Supreme Stock God

C107 His Daughter's Heart Was Troubled

C107 His Daughter's Heart Was Troubled

"Uncle Yang, you are exaggerating. When did I learn the Great Strength Vajra Finger? " Zhou Hao scratched his head and laughed.    


Actually, "Great Strength Vajra Finger" It was just an external martial art that was derived from transferring the Genuine Aura into one's hand. The deeper one's inner energy was, the stronger it would be.    


Therefore, if Zhou Hao really wanted to cultivate finger martial arts, in terms of power, it was much stronger than the Great Strength Vajra Finger.    


"Alright, alright, so many things have happened. Everyone is tired, let's go back and rest. " Yang Hong Zhao said to the crowd.    


Thus, everyone went back to their own rooms. Zhou Hao pulled Xiao Jiming to his room. Xiao Jiming asked curiously, "Martial Uncle, what's wrong?"    


Zhou Hao took out a blood-red orchid from his pocket. It was the "Life Continuing Fragrant Orchid" he had brought back from West Zishan's End Valley.    


When Xiao Jiming saw the "Life Continuing Fragrant Orchid," he asked doubtfully. "Eh? This is an orchid? I have never seen such an orchid before. Martial Uncle, where did you get it from?"    


"Jiming, I want to confirm if this is what I'm looking for. " Zhou Hao plucked a petal.    


He said, "If this is really what I am looking for, then normal people will have fever after eating it, and they will have symptoms of rash.    


Originally, I wanted to test the medicine myself, but my body was previously treated by my master. I used all kinds of herbs to modify my body, so I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to test out the medicinal properties of this medicine.    


So, Jiming, I want you to help me. "    


According to the records in Shen Nong's Herbal Classics, the Life Continuing Fragrant Orchid had some side effects on the human body. It was the fever in the entire body as well as the red rash. However, these symptoms weren't serious. As long as one drank some silver flower water, they would be able to get rid of it.    


Zhou Hao's body, which had been modified by the Amber fruit, was not even afraid of the poison of the Yama's Smile.    


Therefore, the side effects of the Life Continuing Fragrant Orchid might not appear on his body, and the results of the experiment would not be objective.    


Xiao Jiming smiled. "It's alright, Martial Uncle. I'll help you try it. "    


Zhou Hao nodded. He asked the servants of Yang Family to bring the golden and silver flowers to boil water, and then let Xiao Jiming eat the flower petals of the Life Continuing Fragrant Orchid.    


Xiao Jiming chewed it in his mouth and frowned, "Wu, it's so bitter. "    


"It's a good medicine. " Zhou Hao said with a smile.    


Not long after he swallowed the flower petals, faint red rashes appeared on Xiao Jiming's skin, and his body started to heat up.    


Seeing Xiao Jiming's symptoms, Zhou Hao excitedly called out, "Haha, that's right, it really is this! This was indeed the 'Life Continuing Fragrant Orchid'! This is great! "    


" Martial Uncle, don't gloat over my misfortune. I'm itching to die. " Xiao Jiming scratched the rash on his face and said.    


"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot my form for a moment. " Zhou Hao smiled apologetically and asked Xiao Jiming to quickly drink the bowl of golden and silver flowers.    


After a while, the symptoms on Xiao Jiming's body slowly disappeared. At the same time, he asked Zhou Hao, "Martial Uncle, what medicine is this? The side effects are quite strong. "    


Zhou Hao said, "Master used to have a medical book left behind from ancient times.    


It recorded that there was once a patient in the Tang Dynasty who was as big as a cup under the right ribs. He had blue channel veins, and he could not sleep while gasping for breath. The sun was hot and hot, and there was sweat at night.    


And the one who cured that patient was this' Life Continuing Fragrant Orchid '. "    


Xiao Jiming's expression changed when he heard that. He grabbed Zhou Hao's shoulder and said," Martial Uncle, my dad and I have also read many ancient medical books. We have also seen similar records.    


My dad and I both suspect that the patient's symptoms are very likely liver cancer.    


However, none of the medical books we have read said that there is any medicine that can cure that illness. Most of the patients are dead.    


Hua Tuo's' Classic of China 'and Zhang Zhongjing's' Classic of Troubles' have records of cancer. "    


He said, "Martial Uncle, can this Life Continuing Fragrant Orchid really cure cancer?"    


"For the time being, I'm not sure. " Zhou Hao said, "We still need to pass more advanced and detailed drug tests. "    


"If this is really the cure for cancer, I don't know how many people in the world will benefit from it," Zhou Hao said. Xiao Jiming sighed.    


As a medical family, he inherited the noble character of Hsiao family when it came to medical practice.    


Zhou Hao, on the other hand, not only thought of the Life Continuing Fragrant Orchid as a good medicine to save the world, but also saw the inestimable economic value behind it.    


How many cancer funds were there internationally, spending hundreds of millions of dollars every year to research and cure cancer, but until now, they still could not succeed.    


If the "Life Continuing Fragrant Orchid" is really the bane of cancer, then the impact on the world will be hard to estimate.    


However, currently, whether the "Life Continuing Fragrance Orchid" could really cure cancer was still uncertain, so there was still a long way to go before it could be developed and pushed out of the market.    


Xiao Jiming asked, "Martial Uncle, where did you find this Life Continuing Fragrant Orchid?"    


