Supreme Stock God

C207 The Storm of the Martial World

C207 The Storm of the Martial World

Xiang Huaqiang's men were usually fierce fighters. However, they were now in a state of panic when faced with such a critical situation.    


The two men who were shot in the arm seemed to have forgotten the pain. They all looked at Zhou Hao, treating him as their life-saving straw.    


"Hurry up and let Mr. Song lie down. Be careful. Also, call an ambulance. " Zhou Hao said to them.    


They immediately did what Zhou Hao said. Zhou Hao looked at Xiang Huaqiang and found that he was in shock because of the large amount of blood.    


Zhou Hao immediately pressed a few major acupoints on Xiang Huaqiang's body to stop the blood that kept gushing out. At the same time, he put his hand on Xiang Huaqiang's chest and slowly injected Genuine Auras into it to protect his life.    


When those people saw that Xiang Huaqiang's originally pale face had slowly recovered some color under Zhou Hao's help, their hearts relaxed a little.    


If Xiang Huaqiang really lost his life under their protection, they believed that they would also be afraid of being buried with him.    


"My life is saved, but I still need to be treated in time. " Zhou Hao said.    


Su Lin still had a lingering fear of the sudden change. Her delicate body was still trembling slightly. She could only tightly grab Zhou Hao's arm to feel a sense of security.    


At this moment, the sound of police cars and ambulance came from the streets outside. More than ten police cars and three ambulance quickly turned into this street.    


Following them were several vans with the words A certain newspaper printed on them. They were reporters who had received the news and came to report.    


This sudden accident, especially the explosion just now, had caused several citizens to be injured by the broken glass fragments. Not counting the people in the houses on both sides of the street who had been injured by their own glass windows.    


When the paramedics pulled the stretcher towards Zhou Hao, Zhou Hao said to Xiang Huaqiang's two uninjured subordinates, "You guys go and block the reporters. Don't let them know that there is Mr. Xiang among the injured. "    


He already knew that the incident this time was obviously an assassination attempt against Xiang Huaqiang. Moreover, the gunman was killed by the explosion. It was obvious that the person behind the scene wanted to silence them.    


If the news of Xiang Huaqiang's injuries were to spread, the underworld in Hong Kong would definitely stir up huge waves.    


Xiang Huaqiang's two subordinates were not as far-reaching as Zhou Hao thought. It was just that Zhou Hao had been calm and composed ever since the incident happened. He subconsciously listened to Zhou Hao.    


A few paramedics carried the unconscious Xiang Huaqiang onto the stretcher. Zhou Hao also said, "Let's go together. "    


The doctor frowned at Zhou Hao. "Who are you people?"    


"We are his friends. " We are friends, the doctor said.    


The doctor hesitated for a moment and nodded. He asked Zhou Hao and Su Lin to sit in the back of the ambulance.    


Xiang Huaqiang's two subordinates who had been shot were in another ambulance. As for the scene of the accident, it had already been locked up by a large number of police.    


On the ambulance, the doctor and a few paramedics were busy bandaging Xiang Huaqiang.    


Looking at the wound on Xiang Huaqiang's neck, the doctor frowned and said, "His carotid artery is ruptured, but. . . Why is the blood stopped?"    


He had been a doctor for many years and knew that it was very difficult to stop bleeding from a wound like a carotid artery rupture. If the rescue was not timely, the injured person would easily die from blood loss.    


"Could it be that the blood has already dried up?" The doctor muttered to himself, but when he saw that although Xiang Huaqiang was in a coma, he clearly still had a strong life force, he rejected this idea.    


He could only bandage Xiang Huaqiang's wound with this doubt.    


Zhou Hao, who was beside him, naturally would not say that Xiang Huaqiang turning the crisis into safety was his own credit. He wanted to explain to these medical staff who advocated Western science about the Strike the Acupoint and Qigong.    


The degree of difficulty was no less than making them believe in the existence of gods and ghosts.    


On the way to the hospital, Zhou Hao also called Zeng Yingpei.    


"Xiao Hao, what's the matter? Uncle Pei is busy. " Zeng Yingpei's hurried voice came through the phone. Zhou Hao could still hear the noise around him.    


Zhou Hao said, "Uncle Pei, are you busy with what happened at Yongan Department Store?"    


"You also know? Did you see it on the news?" Zeng Yingpei asked doubtfully.    


"No, I was there at that time, and I saw what happened. "    


Therefore, Zhou Hao told Zeng Yingpei in detail what happened just now. "I am now going to the hospital with Xiang Huaqiang. "    


Zeng Yingpei did not expect Zhou Hao to be at the scene of the explosion, and he was also one of the people involved in this incident.    


According to what Zhou Hao said, the target of the enemy was Xiang Huaqiang. If this was true. . . Then things are complicated this time.    


Especially now that it was a sensitive period like the day before their return, any incident could have different degrees of impact on their return.    


"Xiao Hao, are you and Su Lin alright?" Since Zhou Hao said that Xiang Huaqiang's life was no longer in danger, Zeng Yingpei started to care about Zhou Hao and Su Lin.    


