Supreme Stock God

C120 The Habits of the past Years

C120 The Habits of the past Years

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Zhou Hao and Yan Tong went to Huayu Village to pay their respects to Grandma Zhou Hao and the others.    


According to past practices, Zhou Hao and his mother would stay at his grandmother's house for a night and only return on the third day of the Lunar New Year.    


Compared to Zhou Lichang's family, Zhou Hao's impression of his grandmother and the others was much better, and the gifts they prepared were also much more considerate.    


There were health supplements for his grandmother and grandfather, brand new clothes for his uncle, and cosmetics for his aunt and aunt. There were even two sets of stereo.    


As for the gift for his cousin, Yan Qingqing, Zhou Hao specially chose a red heart knot.    


Because he remembered that when he was young, Yan Qingqing had watched a love drama. When she saw the male lead give the female lead a beautiful heart knot, she dreamed that she would also have a heart knot.    


Huayu Village was far away from the city and was located in a remote area. Even the cement road could not be connected to the village. About ten miles away from the village, there was only a muddy dirt road left.    


Fortunately, Zhou Hao and the others' Audi had good performance. It was not a problem to deal with such a dirt road.    


When they arrived at the entrance of Huayu Village, the villagers were attracted by the Audi. Although there was a lot of dirt on the road, it did not affect the envy and surprise of the villagers.    


Because the richest family in the village only used the old model of Santana.    


Yan Tong drove the car straight to the Yan family's door. The Yan family had three houses. Zhou Hao's two uncles, Yan Mudong and Yan Munan, each had one. The rest were where his grandfather and grandmother lived.    


The three houses were all in the same courtyard, so the Yan family was very close to each other.    


The Yan family knew that Yan Tong and the others had come back earlier, so they waited at the door. But when they saw such a majestic car parked in front of their house, they were very surprised and puzzled.    


When they saw Yan Tong and Zhou Hao get off the car, they were immediately stunned.    


"Third Sister, what's wrong? Why do you have a car. . . ?" Yan Mudong asked Yan Tong in shock.    


Yan Tong only smiled and said to them, "Come, help move the things in. I bought gifts for everyone. "    


Everyone could not be bothered to ask Yan Tong anymore and moved the full cart of things into the house.    


Grandma pulled Yan Tong and said, What?" Third Sister, just come and see us. Why did you buy so many things? How can we use up all of them?"    


Zhou Hao knew that his grandfather, grandmother, and two uncles doted on Yan Tong very much. They even doted on Zhou Hao very much. When Zhou Hao was young, his favorite thing to do was to come to his grandmother's place for summer vacation.    


Yan Tong said to her mother, "Mom, didn't I call you guys earlier and say that I opened a fast food restaurant?    


Now that the restaurant has earned money, this car is also bought with money. "    


Hearing Yan Tong say that the restaurant had earned money, Grandma was also very happy. When Yan Tong called them earlier, they were afraid that Yan Tong did not have enough money. Yan Mudong and Yan Munan even prepared to raise money to lend Yan Tong to open the restaurant.    


They did not expect Yan Tong's shop to not only make money, but also buy such a good car.    


At this time, her grandfather and grandmother saw Zhou Hao. They rubbed their eyes and exclaimed, "This, this is Xiao Hao? How did he grow so tall in just a year? He looks much better than before. "    


"Grandma, grandpa, it's Xiao Hao. " Zhou Hao hugged his grandma and grandpa affectionately. "Xiao Hao missed you guys so much. "    


As Zhou Hao had not been to Huayu Village for a whole year, he did not tell them about the Qiuning Mountain in order to not make them worry.    


So now, they thought that Zhou Hao's transformation was the normal development of a child.    


"Aiyo, he's two heads taller than Grandpa. Grandpa won't be able to carry you in the future. " Grandpa stretched out his hand to touch Zhou Hao, a kind smile on his face.    


"Xiao Hao has grown up. Grandpa doesn't need to carry you anymore. " Zhou Hao said with a smile.    


When the group entered the house, Zhou Hao also saw Yan Qingqing.    


He saw Yan Qingqing clearly. Her eyes and teeth were white, and she was very beautiful. She also had a simple and simple aura compared to Situ Jianying, Yang Jiabao, and the other girls.    


The current Yan Qingqing was still a young and pretty girl. She was just like the last woman Zhou Hao had seen in his previous life, a woman from a farmer's family with a haggard face.    


"Little. . . You, you are Xiao Hao?" When Yan Qingqing saw the tall and handsome Zhou Hao, she couldn't believe her own eyes.    


Because a year ago, he was still the same child who wasn't much taller than her.    


"Cousin Qing Qing. " Zhou Hao smiled happily. Looking at Yan Qingqing's beautiful face that had not been eroded by time, Zhou Hao made up his mind in his heart. He absolutely could not let her repeat the mistakes of her previous life.    


Yan Qingqing took a few steps forward and held Zhou Hao's hand. She could not hide her excitement and said, "Xiao Hao, is it really you? You, you have grown so much. I almost could not recognize you. "    


"Cousin, you have also grown a lot. " Zhou Hao touched Yan Qingqing's head. He remembered that a year ago, she was only 1. 5m tall.    


But now, she had grown to over 1. 6 meters, which happened to reach Zhou Hao's chest.    