"It was in the valley where I fell earlier. " Zhou Hao said, "Jiming is very important. You must not tell anyone else. Do you understand?"    


"Yes, I know. " Xiao Jiming nodded solemnly.    


In his mind, Zhou Hao was not only his Martial Uncle, but also his father's savior. He would unconditionally obey whatever Zhou Hao said.    


After Xiao Jiming left Zhou Hao's room, Zhou Hao dialed Zhao Yuqin's number.    


"Little pervert, why did you call sister only now?" Zhao Yuqin complained on the other side of the phone.    


Even though he only heard Zhao Yuqin's voice, Zhou Hao felt his heart soften. He said with deep affection: "Sister, I miss you. "    


"Xiao Hao, sister also misses you. " Zhao Yuqin's voice was also gentle.    


After the two of them had a heart-to-heart talk, Zhao Yuqin said to Zhou Hao, "You little pervert, I really doubt you knew about the rise and fall of Hong Kong's stock market and the trend of the international futures market.    


According to the information you gave me, the money you invested in Hong Kong has rolled to more than 2 billion, and the international futures market has also become more than 1 billion.    


I believe that in less than a year, your goal of 10 billion will be achieved. "    


Previously, Zhou Hao had said that he would" eat "Zhao Yuqin only if he was strong enough, and this so-called strong enough was equivalent to 10 billion USD in economic strength.    


So now when Zhao Yuqin mentioned this, there was also a hint of teasing and flirtation in her tone.    


Just hearing the voice, Zhou Hao could already imagine Zhao Yuqin's seductive charm.    


He licked his dry lips and said with a smile, "Ms. Qin, it won't take long. When the time comes, you won't be able to escape from my palm. "    


He knew that Soros and a group of speculators with huge funds had already started planning to attack Thailand.    


Now, it was the first wave of Asian financial storms. There were still four to five months left.    


Zhou Hao was confident that he could raise enough funds to take Soros's ride during this period of time.    


"Hehehehe. You should be the one who can't escape from me. " On the other side, Zhao Yuqin giggled.    


"By the way, I heard that you have helped the Ministry of National Security and the military catch the culprit who poisoned General Lu. My dad was praising you earlier. He even said when he would meet you. "    


"Then I really have to meet my future father-in-law. " Zhou Hao said with a smile.    


Zhou Hao was also very excited to be praised by Zhao Yuqin's father, who had high authority.    


After all, the more he could obtain the recognition of Zhao Yuqin, the easier it would be for him to be with her.    


Zhao Yuqin's voice became a little worried, "Xiao Hao, my dad is a very traditional person. You are so much younger than me. I'm afraid he will not agree to us being together. "    


Zhao Yuqin had always been worried about her age. She was six or seven years older than Zhou Hao. This was normal. It was a little awkward to look at it, not to mention Old Master Zhao's traditional and conservative thinking.    


Even Zhao Yuqin herself had never thought that she would fall in love with a boy who was so much younger than her.    


But now, she had already sunk deep into the mud and it was impossible for her to escape.    


She heard Zhou Hao say firmly, "Ms. Qin, don't worry. No matter how difficult the road ahead is, I will not give up!    


I will let Old Master Zhao know that being with me is your best and happiest home! "    


Zhao Yuqin did not speak on the other side of the phone, but Zhou Hao heard a suppressed sobbing sound.    


Then he heard Zhao Yuqin's gentle voice. "Little scoundrel, you only know how to say these words to deceive people's tears. Big Sister hates you to death. "    


"Yes, perhaps I was born to be a bad guy who specializes in harming Big Sister. " Zhou Hao said with a sigh.    


While Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin were having sex on the phone, Yang Jiabao was also chatting with Luo Jingqian in her room.    


Yang Jiabao was still snuggling in the warm embrace of her mother like when she was young, while Luo Jingqian was also gently caressing her daughter's back as usual, listening to her thoughts.    


At this time, Yang Jiabao was still excitedly telling Luo Jingqian about Zhou Hao, "Mom, you were not present at that time. Zhou Hao was really amazing.    


Not a single one of Pu Changxu's subordinates was a match for him. He knocked them down with just a few moves.    


If it wasn't for saving me, he wouldn't have fallen down the cliff with me. He even deliberately placed himself under the cliff to prevent me from getting hurt. "    


As she quietly listened to her daughter happily talking about Zhou Hao, a smile appeared on the corners of Luo Jingqian's mouth.    


She then heard Yang Jiabao say, "Mom, that guy used to be very detestable. I remember when I went with my brother to find them.    


Not only did he hurt my brother, he even caught me and threatened my brother, saying. . . That he wanted to humiliate me. That guy is too detestable. "    


She scolded Zhou Hao for being detestable, but her crescent moon-like eyes revealed traces of a smile.    


"Also, mom, that guy. . . "    


"Jiabao. " Luo Jingqian gently interrupted Yang Jiabao's words and looked at the cute and lively daughter in her arms.    


She gently said, "Do you like Xiao Hao?" Seeing Yang Jiabao stunned, she continued.    


"When I was in the living room with your grandfather and the others, I noticed that your eyes never left Xiao Hao. And. . . "    


Luo Jingqian hesitated for a moment and said, "In the afternoon, I took the medicine to your room. I saw you kissing Xiao Hao. "    


"Ah!" Although she had guessed that her mother had seen her and Zhou Hao, now that Luo Jingqian had personally said it, it made Yang Jiabao even more embarrassed.    


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