Supreme Stock God

C248 Lian Po Is Old

C248 Lian Po Is Old

When Zhou Hao and Wang Weiwen followed Fang Yihua into the room, Shao Yifu was sitting on the sofa and watching the movie with a satisfied expression on his face.    


The movie on the television was the famous movie, Drunk Man, produced by the Shao's Film Company.    


At this time, Shao Yifu was already ninety years old. In Zhou Hao's previous life, Zhou Hao died earlier than Shao Yifu. At that time, Shao Yifu was already more than a hundred years old, but he was still very healthy.    


When the two of them came in, Shao Yifu, who was sitting on the sofa, immediately recognized Wang Weiwen.    


He knew all the employees in his company. After all, he was still the Sect Chief of Wireless Television Limited.    


When his eyes fell on Zhou Hao, Fang Yihua, who was sitting next to him, said with a smile. "This is Zhou Hao, the one that Lizhi told us about. "    


"I remember that he was the Zhou Hao who chased Fang Bingrun's godson away on the set that day. " Shao Yifu said.    


Shao Yifu's eyes were fixed on Zhou Hao, and Zhou Hao was also looking at him. From the outside, Shao Yifu looked like a weak and ordinary old man.    


But in reality, he was a person in power in the media kingdom, and he controlled half of Hong Kong's entertainment industry.    


The Shao Corporation established by this old man had been dominating Hong Kong's and even the entire Asian movie industry since the 1960s.    


At that time, almost all the celebrities, directors, and screenwriters in Hong Kong were members of the Shao Corporation.    


It was only when the Shao Corporation missed out on Bruce Lee that the Jiahe Film Company used the opportunity to rise up and broke the Shao Corporation's monopoly in the movie market.    


After that, many movie companies appeared one after another, causing the Shao Corporation to gradually withdraw from the movie market. Shao Yifu also focused his main strength on the Wireless Television Limited.    


If the Shao family's company was still in its prime, then Shao Yifu would truly be the king of the entertainment media in Hong Kong.    


At the same time, Shao Yifu was also the first person to be conferred the title of a knight by the Queen of England.    


And it was said that Shao Yifu was very passionate about shooting porn movies in his early years.    


At that time, every movie of the Shao family had to go through his approval, and he liked to add comments on the script of every movie.    


A large part of the script had been added with a lot of yellow plots under his pen.    


Zhou Hao was very calm about this old man who controlled half of Hong Kong's entertainment industry.    


In his eyes, Shao Yifu was just a successful businessman. He would not treat Shao Yifu as a legend in the entertainment industry like those celebrities.    


"Little friend, you and Wei Wencheng came here to find me because of Liang Xiaobing. " Shao Yifu immediately pointed out the purpose of Zhou Hao and Wang Weiwen's visit.    


Zhou Hao nodded. " That's right. Why did you guys sign Xiaobing to the Donghui management company?"    


Since Shao Yifu said so, Zhou Hao was sure that this matter was indeed their decision.    


Shao Yifu looked at Zhou Hao indifferently. "Little friend, do you have proof? Liang Xiaobing signed a contract with the Donghui management company. It has nothing to do with our wireless connection. "    


"Humph! Humph! Is this the so-called movie tycoon? " Zhou Hao crossed his arms and looked coldly at Shao Yifu. "In my opinion, He is just a poor Old Man who doesn't deserve to be called a tycoon. "    


Fang Yihua frowned, "Mr Zhou, I hope you are more polite with your words. "    


Shao Yifu raised his hand to stop Fang Yihua and smiled at Zhou Hao," What is your relationship with Liang Xiaobing? "    


"She is my woman. Do you understand now?" Zhou Hao said.    


Shao Yifu smiled and nodded, then looked at Fang Yihua.    


"Young people are impulsive. But this is what a young man looks like. Back then, I also tried to do a lot of stupid things for Mei Zhen. Hehe, now that Mizhen is gone, we are also old. "    


The "Mei Zhen" he spoke of was his first wife, Huang Mei Zhen, who had just passed away.    


Then, Shao Yifu said to Zhou Hao, "Little friend, I will tell you.    


Actually, we didn't want to do that either. It was just that Fang Bingrun threatened us and asked us to sign Liang Xiaobing to a management company in the East Star.    


If we don't do it, hehe, he has something against our company. "    


Zhou Hao immediately said," Is it proof that you bribed government officials? "    


Fang Yihua's face changed when she heard Zhou Hao's words. Clearly, Zhou Hao had guessed correctly, but Shao Yifu's smile did not change.    


He said, "That's right. Actually, many people in the industry would do such a thing.    


It's just that we don't know how Fang Bingrun got the evidence that is not good for us. If he passes the evidence to the ICAC, we will be in trouble. "    


"Even so, you can sacrifice Xiaobing? Do you know that you will destroy her like this? " Zhou Hao said coldly.    


