Supreme Stock God

C1633 Division of labour

C1633 Division of labour

Zhou Hao and Liu Hongmei fell into silence after hearing what Yu Zhengyu said. They never knew that those special abilities really existed in this world, whether it was in movies or novels, everyone thought that they were fake.    


Although these people were not all necessarily powerful enough to defeat Supreme Expert, but they all had their own unique abilities, and would definitely be difficult to deal with, not to mention that there were indeed some experts amongst them.    


Zhou Hao never thought of himself as invincible. He knew that there was always someone stronger than him, but his martial arts had reached the pinnacle of humans in this world. Even if he could not defeat his opponent, he would at least be able to retreat safely.    


Only now did he realize that although his martial arts were considered the top in this world, strength was not a given. Not to mention whether those people were stronger than him, even their abilities were enough to threaten him.    


Seeing that the two of them were silent, Yu Zhengyu could not help but continue to speak: "I only just found out about this matter after hearing about it from my seniors and seniors, and did not believe it at all. But today, other than this explanation, what I have seen is already too much. That's for sure. Since there are so many people with such special abilities, then our country definitely has one as well. However, it's probably a secret, so we are still unable to get in touch with them. " Zhou Hao nodded.    


They had no objection to Yu Zhengyu's speculations, especially since Zhou Hao had personally witnessed the strangeness of those two Japanese Ninja s, so he naturally did not have any doubts. If they really were human beings, how could they possibly disappear without blood, which was definitely not logical.    


Since there was such a person in Japan, there must be some special people in the country. However, what happened to him before shouldn't be enough to let him know.    


"Then what should we do now? Should we get our leader to send some special people? Although we are powerful, we don't have the experience to deal with such opponents. If something goes wrong, that would be a big problem." Liu Hongmei said to Zhou Hao and Zhou Hao after hesitating for a moment.    


Although she was the former Master of Devil Cult and was currently in the Supreme Expert, she was not an official, nor was she someone who worked for the Government.    


Yu Zhengyu also hesitated for a moment, but then looked at Zhou Hao and said: "Zhou Hao, do you think that we should let Chief decide about this matter?"    


"I think it's better to ask the leader about this. It seems like it's a little out of our control, and I'm not belittling myself. If we fight face to face, I feel like we won't be at a disadvantage, but I feel like they won't choose to fight head on." Zhou Hao did not hesitate, and asked sternly.    


Yu Zhengyu sighed: "I think so too, although I heard that these people are very mysterious, but if we fight face to face, they might not be stronger than our Supreme Expert, but they won't give us the chance to fight them head on!" "Let's go ask the head, we do not have the qualifications to know about the existence of those people, but the head definitely knows, you should tell the head about what you have speculated with me today, as for whether they want to send people, that will depend on their intentions." Zhou Hao directly decided.    


Although he did not say anything and everyone understood what Zhou Hao meant, although their identities were a secret, right now, when their leader's life was threatened, they had to put in effort.    


It was impossible for something to go wrong. Although he and his men could protect him and increase his safety factor, if he met someone who couldn't be measured using common sense, even if he used force, it wouldn't guarantee his leader's safety.    


Although Yu Zhengyu didn't have the ability to specifically introduce these people, Zhou Hao and Liu Hongmei had always seen some movies and novels.    


"Alright, I'll go report to the Leader now. You guys wait for me." Yu Zhengyu immediately made a decision and moved out.    


Liu Hongmei and Zhou Hao nodded, they did not have any objections. After Yu Zhengyu left, Liu Hongmei asked Zhou Hao: "Zhou Hao, are the two assassins today really that evil?" It's clearly not very strong, but it's very strange. Especially the two middle-aged men that they summoned in the end, who are not only powerful but also very strange, they really don't have any blood. " Zhou Hao nodded, then shook his head and laughed bitterly.    


Although what happened today was not very dangerous, it was extremely strange and he had no choice but to believe Yu Zhengyu's words.    


