Supreme Stock God

C50 Countermeasures

C50 Countermeasures

"Ms. Zhao? Is she the young lady from last time?" Li Ruolan saw the picture and remembered that Zhao Yuqin was the woman in the company who had the ability to move the troops last time. She also remembered that Zhao Yuqin had a close relationship with Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao felt his heart tighten into a knot. Zhao Yuqin's importance to him was no less than Li Ruolan and any other woman.    


But Zhou Hao also knew that he could not be chaotic at this time. Otherwise, it would be harmful to the situation.    


He was thinking about who kidnapped Zhao Yuqin, and whether those kidnappers knew Zhao Yuqin's identity.    


From the phone number at the back of the photo, it seemed that the kidnappers kidnapped Zhao Yuqin because they wanted something from her.    


But the crux of the problem was, why did they give this letter to him after kidnapping Zhao Yuqin?    


From this, it seemed that those kidnappers were not only targeting Zhao Yuqin, but also him. And those who knew that he was related to Zhao Yuqin should be people who were more familiar with Zhao Yuqin.    


If the mastermind behind this was clearly aware of Zhao Yuqin's identity and still dared to do so, then he would really be audacious.    


Zhao Yuqin was the daughter of the central officer, the younger sister of the military commander. The mastermind kidnapping Zhao Yuqin was equivalent to going against the entire country.    


Zhou Hao was also very worried about Zhao Yuqin's safety. Since the mastermind had a request, he would at least not hurt Zhao Yuqin for the time being.    


However, Zhao Yuqin was so beautiful that it was hard to guarantee that those people would not have any evil intentions.    


If those kidnappers knew Zhao Yuqin's identity, then since they dared to kidnap Zhao Yuqin, they would also dare to violate her.    


"Zhou Hao, what should we do? Why don't we call the police?" Li Ruolan was also very worried.    


"No. " Zhou Hao frowned and said, "If we call the police, those kidnappers might hurt Ms. Zhao. Since they gave us this number, let's call them and try. "    


There was a phone in the guard room not far away. Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan quickly walked over and saw the old guard reading the newspaper.    


Li Ruolan greeted the old guard and Zhou Hao impatiently dialed the number.    


The phone rang twice and the call went through. Zhou Hao carefully asked, "Hello?"    


"Zhou Hao?" The voice over there was a little hoarse, and Zhou Hao felt that this voice was a little familiar.    


Zhou Hao said, "I am. "    


"I saw an earthquake on the news and thought you were dead. I felt sorry for my one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. I didn't expect you to come back safe and sound. "    


Zhou Hao finally remembered who this person was. This was the person who followed and attacked Zhou Hao the last time. He was also the brother of the drug dealer, Baldy.    


Because Zhou Hao had encountered a series of unforeseen events during this period of time, he had even forgotten about this fellow. He did not expect that the Baldy would actually kidnap Zhao Yuqin. "What do you want?"    


The Baldy's laughter was very gloomy. Even through the phone, Zhou Hao seemed to be able to feel a chill on his back.    


"Now your girlfriend is in my hands. If you don't want to help collect her corpse, then prepare 15 million yuan for me!"    


"15 million? You're crazy!" Zhou Hao did not have time to argue with Baldy whether Zhao Yuqin was his girlfriend or not.    


"Didn't you say that I owe you 150,000 USD? 150,000 US dollars in exchange for RMB is only a million or so. "    


The Baldy smiled sinisterly and said: "Have you forgotten the one million dollars you won from An Zhiding?    


Actually, these two accounts added up to not even fifteen million dollars. But for your matter, we wasted a lot of time. That extra money can be considered as compensation for us. "    


Hearing what the Baldy said, Zhou Hao also understood that An Zhiding was the Mr Ding he met the night before yesterday.    


No wonder An Zhiding's four subordinates all had "Desert Eagle" pistols. It turned out that An Zhiding was also a drug dealer like the Baldy.    


At this time, the Baldy said, "Fill this money into my designated bank account and I'll let your girlfriend go. "    


"No way!"    


The Baldy's voice rose, "You can bargain with me?"    


Zhou Hao said, "I don't trust you. If you go back on your word after I transfer the money in, who am I going to look for?    


And I'm doing it for your own good. If you receive such a large sum of money, you will be easily found out. "    


Zhou Hao composed himself. " Why don't you tell me the location and I'll personally bring the money over? "    


Li Ruolan, who was beside him, heard what Zhou Hao said and could not help but grab his arm.    


The Baldy on the other side of the phone was silent for a while before saying: "Okay, but only you can come. If you let me see the police, you know the consequences. Hmph!"    


Then, the Baldy told Zhou Hao the location. It was a place on the outskirts of Xiang City. "I'll give you two hours to raise money. " After saying that, Baldy hung up the phone.    


Zhou Hao silently hung up the phone. Since the Baldy was targeting him, those kidnappers might not know Zhao Yuqin's identity.    


Li Ruolan, who was beside him, asked nervously, "How is it?"    


Zhou Hao patted her shoulder and said, "Teacher Li, you go back to the dormitory first. Don't go anywhere. "    


"You want to go there alone?" Li Ruolan was not willing to let Zhou Hao take the risk alone.    


"Don't worry, I will be fine. " Zhou Hao revealed a smile, "Did you forget that I am now a Martial Arts Master?"    


Li Ruolan was slightly stunned. She remembered that he had eaten the Amber fruit and cultivated the Qi Nourishment Records. He was already an out-and-out expert of the inner circle.    


She looked at the old guard and saw that he only cared about reading the newspaper and did not care about what the two of them said. She lowered her voice and said, "But what if they have guns?"    


