Supreme Stock God

C114 The Most Powerful Person

C114 The Most Powerful Person

Facing Zhou Hao who was closing in step by step, the sales manager of "Jin You" retreated step by step in fear. Just now, he only felt his vision blur and a few of his henchmen were knocked down to the ground.    


The surrounding staff members also kept away from Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin in fear of getting caught in the crossfire.    


"What. . . What do you want?" The sales manager, who was also the host, asked in a trembling voice.    


"It's very simple, give us the one million we deserve. " Zhou Hao went straight to the point.    


At this moment, a dozen policemen rushed over after hearing the news. The leader pointed at Zhou Hao and shouted. "What are you doing? Don't move. We are the police!"    


Zhou Hao looked at them and shrugged. He smiled and said, "I know you are policemen. There is no need to emphasize it. "    


When the sales manager saw the leading policeman, it was as if he had seen his savior. He hurriedly ran over.    


"Captain Rong, help! Those two people came here to extort a million dollars from our company! We refused to give them, and they even injured our employees!"    


Captain Rong frowned. They had originally come out to patrol to prevent crimes because of the upcoming New Year. They had rushed over when they heard the commotion.    


He knew this sales manager because the boss of "Jin You" had a good relationship with their district's police station's director.    


He looked at Zhou Hao and saw a few men lying on the ground. He asked in a deep voice, "Were you the one who injured these people?"    


"I was just defending myself. " Zhou Hao said lightly, "We drew the lottery here just now, and each of us got five hundred thousand prizes.    


But this guy insisted that we are here to find fault with him. He even let these men beat me up. "    


"Captain Rong, don't listen to his nonsense. " The manager immediately denied, "Who would be so lucky to win the first prize in a row?"    


He whispered into Captain Rong's ear: "Besides, Captain Rong, you know what happened to us. How could ordinary people win the first prize?    


When they came here, they demanded a million from us, otherwise, they would tarnish our company's reputation. Captain Rong, you have to uphold justice. "    


Captain Rong nodded. He also knew about the inside story of the so-called "Jin You" lottery event. Ordinary citizens would never have the chance to win a grand prize.    


And those few men were indeed injured on the ground, so he said to Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin, "You guys go back with me first.    


Don't worry, as long as you are innocent. We will not do anything to you. "    


Zhou Hao saw that Captain Rong was not a scum of the police who bullied others. He was only bewitched by the manager.    


He reminded him, "Comrade police, I advise you to investigate more clearly, but that fellow misled you. "    


Although this Captain Rong was not a scum who used his power for personal gain, how could he tolerate being taught a lesson by a young man?    


His face immediately darkened as he shouted: "Do we need you to teach us how to investigate cases? Don't say anything, you guys come back with me! "    


At this time, Zhao Yuqin had already made a phone call. She went forward and said to Captain Rong, "Your director is Bao Fu, right?"    


Captain Rong was stunned. This was strange. How could an excessively beautiful woman know his director's name? Subconsciously, she nodded her head and probed: "Yes, you, you know him?"    


Zhao Yuqin shook her head, "I don't know, but he should be calling you soon. "    


Captain Rong was puzzled when a policeman at the back handed him a phone. "Captain Rong, it's the director. "    


Captain Rong was shocked and quickly took the phone. "Hello, I'm Rong An. "    


Director Bao Fu's nervous voice immediately came from the other side of the phone. " Are you on Jin You's side? Did a couple offend Jin You?"    


After Rong An said yes, he immediately cursed, "Idiot! Did you do anything to him? Let me tell you, you can't offend that couple!    


Also, 'Jin You' is suspected of fraud. You ask 'Jin You' to return the money to them, and then bring them back for a round. Remember, don't offend that man and woman! "    


After handing the phone back to his subordinate, Captain Rong looked at Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin in surprise. The director had repeatedly emphasized not to offend them.    


It could be seen that they must have a very deep background. Furthermore, he saw that Zhao Yuqin was on the phone, so she should be looking for the higher-ups.    


So he said to Zhou Hao, "Sorry, I misunderstood the two of you. "    


Then he turned to the manager. "Quickly return the prize money that they deserve. And. . . Now that your company is suspected of fraud, please come back with us. "    


That manager often did not expect Rong An's attitude to suddenly change. He hurriedly reminded, "Captain Rong, think carefully. Our boss and your director are very good friends. "    


Captain Rong pursed his lips. He thought, Don't talk about your boss anymore. Even our director can't afford to offend him now.    


When the manager still wanted to pester him, his big brother rang. He picked up the phone and his face immediately changed. His eyes glanced at Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin from time to time. His eyes were full of fear.    


After putting down the phone, he was like a defeated rooster. He said to an employee next to him, "Transfer the money to someone else's account immediately. "    


Then he said to Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin, "Gentlemen, I apologize for my actions just now. I hope your adults are magnanimous and do not lower themselves to my level. "    


After telling the employee his account number, Zhou Hao said to him, "I just said that it's not worth it for a mere million. "    


"Yes, yes, I don't know what's good for me. I hope the two of you can forgive me. "    


Captain Rong also looked at Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin. Obviously, the decision was in their hands.    


