Supreme Stock God

C48 Rumor Has It

C48 Rumor Has It

Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan felt very relaxed after opening their hearts.    


In particular, the two of them locked their fingers together, and a thick warmth arose between them, as if the surrounding air was filled with fragrance.    


Zhou Hao's hands gave Li Ruolan a very thick and warm feeling. It was as if she could be enriched by him holding her hand.    


"Ruolan, did you have a boyfriend in the past?" Zhou Hao suddenly asked.    


Li Ruolan sniffed and snorted, "Even if you don't call me teacher, you should call me sister. You are too rude. "    


"Then I will call you Sister Lan. " Zhou Hao smiled. He only felt that Li Ruolan's current appearance was very cute.    


"But in front of others, you still have to call me teacher. "    


Li Ruolan answered Zhou Hao's question just now, "boyfriend? I did have two boyfriends in college. "    


Zhou Hao was suddenly unhappy. She smiled charmingly, "I lied to you. At that time, I only cared about my studies. I didn't have time to have boyfriends. And my parents are very strict with them. "    


Zhou Hao only calmed down when he heard that. If Li Ruolan had a boyfriend before, Zhou Hao would also be jealous.    


As long as he imagined Li Ruolan being kissed before, Zhou Hao would be very jealous in his heart.    


Li Ruolan suddenly reached out and pinched Zhou Hao's nose, "You are my first love. Are you satisfied?"    


Zhou Hao nodded happily and smiled bitterly at the same time. "Why do you women like to pinch my nose?"    


Li Ruolan heard this and became angry. "There are other women pinching your nose?"    


"It's my mother. " Zhou Hao secretly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and explained.    


Amidst the laughter and laughter, the two of them quickly returned to Yining Middle School. Li Ruolan also quickly let go of Zhou Hao's hand to avoid being seen by others.    


At this time, the evening cultivation had already ended. Most of the students had also left the school, so they did not meet anyone on the school road.    


Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan returned to the teacher's dormitory and saw two locksmiths fixing the door to Room 408 for Li Ruolan. Because Zhou Hao had broken the door to save Li Ruolan previously.    


There were other people in the room, Principal Jian and Director Xie.    


Seeing Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan come back, Principal Jian complained. Teacher Li, such a big thing happened. Why didn't you discuss it with us first? Why did you alert the police so quickly? This might be a misunderstanding. "    


Zhou Hao was a little dissatisfied with Principal Jian's words. " Principal, is this still a misunderstanding? Teacher Li was almost ruined by that bastard. If it wasn't for me coincidentally coming to find Teacher Li, the consequences would have been unimaginable. "    


He knew that Principal Jian was still concerned about the reputation of the school. The matter of Gao Jingyi almost being raped by two construction workers earlier had already made him lose all face in front of the mayor.    


This time, something like this happened again. The Xiang City was boiling with excitement.    


Principal Jian looked at Zhou Hao, who had grown a lot taller, and felt a little aggrieved. He thought to himself, This guy is really a jinx. There was nothing good about him no matter where he went.    


However, what Zhou Hao said was the truth. Could it be that if she had to suffer, she would have to confess? Principal Jian and the others only came here to express the school's dissatisfaction.    


After Principal Jian pretended to be angry, Director Xie came out and acted as a peacemaker.    


He said gently to Li Ruolan, "Teacher Li, since this has happened and Meng Tingguang has been arrested, we hope you do not spread the news. As compensation, the school's' Outstanding Teacher 'evaluation this year will give you a slot. Is this okay? "    


Li Ruolan had never intended to publicize this matter. As for the' Outstanding Teacher ', only old teachers who were more than ten years old were qualified to receive it. She was happy to receive this benefit.    


"Since that is the case, we also hope that Teacher Li can recover her emotions as soon as possible and devote her energy to teaching. We have great expectations for you. " Director Xie said in the end.    


Before the two big shots left, Principal Jian turned around and asked Zhou Hao, "Zhou Hao, You just sent Teacher Li back, right? It's very late now, you should go home. Don't worry about your parents. " They had heard the rumors about Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan a long time ago. Although this rumor could not be trusted, he also knew that it was preventive.    


"I know, principal. I'm leaving now. " Zhou Hao replied.    


Therefore, Principal Jian and Director Xie left. The locksmiths invited by the two schools also quickly repaired the door. After handing the new key to Li Ruolan, they also left.    


So only Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan were left in Room 408.    


"Those two only care about the reputation of the school. " Zhou Hao complained.    


Li Ruolan poured him a cup of hot tea and said, "Don't be angry. What they did was understandable. "    


This apartment was not small. It had two rooms and one living room. Originally, he could have two single teachers or a married teacher.    


However, since there were fewer single classrooms in Yining Middle School, there were even fewer gay classrooms. That was why Li Ruolan was able to occupy this spacious apartment by herself.    


Seeing the clock on the wall showing that it was already 9: 37 PM, Li Ruolan said to Zhou Hao, "It's late. You should go back first to avoid your mother worrying about you. "    


However, Zhou Hao picked up Li Ruolan's home phone and dialed.    