Liu Hongmei frowned, she was the former Master of Devil Cult, in truth she had a certain understanding of evil techniques, but she had heard of evil techniques many years ago, they were not so mystical.    


She did not see the scene at that time, but she believed in Zhou Hao. Regarding such a thing, Zhou Hao could not casually say it, so after thinking for a moment, he nodded his head and said: "Zhou Hao, since you said it like that, then there is definitely a problem with these people. Why don't we get the people from Macau to investigate and see if there are any suspicious people." Liu Hongmei's words made Zhou Hao's heart move. Although she was not the King of Macao now, with the King of Macao as her subordinate, if she wanted to investigate something, it should not be difficult.    


Thinking about this, he nodded his head: "I will give Bi Changsheng a call in a while and ask him to go and check if there are any special people, especially the Japanese people. I think that even if they have special abilities, they will not always be in a battle state.    


Liu Hongmei nodded her head, they had never thought of going through the official investigation. Forget about whether it would succeed, with the ability of the police to move, by the time they managed to investigate, their leader would have been ambushed ten times eight times over.    


Relatively speaking, with Bi Changsheng's strength as the King of Macao, he should be able to investigate some special people. Those hooligans would linger around everyday, they might as well use it to investigate serious matters right now, and even if there was an accident, they wouldn't feel too much about it.    


No one could blame Zhou Hao for this. After all, the importance of a chief compared to a hooligan was not something they could compare to. It was their contribution to the nation ahead of time.    


The mission of investigation was somewhat dangerous, but it wasn't too dangerous either. After all, it was just a simple investigation and they might not actually find out. Zhou Hao wasn't a ruthless person, but sometimes, if he needed it, he wouldn't hesitate too much.    


Zhou Hao and Liu Hongmei discussed about using Bi Changsheng's power to investigate, with Devil Cult assisting from the side, even if they wanted to investigate the suspicious looking people in Macao, at that time, if they wanted to make the first move, they had a goal.    


After around twenty minutes, Yu Zhengyu returned to Zhou Hao's room from the chief's side. His face was a little ugly, and before the two of them could ask about it, he had already sighed: "Chief already knows about the situation this time, but he did not give any instructions. As for the matter regarding the espers, he did not even mention anything." Since there is an existence your First Army does not know, then it must be extremely secretive, so he naturally cannot openly tell you about it. " Zhou Hao said matter-of-factly.    


"But the problem is that he doesn't want to talk to us, and it's not convenient for us to move out either. If we want to work together, there's nothing we can do." Yu Zhengyu really treated Zhou Hao as his friend, and now, he had already voiced out his dissatisfaction towards his superior without holding back at all.    


Zhou Hao patted Yu Zhengyu's shoulder, and laughed: "There's no need to think too much into it, our mission this time is to protect our chief, as long as we do our best, even if those people come, we do not need to cooperate." "What do you mean?" Yu Zhengyu asked with some doubt.    


"Since their identities are confidential, it means that they don't want us to know. We don't need to know, and whether or not there is such a person is only a guess. Perhaps there isn't, so we just need to fulfill our duties." As a person with two lives, Zhou Hao was quite open-minded towards it.    


In fact, from what he remembered from his past life, there was nothing related at all. Everything was from novels and movies, and he didn't know if there really was a department full of espers in the real world.    


Maybe it was because they did not want Yu Zhengyu to know about the existence of these people, or perhaps it was because there was no such thing as a department, but no one could say for sure. Now that they were in charge of the Chief's safety, they could do whatever they needed to do.    


Zhou Hao and Yu Zhengyu had known each other for a long time, and every time the two of them worked together, it was hard to say who would be in command.    


According to the rules, the people who were in charge of the chief's safety this time were all First Army and some bodyguard departments. Yu Zhengyu was the one in charge of these people, but his and Liu Hongmei's identities were a little special.    