Zhou Hao said, "We are fine. Su Lin was just a little shocked. "    


He looked at Su Lin, who was beside him. Seeing that she still looked scared, he reached out and held her in his arms. He patted her on the shoulder to comfort her.    


Su Lin looked deeply at Zhou Hao. Seeing his warm and caring eyes, she felt the fear and uneasiness in her heart disappear in an instant.    


Leaning in Zhou Hao's arms also made her feel a genuine sense of security.    


Together with the unconscious Xiang Huaqiang, Zhou Hao and the others came to Hong Kong's "Margari Hospital. "    


Xiang Huaqiang was sent to the emergency room. Zhou Hao and Su Lin were waiting outside for news since they were not injured.    


Not long after, a large group of people rushed to the hospital. These people were dressed differently, but they also had worried and anxious expressions on their faces.    


Zhou Hao could sense a faint hostility from these people. He knew that these people must be the members of "New Yi'an" who came to visit Xiang Huaqiang.    


The two people in the front were a middle-aged man who looked somewhat similar to Xiang Huaqiang. There was also a middle-aged woman who looked graceful and heroic despite her young age.    


Zhou Hao had also guessed the identities of these two men. They were obviously Xiang Huaqiang's brother, Xianghua Sheng, and Xiang Huaqiang's wife, Li Lan.    


Once they came in, Xianghua Sheng grabbed a doctor who had just come out of the operating theater and shouted, "Doctor, how is my brother? How's my brother?"    


The doctor was also shocked by this group of aggressive gangsters. He quickly said, "The patient is still in surgery, but his life is no longer in danger. You can rest assured. "    


When they heard the doctor's words, both Hua Sheng and Li Lan heaved a long sigh of relief.    


Then, Zhou Hua Sheng grabbed the doctor and asked loudly, "What exactly is going on? How did my brother end up like this? Who murdered my brother? "    


After saying that, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. "If I find out who dared to touch my brother, I will make sure he dies without a complete corpse!"    


"I. . . We are not sure either. We are only responsible for treating the wounded. " Perhaps because he was afraid of the hostility coming from Hua Sheng, the doctor immediately pointed at Zhou Hao, who was sitting outside, and said, "You, you can ask them. They came with the injured. They said they were friends of the injured. "    


The core members of Xin Yi An, including Lian Hua, looked at Zhou Hao and Su Lin, but their eyes were not very friendly.    


Immediately, Xianghua Sheng and a few people from Xin Yi An walked over in a fierce manner.    


The few big brothers of Xin Yi An even glared at Zhou Hao and Su Lin, as if they were the culprits who caused Xiang Huaqiang to become like this.    


They were afraid of their imposing manner. Su Lin subconsciously shrank towards Zhou Hao, and reached out to grab Zhou Hao's arm.    


When Zhou Hao saw the expression on their faces, he was also annoyed. He thought to himself, I have saved your boss, but you still don't know how to vent your anger on me?    


Therefore, Zhou Hao slightly activated the Genuine Aura and shouted, "All of you, calm down!"    


In fact, Zhou Hao's voice was not loud. The doctors and patients in the distance did not feel anything out of the ordinary.    


However, when they faced Zhou Hao directly, they were greatly shocked. They only felt pain in their eardrums and their heads swelling. They could not help but stop walking and even take two steps back.    


After being in the underworld for so many years, he also knew that some extraordinary people had profound inner force skills.    


Zhou Hao's soft shout had stunned these people who had been through a lot of bloodshed. Obviously, they were not ordinary people.    


However, a tall man in his forties beside him did not understand these things. He only felt that his head was dizzy from Zhou Hao's roar. He did not get angry, so he cursed in a rough voice.    


"Kid, you are tired of living! Do you know that we are from the 'New Yi'an'? How the f * ck do you dare to yell at us like that? " After saying that, he wanted to go forward and beat up Zhou Hao.    


Duan Huasheng hurriedly raised his hand to stop him, and Li Lan also walked over. "Sang Biao, don't be rash!"    


Li Lan nodded slightly at Zhou Hao. "Hello, my name is Li Lan. The doctor just now said that the two of you came together with my husband.    


May I ask what happened just now? "    


Compared to the burly men like Sheng Hua and Sang Biao, Li Lan was much more polite.    


Zhou Hao also had a certain understanding of Li Lan. She was Xiang Huaqiang's second wife, and she had been by Xiang Huaqiang's side for dozens of years.    


She also had two sons, and had always maintained the position of the madam. She also had a high position in the society, and many people called her "Big Sis. "    


Since Li Lan was Xiang Huaqiang's wife, Zhou Hao did not want to hide it from her and told her what had happened.    


When he heard what Zhou Hao said, he raised his eyebrows. "You mean this is an assassination against my brother?"    


Zhou Hao shrugged his shoulders and said, "That's possible. "    


"F * ck!" Duan Huasheng cursed, "Sang Biao, inform the fat guy from East Star and the 14K machine gun and tell them to come over immediately!"    


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