Hongmei helping him to protect her superior.    


Zhou Liren knew that his son was involved in the protection of his Chief this time, but he was not clear about the details, and he did not investigate into these matters. In any case, his son was a participant, and when the time came, he would tell him.    


Zhou Hao and Yu Zhengyu participating in the protection was within his expectations. Now that there was another Liu Hongmei, more importantly, her identity was actually very sensitive, the former Master of Devil Cult.    


The leaders in the middle, who were in the middle, naturally didn't understand what was going on among the masses. Furthermore, because Liu Hongmei was following Zhou Hao, the heads naturally did not suspect Liu Hongmei's identity, and thought that she was Zhou Hao's classmate or something similar.    


But Zhou Liren was different from these people, he could be considered half a person in the martial arts world, especially when it came to relationships with Li Congyun, and he also understood a lot of things about the martial arts world.    


"Are you sure that the current Master of Devil Cult, or Xiao Zhao, can completely focus on following you without a change in personality because of becoming the Sect Leader?" After hearing all of Zhou Hao's energy, Zhou Liren's first reaction was not to inquire about Xiao Zhao's personality, which could be considered as his daughter-in-law.    


Zhou Hao had tried to test Xiao Zhao several times, and knew her personality very well. He nodded after thinking for a while, "There shouldn't be any problems, whether it's Xiao Zhao's personality or Mei Mei Er's personality, you can rest assured."    


Seeing his son being so sure, Zhou Liren nodded: "If only it's like this. Although we might not necessarily be able to grasp everything about the Devil Cult, but we can't let the Devil Cult affect the stability of the country. Whether it's ancient or modern, the influence of the Devil Cult is too great, I never thought that there would be a former Sect Leader in the clan with Devil Cult."    


Seeing Zhou Liren being so nervous, Zhou Hao smiled and said: "Dad, don't worry too much. The reason why Sis Mei followed me is because she doesn't want anything to do with Devil Cult. In her heart, she is currently pursuing the martial way."    


"I understand, it's rare for her to have such thoughts. She clearly thinks that only you can fulfill her wish, rather be your personal assistant, and still be your bodyguard. It seems that she has made up her mind." Zhou Liren nodded.    


After elder sister Mei passed the position of the Master of Devil Cult to Xiao Zhao, Devil Cult has nothing to do with her anymore. She is just a elder in name, if it isn't a matter of life and death, she wouldn't go to the Devil Cult anymore. As for Xiao Zhao, if you miss master, then you can naturally come find her. Zhou Hao also nodded.    


Zhou Liren thought for a moment, and couldn't help but say with regret: "I really don't know if it's your luck, or if Devil Cult is the best, for you to actually bump into a Holy Maiden of Devil Cult, but this is also good. Devil Cult becoming a force to be bound, this should be something that everyone hopes to see."    


Zhou Hao understood in his heart that his father remembered his country and its people from start to finish, and was indeed a worried person. However, Zhou Hao had to respect that he could not compare to his own father, as he could only think of himself as a free and easy man.    


Although he was a patriot, he only wanted to help the country do something within his capabilities. He did not want to wholeheartedly serve the country. This was the biggest difference between father and son.    


And this also meant that although Zhou Hao could only become a business tycoon, or had made a huge contribution to the country, he could never achieve too much in politics. This was also Zhou Liren's evaluation of Zhou Hao, this brat's political awareness was too low, and was not suited to be in politics.    


After the two talked about the Devil Cult, they naturally talked about the current situation in Macao. Whether it was Bi Changsheng's nurturing policy or his Devil Cult's assistance in observing the ceremony, Zhou Liren was very satisfied with Zhou Hao's arrangements.    


Although the Zhou family wanted to work for the country, it was inevitable that they would nurture their own people. If they didn't have any power, they would have no right to speak up between the factions. Even if they wanted to do something for the country, they didn't have the ability.    


After the trip to Macao, although Zhou Hao did not manage Macau much, in truth, with the existence of Bi Changsheng and Devil Cult, Macao had basically become Zhou Hao's territory, and he seemed to be the hidden King of Macao.    


Zhou Liren and Zhou Hao both understood, even if they did not express their feelings, the big shots in the center would definitely know about it, as long as they were not too far away from it, no one would care about it.    




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