Supreme Stock God

C218 A Prank

C218 A Prank

In the next week or so, Zhou Hao had traveled almost all over Hong Kong and had tasted all the delicacies in Hong Kong.    


At the same time, during this period of time, he personally guided the many financial elites in his company to control his funds in Southeast Asia.    


On the other hand, he was also constantly perfecting his own investment plan at home, and time was busy and fulfilling.    


Su Lin was Zhou Hao's secretary and her work was done very well, which saved Zhou Hao a lot of time. Zhou Hao also praised his decision to recruit her to his company.    


In addition, Zhou Hao would sometimes eat and chat with Liang Xiaobing and Wang Weiwen.    


On this day, Zhou Hao and Su Lin invited the two wives of the Zeng family, Zeng Jiying, and Zeng Bao Aijing to dinner. After this period of time, Zhou Hao and the Zeng family had become very close.    


Previously, Zeng Jiying said that Hong Kong had recently opened a private restaurant. The taste was very good, and the Lady Boss was also very good.    


Many rich and powerful officials' wives and daughters were willing to come, so they wanted to bring Zhou Hao and Su Lin to try it out.    


This private restaurant did not have a store, but was in a noble residential area called "Yi Hai Garden. "    


Zhou Hao and Su Lin followed the two wives of the Zeng family to this "Yi Hai Garden" and went straight to the entrance of a unit on the 28th floor.    


"The female owner of this private restaurant is surnamed Hai and her name is Hai Qixun. But we all call her Ah Xun. "    


Zeng Mingying and Zhou Hao said, "Actually, she didn't open this private restaurant to make money. She was purely interested and wanted to make more friends.    


Her husband runs a supermarket and has a net worth of a few hundred million. However, he passed away a few years ago and left a large amount of inheritance for her. "    


At that moment, Zeng Baojing pressed the doorbell. After a pleasant ringing sound, the iron door opened.    


A tall and exquisite woman appeared at the door. She had bright eyes, white teeth, and delicate facial features. She was a rare beauty.    


She was obviously the Lady Boss of this private restaurant, Hai Qixun, Zeng Mingying had mentioned.    


When she saw Zeng Mingying, Zhou Hao, and the others, she smiled brightly. " Madam Zeng, you're here?"    


Her smile was as beautiful as a blooming rose, especially her bright eyes. They were like two crescent moons, giving people a refreshing feeling.    


She welcomed Zeng Jiying and Zhou Hao into the house. Zhou Hao saw that the place was spacious and luxurious. According to the current property price in Hong Kong, this unit's price was probably not below 20 million.    


In the dining hall, there was a solid wooden table with a bottle of fragrant orchids on it.    


Hai Qixun invited Zhou Hao and the rest to sit in the living room and poured them some fresh water. "These two are the friends you mentioned, Mrs. Zeng, right?"    


She smiled at Zhou Hao and Su Lin. "The two of you are so young. My surname is Hai. You can just call me Ah Xun. "    


"Let's call you Sister Xun. " Zhou Hao also smiled.    


He saw Hai Qixun not only had a well-developed body, but she also had a mature and attractive charm, especially her eyes. Her eyes, eyes, and smile were all charming.    


However, even though it was his first time meeting her, Zhou Hao felt that this Hai Qixun gave him a familiar feeling.    


It was as if he had seen her somewhere before. However, this sense of familiarity was faintly discernible, making him unable to catch it.    


At this moment, Zeng Bao said to Zhou Hao, "If you want to eat at Ah Xun's place, you need to book a table a week in advance. Otherwise, there won't be any seats available.    


It could be seen how delicious Ah Xun's food was. I remember that when we first came here, we almost swallowed our tongues.    


She even asked Ah Xun to teach her a few dishes and went back to cook them for Ying Pei. Ying Pei can't stop praising her. "    


Hai Qixun covered her mouth and said with a faint smile, "Mrs. Zeng, you flatter me. What I make is just an ordinary side dish. It is not as exaggerated as what Mrs. Zeng said. "    


Zhou Hao looked at Hai Qixun, who was covering her mouth and smiling. He could not help but be a little stunned. He felt that every movement of this mature woman had a touch of soul-refreshing charm.    


Although she was only wearing an ordinary housewife uniform and did not expose herself at all, she was still able to give people a kind of sexy charm.    


It was said that a woman's true sexiness was not in the clothing but in the style. Hai Qixun vividly portrayed this sentence.    


He saw Hai Qixun's plump and sexy red lips opening and closing slightly, like a pink cherry filled with charm.    


Suddenly, Zhou Hao felt that someone beside him had lightly knocked his arm, and he could not help but look to the side.    


Su Lin rolled her eyes at him and said, "Sister Xun is asking you about something. Why are you in a daze?"    


Only then did Zhou Hao come back to his senses. He realized that Hai Qixun was talking to him when her lips parted.    


He scratched his head in embarrassment and smiled apologetically. "Sorry, I was distracted just now. Sister Xun, say it again. "    


"Hehe, I was just asking Mr Zhou about the weight of your taste. Mr Zhou, do you prefer a lighter or heavier taste?" Hai Qixun smiled.    


