Supreme Stock God

C39 No Debts Are Easy.

C39 No Debts Are Easy.

After Zhao Yuqin sent Zhou Hao and Yan Tong back to the city, Zhao Yuqin originally wanted to treat Zhou Hao and Yan Tong to a meal in Tianbin Hotel.    


But Zhao Yuqin's brother called Zhao Yuqin at the last minute to let her go home because Zhao Yuqin had not been back for more than half a month. Helpless, Zhao Yuqin could only bid farewell to Zhou Hao and Yan Tong and drive away.    


Yan Tong looked at the Mercedes-Benz that was gradually disappearing and sighed. "Yuqin is really a benefactor of our family. Xiao Hao, we must return the 800,000 to Yuqin as soon as possible. "    


Zhou Hao nodded and said, "Mom, how much do we owe Zhou Lichang?"    


Yan Tong was stunned, then she smiled and scolded Zhou Hao, "How can you be so rude? Zhou Lichang is your uncle. "    


Zhou Hao curled his lips. He did not admit that Zhou Lichang was his uncle at all.    


Zhou Hao still remembered clearly that in his previous life, when Yan Tong suffered from liver cancer and Zhou Hao went to Zhou Lichang's house to borrow money, Zhou Lichang and Xu Yongwei mocked Zhou Hao.    


Yan Tong said, "Including what we borrowed previously, we owe your uncle a total of 16,000 yuan. "    


"We might as well pay Zhou Lichang 20,000 yuan, in case they say that we owe them money for so long without paying any interest. " Zhou Hao said.    


"Your uncle probably won't say that. " Yan Tong frowned.    


Zhou Hao snorted and said, "My uncle is such a person. "    


Yan Tong knew that Zhou Hao did not like Zhou Lichang and the others, so she did not say anything.    


Yan Tong and Zhou Hao took advantage of the fact that the bank had not finished work to quickly withdraw 25,000 yuan.    


Yan Tong handed the 5,000 yuan to Zhou Hao and said, "Take this money. If you want to buy anything, go buy it. But don't squander too much. "    


"Mom, five thousand is too much. "    


Yan Tong shook her head and said, "This money is originally your prize money. I am only keeping it for you. This money will be used for you to go to college and marry in the future. "    


Zhou Hao nodded and said, "Mom, if Dad comes back to ask you for money, you must not give it to him. You must not tell Dad that we won the prize. Otherwise, he will use this money to gamble. "    


Yan Tong heard Zhou Hao mention Zhou Hao's father, Zhou Liren, and her face revealed a worried expression. Yan Tong understood that her husband was not a good person.    


Luckily, Yan Tong had a sensible son. Otherwise, Yan Tong would not have any hope in her life. Yan Tong nodded to Zhou Hao and said, "I understand. "    


After Yan Tong and Zhou Hao left the bank, they took the car to Zhou Village. Yan Tong and Zhou Hao knocked on the door of Zhou Lichang's independent room for a long time. Yan Tong and Zhou Hao saw a very beautiful young woman open the door.    


This woman was about 18 or 19 years old, and she had long hair. Her facial features were quite delicate.    


Zhou Hao saw that the woman's hair was slightly messy, and her forehead and nose were covered in a layer of sweat. There was even a trace of lascivious expression on her face.    


When the woman saw Yan Tong and Zhou Hao, she paused slightly. When the woman saw the handsome Zhou Hao, she patiently asked, "Who are you looking for?"    


"Zhu, who came?" A man's voice came from the room. It sounded impatient, but Zhou Hao recognized it was Zhou Lichang's voice.    


Then Zhou Lichang walked over. Zhou Lichang was wearing pajamas, and he was breathing heavily.    


After Zhou Lichang saw that it was Zhou Hao and Yan Tong who came to visit, the expression on Zhou Lichang's face became even more impatient. He frowned and said, "What are you guys doing here?"    


"Come in. " Zhou Lichang said and went back into the room. The woman called Zhu also turned sideways to let Zhou Hao and Yan Tong in.    