Now, after hearing Zhou Hao's words, Yu Zhengyu nodded and said helplessly, "In this world, we originally thought that it was simple, but who would have thought that it would actually be like this. If our Chief really did not have this kind of power in hand, it would be difficult for us." Actually, there is nothing to worry about, according to what you said before, these people only have relatively special abilities, and do not necessarily have a lot of strength. When the three of us are together, even if we cannot be considered invincible, the number of people who can threaten us is very limited, so there is no need to think too much about it. " Zhou Hao comforted Yu Zhengyu.    


Then, he became even more serious, "This time, I have decided to use the power in my hands to investigate if there are any suspicious people in Macao. If they are found, can you send someone to take action with me?" Yu Zhengyu's eyes lit up, and he asked with a smile: "Zhou Hao, are you planning to take the initiative?" "That's right, passive defense isn't my style. I like to take the initiative and attack, not to mention that it's a little scum. I didn't think that the little scum would have such people. Otherwise, I would have killed them a long time ago." Zhou Hao thought about his own life in Japan, and indeed, he had never heard of such a person.    


Yu Zhengyu smiled, "There's no problem. If we are certain that it's these people, even if we have to transfer some of our men, it's still possible. We must catch all of these bastards in one fell swoop." Don't even think about it so well, you might not be able to find out. Since they have their own ability and are prepared, I am not sure if we can find them as soon as possible. We can only do it in two directions. Zhou Hao nodded.    


"En, no problem, we must increase our defense. How about we three Supreme Expert take turns monitoring?" Yu Zhengyu proposed with a smile.    


Of all of them, they were naturally the most powerful. If they were to monitor and monitor things from here, they would be even more powerful than the monitors, and be like how Zhou Hao was previously, who was able to sense his enemies with his own perception.    


The Fighter of the Supreme Expert, regardless of whether it was hearing ability or perception, had already reached a level where they far surpassed ordinary people, to the point where they were no longer human.    


Just like the two Ninja s today, if one were to look at them with their naked eyes, they wouldn't be able to see them at all. They used some unknown methods to hide their figures, but they couldn't hide from the Supreme Expert's detection.    


This time, the two Ninja s were injured and their losses were not small. They escaped from the hotel, but who knew if other people would come again.    


Although the table number was powerful, if he were to use his senses to monitor it at all times, he would definitely not be able to take it. Yu Zhengyu would naturally not mention such a suggestion.    


There were three Supreme Expert s here, and as long as they took turns to monitor, they would be able to realize that Yu Zhengyu's suggestion was very reasonable even if someone secretly snuck in. Both Zhou Hao and Liu Hongmei had no objections, they were afraid that someone might sneak in.    


The last time they had discovered two Ninja s, it should be said that Zhou Hao had done it unintentionally. Now that they knew that there was such an existence that violated common sense, none of them dared to lower their guard.    


The first person in charge of surveillance asked Liu Hongmei to come over. Zhou Hao even called Bi Changsheng to ask him to look for those suspicious people.    


Yu Zhengyu also needed to arrange some people. Other than continuing to spread out his protection, he also needed to arrange some people on the top floor of the hotel to at least increase his defense a bit.    


However, although the Second Leader's martial power was not low, it could not reach the level of Extreme Stage. If they were to truly take action, it was unknown whether the Second Leader could protect the Chief, so it was better to be cautious. However, they did not report all of this.    


After Yu Zhengyu left, Liu Hongmei said to Zhou Hao: "This mission has already exceeded our expectations, and is indeed a little troublesome. Right now, you should feel free to go and find Bi Changsheng. Zhou Hao nodded his head. Even though Liu Hongmei had just broken through the Supreme Expert, with the years of accumulation, her strength was no longer inferior to Yu Zhengyu's. His senses were not as strong as his own, but it should be enough to deal with everything.    


This was the first time Liu Hongmei had used his perception to monitor the situation. Immediately, a special feeling entered her mind, as if she had personally witnessed what Zhou Hao was doing. She slowly extended his perception and arrived at the elevator.    




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