Supreme Stock God

C1652 Father and son summary

C1652 Father and son summary

Zhou Liren looked at Zhou Hao steadily. He was indeed unable to sense what realm Zhou Hao's current realm had reached, but he believed in Zhou Hao's words. Zhou Hao, this son, had never been one of those arrogant people.    


After thinking for a moment, he tried to calm his shocked heart and asked: "Xiao Hao, has your current realm already touched upon a realm above Supreme Expert?"    


"I'm not too sure either, after all, no one has told me what realm above this realm looks like, but I feel like I am no longer in that realm. In other words, I have not only touched it, I have reached a realm above Supreme Expert." In the end, Zhou Hao chose to speak the truth when faced with his father, who no longer had any grudges against him.    


Even though Zhou Hao had been estimated to be very high before, now that he had heard him say this, Zhou Liren still widely opened his eyes, and said in disbelief: "You have already exceeded this realm? "How is that possible? After so many years, I've never heard of anyone reaching such a level."    


Zhou Hao was not dissatisfied because his father did not believe him. It was just that this realm was really strange, and he was not able to confirm whether or not he had already reached a realm above Supreme Expert.    


After thinking for a moment, Zhou Hao said: "I am not too sure, but I had a huge battle before, I think that if there were no mishaps, I have already reached this realm, if not I would not have been able to come back, the opponent's strength is truly very strong."    


"Oh? "Tell me, who exactly did you meet? With your strength, you can even say that the other party is very strong. This really makes me curious. There is such a person in this world." Zhou Liren frowned.    


Zhou Hao guessed that Yu Zhengyu probably had not told Zhou Liren about his situation. After all, he had fought with the enemy in the passage and only captured three Special Ability User s. As for the Ninja and the Vampire Prince, they did not find him nor did they know, perhaps they even thought that he had only met three Special Ability User s.    


Even though the three Special Ability User s did not die, they had already become idiots after getting their heads injured in the end. People with First Army were simply unable to obtain any useful information from them.    


Now that he heard Zhou Liren's question, Zhou Hao pondered for a moment, and asked first: "Dad, have you heard of Special Ability User?"    


"Hmm? You actually know about Special Ability User. " Zhou Liren was startled at first, then said with wide eyes: "This time in Macau, you guys didn't meet Special Ability User, right?"    


"Zhengyu still hasn't reported it to you!" And just as he had thought, Yu Zhengyu had not yet reported this to Zhou Liren.    


Zhou Liren shook his head and explained: "Even though I am still holding the title of Big Boss, mainly because of the influence of the First Army, in truth, I have already given up on the work there. Even if there is a mission, I don't need the official report."    


Zhou Hao was not surprised either. If Zhou Liren entered the Political Department, he would always be in charge of managing the First Army, causing some people to feel uneasy. After all, First Army was the strongest in the secret department of the government.    


As for the Special Ability Department, other than the head of the department, no one else should know, not to mention the head of the department, no one could assign them missions. If not for the fact that they met the Special Ability User in Macau, Zhou Hao dared not to say that there was such a person in the society right now.    


To Zhou Liren's surprise, Zhou Hao still nodded his head: "It's not strange that Zhengyu didn't tell you. This time, not only did we meet the Special Ability User, we even met the national personnel."    


Zhou Liren was indeed surprised, he did not expect that during the trip to Macao, they would send out their Special Ability User, and right now he guessed that it was an enemy force that used their supernatural ability, otherwise, they would not be sent out.    


Although he was only a Big Boss of First Army, after working in this department for many years, he had definitely understood a lot of things. He knew that there had always been a special department in the country, the Special Ability Department, and although there were many bizarre people in this department, they would only act when the safety of the country's number one Chief was under threat.    


"Tell me in detail what happened this time, even the Special Ability User was alarmed." Zhou Liren muttered to himself, letting Zhou Hao explain in detail.    


Zhou Hao naturally wouldn't hide it. From the moment they first met the Japanese Ninja, all the way until the great war along the passageway, to when the Special Ability User and the Ninja were mentioned, Zhou Liren was still able to maintain his calm. It wasn't until the time that the Vampire Vampires appeared that Zhou Liren was unable to sit still.    


