Supreme Stock God

C1494 An ingenious victory

C1494 An ingenious victory

The contestants all agreed, but the croupier who was hosting the competition naturally did not object, she took out a pack of poker cards and lit it up in front of everyone, then asked: "Can the three of you see it clearly, please draw a bit of it, the biggest person is responsible for throwing the dice, is that alright?"    


The three of them nodded their heads, since they had decided to draw, they could not do it better, then the croupier would quickly shuffle the cards, and it could be seen that this man should be an expert, not only in dice playing skills, but also playing poker. This kind of person, even among the participants, would have a good result, yet, He Hongsen was willing to become the croupier, and he truly had some skills.    


Very quickly, the cards had been washed, croupier placed them on the table and did not speak anymore, only looking at them, whoever was willing to draw the first card would be up to them. After washing the cards, croupier's mission was to be the judge, and whatever they competed in, it was not his business.    


The two participants that could change dice points looked at Zhou Hao and asked him for his meaning. He was the only one of the three that won, and the goal of the two was to win against him.    


Zhou Hao smiled slightly as he took out one of the cards from the pile. After flipping it open, he lit it up in front of the crowd. Luck wasn't bad, but it wasn't bad either.    


The two of them looked at each other, and happily took out their cards from the pile of cards. Although the two of them had gambling skills, they did not have gambling techniques, and only needed luck to draw lots. Clearly, it was not Zhou Hao.    


According to the rules, whoever has the most points will be in charge of rolling the dice. Zhou Hao laughed and said: "You two, I will be the one to roll the dice, if you feel that it's not appropriate, you can withdraw now. As long as the dice are rolled, after making the bet, there will be no chance."    


All gamblers who liked to play dice would have a very good dice shaking skill. Otherwise, they would not dare to compete with Zhou Hao in this, but because of luck, they lost at the starting line. Now that Zhou Hao had obtained the dice clock, they were at a disadvantage.    


If Zhou Hao did not ask, the two of them might really have to find an excuse to leave, but after hearing this, they felt that Zhou Hao was openly provoking them, so even if they lost, they would at most withdraw from the competition, and the money they lost would also come out victorious in the competition. If they won, not only would they earn a lot of gambling money from the competition, it would also increase their chances of being promoted to the finals.    


The two of them also believed that they could change their points. After the two of them thought it through, they nodded almost simultaneously and said: "Just shake the dice, at that time, you might not even win or lose. But as the owner, if we both choose the points at the same time, you will lose two times over."    


Zhou Hao laughed: "You two sure think things through, let's see if you can suppress my points at the same time, I still have enough money to pay you two back." As he spoke, he placed the dice clock in his hand.    


The two of them coldly snorted and calmed their hearts. They wanted to hear what the number of dice Zhou Hao had in the end, and when the time came, they would bet on their own. If they weren't sure, they would bet together, win Zhou Hao's money first and then deal with the other person.    


They each had their own ulterior motives. Zhou Hao understood this in his heart, but at the same time, he was sneering to himself, he could hear them clearly every single time. He only wanted to act low-key and slowly play around.    


The dice clanged loudly. No matter which side landed on, they could all hear it very clearly, Zhou Hao's performance was just like a person who didn't understand how to shake dice at all.    


In fact, according to the reality of the situation, Zhou Hao was indeed a novice, he would usually go to the casino as well as play dice with the croupier, so he did not have many methods to place points and shake the dice. But seeing the two participants and the croupier, he had become extremely profound, as they did not believe that Zhou Hao did not know how to roll the dice, especially the croupier, who was already thinking which gambling technique Zhou Hao had used.    


After Zhou Hao casually shook the dice clock a few times, he put it on the table and said with a smile: "I will definitely leave first. This round is about to start.    


The two participants impatiently said to Zhou Hao: "Alright, we are going to place our bets soon. We agreed that we will decide the match in a single round, if you are afraid of losing, just say so."    


When Zhou Hao was rolling the dice, they heard very clearly how each die rotated and in which direction they rolled in. They knew when to land on the ground, but in the instant when the dice fell, a problem occurred.    


