Supreme Stock God

C140 News of Li Ruolan

C140 News of Li Ruolan

Mount Heng, also known as Nanyue, is one of the five peaks of China, located in Hengshan County, Hunan Province.    


As the climate here was pleasant, Mount Heng was covered with lush trees and bamboos. It was green all year round, and there were many exotic flowers and plants. The scenery was very beautiful.    


Moreover, Mount Yue Lu, which was to the north of Mount Heng, was a famous mountain in China. It was especially famous for Mount Yue Lu College, Cloud Mountain Palace, and other places.    


It had been half a month since Zhou Hao and Xiao Jiming arrived at Mount Heng in Hunan, because the herbs recorded in Shen Nong's Herbal Classics were all growing here.    


During this period of time, Zhou Hao and Xiao Jiming had found these herbs. Zhou Hao and Xiao Jiming had also been staying in the Yunlu Palace on Mount Yue Lu.    


The priests in the Yunlu Palace were very friendly to them. One reason was that Zhou Hao had added a lot of money to the Yunlu Palace.    


On the other hand, the people in Yunlu Palace had learned martial arts. They were similar to Zhou Hao and the others. They had also learned martial arts from each other.    


The fundamental purpose of the Qi Nourishment Records that Zhou Hao cultivated was to strengthen his body and defend against enemies through Qi Fostering and Concentration.    


This was very similar to how Taoists used to strengthen their body and body to achieve the sublimation of their body and mind.    


Although the martial arts of Yunlu Palace could only be considered ordinary, the martial arts of their disciples could not even be compared to Xiao Jiming's.    


However, the philosophy of Taoism's martial arts had given Zhou Hao a lot of benefits, especially the most famous martial arts of Taoism, Taiji Fist.    


Zhou Hao used to only think that this was a physical exercise used by the old man to strengthen his body, but now he found out that Taiji Fist was really extensive and profound. It was not difficult to learn or even master it.    


However, it wasn't that easy to comprehend the thoughts within.    


At this moment, Zhou Hao and Xiao Jiming were sitting in a courtyard on the north side of Yunlu Palace. There was no wall here, and they were directly connected to the bamboo forest outside.    


Zhou Hao and Xiao Jiming would be leaving Mount Heng tomorrow to the northern side of Hubei, so today was the last day they would stay in Yunlu Palace.    


"Wudang Mountain and Nine Palace Mountain in Hubei are both sacred grounds for Taoism. You can pay them a visit if you want to go there. "    


In the bamboo forest, an old man in his 70s wearing an old Daoist robe was chopping the bamboo with a machete.    


"Uncle Shan, what about you? Have you ever been to Wudang Mountain and Nine Palace Mountain?" Zhou Hao asked the old man called Uncle Shan.    


"Me?" Uncle Shan smiled and continued chopping the bamboo in front of him.    


"I have lived here for more than 40 years and have never gone down the mountain. Not to mention Wudang Mountain, I have never even gone to the market in Lianshan. "    


Zhou Hao and Uncle Shan had known Uncle Shan since the first day they stayed in Yunlu Palace.    


He had lived in Yunlu Palace for dozens of years, but he was not a priest here. He was a worker in Yunlu Palace. He was responsible for chopping wood and cooking.    


For the past half a month, he was in charge of Zhou Hao and Xiao Jiming's daily meals. He cut down the bamboo to make some bamboo baskets and other tools for Yunlu Palace.    


Although he was already over 70 years old, Uncle Shan was still strong and strong. Although his hair was white, his face was as red as a healthy old man.    


Zhou Hao, who was sitting in the courtyard, had been paying attention to him for a long time. He discovered that Uncle Shan could even cut down those tall bamboo trees that were as thick as bowls.    


Uncle Shan had never used a second blade to cut down trees in the morning. The blade in his hand was just an ordinary wooden blade, and there were still many holes on it.    


"Uncle Shan, your blade technique is so powerful. " Zhou Hao said meaningfully.    


Uncle Shan smiled faintly. "It's just chopping trees. What knife technique is there to talk about?"    


Zhou Hao did not say anything. He just quietly watched Uncle Shan chopping bamboo. Today was the first time he saw Uncle Shan chopping trees, but he found that his technique contained a very profound mystery.    


From afar, Uncle Shan's movements looked like he was drawing "circles. " Whether it was the movement of his arms, the changes in his footsteps, or the trajectory of the chopping knife, they all formed "circles. "    


Zhou Hao felt that Uncle Shan's entire body was like the image of a Taiji Yin Yang fish.    


Unknowingly, Uncle Shan's movements had returned to Zhou Hao's mind one by one. Zhou Hao's mind was also moving along with Uncle Shan's movements.    


The more he observed, the more Zhou Hao felt that this was a profound and extraordinary saber technique. There were no gorgeous moves or intimidating auras.    


Zhou Hao even felt that Uncle Shan's saber was swung along with the flow of the air.    


Everything was so natural. Yes, Uncle Shan seemed to have become one with nature.    


Furthermore, looking at Uncle Shan's movement of swinging the blade, the Qi Nourishment Records Genuine Aura in Zhou Hao's body started circulating automatically.    


Finally, Zhou Hao couldn't help but stand up and walk in front of Uncle Shan. He smiled and said, "Uncle Shan, can I give it a try?"    


"You should have come to help a long time ago. You can go and watch an old man like me work. " Uncle Shan smiled and handed the knife in his hand to Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao took the knife and looked at the knife that had a lot of holes. That's right, it was just an ordinary knife.    


Zhou Hao imitated Uncle Shan's movements and followed the flow of the air. He raised the knife and swung it diagonally at a bamboo tree in front of him.    


"Crack! Crack!" The bamboo fell with a sound.    


