Supreme Stock God

C1608 Preparations

C1608 Preparations

Zhou Hao and Liu Hongmei had killed He Hongsen's nephew, He Shaoheng, while they were still extremely rich and powerful. Although this kind of thing could allow anyone to enter jail, the current situation was just like the martial arts world of ancient times where the police had no intention of interfering.    


Previously, when they had killed Sang Biao at the 14K branch office, the police all knew about it. However, no one had any intention of sticking their heads out.    


At this time, Macao had already been busy with matters of returning, and the police department no longer had so much to worry about, not to mention that the matter now involved He Hongsen, the uncrowned King of Macao. Even if the police department wanted to meddle in their matters, it would not be proper for them to interfere.    


Everyone present were all aware of this matter and looked at He Hongsen's reaction from the sidelines. As long as He Hongsen wanted to deal with him, there would naturally be people who would stand up for him.    


And the reason why Zhou Hao was so arrogant, was not only because his own strength was not afraid of He Hongsen taking action, but more importantly, because he knew what He Hongsen was thinking. At this time, he was busy dealing with his own company's situation, how could he have the time to deal with Zhou Hao?    


He knew how powerful Zhou Hao was in the stock market. If he were to be distracted now and let Zhou Hao succeed in the stock market, then his loss would be incalculable.    


Compared to a nephew, He Hongsen still cared more about his own business. Although he did not care about He Shaoheng, that did not mean that he did not understand He Shaoheng's actions; he had never truly trusted anyone before. Otherwise, He Hongsen would have died who knows how many times over the years.    


If He Shaoheng wanted to deal with him, it wouldn't be for a day or two. But now that he had been killed by Zhou Hao, it could be considered helping him out, doing something that he didn't want to do.    


Actually, the reason he was angry at Zhou Hao crippling He Shaoheng was not because He Shaoheng had been crippled, but because he felt that Zhou Hao had provoked his own dignity. He Hongsen thought that his reputation had been affected because of this matter.    


Just as Zhou Hao had said, He Hongsen was not a loyal person at all. To a tycoon like him, whose nephew was everywhere, a nephew with the slightest bit of ability was just like a dog.    


Right now, everyone wanted to see He Hongsen's reaction, but He Hongsen acted as if nothing had happened and continued to do his own thing.    


On the way back, Liu Hongmei asked Zhou Hao with some suspicion: "Zhou Hao, how can you predict that He Hongsen will definitely not stand up for He Shaoheng? Even if he were to focus his attention on the market right now, it shouldn't be a problem for him to send a group of people to deal with you."    


Of course it's not the problem, the strength that He Hongsen displayed in front of the humans was definitely not all. But why would he want to deal with me? Zhou Hao said while driving the car.    


Liu Hongmei was also a smart person. Just by thinking about it, she immediately understood the reasoning behind it, and said in surprise: "Are you saying that He Hongsen has never taken He Shaoheng seriously?    


"Sister Mei, your thoughts are correct, He Hongsen is a man with ungrateful feelings, he has always treated others as his tools, and the useful people are valued more, while the useless people are just tossed to the side. From a few years ago, I could already tell that he was this kind of person, and now, this He Shaoheng is just a dog that is more useful to him." Zhou Hao sneered.    


Liu Hongmei was silent for a while, then she asked, "Zhou Hao, are you talking about He Xueyun? I know a little about the relationship between you and her." Zhou Hao looked at Liu Hongmei, and did not deny anything. He nodded: "That's right, ever since the matter with Xue Yun, I have already known about He Hongsen's character. If he did not have this kind of heartless and unrighteous personality, he would not have become the current King of Macao in the short span of a dozen years."    


"Then how confident do you think we will be in dealing with him this time? This kind of person must be very patient. Even if we lose two billion dollars to you, it shouldn't hurt our bones, right?" Liu Hongmei said somewhat worriedly.    


Zhou Hao smiled slightly, and comforted Liu Hongmei with everything she had: "Sister Mei, you don't have to worry, even though He Hongsen has reservations, he can't be considered the world's richest man. Under the situation where a wall falls, it's already very rare for him to be able to protect himself, there definitely isn't any chance for him to make a comeback."    