At the same time, the sounds of the dice dropping in the ears of the two players and the croupier also stopped. They did not hear the sound of the final die dropping to the ground, and since they did not hear the sound of the die landing, it was natural that they could not be sure of the number of points.    


"What's wrong, why are you hesitating, it's time to bet, croupier, is there really a long time to bet?" Seeing the two hesitated, Zhou Hao urged them and then turned to ask the croupier.    


croupier did not know how many points she had earned this time, and said to herself that Wang Xiaohu was extremely strange, but he still spoke in a fair manner: "Gentlemen, it's time for you to bet, Mr Wang can already open the dice bell now. If you do not bet now, it's time to forfeit."    


This time, the two of them could no longer hesitate and clenched their teeth, not afraid of being found out. Both of them tapped their fingers on the table, as they knew that they had to cheat, and if they were to say it out now, it would be meaningless.    


Just as they had thought, Zhou Hao and croupier saw their hands touch the table, but neither of them said anything. Zhou Hao was confident, the croupier knew the rules of gambling, and in this kind of situation, it was basically a competition of gambling techniques.    


But this time, their methods were clearly useless against Zhou Hao. The two of them had decent strength, and there was a world of difference between them and Zhou Hao. Previously, when they used the power of the dice, this time after entering the dice bell, they wanted to change the number of points they had.    


In the dice bell, they actually did not find any dice, it was as if the die bell was empty. But they clearly saw Zhou Hao putting the die inside, they couldn't change it at all, furthermore, it was about to open.    


"Hey, all of you are putting in too much effort right? Is there really a need to hesitate so long?" If you don't dare to bet, then just leave. I've already said it many times already, I don't want to waste my breath. " Seeing the two's change in expression, Zhou Hao snickered in his heart, but replied with impatience on his face.    


Unable to determine the dice 'points, they could only try their luck. The two of them could be considered very virtuous and did not have to do things that were out of their league. Both of them chose to place their bets on a smaller bet.    


"Alright, since you guys placed your bets, let's open the dice clock now. Mr. croupier, please open the dice clock." Zhou Hao laughed, he retreated a step and gave his place to the croupier, at this time, choosing to let the croupier open the bell was the fairest option.    


croupier looked deeply at Zhou Hao, she was unable to see through this person's strength, she nodded and took a step forward, raised the dice bell and muttered: "456, 1500, the Zhuang family will eat everything."    


"Sorry to disappoint you two, but I won the bet this time. Thank you two for the chips. If I had the chance to enter the finals, I would have remembered you two." Zhou Hao already knew the result, extended his hand and kept the two's chips, and said with a smile.    


When croupier was preparing to open the dice bell, they knew that they would definitely lose to Zhou Hao. It was just that even until now, they did not know how they would lose.    


"Mr Wang, today we will just treat it as buying a lesson. Can you tell me how you did it?" The stronger players finally could not hold it in anymore and raised their own doubts. Even though it was taboo for Casino s, he could not care so much.    


Fortunately, Zhou Hao was not one of the Casino s, and although the two of them had thought of a plan to partner up against him, they were not people who broke their promise. They had placed bets even though they knew that they would definitely lose, at least the gambling items were not bad, after thinking for a while, they decided to tell them.    


As Fighter, using inner force to assist in the gambling, there is no problem, but all of you should understand that in this world, there are many experts, and there is no need for inner force to sweep through. I was just using my inner force to block your senses, did you guys feel that there are no dice in the bell? Zhou Hao explained patiently.    


He knew that the participants in the casino had all seen him suppressing the robbers yesterday. Even if they weren't sure of his actual strength, they knew that he was a Martial Arts Master, so he didn't hide it and directly told them.    


They knew that Zhou Hao was the one who had stepped forward to subdue the robbers the day before, and with the strength he displayed yesterday, he was definitely much stronger than them. At the very least, in that situation, the two of them would only be able to send themselves to their deaths.    


Alright, you two, the competition here is over. In the future, you two must practice gambling techniques, such as listening to dice points. As for the use of inner force, it's better not to get too immersed in it. Seeing that the two of them understood his meaning, Zhou Hao kindly reminded them.    




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