"You don't have to worry, I can handle it. " Zhou Hao was not completely comforting Li Ruolan. In fact, after seeing Mr Ding's subordinates the last time, Zhou Hao had the experience of handling firearms.    


Furthermore, the pistol left behind by the Baldy's brother was still kept by Zhou Hao, so he could not be considered unarmed.    


Time was of the essence. Zhou Hao comforted Li Ruolan a few times and instructed her not to run around. He was about to leave.    


Before he left, Li Ruolan held his hand. "You must come back safe and sound. Otherwise, I will hate you for the rest of my life. " Her eyes were already covered with watery mist.    


Zhou Hao looked at the old guard who was still reading the newspaper and suddenly pulled Li Ruolan over. He kissed her on the lips and said softly, "You just accepted me. How can I bear to die?"    


He turned around and left after saying that. Li Ruolan stood where she was and watched him leave.    


Zhou Hao first returned to his home. Yan Tong had gone to work and had not returned yet. Zhou Hao immediately called Galaxy Securities, "May I ask if Ms. Zhao is here?"    


The person who answered the call was Jin Xiaoqiong. When Zhou Hao and Yan Tong first went to the Galaxy Securities, Jin Xiaoqiong was in charge of receiving them. "Is it Zhou Hao? Ms. Zhao went out. "    


It seemed that they did not know about Zhao Yuqin's kidnapping and Zhou Hao did not plan to tell them. He only asked, "When did she go out?"    


Jin Xiaoqiong replied, "This morning. She seemed to have said that she went to that Shuohua Village to see the land. What do you want with her? I'll help you leave a message for her. "    


Zhou Hao understood when he heard her. Zhao Yuqin was kidnapped when she went to Shuohua Village this morning. He also understood that the place she went to see was the land he bought earlier. Hence, Zhou Hao felt even more guilty.    


He took a deep breath and asked Jin Xiaoqiong, "Xiaoqiong, do you know Ms. Zhao's brother's number? I have something very important to tell him. "    


"Really something very important?" Jin Xiaoqiong knew Zhao Yuqin's elder brother's identity. If it was not something important, she would not dare to disturb him.    


After hearing Zhou Hao's solemn reply, she told Zhou Hao Zhao Yuqin's brother's phone number.    


A long time ago, Zhao Yuqin left her brother's phone number to Jin Xiaoqiong. This way, if they had anything to do and Zhao Yuqin was not around, they could ask Zhao Yuqin's brother for help.    


After Zhou Hao thanked Jin Xiaoqiong, he immediately dialed Zhao Yuqin's brother's number.    


Zhao Yuqin's brother was called Zhao Dingzhou. He had been the commander of the Guangzhou military for three years.    


"Hello, who are you looking for?" A calm male voice came from the phone. Zhou Hao could feel the majesty of this person just by looking at the voice.    


"Hello, Commander Zhao. My name is Zhou Hao. Has Ms. Zhao mentioned me to you?"    


"So you are Xiao Hao. Yuqin often mentioned you to me. "    


Zhao Dingzhou's tone softened a little. "Actually, I have long wanted to see you. I have not thanked you for saving Yuqin's life previously. It is all my fault for being too busy. "    


Zhou Hao hurriedly said, Commander Zhao, you are too polite. But let's talk about these things later. I have something very important to tell you. Ms. Zhao was kidnapped! "    


"Oh, I see. What? Yuqin was kidnapped?"    


Zhao Dingzhou did not react in time. After hearing Zhou Hao's words, he jumped up from his chair, which shocked the secretary beside him.    


No wonder Zhao Dingzhou was so surprised. In Guangdong Province, many top figures in the black and white circles recognized Zhao Yuqin. Especially since Guangdong was also Zhao Dingzhou's territory, no one dared to provoke Zhao Yuqin, who had a strong background.    


At this time, Zhao Dingzhou thought that Zhou Hao was joking.    


"Yes, Commander Zhao. Actually, it was me who implicated Ms. Zhao. " Therefore, Zhou Hao told Zhao Dingzhou about the conflict between him and the drug dealers.    


Of course, Zhou Hao did not tell Zhao Dingzhou that he had hidden more than 100,000 USD. Otherwise, if Zhao Dingzhou knew that it was his greed that caused this trouble, he might do something to him.    


"Those drug dealers probably kidnapped Ms. Zhao to threaten me because they saw that I was getting along well with Ms. Zhao. "    


"Those audacious thieves!" Zhao Dingzhou slammed the table hard. "I immediately sent people to surround them. Also, I will immediately go and see you. "    


Zhou Hao said, "But you must remember not to let them find out. Otherwise, I am afraid they will hurt Ms. Zhao. "    


"Of course. My special forces are very good at concealing and disguising. " What about you?" Zhao Dingzhou asked. Do you really want to go there? "    


"Ms. Zhao was kidnapped because of me. Of course I want to go and save her. " Zhou Hao said firmly.    


After hearing Zhou Hao's words, Zhao Dingzhou also praised him in his heart. "But I can take out fifteen million. But I need time to gather so much cash. "    


"You don't have to make things difficult, I have a way" Zhou Hao said, "Why don't you go to the Emotion City in Xiang City and join me?"    


Zhou Hao also had tens of millions of RMB in the stock market, but it was not that he could not bear to part with the money.    


It was because he needed time and complicated procedures to exchange these shares for money. When he took out the money, two hours had already passed.    


But Zhou Hao also had a way. Wen Shaoqiang's father ran the underground casino in Emotion City. They must have a lot of cash. Zhou Hao felt that he could borrow money from them.    


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