However, even though Zhou Hao had cut the bamboo in half, it was because of his own strength. The cut was not as neat as Uncle Shan's.    


Uncle Shan smiled and shook his head. "This won't do. Not only do you have to have smooth movements, you also have to recognize this bamboo and find the best incision. "    


He looked deeply at the bamboo next to him and said to Zhou Hao, "You have to feel it. As the saying goes, know yourself and your enemy, and you can win a hundred battles. You can't rely on brute force alone.    


Also, pay more attention to the flow of the wind, let it become your help. "    


"You try again. " Uncle Shan said to Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao took a deep breath and slowed down his breathing. He quietly felt the air flow around him and the bamboo in front of him.    


At this moment, he seemed to have discovered a circular trajectory in front of him. He could not help but follow the trajectory and slash down.    


With a light sound, the bamboo in front of him neatly broke and fell down.    


Uncle Shan looked at Zhou Hao with an unusual expression. "You are really talented. You have mastered the trick so quickly. "    


Zhou Hao smiled and said, "But compared to Uncle Shan, you are still far from it. "    


"Hahahahaha. . . As long as you chop firewood like me for decades, you will also have this skill. "    


Then, Uncle Shan told Zhou Hao some more secrets, even though from the beginning to the end, Uncle Shan did not teach Zhou Hao any moves.    


However, Zhou Hao felt that this was the same as Taiji Fist. It was a kind of teaching of martial arts ideology. Uncle Shan's enlightenment could even be compared to Dr Gongsun, who had led him into the martial arts door.    


It was no different from opening another door for Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao and Xiao Jiming did not have much clothing, so it was very convenient for them to come and go. After bidding farewell to the Daoists from Yunlu Palace, they left.    


On the way down the mountain, Xiao Jiming asked Zhou Hao, "Martial Uncle, do you think Uncle Shan really knows martial arts?"    


Zhou Hao shook his head. "I don't know either. He doesn't have any inner energy in his body. He doesn't even know Tai Chi. "    


He raised his head and looked at Mount Heng, which was surrounded by clouds and mist, "But I think Uncle Shan is the one with the highest cultivation in martial arts in Mount Heng. "    


Xiao Jiming scratched his head. "I don't really understand your method of chopping firewood. Is that really a blade technique?"    


"It's not just a saber technique. " Zhou Hao sighed. "You can even think that it's another kind of martial arts heart technique. "    


He raised his hands and started to wave them according to Uncle Shan's method, even though he did not have a blade in his hands, or he did not need a blade or anything else.    


Zhou Hao's movements were as smooth as flowing water, drawing "circles" one by one.    


In Xiao Jiming's eyes, Zhou Hao's movements were both similar to Taiji Fist, but also somewhat different.    


The strong Genuine Aura in Zhou Hao's body began to flow along with the movements of his hands. When the "circles" in Zhou Hao's hands were pushed out, the Genuine Aura in his body also had an impulse to leak out.    


"Chi!" When Zhou Hao's palm cut through the air, a force suddenly escaped from his palm and cut through the air, hitting a pine tree in the distance.    


The pine tree that looked to be several decades old actually fell straight down just like that. Moreover, the cut was unusually neat, and even a sharp knife would not be able to achieve such an effect.    


Not only Xiao Jiming, even Zhou Hao himself was stunned.    


Zhou Hao stared blankly at his palms. Obviously, he had never thought that it would have such an effect.    


Xiao Jiming also murmured. "Could it be. . . Could this be the legendary Saber Qi?"    


Zhou Hao believed that the so-called Saber Qi was actually formed by a powerhouse with high inner energy injecting their Genuine Aura into the saber. As long as the inner energy was deep enough, it would not be difficult to do so.    


However, the Mr Jinguu whom Zhou Hao met earlier, even though he did not have a blade in his hand, Zhou Hao could still feel the blade energy in his hand.    


However, instead of calling it Saber Qi, it was more like a "Saber Intent. " It was something that could only be obtained after being immersed in the Saber Art for many years and comprehending it.    


What Uncle Shan taught Zhou Hao just now was not any moves or saber techniques, but a type of martial arts spirit, which was somewhat similar to Mr Jinguu's saber intent.    


Uncle Shan did not have any inner energy on him, but he was able to use such power with a worn-out wooden saber. This was actually caused by his "saber intent. "    


"The knowledge of martial arts is really extensive and profound. " Zhou Hao said with a sigh.    


He had stimulated his potential completely because of the transformation of the Amber fruit, so no matter what he learned, it was much easier than others.    


Just like when he was cultivating the Qi Nourishment Records, his cultivation base was much stronger than Dr Gongsun, who had been cultivating in this path for more than half a month. His inner energy was also comparable to the effect of a hundred years of hard work from an ordinary person.    


With such a deep and solid foundation, and now that he experienced the "Saber Intent" that Uncle Shan taught him, Zhou Hao's cultivation level in the martial arts path became deeper, and his realm also became higher.    


Arriving at the foot of the mountain, Zhou Hao gave his family a call to tell Yan Tong that he was safe.    


"When do you plan to come back?" Yan Tong asked over the phone.    


"About a month. " Zhou Hao answered.    


Yan Tong said, "Your school has prepared an exam for you. You should come back as soon as possible. "    


While chatting with Zhou Hao, Yan Tong accidentally mentioned Li Ruolan.    


"I have not seen Teacher Li during this period of time. A few days ago, I thought that the school would ask her to extend the leave for you.    


But the school said that Teacher Li hasn't returned yet. I heard that she also applied for leave from the school. "    


"What? Sister Lan. . . Teacher Li hasn't returned to the school yet?" Zhou Hao was stunned.    


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