Supreme Stock God

C251 Something Unexpected

C251 Something Unexpected

In the governor's office in the middle circle of Hong Kong, Peng Dingkang, fifty-three years old, was sitting in his office, staring blankly at a photo album on the table.    


The photos in the photo album were all taken by him in Hong Kong. There were famous places in Hong Kong, as well as some teahouses and restaurants.    


There were also photos of him tasting egg tarts at the Taichang pancake house in the middle ring.    


Next to Peng Dingkang was an English woman. It was Peng Dingkang's youngest daughter, Alice. She pressed on Peng Dingkang's shoulder and said, "Dad, you don't want to leave Hong Kong, right?"    


She looked at her daughter. Peng Dingkang sighed deeply. "So what if you can't bear to? Many years ago, when Madam Qier withdrew from China, she lost in the negotiations with China.    


After 12 o'clock tonight, we will no longer be the masters of Hong Kong. " He shook his head.    


"China is different now. Even the United States and Russia are afraid of them. If our British really fall out with them, the Americans might not help us. "    


Alice shed tears, "Dad, I also can't bear to part with Hong Kong. I can't bear to leave here. "    


As she spoke, she gently hugged Peng Dingkang. Peng Dingkang also gently caressed the hair of his children, silently comforting her.    


At this time, a British man in a suit knocked on the door and entered, saying to Peng Dingkang.    


"Mr. Governor, Prince Charles and Blair have arrived in Hong Kong first. They want you to meet them. "    


"Alright, let's go now. " Peng Dingkang said.    


Thus, Peng Dingkang and the six guards split into two Mercedes-Benz cars and left the governor's mansion.    


However, just as the two Mercedes-Benz cars drove out of the governor's mansion, two white vans suddenly rushed out from the side and surrounded them.    


The guards around Peng Dingkang were indeed well-trained. Once they realized the situation was not right, they immediately told Peng Dingkang to lower his body and take out their handguns to inform headquarters for reinforcements.    


However, just as the English man beside Peng Dingkang finished talking to the headquarters, he saw a man with a mask covering his face come to the side of the car door. The driver in front of him also locked the car door.    


However, the man outside grabbed the handle of the car door and forcefully pulled the entire car door out.    


Although the British man beside Peng Dingkang was shocked, he forced himself to calm down. He raised his gun and fired three times at the man outside, and all three shots landed on the man's body!    


However, the man outside did not fall as he had expected. His eyes were filled with coldness.    


The first reaction of the British man was that this person must have worn a bullet-proof vest. Just as he was about to raise his gun and shoot him in the head, the person had already aimed an MP5 submachine gun at him and coldly said, "Don't move!"    


The British man knew the power of an MP5, so he immediately didn't dare to move.    


The man outside didn't say anything and knocked the British man out with a palm knife. At the same time, he pulled Peng Dingkang out of the car.    


When Peng Dingkang was pulled out, he was still shouting, "What are you guys trying to do? I am Peng Dingkang, I am the governor of Hong Kong, I am an official of England!"    


When he was pulled out of the car, he saw it too. There were also a few men with faces covered outside, all of them armed with powerful MP5 submachine guns.    


The guards in the car in front of them were also pointed at by their guns, they couldn't even get out of the car.    


The man pushed Peng Dingkang into the van, and the others quickly turned back into the van. The two vans immediately left Upper Yali Road.    


Before they left, another person stretched out his body and used the MP5 to blow up the tires of the two Mercedes-Benz cars, preventing them from catching up.    


Furthermore, because those MP5 were equipped with silencers, the commotion caused was not too big.    


The whole process did not take more than a minute. When other people rushed over to help, the two vans had already disappeared without a trace.    


After the two vans quickly drove to an alley nearby, the people on top of the vans immediately came out.    


They moved to the other two Toyota 4WD cars that had been prepared in the alley before leaving.    


On the 4WD cars, Peng Dingkang was sitting in the backseat with a masked man beside him.    


The two men took off their masks and revealed their real faces. They were Zhou Hao and Ni Yongxiao.    


"Zhou Hao, I saw the British shoot you. Are you alright?" Ni Yongxiao asked Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao shook his head. "No, he missed. He didn't hit me. "    


In his heart, he thought that the gun that guy used just now was quite powerful. It made him feel pain.    


His body was covered with Genuine Auras. Even bullets couldn't penetrate his body. Zhou Hao didn't want others to know, so he didn't tell Ni Yongxiao.    


Peng Dingkang, on the other hand, did not see the situation at that time, so he did not have any doubts about Zhou Hao's words.    


Looking at Zhou Hao and Ni Yongxiao, Peng Dingkang was still in shock. He said in broken Mandarin: "Who are you? Do you know how serious the consequences of kidnapping me are?"    


"You don't need to worry about all this. All you need to do is to know that you are our prisoner. " Zhou Hao said with a smile.    


