Supreme Stock God

C1586 Devil sect book collection pavilion

C1586 Devil sect book collection pavilion

The tunnel seemed to have no end. Zhou Hao felt that at least ten minutes had passed, and they had not reached the end. He really did not know what kind of reason the person who constructed this tunnel had to have built such a deep tunnel in his heart.    


After roughly guessing what Zhou Hao was thinking, Liu Hongmei explained as she walked: "Don't worry, this tunnel is a bit long, but there's a reason for it. You'll know when we get there, but I'll keep it in suspense for now."    


Zhou Hao and Xiao Zhao followed behind her, and were indeed a little curious, as they didn't know what kind of secret it was that needed her to keep them in suspense. However, with Zhou Hao's vast experience, he had already vaguely guessed it.    


After five more minutes of walking, according to everyone's speed, they had already descended at least five hundred meters. Every step they took was made of marble, which showed that the construction work was not small.    


"Alright, this is the end of the tunnel. The walls here also have a mechanism, Zhou Hao, can you see it?" There was only a single wall at the end of the tunnel, as though this tunnel was a dead end, and no doors could be seen at all.    


Zhou Hao had not been learning about mechanisms for long, so if he had seen through it with a glance, Zhou Hao would not be so rampant, but since Liu Hongmei had said it, he definitely knew what mechanisms there were. As long as she knew that there were mechanisms in this place, Zhou Hao would be able to find them.    


He did not say anything, but took a step forward and walked to the wall with difficulty. His eyes scanned the surface, and even lightly probed the wall a little, and after a while, he smiled at Liu Hongmei and said: "Mei Mei, the mechanisms here are truly exquisite, and are much stronger than the switches outside."    


"Of course, this is related to the secret. If we can't set up a relatively powerful mechanism and someone discovers the secret outside, then there will be no more secrets here. So what? Can't we open it?" Hearing Zhou Hao's words, Liu Hongmei was elated, there was something that Zhou Hao couldn't figure out, if the mechanisms here could also be seen by Zhou Hao, then Zhou Hao would really be powerful.    


Zhou Hao sighed: "Big Sis Mei, you have really underestimated me." Without wasting any time, he quickly smacked the wall with both of his hands. Every part of the wall that he hit seemed to cave in for a bit, before quickly ejected.    


Although there were not many of them, to be able to think of such a method of enlightenment in such a short amount of time, both Liu Hongmei and Xiao Zhao were already stunned. Such a complicated method of enlightenment, forget about immediately using it, even if someone personally taught them it, it would still take a long time to learn it.    


In fact, Zhou Hao was secretly rejoicing in his heart. If not for the fact that he remembered some of the more unusual mechanisms recorded on the book and had even practiced them, he really wouldn't have been able to learn this mechanism today.    


He had originally thought that such a mechanism would never be seen in modern society anymore, but he remembered that it was because this mechanism was very special. Not only were the traps set up by it very complicated, it also needed a correct method. In an extremely short period of time, if a person did not have a good hand, they would not be able to do what they needed to do.    


Liu Hongmei looked at the wall that was slowly opening, and only opened her mouth after looking at Zhou Hao for a long time: "Zhou Hao, tell me the truth, are you really not a monster that will age back after cultivating martial arts to the peak?"    


Before she could speak, Xiao Zhao had already said from the side: "Hubby, master, is what you said true? I also heard that there are people who have cultivated their martial arts to the peak, and can recover their youth.    


"Xiao Zhao, what are you talking about? I'm not as immortal, I'm just a little old and slow." Hearing Xiao Zhao's words, Liu Hongmei spoke first.    


"Master, you're really immortal, ever since I've been sensible, you've always been like this. You're really too amazing, I just thought, once I reach your age and have such a beautiful youth, I'll definitely be happy to death. Otherwise, when I'm old, no one will like me." Xiao Zhao pulled Liu Hongmei's hand, and said while grinning.    


Zhou Hao was even more speechless this time, it was as if all the women who talked about beauty couldn't control their emotions at all.    


