Supreme Stock God

C1563 The king of gambling is weak

C1563 The king of gambling is weak

Zhou Hao's words were said so easily, but everyone present was shocked by her. Two billion dollars was equivalent to fifteen billion yuan, the difference between the two of them was obvious, no matter who it was, they wouldn't even think about it.    


Even if Bi Changsheng wanted to deal with He Hongsen back then, if he really wanted to bet a round, he wouldn't dare to gamble more than ten billion. But from Zhou Hao's perspective, two billion would be like an average person talking about ten pieces or eight.    


He knew Zhou Hao had a lot of money right now, but he did not dare to think that Zhou Hao would dare to casually take out 2 billion dollars to play with. He Hongsen hesitated; from what he knew about Zhou Hao, he was not the type of person who did things without confidence.    


Now, he already suspected that Zhou Hao had more strength than the Gambling Devil, and was trying to make him relax his guard. Although this thought made him feel that it was inconceivable, for to be able to use so much money to make a bet was truly extravagant.    


Zhou Hao saw that He Hongsen was silent, and laughed: "Mr. Gambling King, don't tell me you are considering whether you can accept my challenge? As a newcomer to last resort, I will just treat it as paying the tuition fee, don't you want to give me this opportunity?"    


After he said this, everyone's heart jumped even more. This guy really spoke very lightly, with a tuition of two billion, who could be his teacher? But everyone had thoughts that had nothing to do with them, they just wanted to see how He Hongsen would respond.    


He Hongsen had been in business in Macau for many years, and although his assets could not compare to Zhou Hao's, he was at least worth ten billion, but to be able to bet a fifth of his worth against Zhou Hao, he was truly hesitant, he and Zhou Hao did not stop, at most, Zhou Hao was an upstart, and with He Hongsen's huge fortune, if he lost a fifth, it would very likely affect his business.    


"Brother, forget about it, Gambling King is such a big business, I don't want to play in a gambling match with such a big wager, don't force them, just do as Gambling King says, don't use US dollars, just play with them for a bit." Bi Changsheng was smart, he could see through He Hongsen's concerns with a glance, and ignited flames in his mouth as he stood at the side.    


Zhou Hao looked at Bi Changsheng with praise. This Bi Changsheng knew how to seize the opportunity and smiled along with him: "Alright, Brother Changsheng, what you said is reasonable, it's just for fun anyways, we don't need the money, just follow Gambling King's instructions."    


According to his current status, it was already very difficult for him to be looked down upon like that. However, he was cunning, even if he had to endure it for a while, it was not impossible, because the two people who were speaking now were truly unbearable to him.    


No matter if it was his wife or his many close friends, they would probably remember what happened between them at his birthday banquet. Furthermore, he even kidnapped his own daughter to make him lose face and lost a lot of face, which was why he couldn't forget about it.    


Bi Changsheng was also not a stranger, the two of them had fought back and forth more than once, and Bi Changsheng's master could be considered to have died because of him, so how could he be considered to be an enemy of his sect?    


He did not know how Zhou Hao and Bi Changsheng got together, but being looked down upon by the two of them, he suddenly became angry, and thought that he himself had been in the Gambling King for many years, and was an esteemed being in Macau, so how could he be looked down by them?    


Furthermore, he was very confident in his gambling skills. He snorted and said, "Zhou Hao, Bi Changsheng, there is no need to use such a low level method. Isn't it just 2 billion? I accept your challenge. The time and place remain the same. We'll meet again in three days. "    


Zhou Hao and Bi Changsheng secretly laughed in their hearts. If they did not say it like that, it would be weird if He Hongsen agreed, but Zhou Hao did not care, since he wanted to challenge He Hongsen, which had always been his goal. When the two of them were truly competing, he might not necessarily lose to He Hongsen.    


Bi Changsheng was even more happy in his heart, even though he would not be able to obtain He Hongsen's share of assets if Zhou Hao won against him, he was sure that if He Hongsen lost the match, he would definitely be a little nervous, and that would be when he would make his move. In a sense, it was safer for Zhou Hao to fight than him on the stage.    


After He Hongsen finished speaking, he was actually just about to leave. At this time, his fourth concubine suddenly tugged at He Hongsen, and after whispering a few words into his ear, He Hongsen's footsteps paused, and he stared at Zhou Hao: "Zhou Hao, was Shaoheng injured caused by you?"    


