Supreme Stock God

C141 Something Really Happened

C141 Something Really Happened

"Mom, do you know why Teacher Li asked for leave?" Zhou Hao asked nervously.    


Yan Tong only treated Zhou Hao's reaction as her student's concern for her teacher and did not doubt him. She said, "I also asked your principal. He said it seemed to be because something happened at home.    


So he applied for two months of long leave from the school. Her classes were all replaced by English teachers from other classes. "    


Hearing Yan Tong's words, Zhou Hao became even more worried in his heart. The closest contact with Li Ruolan was about half a month before Zhou Hao went to Mount Heng.    


At that time, he told Li Ruolan that he was going up Mount Heng. As Mount Heng had not connected to the phone and the signal of the mobile phone was not covered, he could not contact the outside world.    


On the phone, Li Ruolan also said that she was going back to school. She also asked Zhou Hao to go back as soon as possible to avoid making her worry.    


But now, Li Ruolan suddenly applied for two months of long leave from the school.    


Zhou Hao knew very well that with Li Ruolan's extremely responsible personality, if she did not really encounter an emergency, she would not throw away her classmates who got off work like this.    


After ending his conversation with Yan Tong, Zhou Hao immediately dialed Li Ruolan's home number. Before she left Xiang City, he had told Zhou Hao the number of her parents' home.    


However, there was the sound of a telecom service coming from the phone. It said that it might be due to a malfunction and the number could not be answered.    


This made Zhou Hao even more anxious. Actually, he wanted to give Li Ruolan a mobile phone back then. Li Ruolan already had a real relationship with Zhou Hao and knew that Zhou Hao was very rich.    


But every time Zhou Hao wanted to give her a valuable gift, she would not accept it. Zhou Hao knew that she was a person with self-esteem, and it was not for any benefit that she was with him.    


"Ai, what should I do now?" Zhou Hao muttered to himself.    


Xiao Jiming, who was standing next to him, also said nervously when he saw Zhou Hao's reaction. "What's wrong, Martial Uncle? Did something happen at home?"    


Zhou Hao shook his head. "It's not at home. It was a friend of mine who seemed to be in trouble. I can't contact her now. "    


"She must be a good friend of yours, Uncle-Master. " Xiao Jiming said, "Martial Uncle, where does your friend live? You can go and find her. "    


"Yes, I can go and find her. " Zhou Hao slapped the back of his head hard. He looked at Xiao Jiming. "But I still have to go with you to Hubei. "    


Xiao Jiming laughed and said, "Martial Uncle, I. . . It was not like he was a child anymore. Besides, I'm afraid I know more about herbs than you.    


Also, you've told me all the drawings and characteristics of those herbs. Don't worry, Martial Uncle. I can handle it by myself. You can go and find your friend. "    


Zhou Hao was 100% assured about Xiao Jiming. So he said, "Jiming, I will leave it to you.    


If there's anything you need, you can call me. Also, be careful. " Zhou Hao had already taught Xiao Jiming the Qi Nourishment Records.    


However, because he had started too late, although Xiao Jiming's martial arts had improved a lot, his inner cultivation level was still very low.    


Especially in front of those true inner sect experts, they basically had no ability to resist.    


After that, Zhou Hao parted ways with Xiao Jiming. Xiao Jiming boarded the train to Hubei, while Zhou Hao boarded the plane to Jiangsu.    


Li Ruolan's hometown was in Yangzhou in Jiangsu Province, and Li Ruolan was also an authentic Jiangnan beauty.    


Zhou Hao first took the plane to Nanjing, then took the train from Nanjing to Yangzhou. As the saying goes, "Fireworks in three months go to Yangzhou. "    


It was now three months, but it was the best time to visit Yangzhou. However, Zhou Hao did not come to Yangzhou for sightseeing. Compared to other tourists, his mood was completely different.    


Li Ruolan had once mentioned her home. The address was Qu Feng Street in Guangling District of Yangzhou City. Therefore, the moment Zhou Hao walked out of the train station, he went straight to the taxi and headed towards Qu Feng Street in Guangling District.    


However, when Zhou Hao came to Qu Feng Street, he found that the row of residential houses on the left side of the street had been demolished. The remaining few houses stood there all alone, appearing very abrupt.    


Zhou Hao immediately asked the taxi driver, "Brother driver, have we been demolishing this place recently?"    


"Yes, I heard that the government wants to renovate this place because some real estate developers want to develop this place.    


But the residents here don't seem to agree with the demolition, so I'm not too sure about the specifics. " The driver shrugged and said.    


Zhou Hao frowned. He subconsciously felt that Li Ruolan's matter might have something to do with the demolition. Zhou Hao also knew some of the dirty things that happened during the demolition process.    


Generally speaking, the government and developers were the ones who benefited the most from the demolition, while the residents who had their houses demolished would often become victims of complaints.    


When he arrived at a relatively intact residential building, Zhou Hao realized that there were not many residents left in the building.    


