Supreme Stock God

C211 The Dragon Heads Have Gathered

C211 The Dragon Heads Have Gathered

"You have a backbone. " The official name of the teahouse was actually "Fuzheng Restaurant. " Due to the long history of this teahouse, people from various underworld societies liked to drink morning tea here.    


As time passed, people from the underworld called it "backbone teahouse. "    


At 10: 30 p. M. , Xiang Huaqiang, Xianghua Sheng, and Zhou Hao left Ma Jia Lie Hospital and headed to the "You have a backbone" teahouse.    


As Xiang Huaqiang's injuries were no longer serious, as long as he was not infected, he would be fine.    


Xiang Huaqiang also did not like to stay in the hospital. If it was any other patient, the doctor would definitely not agree to let him leave the hospital so early. But who was Xiang Huaqiang?    


He was the leader of the biggest gang in Hong Kong. Those doctors did not dare to go against his wishes.    


Besides, Xiang Huaqiang had a high social status. He had private doctors to take care of him at any time. The treatment conditions were not any worse than in the hospital.    


Zhou Hao and Xiang Huaqiang were going to meet the leaders of Hong Kong's major gangs, so it was not convenient for them to bring Su Lin with them.    


Li Lan knew Zhou Hao's intentions, so he took the initiative to pull Su Lin to those high-class clubs for skincare and beautification.    


Sitting in his Mercedes-Benz car with Xiang Huaqiang, Xiang Huaqiang told Zhou Hao about the general situation of the Hong Kong underworld.    


What Xiang Huaqiang said was similar to what Zhou Hao knew in his previous life. In this period of time, there were dozens of gangs in Hong Kong, and most of them were small street gangs.    


The large gangs included New Yi'an, Alliance, 14K, Sheng He and so on. Among these large gangs, New Yi'an was the largest, Alliance and 14K were the most powerful.    


Xin Yi'an's business was very broad. Not only did he manage to book a few casinos in Macau, he also booked several gambling boats, as well as an outer gambling company that included Southeast Asia.    


Apart from that, with "Yongsheng Film Company" as the head, Xin Yi'an's strength in Hong Kong's movie industry was also very large.    


At the same time, he also helped Xin Yi'an wash away the "black money" through movie investments.    


As for the association called "East Star," its business was mainly in the traditional underground industry, including gambling and gambling.    


However, its operating method was much more advanced than before, and it even introduced some management methods of some companies. And just like Xin Yi'an, the Alliance also had quite a bit of influence in the entertainment industry.    


And 14K was Hong Kong's biggest pirated company. More than half of the pirated CDs and DVD pirated in Hong Kong and even Southeast Asia were made by them.    


"Right now, the boss of the East Star, Old Fat, has been working for the East Star for more than ten years.    


This guy doesn't care about the rules when doing things, and he is very ruthless. The people in the East Star are all very afraid of him.    


However, I heard that he got the position of the person in charge after killing the previous person over ten years ago. "    


Xiang Huaqiang introduced to Zhou Hao. " As for the leader of the 14K, he was An Longji, nicknamed 'machine gun'.    


Among the leaders of our clubs, he is the youngest. He is only 40 years old this year.    


This fellow is a graduate of MIT, and before he enters the underworld, he is a financial manager of a large group.    


But after the corporation went bankrupt, he was also framed by the shareholders of the corporation and pushed the blame on him.    


Although the investigation later had nothing to do with him, no other company dared to use him. Then, in a fit of anger, he went to place the loan shark at 14K. "    


Zhou Hao smiled and said," This is the so-called high-intelligence criminal. "    


Xiang Huaqiang said, "Yes, the people in the 14K are all professionals hired by him with a high salary. I don't think so. The current 14K is about to be turned into a company by him.    


En, there are also the few gangs at the front of the word 'He'. They were originally a large gang a few decades ago. Our New Yi'an and the United British Society are not their match.    


However, later on, their internal strife split into a few small gangs, and their strength was greatly reduced due to them being separated. "    


"That's right, Mr. Xiang, will the current Hong Kong gangs really kill people on the streets like in the movies?" Zhou Hao asked.    


"It's not that there are no gangs, but there are fewer gangs than before. " Xiang Huaqiang said.    


"Right now, our main goal is to make money. Everything is to make money. If it isn't necessary, we rarely use weapons.    


Of course, those who live on the streets aren't good men and women, so it's inevitable for them to make noise during normal days. But. . . "    


He suddenly sighed," Walking in the martial arts world is not an easy thing after all.    


That's why I sent my two sons to study in England early on, just that I don't want to involve them in the club's matters. "    


Zhou Hao was also very emotional when he saw how deeply the leader of the underworld cared for his children.    


Zhou Hao and the others soon arrived at the famous Hong Kong underworld teahouse called "Spiky. " There were already many people standing in front of the not-so-grand entrance. They were all from the underworld.    


The streets were also filled with luxury cars. They should be the bosses of various clubs.    


