Supreme Stock God

C1479 Royal gambling boat

C1479 Royal gambling boat

The three of them knew each other, but all of them had evil intentions, especially Jingxi Mahjong Devil and Bi Changsheng. They were probably very hostile towards each other, but they still had to pretend to be good friends, even though this kind of thing was normal.    


Zhou Hao was not a simple child, he would believe that the Jingxi Mahjong Devil would befriend him for no reason. If this kind of person was really good at making friends, then he would be very famous in the underworld.    


It didn't matter what kind of plans they had, Zhou Hao was prepared to face any changes. He had never seen anything like this, so it was unlikely that he would capsize in this place.    


While they were chatting, most of the competitors had also arrived. The organizer of the competition had already stood up and said: "Hello participants, all the participants who are able to come here are elites selected from different groups. They are also the winners of the two rounds of competition.    


Although the competition rules were the same every year, the competition had yet to begin. If one wanted to know the content of the competition, one had to listen to the organizers, in fact, there were only so many competitions available, and it all depended on which type they could get their hands on.    


Zhou Hao and the other two people stopped their conversation, they were all quietly waiting for the organizers to announce the competition's format, the two Casino experts naturally had confidence in themselves, although Zhou Hao was not fully confident, but he was not worried, since he had a way to settle everything, and was only here to play.    


Alright, everyone, you've all been waiting for a bit. Let me make this short story short, the following matches will be split among the forty-eight contestants for the third round. Each contestant will draw a lot to decide on the next round. The host continued.    


The following competitions take various forms. As for which competition each of you are participating in, that will depend on your luck. However, the gambling venue is the royal family's gambling boat that we prepared for all of you. After saying that, the host went to make the arrangements.    


The participants did not have any objection to the organizers' arrangements. Zhou Hao still asked the two of them in a low voice: "Brothers, isn't this competition a little too excessive? It didn't say anything about the competition and it was entirely up to luck to draw lots.    


Bi Changsheng and Jingxi Mahjong Devil looked at each other, and then said uncertainly: "In the past, there have been times when gambling went on like this, since everyone has more money now, with so many people gathering together, I'm afraid they already have over a hundred million. Moreover, they can also bring foreign players to experience the seascape of Macao, but this kind of free gambling experience, is something I've never seen before."    


Jingxi Mahjong Devil also nodded at the side, but he did not say anything. It was clear that he was the same as Bi Changsheng, who was an experienced participant who had participated in many competitions, and his heart was also filled with doubts.    


Zhou Hao knew that they definitely did not know anything about the inside information, so he did not ask anymore, and only brought Wang Xiaohu and Xiao Liu who were waiting at the side over. He instructed them: "We are going to the gambling boat competition later on, and do not know if we can bring anyone up there.    


Even though Wang Xiaohu and Xiao Liu know of Zhou Hao's strength, they were still worried as they said, "Boss, if they don't want to bring their people on board, we can just rent a boat and bring our brothers to follow the ship. It's not like we're on land on the sea, where there's no way to save them if they do anything on the high seas."    


Zhou Hao laughed. When he was rescuing his father in America, what kind of scene was that, he had already left safely, a gambling boat couldn't do anything to him. But he knew that the two of them had good intentions, he didn't say anything.    


When he was giving orders to Wang Xiaohu and Wang Xiaohu, the others were actually worried about him as well. Those who had friends or relatives' bodyguards were also making arrangements, especially those who were participating in the tournament for the first time.    


Because of the large number of people, they sent out two cars to pick up the contestants. As for those who accompanied them, since they had their own cars, the organizers did not bother with it. In fact, if it was not for the sake of a unified arrangement, they did not even need to send a car to pick up the contestants.    


Soon, the contestants were gathered at the dock, and at this time, it was likely that many of the local residents already knew that the gambling competition would be held at sea. There were a few reporters and residents who liked to watch the fun, and they were all watching from the dock.    