"Hello, is that Mom? I will spend the night at my classmate's house tonight. I will not go back. I know. It doesn't matter. Anyway, I don't have to attend classes tomorrow. "    


After putting down the phone, he looked pitifully at Li Ruolan. " Teacher, I'm homeless now. " Li Ruolan was angry. "I have never seen such a shameless person like you!"    


She put her hands on her hips and said to Zhou Hao, "I don't care. Whether you go to your classmate's house or sleep outside, don't stay at my house!"    


Zhou Hao, however, sat on the sofa and remained unmoved. "I don't feel at ease letting you stay at home alone. What if someone as perverted as Meng Tingguang barged in again? What should he do? I'll stay here and protect you. "    


" If there really is someone who is extremely daring, then it will be you. " Li Ruolan said snappily.    


Zhou Hao laughed and pulled Li Ruolan, who was standing in front of him, into his arms.    


Li Ruolan kept struggling and at the same time, she said, "How can you treat your teacher like this? You don't respect your teacher at all!"    


"In front of outsiders, you are my teacher. " Zhou Hao smiled and said, "Now, you are my good Sister Lan. "    


He hugged Li Ruolan and did not let her move. "You said I do not respect my teacher? I will respect my teacher now and show you. " As he spoke, he kissed her fragrant and tender cherry lips.    


At first, Li Ruolan kept hitting Zhou Hao's shoulder, but later on, her strength became weaker and weaker. Finally, she hooked her arms around Zhou Hao's neck, closed her eyes, and quietly enjoyed Zhou Hao's gentleness.    


She seemed to be very inexperienced and had no skills to speak of. It was all because Zhou Hao took the initiative to guide her that she felt the wonderful feeling of kissing. Looking at her trembling long eyelashes, Zhou Hao felt very cute.    


At this moment, Li Ruolan was no different from Wang Xijun who had kissed for the first time. She was completely different from the dignified and generous teacher who used to be on the podium.    


To Zhou Hao, this was a great satisfaction in both body and spirit. Because he had a crush on Li Ruolan for a long time, Li Ruolan was like a goddess in his heart.    


So after violating Li Ruolan in the karst cave, he felt especially guilty and guilty. Because in his opinion, no one could hurt her, not even him.    


Now, he finally got Li Ruolan's kiss, and it was under the condition that Li Ruolan was willing to do it. To Zhou Hao, this was the same as fulfilling his two lifetimes' wishes.    


So he was also extremely gentle to Li Ruolan. Very soon, she was immersed in it and was unable to extricate herself.    


After a long time, the two of them stopped kissing.    


Li Ruolan's cheeks were red on both sides and looked very alluring. At the same time, her eyes were very beautiful.    


"Is it beautiful?" Zhou Hao asked softly.    


Li Ruolan nodded with a dazed look and suddenly came back to her senses. She looked at Zhou Hao suspiciously. "Why are you so skilled?"    


Zhou Hao's heart skipped a beat. He thought that this was bad. He had given himself away.    


But he still pretended to be calm and said, "This is when love is strong and natural. Sister Lan, I have liked you since the first day I saw you. You do not know the pain of this one-sided love. "    


" So you wanted to bully me at that time. " Li Ruolan snorted lightly and then rested her head on Zhou Hao's shoulder.    


"I also fantasized about my first love in the past. At that time, I thought that the man I liked didn't need to be very handsome. He didn't need to be very rich, but he would definitely protect me. When I feel wronged, give me your shoulder. Share my smile when I'm happy, be by my side when I'm in danger. Don't let me get hurt. "    


"What about me? Do I meet your requirements?"    


Li Ruolan's hand pinched his waist. "Other than being young, you basically meet all the requirements. "    


"Other than being young, the rest of me is not young. " Zhou Hao suddenly laughed.    


Li Ruolan was confused when she felt something hard pressing against her. She immediately understood what it was and hurriedly struggled to say. "What do you want to do?"    


The smile on Zhou Hao's face became more and more ambiguous. "You know what I want to do. After saying that, he carried her into the room.    


Li Ruolan's two white shaking legs kept shaking. Her two fists also repeatedly hit Zhou Hao's chest, "Don't! You little pervert! Quickly let go of me!"    


Zhou Hao saw that although Li Ruolan struggled intensely, the rejection in her eyes was not very firm. He knew that his chances of success tonight was not small.    


Li Ruolan's room was very simple. There was a bed that was 1. 5 meters wide, a desk, and a closet.    


Zhou Hao gently placed her on the bed. He also supported her and just stared into her eyes.    


"What are you thinking about?" Lying on the bed, Li Ruolan instead calmed down. Under Zhou Hao's gaze, she felt her body heat up.    


"I was thinking about last time when I was muddle-headed and had sex with you. I'm a little sad. " Zhou Hao said with a smile.    


Li Ruolan became even angrier when she heard this. "You are the one who complained first!"    


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