Xiang Huaqiang had brought quite a few people with him. There were thirty of them, and many of them were armed with pistols.    


Especially the few "guards" beside Xiang Huaqiang. Two of them even hid a light machine gun on them to prevent emergencies.    


When the people from the other clubs at the door saw Xiang Huaqiang get off the car, they all greeted him respectfully.    


"Looks like they are all here. Let's go in. " Xiang Huaqiang said to Zhou Hao.    


The two of them walked into the restaurant together. There were no other customers in the restaurant. The people they saw were all fierce and frivolous members of the underworld.    


Zhou Hao and Xiang Huaqiang went to a large room on the second floor and saw that there were already quite a number of people sitting inside.    


Zhou Hao also saw a familiar face. It was Xiao Lianhu, who wanted to take Liang Xiaobing away in TVB TV City that day.    


He was standing behind a fat middle-aged man. Zhou Hao saw the middle-aged man and guessed that he was Fang Bingrun, the leader of the union called "Fat Uncle. "    


Fang Bingrun had a typical fierce-looking face, as if his facial features were squeezed together. When he smiled, he even revealed his yellow teeth.    


Opposite Fang Bingrun, there was a middle-aged man wearing a suit and a crown.    


His hair was combed until it was shiny, and he even wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. At first glance, he looked like a successful entrepreneur.    


His two subordinates were also wearing suits that looked like white-collar workers, so Zhou Hao guessed that this person should be An Longji, whom Xiang Huaqiang had mentioned.    


There were also some other people who were the leaders of the other clubs.    


"Hehe, our fifth brother is finally here. Let us wait for a while. " Seeing Xiang Huaqiang's arrival, Fang Bingrun was the first to speak with a smile.    


However, his smile was very annoying.    


He looked at the bandage on Xiang Huaqiang's neck and said with a hint of schadenfreude: "Fifth brother, I heard you were almost killed by the gunman. You should be fine.    


I told you before, don't do so many immoral things, or do more good deeds. Look, karma has come, right? "    


Xiang Huaqiang did not say anything about Fang Bingrun's mockery.    


However, Xianghua Sheng, who was standing beside him, couldn't take it anymore. He pointed at Fang Bingrun and cursed, "You fat pig, what kind of nonsense are you saying?! I think it was you, an old pig, who found someone to kill my brother!"    


Fang Bingrun's expression changed when he heard what Xiang Huaqiang said. He quickly said, "You can eat whatever you want. But you can't speak nonsense.    


Don't accuse a good person carelessly, Xiang Huaqiang said. "    


Zhou Hao knew that Zeng Yingpei had called Fang Bingrun and told him that the shooter was a" red stick "from the Union Society.    


That was why Fang Bingrun felt guilty when he heard the impulsive words of Xianghua Sheng.    


If Xin Yi'an's people found out that Gao Wentao was a member of their association, then a war between Xin Yi'an and the association would be inevitable.    


Xiang Huaqiang raised his hand to stop Sheng Huaxin and said lightly, "Sheng, don't speak nonsense. "    


"That's right, Fifth Brother. Take good care of your brother. " Fang Bingrun said angrily.    


At this moment, An Longji walked over. "Hey, hey, hey. Don't start arguing the moment you meet. Our fifth brother has just been discharged from the hospital, we should celebrate for him.    


Come on, come on. Everyone, take a seat. "    


Thus, these dragons who had been in Hong Kong's underworld were gathered together.    


"It's obvious that someone wants to take my life this time. " After sitting down, Xiang Huaqiang said first.    


The hearts of everyone present shivered when they heard this. Xiang Huaqiang was one of the best in Hong Kong's underworld.    


If he was assassinated, they knew very well what kind of changes would happen to Hong Kong's underworld.    


"Fifth brother, let me explain first. That person was definitely not sent by me. " An Longji smiled and said.    


However, Cheng Huasheng sneered and said, "We didn't say who it was, why are you so guilty?"    


An Longji stopped smiling and said with a solemn face: "Xianghua Sheng, be careful with your words!"    


"Hmph! Everyone knows that you are interested in the few casinos in Macau.    


If my brother is no longer around, I can't guarantee that someone will seize the opportunity to rob our casinos in Macau.    


Didn't the police often say that there was a motive behind the crime? In my opinion, the motive of some people is also very obvious. " Cheng Huasheng said without showing any signs of weakness.    


An Longji suddenly slammed the table, stood up, and pointed at Sheng Huaxin. "Sheng Huaxin, I give you three points of respect for your new righteousness, but don't push your luck!    


If we really want to fight, we, the 14K, have never been afraid of anyone! "    


"Machine gun, calm down. That's not what Ah Sheng meant. " Xiang Huaqiang said to Alongji.    


Brother, do you need to be so polite to him? I think he is the suspect. "    


"Shut up. Are you only happy when the two of us have a real fight?" Xiang Huaqiang glared at Hua Sheng and scolded him.    


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