Second uncle Yan Munan smiled at Zhou Hao and said, "Your cousin sister Qingqing always talks about you. She told you to come and play at home during the summer vacation this year. "    


"She doesn't need me to come. Sister Qing Qing, you can also come to the city to see us. " Zhou Hao smiled and said.    


His hand was still held by Yan Qingqing. He felt that Yan Qingqing's hand was soft and warm. It felt very comfortable to touch.    


Although Yan Qingqing also did housework or farm work since she was young, her hand was not full of thick cocoons like the others. Instead, it was still smooth and soft.    


"Xiao Hao should be taking the high school exam this year. " Big uncle Yan Mudong said with a smile.    


Zhou Hao said, "Yes. She's going to high school this year. Where's cousin?"    


"She stopped studying after graduating from junior high school. We wanted her to find someone to marry as soon as possible. Who knew that now. . . " Second uncle's mother, Lu Guifang, had not finished speaking.    


Yan Munan pulled on her sleeve and stopped her from speaking.    


As for his grandmother and grandfather, their faces were also suddenly covered with a layer of haze. Zhou Hao was secretly puzzled.    


Just as he was about to ask, Yan Qingqing pulled his hand and said, "Let's not interrupt their adults' conversation. Let's go outside for a walk. " After saying that, she pulled Zhou Hao out.    


The Huayu Village still retained its natural appearance to a large extent. There were mountains on all three sides, and the villagers planted some fruit trees on the mountains.    


When Zhou Hao was young, he often went up the mountain with Yan Qingqing to play, and even secretly plucked fruits from other people's trees to eat.    


Most of the fruits planted in Huayu Village were lychee and Dragon Eye. Zhou Hao remembered that the lychee and Dragon Eye on the mountain were not only big, but also juicy and sweet. They were much more delicious than the ones bought in the fruit shops in the city.    


Many villagers in the village had fish, so there were many fish ponds in the village. There were also many villagers who kept chickens, ducks, geese, and other kinds of birds.    


Walking in the village, Zhou Hao looked at the scenery around him. He found that Huayu Village was similar to what he remembered in his previous life.    


Because it was very far from the city, and the transportation was not convenient, it had never been developed. The living standards of the villagers were still relatively low.    


Just say that the two uncles used black and white television at home.    


Beside her, Yan Qingqing had her head lowered. It was unknown what she was thinking in her heart. She looked up and said to Zhou Hao, "Do you remember when we used to go up the mountain to play? Let's go up and have a walk. "    


"Sure. " Zhou Hao nodded and followed Yan Qingqing to the mountain on the east side.    


The two of them walked on the mountain and Yan Qingqing smiled. "Unfortunately, it's still spring. If you came in the summer, you would be able to eat lychee and Dragon Eye. "    


"I remember when I was young, I would often steal other people's lychee and dragon eyes to eat. " Zhou Hao recalled and smiled.    


"You still dare to say that? Do you remember one time when you stole someone's lychee? You were almost bitten by that big yellow dog. " Yan Qing said in a gentle voice.    


Zhou Hao scratched his head and said, "At that time, it was fortunate that you were there, cousin. You used a stone to scare that yellow dog away. "    


At that time, when Zhou Hao went to steal the lychee, he was discovered by the dog. The dog chased him from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside.    


In the end, it was Yan Qingqing who didn't throw stones at the dog when she was in danger, scaring him away.    


At that time, Zhou Hao was hiding behind Yan Qingqing, worshipping her.    


"Xiao Hao, will you come again for the summer vacation this year?" Yan Qingqing asked.    


"Maybe not. " Zhou Hao felt a little awkward because he should be in Hong Kong by then.    


Yan Qingqing looked disappointed, but she still smiled. "It's okay. Anyway. . . Since you're here, Cousin can't play with you anymore. "    


She casually plucked a Dragon Eye tree branch beside her and picked the leaf on it out of boredom.    


"Cousin Qing Qing, why?" Zhou Hao caught the helplessness and worry that flashed across Yan Qingqing's eyes.    


Yan Qingqing smiled and shook her head. "No. It's just that we're not kids anymore. We can't just be carefree and play like before. "    


Her voice seemed to carry traces of an irreparable sigh.    


"Crack! Crack! Crack!" The sound of firecrackers came from the village below the mountain. However, the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival did not match the melancholy on Yan Qingqing's face at all.    


"Cousin Qingqing, did you encounter some trouble?" Zhou Hao asked seriously.    


Subconsciously, he thought of a possibility. He felt that this matter might have something to do with Wei Kuanzhi. Moreover, his second uncle's mother, Lu Guifang, had also mentioned the matter of "getting married. "    


In his previous life, he had always found it very strange that a gentle and beautiful girl like Yan Qingqing would marry a rude and rude man like Wei Kuanji.    


Moreover, his second uncle was not the kind of person who would betray his daughter's happiness for money. How could he let Yan Qingqing marry that kind of person?    


Thinking of this, Zhou Hao grabbed Yan Qingqing's jade arm and looked into her eyes and asked, "Cousin Qingqing, tell me. Did someone force you to marry? Yes. Didn't someone bully our family? "    


Yan Qingqing's expression changed slightly. When she saw Zhou Hao's profound gaze, her lips parted slightly. She really wanted to tell him everything in her heart.    


However, when the words reached her mouth, she was unable to say them. She turned her face away to avoid Zhou Hao's gaze and forced a smile. "Xiao Hao, what did you say? Who forced me to marry?"    


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