Zhou Lichang sat on the sofa in the living room. He lit a cigarette for himself and put it in his mouth.    


"Why are you looking for me? Are you here to borrow money from me again? I heard from Xu Yongwei that you only borrowed ten thousand yuan a few days ago. "    


" We are not here to borrow money. " Zhou Hao could not stand the contempt on Zhou Lichang's face. He said, "We are here to return the money. "    


Zhou Hao took out an item wrapped in a newspaper and opened it. There were two stacks of 100 yuan notes inside.    


"Here is 20,000 yuan. If you can pay back the money we borrowed previously, just treat it as interest. "    


Zhou Lichang was very surprised by Zhou Hao and Yan Tong's action of returning the money. Obviously, Zhou Lichang did not expect Zhou Hao and Yan Tong to return the money so quickly, and Zhou Hao and Yan Tong even gave him a few thousand yuan interest.    


Zhou Lichang picked up the two stacks of cash and looked at them. After he confirmed that it was not fake money, he said to Zhou Hao strangely, "How did you become rich so quickly? Didn't you say earlier that you can't even pay your tuition fees?"    


"We used the money to buy stocks and earned some money, so we returned the money to you. " Yes, Yan Tong said.    


"Did you also buy shares?" Zhou Lichang raised his eyebrows and then smiled. He said, "This year's stock market has a lot of prospects. Xiao Hao, it has been a long time since we last met. You have grown a lot. "    


After Zhou Hao and Yan Tong returned the money, Zhou Lichang's attitude towards Zhou Hao and Yan Tong also changed.    


Zhou Lichang did not care about Zhou Hao's change. It had been more than half a year since Zhou Lichang last saw Zhou Hao.    


Children grew fast, so Zhou Lichang wasn't surprised.    


"Zhu, why don't you pour tea for Xiao Hao and Yan Tong?" Zhou Lichang shouted.    


Zhou Hao looked at Zhu and asked, "Who is she?"    


Zhou Lichang laughed and said, "That is the housekeeper I invited back. Xu Yongwei said the weather is getting cold and she doesn't want to cook or wash dishes, so I invited a housekeeper over. "    


"Why didn't I see Auntie and the others?" Zhou Hao looked around and found that Xu Yongwei and her two children were not there.    


"Xu Yongwei went to pick up Zhihao and Xin from school. " Zhou Lichang said.    


"Please have some tea. " At this time, Zhu placed two cups of hot tea on the coffee table in front of Zhou Hao and Yan Tong.    


Zhou Hao noticed that Zhu and Zhou Lichang were communicating with each other. Zhou Hao thought of the previous incident and sneered in his heart. Zhou Hao felt that Zhu and Zhou Lichang definitely had an illegal relationship.    


However, Zhou Hao also felt that it was reasonable. Zhou Lichang was rich and this Zhu was young and beautiful. Zhu and Zhou Lichang could take what they needed from each other.    


However, Xu Yongwei suffered a loss. Not only did Zhu take care of Xu Yongwei's household chores, she also had an unfair relationship with Zhou Lichang.    


"Xiao Hao, how much did you earn by trading shares?" Zhou Lichang asked with a smile.    


Zhou Hao and Yan Tong looked at each other, then Yan Tong opened her mouth and said, "We just earned over a hundred thousand. "    


"More than a hundred thousand?" Zhou Lichang asked, "How much did you invest?"    


"Eight thousand. " Zhou Hao said faintly.    


Zhou Lichang was very surprised. He said, "Xiao Hao, which stock did you buy? Can you tell me?"    


Zhou Lichang saw Zhou Hao's puzzled expression. Zhou Lichang laughed twice, then Zhou Lichang said, "I also bought shares, but I invested almost one million. Up until now, I only made more than one million. "    


To an ordinary person, earning over a million was already a lot.    


However, according to the current stock market, Zhou Lichang could only earn more than one million by investing one million. Compared to Zhou Hao's profit rate, it was much less.    


However, Zhou Hao would never tell Zhou Lichang which stock he should buy. Zhou Hao would also not tell Zhou Lichang that the domestic stock market would fall in December.    