This was the first time he saw the last governor of Hong Kong face to face. Peng Dingkang was a senior politician of the British Conservatives and took over the role of Hong Kong Provincial Governor in 1992.    


The last governor of Hong Kong published his first administrative report as soon as he stepped onto the stage. The report mentioned the political reformation plan and indicated that the election system of the Legislative Bureau was about to be changed.    


To quicken the pace of democracy in Hong Kong. This immediately caused dissatisfaction in Government of China, and Peng Dingkang immediately fell into a bad relationship with the higher-ups.    


The Hong Kong and Macau Office directly denounced Peng Dingkang as an "ancient sinner. " After Peng Dingkang announced the political reformation plan, he was no longer invited to meet with the leaders of the Central Committee.    


Back in Beijing, Zhou Hao had talked about Peng Dingkang with Zhao Rixin, who had already become his father. Zhao Rixin also gave Peng Dingkang a simple comment - a clown.    


Zhou Hao did not have a good impression of Peng Dingkang, even though his image as a relative was very popular in Hong Kong.    


However, for China, many of Peng Dingkang's political measures had affected the smooth transition process after Hong Kong's return.    


To be specific, Peng Dingkang was a chess piece that the British wanted to stop China from taking back Hong Kong.    


Zhou Hao had already guessed that Fang Bingrun's motive for kidnapping Peng Dingkang must have something to do with Hong Kong's return.    


If Peng Dingkang really fell into Fang Bingrun's hands, his fate would not be any better. Now that Zhou Hao had intervened in this matter, it meant that he had saved Peng Dingkang.    


If it wasn't because Zhou Hao didn't want anything to happen to Hong Kong's return, he wouldn't have saved this fat middle-aged British man.    


Peng Dingkang didn't know who Zhou Hao and Ni Yongxiao were, and he wanted to use his own words to convince them to let him go.    


But before he could say anything, he saw Zhou Hao looking at his neck with a palm knife. Zhou Hao knocked him out in an instant. Zhou Hao also said, "Does everyone in politics have so much to say?"    


On the other side, Ni Yongxiao shrugged. "How would I know? I don't have any experience in politics. " He patted the shoulder of the driver in front of him and said, "Go to the place we planned. "    


"Got it, boss. " The driver said.    


These few people who kidnapped Peng Dingkang together with Zhou Hao and Ni Yongxiao were Ni Yongxiao's trusted subordinates.    


Of course, the undercover police under Ni Yongxiao's command had already been used by Ni Yongxiao.    


The two SUVs soon arrived in front of a villa. There were four men with cold expressions on their faces in front of the villa.    


The moment they saw the two SUVs, they immediately opened the door of the villa. After the two SUVs entered, they quickly closed the door and looked around vigilantly.    


There were many people guarding the inside and outside of the mansion. It was very heavily guarded. Zhou Hao and Ni Yongxiao quickly ordered people to help Peng Dingkang into the mansion.    


"Did you really catch Peng Dingkang?"    


A man stood in the lobby of the mansion. When he saw Peng Dingkang, who had fainted, he was shocked.    


This man was the dragon head of Xin Yi'an, Xiang Huaqiang.    


"Fifth brother, I only asked you for help because I believe you. Don't tell anyone about this. " Zhou Hao said to Xiang Huaqiang solemnly.    


"Of course. " Xiang Huaqiang quickly patted his chest and said, "Our men will do as they say. I will not go back on what I promised you. "    


Zhou Hao nodded, "If we really find out about Fang Bingrun's conspiracy to harm the country this time, Fifth Brother, you have contributed a lot. I will put in a good word for you in the country.    


And if we can't find out, I will take full responsibility for it. I won't implicate you. "    


Xiang Huaqiang's face darkened, and he said: "Xiao Hao, you won't treat me as a friend anymore. No matter what, we will share fortune and misfortune together!"    


Although Xiang Huaqiang said it confidently, Zhou Hao knew that this was not what he really meant.    


On the one hand, Xiang Huaqiang wanted to win him over, and on the other hand, if this matter was really beneficial to the country.    


Then his contribution would be huge, which was why he would help him. However, kidnapping the governor of Hong Kong, even though Hong Kong would return to the embrace of the motherland after 12 o'clock tonight.    


However, this was also a serious crime. If this matter was lost in the end, Xiang Huaqiang would definitely immediately cut off his relationship with Zhou Hao.    


However, Zhou Hao didn't say anything in his heart, because he didn't intend to talk about brotherhood with Xiang Huaqiang at all. The relationship between the two of them was undisguised interest.    


In comparison, Ni Yongxiao and Zhou Hao had a closer relationship. Zhou Hao really treated Ni Yongxiao as a friend.    


At this moment, Zhou Hao said to Xiang Huaqiang, "Fifth brother, have you prepared the person I asked you to find? There's not much time left. "    


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