Zhou Hao had already thought about it before, so this matter would definitely not be hidden from He Hongsen. Hearing him ask about it, Zhou Hao did not deny, and nodded: "That's right, He Shaoheng's matter was done by me. As he spoke, he couldn't help but reveal a mocking expression on his face.    


He Hongsen's face became gloomy, and said coldly: "Zhou Hao, don't be too arrogant, in this Macao, the one who speaks useful words is still me, don't think that you are the best in Hong Kong and the mainland, but here, everything is up to me, do you really think that I wouldn't dare to do anything to you?"    


"I am naturally aware of Mr. Gambling King's might, how could I dare to believe that you wouldn't touch me? But since you dared to do so for a trash nephew like a popinjay, then why is it that your own daughter was like a straw and didn't care at all? Mr. Gambling King's character is truly admirable to me. " Zhou Hao was fearless, the ridicule on his face became even more obvious, and his words became harsh.    


He Hongsen and Zhou Hao's main source of conflict came from He Xueyun, if it was revealed to Zhou Hao's face, it would make him angry and humiliated: "Don't mention that unfilial girl to me, I don't have such a daughter, Zhou Hao, one day in Macau, you have to follow the rules of Macao, if not, you would not be able to live a good life here."    


"Is that so? Since you said so, I might as well tell you. You can try to deal with me, but I don't know if you can really do it, King of Macau? I would also like to see how powerful the King of Macau is. " Hearing He Hongsen's words, the anger in the bottom of Zhou Hao's heart was roused. He had never seen such a father, and he didn't retreat in the slightest as he spoke tit for tat.    


Zhou Hao had experienced so many years, and now he had everything he had, regardless of family or strength, he was not inferior to He Hongsen. Now, facing He Hongsen's threat, he did not fear him at all.    


He could show weakness in front of the national machine, but in front of an individual, he would definitely not retreat. This was not because Zhou Hao was arrogant, but rather, it was all built on individual power, and in the end, the current Zhou Hao already had enough strength to deal with He Hongsen.    


After He Hongsen's provocation, naturally, He Hongsen became even more furious and sneered: "Young people are indeed very impulsive, then we'll see. I hope that during the competition the day after tomorrow, we'll be able to see you arrive as you promised. I don't want anyone to go back on their words and not be able to participate."    


The threatening meaning of those words were heard by everyone but Zhou Hao did not show the slightest weakness and said, "Alright, what Mr. Gambling King said is exactly what I want to say. I also hope that you will personally be there when the time comes, because if something happens to you at your age, you might not be able to recover."    


He Hongsen chuckled coldly and said: "Good, very good. You indeed have become different, but I only hope that you can continue to hold on. We'll meet again in three days." Ashe spoke, she led the fourth concubine away.    


Zhou Hao also laughed, and did not forget to reply: "Not only must Mr. Gambling King be careful himself, he must also think about that nephew of yours, I think you should also know that I am not like ordinary people. That nephew of yours offended me, and I wonder if he will be able to live his later years peacefully."    


He Hongsen's footsteps stalled for a moment, as he turned around and said fiercely, "Zhou Hao, don't go overboard. Shaoheng has already been destroyed by you, and you also have to stop before it's too late. Don't think that just because you're strong, you can do whatever you want.    


Zhou Hao shrugged his shoulders and did not speak anymore. His twinkling eyes told He Hongsen that he might actually give it a try, and like that, He Hongsen did not have any interest in continuing to participate in the banquet.    


Other than the people around Zhou Hao, no one else knew what He Hongsen had talked about with them, and then left with a unpleasant expression. However, Zhou Hao and the rest were also noticed by the others, and they all knew that these people were the top eight in the gambling competition.    


Those who did not know what was going on could only let their thoughts run wild, and the way they looked at Zhou Hao was already completely different from those who looked at them. Other than Bi Changsheng and Jingxi Mahjong Devil, only then did they know that Zhou Hao's name was not Wang Xiaohu, and most importantly, He Hongsen had suffered a loss in front of Zhou Hao.    


Who was He Hongsen? Who didn't know, Gambling King He Hongsen, the uncrowned King of Macao, was practically someone who could cover the sky with one hand here? But when he was facing Zhou Hao, he seemed to be completely suppressed by Zhou Hao's aura.    


All this time, they had only seen Zhou Hao with a gentle temperament. Even though his abilities were not weak, he had never been like an ordinary person, but now that they were truly facing He Hongsen, under the threat of tit for tat, everyone finally understood why Zhou Hao had achieved such an achievement at such a young age.    




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