The two girls were still discussing about their looks unconsciously. Zhou Hao was a little unable to watch any further, so he could only say: "Beautiful ladies, please interrupt us. If you want to discuss about looks, you can do so anytime.    


Master of Devil Cult and Xiao Zhao looked at each other, both of them slightly embarrassed. Previously, they had indeed forgotten everything that had happened during the discussion on beauty.    


Zhou Hao could only shake his head and laugh bitterly. Women were creatures that could pull their thoughts away at critical moments, regardless of whether they were big or small, if he had not met with many women, he really would not have been able to deal with them. But he did not feel that it was unbearable, so he walked into the cave in front of him.    


The space inside the cave was not small. After all, the tunnel ahead had already been used up for quite a bit of engineering, so this place would naturally be properly constructed as well. It did not even look any smaller than the hall at the Devil Cult Gathering.    


In the middle of the cave, there was a large hall, and four small rooms were beside it. Each of the rooms had a stone door closed, Zhou Hao did not know what the caves here were all about, but this was not some ownerless cave, so Zhou Hao did not have the intention to take a risk and explore.    


This was the first time she had walked in here, so she was filled with curiosity about everything. As she looked, she asked Liu Hongmei: "Master, what is it used for in the end? It doesn't look that special right? Wasn't it just a few stone rooms? Seeing how much you value it, I thought there was some extremely important treasure! "    


Liu Hongmei reprimanded him with a glance, then said: "Zhou Hao, this is the most important place for our Devil Cult. Although you are not a member of the Devil Cult, your relationship with Xiao Zhao is destined to be inextricably linked.    


Seeing that Liu Hongmei was serious, Zhou Hao said in a serious tone: "Sister Mei, don't worry, with Xiao Zhao's relationship with me, if she has any difficulties, I will definitely help."    


Xiao Zhao looked at the two of them in a daze. Even though she was good at scheming and battle, and had experienced a lot, she was still lacking a lot, after all, compared to Liu Hongmei and Zhou Hao. Their current conversation, made her feel like she was being cared for.    


In order to ease the atmosphere, Liu Hongmei quickly changed the topic and said to Zhou Hao and Xiao Zhao with a smile, "You can't see anything special about this place, but it's because you don't know what's going on here. I'll let you see what's so special about this place right now."    


While talking, he walked into a room. There were no mechanisms set up in the room, if the mechanisms outside could break it, then there would be no guarantee that there would any mechanisms set up inside. Zhou Hao and Xiao Zhao did not hesitate and followed Liu Hongmei into the stone room.    


This stone room was filled with all kinds of books, some were ancient books, some even modern printing, so this was a huge library. It was just that the books on every shelf were different, the higher the level, the fewer books there were, and even the highest level, only a single book was placed inside. Even though Zhou Hao did not see what kind of book it was, and knew that the higher level the book was, the higher the level, so it must be more important.    


"This is the most secretive place in our Devil Cult, as long as it is a martial arts technique, then there will be records of it. Not only are there some martial arts that have been cultivated, there are even some that have not been cultivated, but are extremely overbearing martial arts, and these martial arts are also the source of our Devil Cult's reputation." Seeing Zhou Hao and Xiao Zhao looking everywhere, Liu Hongmei explained.    


However, the most basic requirement to practice this kind of martial arts is that we must have at least a quasi-peak level of internal energy, otherwise, it's impossible to release the cold energy from the Frozen Ice Palms. But in our Devil Cult, up until now, only three people have succeeded in cultivating this technique, and the others either do not have enough internal energy or have a different internal energy attribute, so they are simply unable to practice this. "    


Zhou Hao saw that the Frozen Ice Palms were previously placed in the third row and the third row already required the highest level of inner strength. If that was the case, the cultivation conditions would be even higher.    


Before he came here, Zhou Hao knew that there wasn't a single Supreme Expert in the Devil Cult. At most, it would be at the apex, and at one time, he didn't have much confidence in Devil Cult's martial arts.    


