Supreme Stock God

C433 A Business Spy

C433 A Business Spy

In the evening, Wei Yuting was still working in the office of Sky River Advertising Department. She was Yuan Shuying's female assistant. She was hired by Yuan Shuying a month ago through headhunting.    


At that moment, a young man who worked in the advertising department walked over and said to Wei Yuting shyly, "Yuting, my friend gave me two movie tickets. I can't find anyone else to watch with me. You, can you come with me? "    


Seeing the man's flushed face, Wei Yuting found it funny in her heart, but she showed a polite smile on her face. "It's better that I don't want it. I have an appointment with a friend tonight, how about next time?"    


Hearing Wei Yuting's tactful rejection, the man left dejectedly.    


Looking at his departing figure, Wei Yuting smiled bitterly and shook her head. It was already past six o'clock. The rest of the people in the office had already returned home in succession. Only Wei Yuting was still here.    


She looked at the clock on the wall and then at the empty office. She stood up and pushed the door open to enter Yuan Shuying's office.    


Yuan Shuying, Yu Youguang, and a few other company managers had to discuss the matter of Fengshan Group, so they left the office early in the morning.    


Wei Yuting gently closed the door and quickly came to Yuan Shuying's desk. She flipped through the documents in the drawer on the desk.    


After a while, she found an advertisement proposal for a few types of juice drinks from "Tianhe. "    


She was delighted and immediately took the proposal to make a copy. After putting the original copy back to its original place, she took the copy and left the office.    


After leaving with Wei Yuting, a voice quietly appeared in the corner of the office. It was Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao sneered, "There is indeed a problem. "    


Wei Yuting quickly returned to her residence. It was a small temporary rental unit.    


At this time, she was sorting out some documents in the room. It was the documents that she had stolen from the Advertising Department of "Sky River. "    


Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Wei Yuting quickly put away the documents on the table, then walked to the door and asked, "Who is it?"    


"Who is it? Who is it? Hurry up and open the door. " A male voice came from outside.    


Wei Yuting snorted and opened the door. There were three men standing outside, all of them unattractive.    


After Wei Yuting opened the door, the three men did not stand on ceremony. They walked into the room and sat down casually.    


"Black Widow, what have you gained in the past few days?" One of the men with long hair laughed. "Today, other than Zhao Yuqin in Beijing, all the higher-ups of Tianhe have come to our place for a meeting.    


Hey, this is the first time I have seen that Zhou Hao. I didn't expect him to be so young. "    


Wei Yuting, who was called the Black Widow, said to the man, "Fly, have you recorded their meeting?"    


The Fly took out a disc and smiled. "Of course I did. You can take it to the boss to collect money. "    


Wei Yuting looked at the tall and thin man on the other side. "Rat, what about you? How's the situation in Huayu Village?"    


Lao Shu shook his head. "They have been keeping a tight watch since the recipe for the orange fruit was stolen.    


They transferred the soldiers from the military camp nearby to guard the laboratory. We, the security guards, no longer have the keys to the laboratory. Only Li Chufan and Dai Zhanwang have the keys.    


Besides, they also have a fingerprint recognition device installed. Those who are not predetermined will not be able to enter the laboratory. "    


At this point, he patted his thigh and said, "Damn it, if I had known this would happen, we would have stolen the formula long ago. We wouldn't have been in such a dilemma now.    


It's all that fellow's fault for stealing the formula. Don't let me find him. Otherwise, I will definitely give him a good beating! "    


"Moreover, the Coca-Cola side doesn't give us much funds. " The man in his 30s said, "I'll pretend to be a distributor in Guangdong Province and order an order from 'Tianhe'.    


But they stipulated that the order under 10 million yuan needs to be audited three times. Damn, my identity was almost exposed.    


To think I was so busy running around. It's useless to keep going. "    


Wei Yuting turned pale. He glanced at her. "Say, Spider, don't complain. I'd rather trade with you.    


You don't know how annoying that guy in the office is. He's treating me to a meal today and tomorrow he's treating me to a movie. I'm so annoyed. "    


The man named 'Spider' smiled and said: "Who asked our Black Widow to be beautiful? However, doesn't that fellow know that the Black Widow has the habit of killing husbands? Hehehehe, you really don't know what's good for you. "    


"If you want to kill me, I'll be the first to kill you. " Black Spider picked up an urn and threw it over.    


Ratty said, "Alright, alright. Stop messing around. Black Widow, how is it going on your side?"    