Zhou Liren was clearly more familiar with this world than Zhou Hao, and towards those strange beings, he naturally understood more about them. The so-called Special Ability User was actually a kind of person who could use the power of nature.    


"Phew, the mission this time is really a close call, I almost didn't make it back." After saying that, even Zhou Hao still had some lingering fear as he let out a long sigh.    


"I really don't know if you're lucky, or if you have guts. You actually managed to raise your realm just like that." Zhou Liren also felt a lingering fear, but he still sighed: "Your luck is really too good. If you didn't break through, you would have definitely lost your life in front of the six people behind you."    


Zhou Hao nodded his head in deep thought, "That's what I thought as well. When I faced Prince Isabella back then, I could already confirm that his strength was at least as strong as it was before I improved."    


"Right now, I can pretty much confirm that your strength has already broken through the realm above Supreme Expert. No matter what your performance is, if you do not break through, you might think that our Fighter's power is unable to utilize the natural energy of heaven and earth." Zhou Liren nodded, a little sad and a little disappointed as he spoke.    


Zhou Hao understood in his heart that Zhou Liren had been stuck at the Extreme Stage for more than ten years. It was not that he did not want to improve, nor did he lack progress, but he was just unable to break through this realm.    


No matter how strong a Supreme Expert was, they would only be able to reach the realm before Zhou Hao broke through. Although the gap between his current strength and's was only a single step, the difference was like the difference between heaven and earth.    


Zhou Liren's strength had still not reached the peak of the Extreme Stage yet. Even if he really met with some fortuitous opportunity, he would be unable to directly raise his level, and would at most reach the peak of the Extreme Stage.    


Furthermore, with his current identity and position, if he wanted to meet with an opportunity like Zhou Hao, there was simply no need to think about who could let him take the risk as he pleased.    


"Let's not talk about that first. I still have to remind you that people of this race will not easily appear and form enmity with them. In the future, there will definitely be a lot of trouble." Zhou Liren was after all, a veteran Ranker, so he quickly changed his mindset and reminded his son.    


Zhou Hao nodded his head: "I have seen Prince Isabella's strength before, he has definitely reached the level of Extreme Stage, and he is only a prince. If he is a Vampire Emperor, his strength should not be weaker than me."    


You can rest assured about this, a vampire family, the highest level of strength, is the Vampire Emperor, and since it is called the King, then there must only be one family, unless the family is destroyed or in danger, he will not casually come out, presumably as long as the King does not come out, those princes will not be able to do anything to you. On the contrary, Zhou Liren was more open-minded as he comforted his.    


Zhou Hao laughed bitterly and shook his head: "Dad, I'm not worried about their Vampire Emperor, but about those Vampires, what Dukes, Counts, etc. They can't deal with me, they can't do anything to the people around me."    


"My foolish son, you are truly a mystery to me." Zhou Liren was still calm as he smiled and said, "You've already said it before, you killed that Prince Isabella, and there was no one else at that time. Who knew that it was you who did it, and even if they really did come, other than the Vampire Prince, those messed up juniors of theirs could only come to their deaths." Zhou Liren laughed involuntarily, this son of his was too arrogant.    


Zhou Hao was just too worried, and not really an idiot. Hearing Zhou Liren's words, his eyes immediately lit up, if Zhou Hao were to speak alone now, he would not be afraid of anyone's threats, but he had his own family now, and with so many relatives, it would truly be troublesome if he were to be ambushed.    


Seeing Zhou Hao's expression, Zhou Liren knew what he was thinking, but he still opened his mouth and said: "However, we cannot be careless. We must make Pluto and the others be more careful, especially my daughter-in-law."    


Zhou Hao said a little embarrassedly: "Father, don't let Big Sis hear you say those words, where did all these daughter-in-law come from?"    


Zhou Liren curled his lips. This son's personality was not like his. He was so single-minded, but he was actually so flowery. However, he had more wives, so wouldn't he have more grandchildren as well?    


Thinking about this, he suddenly asked: "Oh right, Zhou Hao, the snow cloud is about to be born, do you want to bring her home?!"    