However, he heard Zhou Hao say, "What are you looking at me for? Do what you have to do. I'm not a police officer. "    


"I know, Mr Zhou. " Captain Rong nodded and took the manager into the police car.    


After a storm, Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin left the square.    


They did not feel pity for the manager at all. People like him who bullied good and feared evil should be taught a lesson. Moreover, he had wanted to do something bad to Zhao Yuqin previously. This was what Zhou Hao could not forgive the most.    


After this battle, it would be very difficult for that evil "Jin You" company to set up a foothold in Guangzhou.    


When the two returned to the "Armani" clothing store, the saleswoman handed the changed suit to Zhou Hao and asked, "Sir, do you want to give it a try now?"    


"Yes. " Zhou Hao nodded, picked up the light grey suit and walked into the locker room.    


When he finished changing the suit and came out, Zhao Yuqin and the female salesman were stunned.    


They saw the light grey suit that was changed into a fitting suit on Zhou Hao's body, perfectly showing his strong figure.    


Apart from giving off a mature and experienced feeling, he also gave off a restrained feeling, making people feel that he was a little more relaxed than an official suit, making him appear less reserved.    


Because it was still not popular to wear a suit at this time, Therefore, the feeling Zhou Hao gave to the others was very shocking.    


Especially with his tall and straight body, he was born with a suit frame, completely revealing the charm of this suit.    


Even the other customers in the shop saw the suit on Zhou Hao and said to the salesperson beside him, "I want a suit that is the same as that person. "    


The salespeople did not know how to explain it to the customers, because it was Zhou Hao who asked them to change it.    


"Xiao Hao, you look really good wearing this. " Zhao Yuqin looked at Zhou Hao with an intoxicated look.    


Zhou Hao even deliberately put his pants in his pocket to pose as a model, which made Zhao Yuqin and the female salesperson beside him even more fascinated.    


Actually, the reason why suits could become popular in the future was because people discovered the casual side of suits, and it could also make people feel comfortable and comfortable wearing them.    


Especially for tall men, suits could be said to be the best representation of charm.    


Just like that, he left the clothing store in a suit, and Zhou Hao, who was walking on the street, became even more eye-catching.    


Especially the surrounding girls, they looked at Zhou Hao as if a hungry wolf had found its prey.    


Zhao Yuqin tightly held onto Zhou Hao's arm and silently announced to the surrounding women who were eyeing him covetously - This is my man!    


"Xiao Hao, you have to promise sister that you can't casually attract bees and butterflies. " Zhao Yuqin half-jokingly and half-seriously said to Zhou Hao.    


"How can that be? Sister, I am not that kind of playboy. " Zhou Hao quickly clarified.    


Zhao Yuqin smiled and said, "I'm just afraid that if you don't take the initiative, those women will stick to you. "    


In fact, it was very scary for a man to be so angry that he could be called a beauty. In fact, it was also very scary for a woman to fight over a man.    


"Sister, since we just won so many bonuses, let's go and have a good meal. " Zhou Hao suggested.    


"Okay, sister is a little hungry too. " Zhao Yuqin smiled.    


In the dim light of the setting sun, Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin came to the White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou.    


The White Swan Hotel was a famous hotel in the country. It was also the first five-star hotel in China to receive many countries' leaders.    


Many foreign tourists liked to stay here. When Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin walked into the lobby, they saw a lot of foreigner.    


Zhao Yuqin asked for a luxurious suite and went to the dining room to have dinner with Zhou Hao.    


The food in White Swan Hotel was very delicious, especially the Chinese food. The rich and diverse Cantonese dishes had broadened the horizons of many tourists.    


After enjoying a sumptuous dinner, the two of them went to the luxury suite that they had asked for earlier. Zhou Hao had also told Yan Tong that he would only be going back tomorrow, so the two of them could enjoy the night without any restraint.    


The luxury suite was facing the Pearl River. Standing in front of the window, they could see the bright night scenery on both sides of the Pearl River.    


Zhou Hao held Zhao Yuqin's slender waist and stood in front of the window. At the same time, he kissed her slender and snow-white neck gently, "Sister, tomorrow you will take the plane to Beijing. I really can't bear to part with you. "    


"Sister also can't bear to part with you. " Zhao Yuqin turned her face sideways and rubbed Zhou Hao's forehead. "Why don't you go to Beijing with sister? Anyway, my dad wants to see you too. "    


"It's better not to. I'm not ready yet. " Zhou Hao said. He was still a little nervous when he saw Old Master Zhao.    


He knew that Old Master Zhao was Zhao Rixin, a member of the Executive Committee of the National Political Bureau.    


There were only less than ten people in the entire country who were part of the Political Administration's Executive Committee. Old Master Zhao could be said to be at the peak of power in the entire country.    


Zhou Hao felt a little guilty about meeting such a powerful person and having such a relationship with his daughter.    


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