Now, looking at the Cold Ice Palms in his hands, Zhou Hao knew that it wasn't because no one was able to reach the Supreme Expert in terms of profound strength, but rather that the Dao of martial arts was so wonderful to begin with. If it wasn't for his master using him as a test medicine, he wouldn't have achieved his current achievements.    


Zhou Hao did not say much as he opened the Secret Manual of Frozen Ice Palms in his hands. Inside it were not only the cultivation methods and requirements for cultivation, there were also methods for cultivation, detailed methods, and even various methods for channeling cultivation. If he cultivated this type of martial arts alone, it would definitely be very troublesome, but if his realm reached that level, it would not be difficult.    


At the very least, from his point of view, this martial art called Frost Palm should be extremely difficult for a quasi-Fighter, but he had already mastered it very easily.    


However, because of his special experience, it wasn't too difficult for him to learn some feminine kung fu skills, at least, it was much faster than those experts with masculine styles.    


After Liu Hongmei finished introducing the manual and finished reading the entire secret manual, Zhou Hao changed the nature of the internal energy in his body according to the method he used and instantly a wave of cold air emerged from his palm. A thin layer of frost that could almost be seen with the naked eye formed on his hands and both Xiao Zhao and Liu Hongmei by his side could feel the cold air on Zhou Hao's hands.    


As he familiarized himself with the secret manual, more and more cold air gathered in his hand, and the thin layer of ice on his hand also slowly thickened. Unfortunately, ice condensed on his right palm, while his left hand, which held the secret manual, was still warm.    


When his right hand was completely covered in ice, Liu Hongmei took a deep breath, and asked: "Zhou Hao, I saw you make a move earlier, so you shouldn't be able to cultivate such an unorthodox martial arts with your inner force attribute, and I don't feel any signs of you cultivating yin and yang energy at all!"    


"What I'm training is indeed violent inner force, but I just read this secret manual and wanted to test if I could train it, I didn't expect it to be successful. But my control isn't enough, if I can freeze instantly, then it will be considered a success." Zhou Hao slowly felt the frost aura on his hand, and said to Liu Hongmei honestly.    


Liu Hongmei took another deep breath, but her eyes were burning hot. Although she did not know if it was possible even for Supreme Expert, she knew that it was impossible for someone of her level to reach that level.    


Xiao Zhao was extremely curious. Listening to their conversation, she reached out her small hand and touched Zhou Hao's already frozen hand, then shivered and said in shock, "Hubby, your hand is so cold, it has really turned into ice.    


Zhou Hao smiled, with a flip of his right hand, the ice on his hand started to melt, the speed was still very slow. Just like how they could see the entire process when the ice was frozen, the three of them could see it very clearly.    


When all the cold energy on his hands completely dissipated, the temperature around Zhou Hao started to rise. Furthermore, the ice that had formed on his hands before seemed to have never appeared before, it naturally disappeared after melting. If it wasn't for the fact that Xiao Zhao had felt the existence of the ice himself, he would have thought that it was an illusion.    


"As expected of a sub-saint level secret manual, it really has miraculous effects. Such a powerful cultivation technique, it's a pity that no one in our Devil Cult can train in it, it's such a pity." Even if they had not seen its ability yet, Liu Hongmei and Xiao Zhao could tell how powerful this secret manual was. However, they knew that not everyone could practice this kind of secret manual, Liu Hongmei could only sigh, no one could train in Devil Cult.    


Zhou Hao nodded his head: "This technique is very special, it is different from normal martial arts, although it looks out of the ordinary, if used unexpectedly, people of the same level would probably be at a disadvantage."    


His words confirmed the power of this technique. If one had to suffer losses at the same level, then it would be equivalent to Zhou Hao being at a disadvantage when using this technique, even if it was the Supreme Expert. Originally, this was just something Liu Hongmei casually brought out for Zhou Hao to see, but he never expected Zhou Hao to master it so quickly.    




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