Supreme Stock God

C249 Competing with Wireless Television?

C249 Competing with Wireless Television?

Wang Weiwen widened his eyes and looked at Zhou Hao. He said in disbelief, "What? You are not joking. Are you really going to compete with the Wireless Television Limited?"    


The corner of Zhou Hao's mouth curled up. "Did I look like I was joking just now? Do you think I was just being frivolous and deliberately angering Shao Yifu?    


I'm telling the truth, I will sink the aircraft carrier of the Wireless Television Limited's television industry. "    


" But do you know that the Wireless Television Limited is in Hong Kong? No, do you know what kind of existence the Wireless Television Limited is in the entire Han world?    


Many years ago, the Asia Television Limited said that they would defeat the Wireless Television Limited. However, they have been suppressed by the Wireless Television Limited for so many years. The occasional rebound at the bottom of the valley is only temporary. "    


As a friend, Wang Weiwen did not want Zhou Hao to act impulsively. "Also, investing in TV requires a huge amount of funds, and the results won't be very fast. Zhou Hao, you have to think it through. "    


"I have thought it through, and I have decided to do it. " Zhou Hao said, his face full of confidence.    


When Wang Weiwen saw Zhou Hao's persistence and stubbornness, he sighed deeply. "Then do you need a manager?"    


Seeing Zhou Hao's eyes, Wang Weiwen said, "I have already left Wireless Television Limited, which means I have lost my job.    


If I don't find a job soon, I won't be able to pay the rent very soon. Don't tell me you don't welcome me? "    


"Of course not. " Zhou Hao smiled and said, "I wish I could. "    


He knew that Wang Weiwen was an excellent manager and was very considerate of his contracted artistes. Liang Xiaobing had become close friends with him.    


And this time, he also left Wireless Television Limited for Liang Xiaobing. He was indeed a person who valued relationships and loyalty, which made Zhou Hao very touched.    


He heard Wang Weiwen say again, "Oh right, on the radio. There are also a few managers who are very dissatisfied with the wireless. They have a good relationship with me. Do you want me to help you poach them?"    


"That's great. " Zhou Hao said, "But there is no need to be in such a hurry. I still have a lot of preparation work to do.    


As for this period of time, just treat it as a holiday. But I will still pay you the salary. Just add another 50% to your original wireless salary. "    


Wang Weiwen also became happy when he heard that. "Haha, your boss is really good. I have never tried a paid vacation. "    


Zhou Hao smiled and said, "But during this period of time, don't just focus on playing. Help pay attention to potential artistes. "    


"No problem. " Wang Weiwen replied.    


Television was closely related to life. Before home computers were popularized, TVs are almost the only entertainment of the size. Therefore, Zhou Hao had a good understanding of the development of television programs.    


Although he was not clear about the production of television programs, with his knowledge of the future and sufficient funds, Zhou Hao was confident that he could fight a television war with the Wireless Television Limited.    


This was because Zhou Hao knew that in his previous life, from the middle of the 1990s until his death, the type of television series in the Wireless Television Limited hadn't changed much.    


On the other side, Korean dramas and Taiwan's idols were popular in Asia. They had suppressed Hong Kong dramas to the point that they could not make a name for themselves.    


Even the two major television stations in Asia and Wireless had bought Korean dramas and Taiwanese dramas to cater to the audience.    


Zhou Hao had also been poisoned by Korean dramas and Taiwan dramas. Therefore, he knew the modes very well, because Korean dramas and idol dramas had roughly the same modes.    


Apart from being sensational, Korean dramas paid the most attention to the appearance and conditions of the male and female leads.    


As long as the male and female leads were attractive enough, the Korean dramas would be more than half successful, and Taiwan's idols would be even more so. The F4 in the past was popular all over the country.    


But now, the Korean dramas had just shown signs of raising their heads, and they had yet to conquer the mainland and Asian market.    


Taiwan's idols were nowhere to be seen. Now, Taiwan was still keen on shooting those long-winded Taiwanese dramas.    


Therefore, Zhou Hao, who had grasped these opportunities, had the best timing.    


When he said that he wanted to defeat Shao Yifu, it was not an impulsive statement, nor was it an act of throwing an egg at a stone.    


However, this matter still needed to be discussed and slowly prepared. Now, Zhou Hao still needed to take care of other things. The first thing he needed to do was to take care of Liang Xiaobing's matter this time.    


Due to Wireless Television Limited's interference, Liang Xiaobing was signed to the management company of East Radiance. Although this involved fraud, the evidence was not obvious.    


Dong Hui's management company was in a very advantageous position, especially since this was done by Fang Bingrun. It was not as easy to deal with as Chen Jiahui previously did.    


At the same time, if this matter was exposed, regardless of whether Liang Xiaobing could regain her freedom in the future, it would also have a huge impact on her.    


Therefore, Zhou Hao thought that this matter could only be settled privately with Fang Bingrun.    


However, he did not understand why Fang Bingrun would do this. If it was said that he had not given up on Liang Xiaobing yet.    