Arriving at the pier, the host who was in charge of the event spoke out once again: "Participant participants, this is the royal gambling boat that our organizers have prepared for you, especially the one provided by Mr. He Hongsen. It contains any gambling tools, and when the time comes, you all can display your skills." After pausing for a moment, he continued, "According to the rules, everyone can bring up to three people on the boat after the contestants. However, these three must be unarmed and pass the security check. The tickets are 100,000 each."    


After he finished speaking, most of the people started to frown, and even Bi Changsheng had started to speak: "This He Hongsen must be crazy to think about money, normally there isn't such a rule every year, so what's wrong with this year?"    


Jingxi Mahjong Devil shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly: "That's nothing, for the sake of safety and income, we can do so. Don't forget, if so many people did not bring two people on board the ship, they would earn close to ten million, which is no different from robbing money, you would not refuse right?"    


Zhou Hao could only shake his head at these two. The three of them were not sure if it was because they had gathered together before the competition started, or if it was because they had walked together all the way to the pier. They were walking together, no matter what their relationship was.    


Wang Xiaohu and Xiao Liu followed behind, they had also heard the rules set by the organizers, while cursing the hosts in their hearts for being too ruthless, as the tickets were so expensive, they looked at Zhou Hao, and if Zhou Hao agreed, they would go on board the ship, and if Zhou Hao objected, they would ask their brothers to rent a boat to follow them.    


Actually, with Zhou Hao's own strength, he didn't want to bring Wang Xiaohu and Xiao Liu. If there was really danger, he reckoned that he would have to take care of them too. But with the two's temper, if he didn't bring them along, they would definitely rent a boat to follow him.    


From what I see, that luxurious ship should have a lot of entertainment facilities up there, said that it is for the competition, to a place that seems like a place for everyone to enjoy their money, He Hongsen's calculations were off, the number of wins for the participants is not his, but the amount of consumption is his. Zhou Hao looked at the luxurious cruise ship not far from the pier and laughed.    


"Bro, your words are quite reliable. I didn't think that you would have such a good financial sense. You must be doing business at home." Jingxi Mahjong Devil had never investigated Zhou Hao's background, so he did not know who he was.    


Towards these probing words, Zhou Hao did not plan to reply, but Bi Changsheng interrupted: "I say, Mr. Chu, you don't understand anything about my brother, and you even know that brothers are short for little, that's too disloyal. My brother not only does business, he also does big business."    


Zhou Hao felt helpless towards the two of them, in truth, even if it was Bi Changsheng, he was not sure if he would be able to find out his identity, since he did not have any records in Macau, and his identity was relatively hidden in the mainland, unless he went to Hong Kong to investigate, but it would not fit his appearance right now.    


It could be seen that most of the people did not even trust the game on the ship, other than being single at various times, like the Jingxi Mahjong Devil, where everyone had at least two or three followers. Even Bi Changsheng had two people with him, and Zhou Hao could tell that the two of them were second rate fighters.    


Although there were a lot of Martial Arts Master s, in reality, they were already considered lucky to have second-rate bodyguards. With Pluto, those first-rate bodyguards were not people that a wealthy bureaucrat could hire as personal bodyguards. With Wang Xiaohu, those first-rate bodyguards were already considered the only ones left.    


The system was actually the monitoring system for the boarding of aircraft. As long as there was a certain level of dangerous goods, either they would put down their things or they would be refused boarding the ship. As for the money for the tickets, they would have to be paid directly, either in cash or out of the gambling capital.    


Most people chose to use cash to buy tickets. Right now, everyone's gambling capital was one or two million, only a few could reach three million. If they were to buy tickets with two or three hundred thousand, their gambling capital would be greatly reduced.    


Zhou Hao thought maliciously, if a bandit could appear and steal a lot of money, the cash on the scene would probably exceed 10 million in no time. It would be faster and safer than robbing a bank and deposit car, there wouldn't be that many guards here.    


Just as Zhou Hao was about to board the boat and let his thoughts run wild, the cash manager suddenly tilted his head and fell to the side. A wound on his forehead was bleeding profusely.    




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