He stopped a passing auntie and politely asked, What's the matter?" Auntie, may I ask if you know where Li Chufan lives?"    


When the auntie heard Zhou Hao's words, she looked at him suspiciously and rudely asked. "Are you from the demolition office or the developer?    


Why are you looking for Old Li and the others? Don't you think you've caused enough trouble for their family? "    


When Zhou Hao heard this, he thought to himself that Li Ruolan's family was indeed because of the demolition.    


He quickly said, "Auntie, you misunderstood. I am not from the demolition office or that developer. I am Ruolan's friend in Xiang City.    


Two days ago, I heard that she applied for two months of long leave from the school. I was worried that something might happen to her, so I rushed over to see her. "    


This auntie was clearly an old neighbor of Li Ruolan's family. She knew about the situation of Li Ruolan's family very well. When she saw that Zhou Hao was Li Ruolan's friend in Xiang City and also knew that she asked for leave from the school, she first believed Zhou Hao.    


She said, "Old Li and the others live in this building, 503.    


Young man, I see that you are a talented person and came all the way from Guangdong. Ruolan and you are probably not as simple as ordinary friends. "    


Although this auntie was old, her eyes were still very sharp. She said: "However, I don't think you can help Old Li and the others. Sigh. . . "    


She sighed, "A while ago, the government said that they wanted to tear down the residential buildings here and build a new community, but they only gave each household twenty thousand yuan as compensation.    


What's the use of twenty thousand yuan? My daughter already told me to move in with her, so it's better.    


But those old neighbors who don't have other residences are in trouble. If you tear down their houses, where are they going to settle down?    


However, that developer was truly a good-for-nothing. When their people saw that some of the residents were unwilling to move, they beat them up and threatened them. They chased and chased away more than half of the residents. "    


Zhou Hao frowned when he heard that. Not to mention in the early days, even in the future, many cities would be filled with violence when it came to demolishing people, creating many social topics.    


He asked the auntie, "What about Ruolan's family? How are they now?"    


"Old Li and the others naturally don't agree to relocate. Their daughter knows the law, so she wants to file a complaint with the government.    


But the word 'official' is written on it. With two mouths, how can we, little commoners, be persuaded?"    


The auntie sighed and said, "Old Li was originally the director of a state-owned factory in the city.    


After such a ruckus, that factory fired his job and did not even give him a pension. "    


She looked up at the residential building and said, "Now I don't know where Old Li and the others are. I haven't seen them since yesterday. "    


After hearing the auntie's words, Zhou Hao became even more worried.    


From the auntie's words, this developer was a typical example of being involved with the underworld. And he knew very well that Li Ruolan's stubborn temper would definitely not yield.    


This way, under the situation of fighting head on, Li Ruolan would only be at a disadvantage. Especially since Li Ruolan was such a delicate beauty, it made Zhou Hao even more worried.    


At this moment, a police car drove over from afar and stopped in front of the residential building. After the police car's door opened, Zhou Hao saw Li Ruolan's parents, Li Chufan and Xie Ruqiu.    


He saw two policemen in uniform helping them out of the car.    


Li Chufan grabbed the policeman's arm tightly and begged with tears flowing down his face, "Police comrades, I beg of you, please save my daughter!    


I'm begging you, I'm begging you!" As he spoke, he was about to kneel down.    


The policeman quickly supported him. "Mr Li, don't be like this. I said that we will find your daughter as soon as possible. "    


Xie Ruqiu, however, cried in grief and indignation. "We already said that the person who kidnapped our daughter must be the developer. Why don't you go and catch them? Wuwuwuwu. . . Ruolan!"    


Zhou Hao's heart skipped a beat. He hurriedly went over to support Li Chufan and Xie Ruqiu. "Uncle, Auntie, what happened to Ruolan?"    


Li Chufan and Xie Ruqiu were very puzzled by Zhou Hao's sudden appearance. "You, you are. . . "    


They had never seen Zhou Hao, and Li Ruolan had never mentioned Zhou Hao in front of them, so they did not know that Zhou Hao was Li Ruolan's student.    


"I am Ruolan's friend in Xiang City. I heard that she suddenly applied for two months of leave from school. I was worried that she had something to do, so I came to find her. "    


Zhou Hao also did not want Li Chufan and the others to know that he was Li Ruolan's student.    


"Ruolan, she. . . " Once Xie Ruqiu mentioned Li Ruolan, tears started to flow out.    


At this time, he heard the policeman say to Zhou Hao, "You are a friend of their family, right? Then I will give them to you. You should comfort them. " After saying that, he turned around and went back to the car.    


Li Chufan quickly pulled him back. "Police comrades, I beg of you. Quickly go and save my daughter. Also, go and arrest that developer. They are the ones who took my daughter. "    


The policeman shook his head and said: "Mr Li, there is no evidence. We cannot randomly arrest people.    


I promise you, we will find your daughter as soon as possible. Don't worry. " After saying that, he pushed the police car away from Li Chufan's hand and left.    


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