Zhou Hao replied, "A heavier one. I like ones with a thicker taste. "    


After that, Hai Qixun went into the kitchen to prepare food, while Zhou Hao and Zeng Mingying stayed in the living room to chat.    


Zeng Bao loved Jing. He smiled at Zeng Mingying and said: "Xiao Hao was stunned when he saw her just now. She was so cute. "    


Zhou Hao felt very awkward when the two ladies exposed him. Su Lin, who was beside him, also rolled her eyes at him.    


Zeng Mingying smiled at Zhou Hao and said, "Xiao Hao, do you know that every time we come to Ah Xun's place to eat, we will only invite some good sisters and never bring our husband with us?"    


Seeing Zhou Hao's puzzled expression, she said, "It's because Ah Xun's charm is too great. It's not that we can't trust her, or that we can't trust her. It's just that. . . "    


She looked at Zeng Bao who was beside her.    


Zeng Bao and Ai Jing said, "It's just that Ah Xun couldn't help but be tempted by us women, let alone men. We have a friend, her husband is an advanced engineer.    


She once treated her husband and son to a meal here. She didn't expect her husband and son to fall in love with Ah Xun at first sight. Later on, they even fought over this matter.    


Later on, that friend of ours divorced her husband. Even now, her husband and son are still pursuing Ah Xun. "    


Zeng Mingying also said, "Although Ah Xun doesn't want such a thing to happen, there are times when the tree wants peace but the wind keeps blowing.    


So from then on, we won't bring Sir over every time we come up for a meal. "    


After Su Lin heard that, she couldn't help but complain about the Zeng family's two wives, "Auntie, if that's the case, why did you bring Zhou Hao over?    


He has a girlfriend, and she's a good sister to me. "    


"We just want to bring you here to taste Ah Xun's cooking.    


Besides, we believe in Xiao Hao's character. He won't let down his girlfriend. Don't you think so, Xiao Hao? " Zeng Bao said with a smile.    


Zhou Hao, on the other hand, laughed guiltily because he knew who he was. Even without Hai Qixun, Li Ruolan was not the only woman by his side.    


"By the way, how old is Sister Xun this year?" Su Lin suddenly asked.    


Zeng Mingying answered, "She seems to be almost forty. But she looks like she's in her thirties. I don't know how she took care of herself. How enviable. "    


Zhou Hao was secretly surprised. He did not expect Hai Qixun to be already forty years old. Just now, he thought that she was at most thirty years old.    


Su Lin asked again, "Then how much does it cost to have a meal here?"    


"It is not expensive. " Zeng Bao said, "It's usually one or two thousand. Sometimes, Ah Xun doesn't charge. "    


After chatting for a while, Hai Qixun had already prepared the food. Zhou Hao and Su Lin quickly went to the kitchen to help her carry the food out.    


There was a total of six dishes and a soup. The soup was the Sandworm Dry Papaya Cooking Grass Fish. The vegetables were the salted egg steamed meat patty, the sour plum steamed pork ribs, the brewed fish, the Rotten Bamboo Wenduk Duck, garlic fried oatmeal, and Salted Fish Eggplant Cooking.    


Although they were all typical household dishes in Guangdong, the color, fragrance, and taste were all there. Just looking at the appearance and smell of the dishes was enough to make people salivate.    


Zhou Hao and the others sat down. Hai Qixun had already prepared the rice for them. She also specially picked up a piece of Braised Dry Fish and placed it in Zhou Hao's bowl.    


"Mr Zhou, try this Braised Dice Fish. I made them with fresh pork and Dice Fish. "    


Seeing Hai Qixun's charming smile, Zhou Hao repeatedly replied, "Alright, alright. Thank you, Sister Xun. "    


Hai Qixun's cooking skills were indeed very high. The dishes were very delicious.    


Even Yan Tong and Lu Shiping, experienced housewives, could not make household dishes to such an extent. Zhou Hao was very impressed.    


However, the more he got along with Hai Qixun, the more Zhou Hao felt that Hai Qixun was very familiar with her. However, he could not think of where he had seen her before.    


At this moment, he heard Hai Qixun smile at Su Lin, "Miss Su, that oil and wheat with some sesame oil will be more fragrant. I will bring some for you. "    


As she spoke, she did not wait for Su Lin to agree and went to the kitchen to get a bottle of sesame oil for her.    


Su Lin just received the sesame oil and thanked Hai Qixun. But when she put the sesame oil dripping into her mouth, she immediately spit it out, "Ah, it is so spicy!"    


Hai Qixun took the bottle of sesame oil and dipped her finger into it before quickly apologizing to Su Lin.    


"Ah, sorry, Miss Su. I treated the chili oil as sesame oil. I will get some water for you. "    


Although Hai Qixun was apologizing and quickly brought some water for Su Lin, Zhou Hao found that there was a sly smile in her eyes.    


Just now, she obviously gave the chili oil to Su Lin on purpose.    


"Why did she tease Su Lin?" Zhou Hao also felt strange in his heart, "Could it be that Su Lin offended her before? Impossible. Su Lin obviously only knew her today. "    


Therefore, Zhou Hao could only treat Hai Qixun's actions just now as a prank.    


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