Liu Hongmei curled her lips, and said in disdain: "Actually, you have the strength to deal with him, why do you insist on letting others interfere, those people are simply unlucky."    


"Sis Mei, don't underestimate these people. Although Devil Cult and Bi Changsheng's strength are more outstanding among the crowd, the power of these people cannot be underestimated. Dealing with He Hongsen and then having to maintain Macao's stable economy, is not that easy." Zhou Hao shook his head.    


This was the first time that he openly told Liu Hongmei about how she was going to deal with He Hongsen. Other than the first time the two of them met at Devil Cult, Zhou Hao rarely talked about his own plans.    


Liu Hongmei also remembered that Zhou Hao did not represent himself. Regarding how to deal with He Hongsen, He Hongsen represented a part of the opinions of the Central Committee. They did not want to see He Hongsen's fall to the ground affect Macao's economy.    


Whether it was the return of Hong Kong or Macao, when they returned, they would definitely be left with a mess by the colonists. If the Central Government were to reclaim its sovereignty, they would have to nurture the economy.    


The reason why he was able to occupy Macao for so many years was because he had an influence in all walks of life. The reason why Zhou Hao had been slow with him was to reduce his influence so that his people could take over Macao's economy.    


After thinking through all of this, Liu Hongmei then said: "Zhou Hao, your mission this time is really big enough, are you sure that you want Bi Changsheng to replace He Hongsen now?"    


"More or less, of all the people I know, he's the most suitable. Sister Mei, don't blame me for being biased, but according to the powers, Devil Cult is still more suitable, but it is an organization after all, and cannot be compared to the individual. If the Devil Cult appears in front of the central government, it's hard to guarantee that the central government won't suppress it." Zhou Hao did not hide anything at this time, as the truth was about to be revealed.    


Liu Hongmei was rational and reasonable, and knew that what Zhou Hao said was the truth. Furthermore, she was not currently a Master of Devil Cult, so she naturally wouldn't mind so much.    


Zhou Hao was so smart, so he naturally understood what she was thinking, but he didn't say much. After all, to Xiao Zhao, becoming the overlord of Macau shouldn't be a bad thing. He knew his relationship with Xiao Zhao, so working with the Devil Cult in the future should at least be a good condition.    


The two chatted as they drove. It didn't look like they had just killed someone, and it looked like they were facing a hail of bullets. Those who didn't know the situation would think that they had just gone out to relax and come back after supper.    


and Liu Hongmei quickly returned to the Pluto Branch Division. Here, Wang Xiaohu and Xiao Liu were waiting for the two.    


When they saw Zhou Hao and Liu Hongmei return, they immediately went to welcome them. "Boss, you're back.    


Zhou Hao threw the car keys back to Wang Xiaohu, and said while walking: "Not bad, this trip was worthwhile. From now on, there will no longer be 14 Kings in Macao."    


Wang Xiaohu was stunned for a moment, then was filled with joy. His boss was indeed not a normal person, with just a walk, he had already killed 14K's people. This was not a story, this was something that had really happened to him.    


Even though Pluto was a security company, not a mafia company, whether it was security personnel or security personnel, they would always have dealings with gangsters. Right now, if 14K had enmity with their boss, if they caused trouble when their company's people were doing tasks, it would really bring them a lot of trouble. Now that their boss had destroyed their branch office, no one would come looking for trouble in the future.    


Seeing Wang Xiaohu's happy expression, Liu Hongmei smiled and said, "You don't have to be so happy, this is just the beginning, and He Shaoheng will not exist anymore in the future. After tomorrow, He Hongsen will probably retire, so you don't have to worry too much in the future."    


Wang Xiaohu and Xiao Liu both had a certain level of martial arts foundation, although they did not know what realm Liu Hongmei had reached, they were definitely stronger than the two of them. Hearing her say this, they immediately felt even more admiration for Zhou Hao.    