Zhou Hao was startled, he did not expect Zhou Liren to suddenly do this, but then, his expression turned into disbelief: "It's better not to, this will make big sister look bad, when she does get pregnant, I'll go and see her."    


Zhou Liren also sighed: "Brat, you only know how to stir up trouble, he should still not know about what happened in Macau, it's best if he doesn't know about it before she gives birth, if not it will definitely affect her mood, no matter how bad He Hongsen is, he is still her father."    


Zhou Hao nodded his head, then laughed: "Father, you don't have to worry too much about this. He Hongsen could not be considered to be full of evil, and had been overthrown by me.    


"Oh? "What's going on? I wanted to ask you about martial arts earlier, but you haven't told me the details of this trip to Macau!" Zhou Liren was startled, he remembered that the two of them had not started to talk about Macau. Although the two of them had communicated before, it was still better to talk directly to the face to face.    


Zhou Hao nodded his head, without any hesitation, he recounted the events that happened in Macau, although he had reported it to Zhou Liren before, it was not as detailed as this time.    


And one of the highlights was the battle in Macau, which naturally involved the Stock God Buffett, as well as the people suspected that the Dong Family funds were involved.    


At this time, Buffett was not as famous as he was in his previous life, and Zhou Liren did not pay too much attention to him. He only warned Zhou Hao to be careful when meeting this person, and at this time, Zhou Liren was more concerned about the possibility of his Dong Family making a move.    


"Hmph, Dong Family people have always been dishonest. On this trip back to Macau, they actually still dared to use such a small hand. Don't offend me in the future, our Zhou family is not so easy to bully either." Zhou Liren snorted, then nodded: "Continue speaking."    


Zhou Hao knew that although Zhou Liren did not have his own faction, Zhao Lixin's Zhao Pai were still considered Zhou Liren's people. Relatively speaking, his own clan's power was not inferior to's Dong Family.    


Since his own father had said so, if Dong Family were to go overboard, the result would definitely not be good.    


When Zhou Liren found out that He Hongsen had left and even knew what he had said at the end, he could not help but say with a sigh: "Actually, He Hongsen should not be an easy person either.    


"Actually, it's not a big deal. Everyone has their own goals, and that's exactly what He Hongsen is after." Zhou Hao was very open-minded.    


Zhou Liren shook his head, he did not discuss about the problem and continued to listen to Zhou Hao's introduction to the trip to Macau. In a month's time, Zhou Hao must have been through a lot of things, and he wanted to know more about the details.    


Zhou Hao had also picked up the most important piece of information to tell Zhou Liren, especially the few leaders in the middle, their attitude towards him. The main focus was on the changes that the Shen Clan and southern factions had in their attitude towards him.    


Zhou Liren's political awareness was much higher than Zhou Hao's, he could only deduce from the surface situation who was good to his family, and who was his enemy, Zhou Liren could see through the phenomenon.    


There was too much knowledge in politics. His own son was still not bad at being a soldier, but he was far from being good at politics.    


"In the future, you must maintain a good relationship with that Shen family member called Shen Yang. You must not go too far or get too close with him. At the very least, you must not let others think that we are making use of this opportunity to ally with the Shen family." Zhou Liren thought for a moment, then reminded Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao nodded his head: "I understand, Shen Yang and I can only be considered to be of the same mind, and will definitely not talk about politics."    


"This is for the best. If you and the Shen family faction get too close, there will definitely be people who will be afraid, especially when there's Dong Family causing trouble here. Now it seems that the Dong Family is really not a safe factor." Zhou Liren muttered to himself in front of his son.    


"Father, you mean the Dong Family ?" Zhou Hao asked with uncertainty.    


"Logically speaking, no matter what faction they are from, no matter how they fight, their goal is to make the country better. However, since Dong Family Faction is causing trouble for Macao, if we can determine that it's them, then their faction's nature will be in trouble." Zhou Liren nodded.    


"I don't think we need to worry about that. The other big shots should be more concerned about it." Zhou Hao thought for a while and laughed.    


Zhou Liren nodded his head: "This time, there is no need for us to worry. If Chief Number One and the others did not know about such a huge commotion, no one would believe them."    


"It's almost the end of the month. Hurry up and put in your love letter. Can you let me take the first place?"    




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