Shao Yifu's tone was still as calm as an ancient well. "Actually, the entertainment industry is also a business. Those singers and movie stars are just products. It's just that each person's price is different.    


If you want to join the entertainment industry, you should be mentally prepared. I think Liang Xiaobing should have this awareness when she participated in Hong Kong's Miss. "    


He looked at Zhou Hao and said, "Back then, if not for her uncle's protection, after she got the third place, she would have been won by Hong Kong's rich people like the others. "    


Looking at Shao Yifu's calm and kind face and his words being so cold and inhumane, Zhou Hao could not help but feel angry in his heart.    


Actually, he also knew about the things in the entertainment industry. Shao Yifu's words were also correct from a certain point of view.    


However, Zhou Hao could not agree with Shao Yifu's attitude, especially now that the matter involved his woman.    


He heard Shao Yifu say, "So what if you know? You have no evidence to prove that this matter is related to our company.    


At this moment, you should think about how to deal with Fang Bingrun. "    


Shao Yifu didn't really care about Zhou Hao. Firstly, he didn't have any evidence, so he couldn't do anything to Shao Yifu and Wireless Television Limited.    


Secondly, Shao Yifu had a very high position in Hong Kong. He wasn't afraid of a young man like Zhou Hao.    


Seeing Shao Yifu's fearless expression, Zhou Hao narrowed his eyes and said, "You don't think it's a big deal to sacrifice Xiaobing and a mere artiste, right?    


You think that I can't do anything to you, right? You only treat me as a yellow-haired brat who doesn't know anything, right?"    


Shao Yifu threw a glance at Zhou Hao and said, "That's true. "    


"Hahahahaha. . . " Zhou Hao suddenly laughed loudly and pointed at the TV that was playing Drunk Man, and said to Shao Yifu.    


"Why do you still like your Shao's Company's movies so much? Are you still reminiscing about the time when the Shao's Company dominated Hong Kong movies?    


Are you still reminiscing about the scene of everyone in the entertainment industry worshipping you in the past? "    


Hearing Zhou Hao's words, Shao Yifu's calm expression finally began to change. There was a gloomy look on his face.    


"Let me tell you, those days have passed. They will never happen again, even if you still have ten years left. Twenty years to live, you will never see those days again!    


You will never be able to get involved in the movie industry again! " Zhou Hao said to Shao Yifu," Right now, the Wireless Television Limited has almost monopolized all the Chinese programs in Hong Kong and even all of Asia.    


Even the Asia Television Limited, the only one qualified to be your opponent, has been suppressed by you for so many years. That's why you have nothing to fear, right? "    


Zhou Hao took a deep breath and looked down at Shao Yifu who was sitting on the sofa.    


"Well, then I will personally pull you down from the throne of the television industry. Then I will sink the wireless aircraft carrier that you built with my own hands!    


I want you to remember, The scariest enemy in your life is not Jia He, not Xin Yi City, not Yong Sheng, and not Asia Television Limited. It's me, Zhou Hao! "    


"Young man, you don't know the immensity of heaven and earth, you don't know the immensity of heaven and earth!" Shao Yifu was finally enraged, and his entire body was trembling slightly.    


Fang Yihua hurriedly supported him, and as she stroked his rising and falling chest, she said to Zhou Hao, "With just you, you are able to sink our wireless?    


Stop dreaming! Hurry up and leave! Get the hell out of here! Otherwise, I will call the police! Also, Wang Weiwen, you're fired! "    


" If you're fired, then so be it. I don't want to stay on your wireless anymore. It's worse than being a slave! "    


Wang Weiwen now looked more manly. He used to be nervous when he talked to Shao Yifu and Fang Yihua, but now he dared to raise his head.    


"Whether I can sink your Wireless Television Limited or not, just wait and see.    


Also, Mister Shao, I believe that you will be able to see the sinking of the Wireless Television Limited's aircraft carrier before the time comes. " Zhou Hao said with a smile.    


He knew that Shao Yifu still had more than ten years of life left, but Shao Yifu was already ninety years old this year.    


Even if he died tomorrow, no one would make it to this place. Therefore, what he meant was that he would soon defeat the Wireless Television Limited.    


"All of you, get lost!" Fang Yihua shouted at Zhou Hao and Wang Weiwen.    


Zhou Hao and Wang Weiwen walked towards the door, but Zhou Hao's voice could still be heard clearly. "You are old, but can you still eat?"    


After walking out of Shao Yifu's house and back to the car, Wang Weiwen looked at Zhou Hao with an unusual expression and said.    


"Zhou Hao, you were so handsome just now. No one has ever dared to speak like that in front of Sixth Uncle. When people and artistes in the company saw Sixth Uncle and Sixth Aunt, they were like quails.    


However, you just said that you wanted to strike the Wireless Television Limited. You must be joking. "    


Zhou Hao held the steering wheel and looked outside. The corner of his mouth revealed a cold smile. " I am not joking. "    


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