Supreme Stock God

C205 The Legendary Dragon Five

C205 The Legendary Dragon Five

"Since we're friends, you don't have to be so polite. " Zhou Hao smiled at Liang Xiaobing and said, "If you think I am your friend. "    


He looked at Zhou Hao's sunny smile like that of a boy next door. Liang Xiaobing also felt warm in her heart. She smiled and said, "Of course I treat you as a good friend. "    


"If you have time, come find me anytime, my home is always open for you" Zhou Hao smiled.    


Seeing Wang Weiwen's sour face beside Liang Xiaobing, he quickly added, "Oh. Of course, there's also you, Wei Wen. " Wang Weiwen smiled again this time.    


Liang Xiaobing was physically and mentally exhausted because she had been in shock for the past two days. Zhou Hao told her to go back and rest earlier.    


"Hey, what are you looking at? She has already left. " Seeing Zhou Hao still standing there looking at Liang Xiaobing's back from afar, Su Lin came to his side and waved her hand in front of him.    


Seeing Su Lin, who was usually capable and nimble, now pouted her lips, Zhou Hao smiled and said: "What is it? Who made you angry again?"    


He found that Su Lin, a normal professional female, had a unique kind of beauty when she got angry.    


Su Lin looked at Zhou Hao's nonchalant smile and scolded in her heart, "Of course it's you. Who else can it be other than you?"    


Of course, she would not say those words out loud. Instead, she said, "Where are we going next? Go home?"    


"Of course not. It's so early. What are we going back for? " Zhou Hao smiled and said, "Let's have a taste of the nightlife here in Hong Kong. Do you know where there's a disco or something like that?"    


"Yes, I do, but I can't go to the disco like this. " Su Lin looked at her dress and said.    


"That's true. " Zhou Hao laughed. It would be inappropriate for Su Lin to go to the disco in such a gorgeous evening dress.    


Therefore, the two of them went back to the mountain and waited for Su Lin to change into a simple and generous T-shirt and jeans.    


Zhou Hao drove the black Porsche with Su Lin to a disco called "Green-BX" in Gong Bay.    


It was past nine o'clock in the evening, and disco was already packed with people. The dark space was shaking with lasers and the loud music.    


Many young people were crazily twisting their bodies on the dance floor, and everywhere was filled with the restless scent of youth.    


This was the first time Zhou Hao and Su Lin had come to disco. Not long after they came in, they were infected by the lively music here, and their bodies couldn't help but tremble.    


Zhou Hao casually took two glasses of wine from a waiter's plate and passed one of them to Su Lin. He didn't care what kind of wine it was and drank it.    


After that, Zhou Hao took Su Lin to the crowded dance floor and started to dance with the music.    


The biggest advantage of disco was that they could dance without any restraint. They did not need to pay attention to any steps. They just needed to dance according to their own thoughts.    


Moreover, the frustration in its heart would also dissipate along with the rhythm of the dance.    


The surroundings were very crowded, so Su Lin and Zhou Hao were very close to each other. Later, Su Lin placed her hand on Zhou Hao's shoulder.    


"This is my first time coming to disco. How about you?" Because the volume of the music was very loud, Su Lin had to whisper into Zhou Hao's ear.    


Being so close to Zhou Hao also made Su Lin's face turn red and her heart beat fast. Luckily, the environment here was dark and no one else could see it.    


"Me too, but this place is pretty good. " Zhou Hao's voice was very soft, but it clearly reached Su Lin's ears.    


Suddenly, a pair of men and women who were dancing behind Su Lin stepped back and bumped into Su Lin, making Su Lin also involuntarily jump forward.    


"Be careful. " Zhou Hao's strong and broad chest coincidentally provided Su Lin with a safe haven.    


Su Lin bumped into Zhou Hao's arms and her heart jumped even faster, but she also enjoyed this rare opportunity to get close to him.    


Her face was pressed against Zhou Hao's chest. Although the music around her was loud, Zhou Hao's strong heartbeat was clearly heard by her.    


"Are you alright?" Zhou Hao did not know that Su Lin was taking the opportunity to "take advantage" of him, so he helped her up and asked.    


Su Lin came back to her senses and gently shook her head. Her eyes showed that she was not satisfied.    


After going crazy in Discovery for a while, it was already past eleven o'clock at night when the two of them came out. The rich dinner from before was also almost digested in this intense exercise.    


Su Lin touched her flat stomach and said to Zhou Hao, "Zhou Hao, I'm hungry. Let's find a place to eat. "    


"Sure. " Zhou Hao answered happily and took Su Lin to find a supper to eat.    


In the car, Su Lin said to Zhou Hao, "I have heard that there is a big stall behind Yongan Department Store. It tastes very good.    


I've never had the chance to try it before. Let's go there and try it this time. "    


Thus, Zhou Hao followed Su Lin to the big stall behind the Yongan Department Store.    


Compared to those star hotels and high-end western restaurants, this stall called "Rong's Record" was naturally very simple and crude.    