The two of them knew very clearly that when Zhou Hao went out this time, not only did he take care of the 14K Sang Biao, from the looks of it, He Shaoheng was definitely not going to have any good results. The boss was the boss, it had only been a short while and everything was settled.    


They had gone through special training, so their life and death situations were much less compared to the average person. If it was not because they lacked strength, they would have to use force to take care of 14K and He Shaoheng who were in trouble.    


Zhou Hao did not care about what they thought. After returning to his office, he immediately instructed Wang Xiaohu: "You guys go and notify the headquarters in Beijing and have them send someone to Macau. Come as soon as possible, there will be a big commotion in the next two days.    


Wang Xiaohu understood the seriousness of the situation, after nodding his head, he immediately went to contact the headquarters and had them send someone over.    


Then, he dialed Yu Zhengyu's number in front of Liu Hongmei, and quickly heard Yu Zhengyu's voice: "Zhou Hao, long time no see, how is it, have you been playing at Macau well, and will be back soon, why don't you hurry up!"    


"Didn't I just call you to tell you about my situation here? If there are no problems, wait for the news from your side, I will start taking care of He Hongsen tomorrow. " Zhou Hao laughed.    


As the person who managed the most affairs in the First Army, although he was still unable to become a Big Boss like the Zhou Liren from back then, there were many things that could be decided by him. If Zhou Hao had any problems, he could just directly come to him, and not pass them down through his own father.    


Yu Zhengyu naturally knew the reason why he was going to Macau. Now that he heard Zhou Hao's explanation, he understood.    


"Zhou Hao, I never thought that you would actually be able to do it. Dealing with He Hongsen is not that easy, you must take note that this old cunning fox is not easy to deal with. Yu Zhengyu pondered for a moment, and reminded Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao nodded: "Don't worry, I have already done it. He lost two billion to me today, and now his funds are in trouble. Taking advantage of this opportunity, if we were to give him a fatal blow, no matter how strong he is, he won't be able to hold on." What? I didn't hear it wrong, you actually won against He Hongsen's money, and it's even at two billion dollars. Yu Zhengyu did not expect Zhou Hao to be so powerful, and exclaimed.    


Zhou Hao chuckled, and instead said very calmly: "What's wrong, it's just that I won a little bit of money, I'm not that surprised right?" Little Qian! You are so much faster than money, it is hard to understand if you actually eat it. You are simply a gold sucking machine, it is just that fast that you earn money, He Hongsen is going to suffer this time. " Yu Zhengyu forced a smile. He felt very helpless towards Zhou Hao's words, and then he felt a little schadenfreude.    


After interacting with Zhou Hao multiple times, they were already similar to good friends, and their words were not as courteous as an ordinary person's. Furthermore, the two of them were both Supreme Expert s.    


Zhou Hao also knew that Yu Zhengyu considered him as a friend, so he was naturally rude towards him. However, Zhou Hao was very satisfied with his tone, as a person's social status changed, it was difficult for friends to be like how it was in the beginning. It was rare to have a friend that dared to say anything.    


As he thought about it, Zhou Hao said: "Don't care about that for now, you must be prepared. When the market opens tomorrow, we will have to take action against He Hongsen. You should understand what I mean." No problem, leave this matter to me, I will definitely stab He Hongsen in the head. I should have dealt with this huge threat since long ago, but at that time, you shouldn't be too ruthless. At the same time that Yu Zhengyu promised, he didn't forget to remind Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao said that he understood and hung up the phone. Although First Army were organizations that executed various special tasks, they still had a stock expert that specialized in economic aspects.    


At this time, Zhou Hao contacted Yu Zhengyu, which was actually equivalent to giving an explanation to the country. After all, First Army belonged to the number one chief of the country, and Yu Zhengyu knew that the situation on his side was also going to be the same.    


Liu Hongmei had been sitting beside him from the beginning, and was not surprised at all that Zhou Hao was related to the person in the middle. However, she understood in her heart that the reason Zhou Hao did not avoid her was also because of trust.    




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