However, Zeng Yingpei had already warned him earlier. Could it be that Fang Bingrun was no longer afraid of Zeng Yingpei?    


As Hong Kong's high-ranking officials who were heavily groomed by the higher-ups, Zeng Yingquan and Zeng Yingpei's status would rise after their return.    


As long as they wanted to gain a foothold in Hong Kong, they must not be offended. Fang Bingrun should understand this logic.    


Zhou Hao sent Wang Weiwen back to the TV City because he still had to pack his things.    


Although many people were reluctant to part with Wang Weiwen's departure, some people in the Wireless Television Limited still wanted to take pleasure in Wang Weiwen's misfortune.    


Because no matter how popular Wang Weiwen was, it was hard for him to get along well in such a complicated circle.    


However, looking at the gloating eyes of those people, Wang Weiwen sneered in his heart, "You can laugh as you wish. Let's see who can laugh last until the end!"    


Even if he himself thought that it was very difficult to knock down the aircraft carrier of Wireless Television Limited, he had almost blind confidence in Zhou Hao.    


He did not know why, but he believed that Zhou Hao would definitely realize what he said.    


On the other side, Zhou Hao also returned to the villa in the mountain. Liang Xiaobing was sitting in the hall and watching a video, but it was a stage play.    


Zhou Hao knew that Liang Xiaobing liked stage shows very much and was very knowledgeable in this area. Moreover, most of the time, she would apply some of the skills in the stage shows to her acting skills.    


Seeing that Zhou Hao had returned, Liang Xiaobing immediately stood up to greet him and asked worriedly, "How is it?"    


Zhou Hao told everything to Liang Xiaobing. When she heard that the Wireless Television Limited was willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of benefits, she shed tears.    


Although she already knew that in the entertainment industry, people only cared about their interests and did not care about their feelings, she was still very sad and sad when she really became the sacrifice of the Wireless Television Limited.    


"Why did they do this? For so many years, I have always done what they said. I have never declined any of their requests to film a movie.    


I've done my best for the company, why would they do that? " Liang Xiaobing asked while crying. Her expression was filled with anger.    


Zhou Hao hugged her and comforted her, "This has nothing to do with you. You did not do anything wrong. It was them who were heartless. You did not do anything wrong. "    


Se shrank into Zhou Hao's arms. Liang Xiaobing was as pitiful as a wounded little beast. Luckily, Zhou Hao was by her side to support her.    


Otherwise, under this series of events, Liang Xiaobing, who no one talked about, would not know what to do.    


"Now that East Hui's management company has my contract, what should I do?" Liang Xiaobing asked.    


"Don't be afraid. I will take care of everything. " Zhou Hao stroked her hair and said.    


Zhou Hao stayed at home with Liang Xiaobing for a day before Liang Xiaobing's mood recovered a little.    


The television was continuously playing the mood and state of the Hong Kong people before they returned. Because the day after tomorrow was July 1st, Hong Kong was about to return to the embrace of the motherland.    


Actually, Hong Kong's citizens were very afraid of their return.    


Because they were afraid that after returning, China's policies would change Hong Kong, turning Hong Kong into some of the cities in China.    


Hong Kong was a capitalist society, while China was a socialist society. If China wanted to change Hong Kong, the lives of the people in Hong Kong would be completely changed.    


Even though many years ago, Duke Deng had made a promise that "one country, two systems, fifty years without change. "    


However, at this moment, there was no precedent, especially when the British government had deliberately exaggerated the harsh environment in the country. Therefore, many people in Hong Kong were afraid.    


Those rich people migrated overseas, causing a large amount of money to flow out.    


Zhou Hao smiled at Liang Xiaobing, who was hiding in his arms, and asked, "Hong Kong is about to return, are you afraid?"    


"What are you afraid of?" Liang Xiaobing put her hands around Zhou Hao's waist, put her face on Zhou Hao's broad chest, and smiled.    


"What is there to be afraid of? If there is really anything, I will let you take care of me. You are not unwilling, are you?"    


"Of course I'm willing. I'm also very happy. " Zhou Hao smiled and pecked Liang Xiaobing's cherry red lips.    


At this time, Zhou Hao's phone rang. It was Ni Yongxiao. Zhou Hao said to the phone.    


"You called just in time. I was just about to ask you. Fang Bingrun threatened Wireless Television Limited to sign Xiaobing to the management company of your club. Do you know about this?"    


"Is that true?" Ni Yongxiao said, "I don't know either. He didn't tell me. Oh, right. Fang Bingrun asked me to do that thing today. "    


His tone became heavy, "I also agreed. "    


Zhou Hao frowned. "Huh? What is he going to do with you?"    


Before this, Fang Bingrun had already tested Ni Yongxiao and told him to do one thing in a few days. As long as this matter was done, he would do it. Ni Yongxiao's future would be limitless.    


Ni Yongxiao said in a low voice, "He told me to kidnap Peng Dingkang!"    


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