Supreme Stock God

C1476 Good luck is always there

C1476 Good luck is always there

Haha, you're right, if there's no miracle in the second round, then I will probably directly advance to the next level. Although I'm sorry, but it's the truth, after all. Jingxi Mahjong Devil laughed, pointed to the arena and said to Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao looked towards the direction of the voice, just as Jingxi Mahjong Devil had said, the rider for the second round was indeed a trainee rider, and it was likely that he did not want the gamblers to see that he was lacking, amongst the eight riders, two of them were trainees, while the other two were first riders.    


However, all 42 contestants present here were nominally registered from the other provinces. There were probably no more than 10 people who were truly knowledgeable about the rules and regulations of Macao, including Zhou Hao, who had just heard of the rules and regulations.    


"Looks like there's no hope this time. Although I won't deny that some people are born with great abilities in certain aspects, if a jockey has very little chance to fight, he will definitely have problems at critical moments." Zhou Hao sighed, and said to Jingxi Mahjong Devil in a very sincere tone.    


He only smiled and said: "Since this is He Hongsen's home ground, and also a gambling house that he is in charge of arranging, it will definitely not be so simple to let everyone win the competition. Amongst the forty odd people, at least a few of them do understand horses, but as participants from the provinces, they might not understand the rules of the horse farm."    


Hearing him say that, Zhou Hao could not help but look at him twice. Jingxi Mahjong Devil obviously had a lot of understanding about the rules of Macau, but he did not know what kind of people he was.    


As an expert of Casino, Jingxi Mahjong Devil was able to read words very quickly, and immediately laughed: "Brother, you don't have to look at me like that, although my family is from Shaanxi, but I have been living in Macau for the past year, and you know how I rely on my skills to eat, how could there be a better place for me to live in?"    


Zhou Hao nodded his head, his words making sense, the Jingxi Mahjong Devil continued to say: "I am not like them, I want to make a living. I just like to go about my own business, I do not care who they are, and I do not casually form enmity with others.    


He did not want to make enemies with others, and did not want to make enemies with others, it was not that easy to do it. But with the Jingxi Mahjong Devil's skills, being a solo gambler, his strength was still sufficient, but he understood the deep meaning behind Jingxi Mahjong Devil's words. He was clearly telling himself that he would not investigate, and regardless of his own identity, they only met gamblers together occasionally.    


He had already made it clear that he had no hostility towards Jingxi Mahjong Devil. If he was always on guard against him, it would seem like he was being overly cautious, but Zhou Hao completely trusted him.    


Just as the Jingxi Mahjong Devil had predicted, the Red Star was indeed much stronger than the other horses. If not for the trainee rider, who was not very good at controlling the horses, it would have been the final champion, but because of the rider's riding skills, it could only be ranked second.    


Without any suspense, Jingxi Mahjong Devil won the second match, because most people were optimistic about Hong Xing, so this time's bet was considered to be extremely cold. Everyone's bet, this time, was won by the participants, and Jingxi Mahjong Devil once again earned a huge sum, which should be the contestant who won the most money in the two matches.    


After this match, even if I lose the third match, I estimate that I can enter the finals. Now that the match has begun, the bets cannot change, and I'm not afraid to tell you that I have 500 thousand or so chips that I used to suppress the second match by 400 thousand. According to the payout, the number of wins for this match would already exceed the number of people who have won three matches in a row. Jingxi Mahjong Devil said to Zhou Hao happily as he saw his own money entering his account.    


Zhou Hao did not evaluate Jingxi Mahjong Devil as a winner, but he had a much higher opinion of him than him. This person was not only proficient in gambling, he also had eyes and courage, he had guessed that this match might go out of hand and thus bet heavily on it. If it was not for the fact that he did not care about this competition, he would not even be as bold as him.    


Jingxi Mahjong Devil had won the most money yesterday, so naturally he had bet more today. With such a large bet, he had earned a lot of money in exchange for now, and using two matches was already enough for him to advance to the next round. Although Zhou Hao had won the most, if the third round didn't go well, he would have no choice but to withdraw from the competition.    