"I've gotten some advertising planning books these past few days. I can roughly guess what new products' Heavenly River 'has. " The Black Widow said, "During this period of time,' Heavenly River ''s people have been busy suing the Fengshan Group. Their vigilance has been greatly reduced. "    


The fly said, "I saw that the fellow who stole the 'orange fruit' formula must have been sent by the Fengshan Group. F * ck! I didn't expect the Fengshan Group to be so quick to steal the formula before us. "    


"That's right. According to the reward given to us by Coca-Cola, if we can get the formula, we will get at least three million USD. " The Black Widow also said angrily, "It is because of that fellow that the remuneration has been reduced by half. It is only 1. 5 million USD. "    


At this time, the spider said, "I have already investigated. That Fengshan Group is controlled by a Hong Kong company. Behind the Hong Kong company is a Canada company, and behind it is a Panama trading company.    


However, after a few rounds, the last person was Liang Fengshan. And this Liang Fengshan is the son of the Jiangsu Provincial Governor, Liang Zhendang. "    


Ratty rubbed his chin and muttered to himself: "Then the Fengshan Group is just like the Heavenly River. They have an official background. "    


"In terms of background, I don't think the Fengshan Group can be compared to the Heavenly River. " The Black Widow said, "That Liang Zhoutang is only a governor, and his administrative level is only the main department.    


But the Zhao Family behind the Heavenly River, even if they don't care about that Zhao Rixin, Zhao Dingzhou is still the commander of the Guangzhou military. He is closely related to Zhao Dingzhou, and his status and power are even higher than Liang Zhoutang's. "    


The fly spread his hands. "Who cares if they are the governor or the commander. If their Great God fights, it will be fine as long as they don't involve us, little fish and shrimp. "    


"You also don't need to be so calm. " Ratty glanced at him. "Zhou Hao has such a close relationship with Zhao Family, and Zhao Dingzhou is the commander of the Guangzhou military.    


If they find out that we are hiding in the Sky River to steal information for Coca-Cola, we will be in big trouble. "    


Just as he finished speaking, there was a loud noise. The door to the Black Widow's residence suddenly collapsed. A group of soldiers in military uniforms rushed in and immediately surrounded the private room.    


The fly wanted to escape, but when it saw the soldiers aiming at it, it could no longer move. It obediently raised its hands.    


Among the four people present, Ratty was the calmest. He raised his hands and said to the surrounding soldiers with cold expressions, "Soldiers, may I ask, what did we do that alarmed you? A gathering of friends shouldn't be considered breaking the law, right? "    


"Of course, a gathering of friends isn't considered breaking the law, but to steal business secrets, it can't be legal, right?" A male voice came from outside.    


When the Black Widow and the fly heard this voice, their faces immediately changed.    


The soldiers opened up a path, and a man walked in from outside. He was smiling as he looked at the four Black Widow soldiers. It was Zhou Hao.    


When they saw Zhou Hao, the Black Widow and the fly's faces turned ashen.    


The Black Widow disguised itself as Yuan Shuying's assistant. They had met Zhou Hao during the meeting with Zhou Hao. The fly had installed a pinhole camera in the meeting room, so it naturally had seen Zhou Hao before.    


The fly said in disbelief: "You. . . How could you. . . ?"    


"You want to ask me, how did I discover your clues?" Zhou Hao looked at the man called "Mouse" and smiled. "You can install eavesdroppers and pinhole cameras in my company's meeting room. Can't we install electronic eyes in Yuan Shuying's office?"    


When the Black Widow heard Zhou Hao's words, it was greatly shocked. According to Zhou Hao's words, wouldn't all the documents that she had stolen in Yuan Shuying's office fall into the eyes of others?    


Actually, Zhou Hao did not install electronic eyes in Yuan Shuying's office. He was just lying to the Black Widow and the others.    


Should he tell them that he was a Martial Arts Master and that his six senses would sense him when he was being spied on?    


Zhou Hao sneered and said: "I didn't expect that my Heavenly River would attract business spies back when it just developed. You really think highly of me. "    


In fact, Zhou Hao's understanding of business spies came from some television dramas or movies.    


Compared to those spies from the national intelligence department, business spies were relatively less dangerous, and their economic benefits were also much greater.    


However, compared to those government spies, Zhou Hao looked down on those commercial spies very much. Because government spies were still loyal to the country, and commercial spies were completely moved for money.    


Zhou Hao knew that commercial spies were all highly intelligent criminals, which meant that their "technical level" was especially high. They were very different from those bandits who used weapons.    


However, the economic losses caused by business spies to a company was far greater than those of those bandits. They could easily cause hundreds of millions, and they were hated by all businessmen.    


However, there was no specific law in the country that sanctioned commercial espionage. Unlike in the United States, in 1996, there was a special economic espionage law.    


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