With Zhou Lichang's greedy personality, Zhou Lichang would definitely invest a lot of money in the stock market. Once the stock market fell, Zhou Lichang would suffer a lot of losses.    


"We are just buying randomly. We don't have any stocks now. " Zhou Hao smiled at Zhou Lichang. He was imagining what Zhou Lichang would look like when he suffered a huge loss in the stock market.    


When Zhou Lichang heard Zhou Hao's words, he understood that Zhou Hao didn't want to tell him anymore. Zhou Lichang was about to say something else.    


Zhou Lichang heard Zhou Hao say, "It's getting late, we won't disturb you anymore. Mother, let's go back. " Then Zhou Hao and Yan Tong stood up and walked towards the door.    


Yan Tong nodded at Zhou Lichang and said, "Then let's go. "    


Zhou Lichang waited for Zhou Hao and Yan Tong to walk out of the door before he came back to his senses. He hit the sofa hard.    


Zhou Lichang saw Zhu wiping the liquor cabinet. He shouted to Zhu, "Zhu, come here!"    


Zhu naturally knew what would happen next, so Zhu deliberately coyly said, "Coming. "    


After Yan Tong and Zhou Hao left Zhou Lichang's independent house, Yan Tong took a deep breath and said, "We finally paid off the money. "    


Zhou Hao smiled and said, "It is very easy to have no debts. "    


When Yan Tong and Zhou Hao took the car back to their house, Zhou Hao saw Situ Jianying standing at the bottom of Zhou Hao's house.    


Situ Jianying had obviously been waiting there for a long time. Situ Jianying would rub her sore legs from time to time.    


When Situ Jianying saw Zhou Hao, she shouted in surprise, "Zhou Hao!" Then Situ Jianying wanted to rush over but when Situ Jianying saw Yan Tong beside Zhou Hao, Situ Jianying knew that it was Zhou Hao's mother.    


Situ Jianying hurriedly stopped her footsteps and slightly bowed to Yan Tong. Situ Jianying politely said, "Auntie, hello. "    


"Are you Zhou Hao's classmate?" Yan Tong looked at the beautiful Situ Jianying. Situ Jianying was very polite in front of Yan Tong so Yan Tong was very happy in her heart.    


"I am Zhou Hao's friend. " Situ Jianying secretly glanced at Zhou Hao.    


Situ Jianying said to Yan Tong, "I am studying in No. 2 Senior High School. I am in the same class as Wang Xijun. I came to find Zhou Hao to go out and play with him. "    


"I see. " Yan Tong smiled and said, "Zhou Hao, you can go and relax. Call Xijun and Zhongcai over as well. "    


Situ Jianying immediately said, "I went up to look for Xijun and Zhongcai just now, but there was no one in their house. "    


"I remember now. Shipin said she would bring Xijun and the others to her mother's house to take a look today. "    


Yan Tong said, "Then the two of you can go. Xiao Hao, you don't have to care about me anymore. I was just thinking of going to find my colleagues to have a meal. "    


Zhou Hao knew that Yan Tong deliberately let him go out to have fun. Zhou Hao also did not want to brush Yan Tong's good intentions, so Zhou Hao said, "Then we will go. " After saying that, Zhou Hao and Situ Jianying walked out together.    


"Goodbye, Auntie. " Situ Jianying smiled and said goodbye to Yan Tong.    


"Goodbye, have fun. " Yan Tong waved at Situ Jianying and Zhou Hao.    


Situ Jianying and Zhou Hao walked out of the street. After they left Yan Tong's sight, Situ Jianying hugged Zhou Hao's arm. Situ Jianying looked at Zhou Hao with watery eyes and said, "Zhou Hao!"    


Zhou Hao smiled slightly and said, "What is it?" Zhou Hao really missed this girl who was obedient and infatuated with him.    


"Why didn't you come to find me when you came back?" Situ Jianying's phoenix eyes were covered with a layer of water vapor.    


"I am so worried about you. If it wasn't for my dad not agreeing this morning, I would have gone to the entrance of your school to pick you up. "    


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