Luckily there were no more surprises in the following matches, only a few people had won the first place, because only a very knowledgeable person would be able to place an eight horses bet, and some people only bet randomly, and as a result, not even ten people had bet, causing Zhou Hao to earn another round.    


As for the Jingxi Mahjong Devil, he had won all three matches, and also made a lot of money in the second round. Originally, he only had a wager of 500,000, but with that turn of events, it had already become 3 million.    


When the round was over, Zhou Hao summed up the gambling stakes in his hands. At the time he bet, there were over 400,000 bet, because he had won a lot in the two matches, even though he had not suffered any losses, but according to the ratio and the situation of the gamblers betting, Zhou Hao's assets were also around 1.2 million. No wonder so many people were willing to bet, it was truly a few times the profits.    


After the three fights ended, the forty-two contestants began to count the final results, which also meant that they each had their own bets, and the rules of the competition were set. After the three matches, the forty-two contestants began to count the final results, which was also the remaining bets, and the rules of the competition.    


Although it looked very cruel, but in truth, He Hongsen was already being lenient. After all, if they were to be eliminated in this round, and if they did not lose very miserably, everyone would be able to preserve their capital, and even have a small surplus. This could be considered as comforting the participants, since their money came from gamblers, it had nothing to do with He Hongsen.    


The results of the statistics didn't make everyone wait for very long, the organizers directly went to the lounge of the stable and announced the list of names of the contestants and the gambling stakes they had. The contestants' competitions were much more transparent than those organized by the government, and many of the competitions wouldn't announce the contestants' votes.    


He Hongsen knew without even needing to ask, that in one go the gambling stakes had increased by several times, and it was in all three matches, which meant that he was definitely first in his group, and would undoubtedly be promoted to the next round. And their second place in the group wasn't bad either, as he had won two of the three rounds.    


Zhou Hao did not recognize any of the people in the second group, but he knew that one of them had won three matches, and the other had won two matches, with the respective betting stakes being 2.1 million and 1.2 million. They were not as exaggerated as the people in the first group, but they were still considered very strong, and both of them were stronger than Zhou Hao.    


In the third group, which was also Zhou Hao's group, Zhou Hao's luck was not bad. Surprisingly, none of the participants in their group managed to win all three matches, and the first round was a participant who had won both the first and second rounds. This was because the opponent's initial bet had a total of five hundred thousand gold coins.    


The second place participant in the group was the lucky Zhou Hao, even though he only obtained about a million, but in group one, it was enough for him to pass the competition. Even if it was still very dangerous, but to be able to advance is still a victory, Zhou Hao did not care if it was fake, to be able to advance, would definitely be very happy.    


The horse gambling was different from other forms of gambling, there were many factors in it, and even though these people were not weak, but after a horse gambling match, most of the people still fell into despair, and half of them had even lost, and all three of them had lost, meaning that they had lost all their winnings, and were left behind, but were eliminated, and had only been able to win one round, and at most maintain their bet, but there were also some who were unlucky. For example, in one match, there were a few people who had won two rounds, and all of them had lost their bets, but they were not able to escape Zhou Hao.    


The horse gambling had proceeded relatively quickly, from beginning to end, it had only taken less than a day, but this competition was even more intense than yesterday's mahjong, everything was under his control, and horse gambling was not that easy. Even an expert like Jingxi Mahjong Devil felt that the competition was over with ease.    


"Little brother, today's the end of the match. Do you want to go have a drink? Tomorrow, we'll have to compete with the other groups. The ones who can stay are all powerful characters." After the competition ended, Jingxi Mahjong Devil moved closer to Zhou Hao's side again, and said with a smile.    


Zhou Hao shook his head, and rejected: "Brother, it's getting late today, I need to go back. Since tomorrow is a day when we are all experts, I cannot relax today, according to the competition, every group will have 12 people, the four groups will have 48 people, and at that time, it will still be a free-for-all!"    


"Hey, don't be so nervous. The six people fighting for the 21 points and the six people fighting for us, although they can't be absolute experts, they can still be as good as those local people. Gambling is sometimes better than technique, I think your luck is really heaven-defying!" Jingxi Mahjong Devil laughed mischievously, as if he was pointing something out.    




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