However, just by looking at it, Zhou Hao could feel the thick atmosphere of the people in Hong Kong. He thought that this was the real restaurant.    


Zhou Hao put the car aside and sat at one of the tables outside the food stall with Su Lin.    


There were many guests visiting this "honor record. " Most of them were citizens above forty years old. It seemed that they were all regular customers.    


A young man with a bare upper body and only a pair of jeans placed two empty cups in front of Zhou Hao and Su Lin and poured hot tea for them skillfully.    


Then he asked the two of them, "What do you want to eat?"    


"What signature dishes do you have here? Can you introduce them?" Zhou Hao said with a smile.    


The young man grinned. "We have a lot of signature dishes here.    


We cooked the coriander with soy sauce, the sedative shrimp with chili salt, the chili crab in the wind shelter, the beef meatballs with river flour, and the beef meatballs with our own hands. It definitely has a good taste. "    


Zhou Hao said, "Then let's have one serving of each dish, and a bottle of beer. "    


After the young man left, Su Lin said to Zhou Hao in annoyance, "Why did you drink again? It's not good for your health. "    


"Of course we are here to drink beer, otherwise it would be boring. " Zhou Hao's smile was still very bright.    


"Be careful, I will tell Ruolan. Ruolan told me to keep an eye on you. " Su Lin said with a faint smile.    


At that moment, Zhou Hao saw two black Mercedes-Benz cars slowly coming from a distance. They stopped on the street on the right side of the stall.    


Then, a few men got off the two Mercedes-Benz cars. There were a total of five men. The man in the middle, who was in his forties and was dressed in a proper suit, was obviously their leader.    


Zhou Hao was stunned when he saw the man.    


Because he immediately recognized the man. What flashed in his mind was not his real name, but the name of his character in a series of movies - Dragon Five.    


Back then, Gamble Gods had been famous all over Hong Kong, Macau and China. Apart from the Gamble God in the movie, Zhou Runfa had attracted thousands of gazes.    


In the movie, Dragon Five, who was serious and did his best to protect Zhou Runfa, had also left a deep impression on the audience.    


In fact, the actor of this Dragon Five was Xiang Huaqiang.    


Xiang Huaqiang was a tycoon in Hong Kong's entertainment industry. Yongsheng, Star of China, and Hundred Year Film Company were all his companies.    


At the same time, he was also the leader of the biggest gang organization in Hong Kong, Xin Yi'an.    


Xiang Huaqiang's father was a major general of the National People's Party. Later, he came to Hong Kong and used "Yi'an" as a cover, and later developed into the largest gang organization in Hong Kong.    


Xiang Huaqiang and his brother, Hua Sheng, controlled almost the entire Hong Kong movie market. More than half of the movie stars in Hong Kong had connections with them or were directly controlled by them.    


The Hong Kong artistes had many demonstrations against the gangs infiltrating the entertainment industry. In Zhou Hao's opinion, most of the artistes did this because there was a conflict of interest between them and the gangs.    


Many movie stars and singers wanted to establish their own family after being praised by the big shots. Of course, the big shots were unwilling, so they would often take revenge on these celebrities who had disloyal thoughts.    


Among the celebrities who had a close relationship with "Xin Yi'an," the most famous ones were Zhou Runfa and Zhou Xingchi.    


It was rumored that Zhou Xingchi had applied to migrate to Canada several times, but he was rejected by the authorities on the grounds that he was suspected to be a member of the gangs.    


And this Xiang Huaqiang, who was influential in Hong Kong's entertainment industry and the underworld, had actually appeared in front of Zhou Hao.    


Xiang Huaqiang walked towards the food stall with his four subordinates, and those old masters who were eating supper saw him.    


Unlike the ordinary citizens who were afraid of gangs, they greeted him warmly and called him "Fifth Brother. " Xiang Huaqiang also nodded at the old customers.    


The boss of "Rong's Record," a man in his 60s also quickly came out and said enthusiastically to Xiang Huaqiang, "Fifth Brother, there's a seat inside. Come inside. "    


"No need. I'll just stay outside. " Xiang Huaqiang said lightly, then sat at the table next to Zhou Hao. His subordinates also poured tea and water for him.    


The boss smiled and said, "Same old rules. Pepper salt, sedative prawns, dried beef river, and a bottle of raw beer?" Seeing Xiang Huaqiang nod his head, the boss immediately went in to prepare for him.    


At this time, the bare-chested young man just now was carrying a bottle of raw beer. A plate of salt sedae was being served. Zhou Hao and the others walked over.    


"Customer, your sedative prawns. " The young man said with a smile.    


But just as he was about to place the plate of Pepper Salt Raiko Prawns on Zhou Hao's table, one of Xiang Huaqiang's men beside him shouted, "Hey, bring it here first. "    


The young man looked at the man hesitantly and said, "But, it's. . . It's this guest who first. . . "    


However, he heard the anger on the man's face, "Didn't you hear what I said? I said bring it over here first!"    


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