Supreme Stock God

C420 On the Night of Parting

C420 On the Night of Parting

"Huh? This is a good move!" Liang Fengshan looked at Joukan Soutaku with a joyful expression on his face.    


Joukan Soutaku also continued, "So, the more high-profile we are, the better. It would be best if the whole country knows about it.    


However, 'Heavenly River' is now very famous in the country. As long as the news of 'Heavenly River' invading our company's assets is spread, even if we don't publicize it, it will definitely cause a huge sensation. "    


Liang Fengshan nodded and said, "That's right, that's right. Dong Na, contact Jiangsu Television Station immediately. I want to let the whole country know that 'Heavenly River' has taken over our Fengshan Group's assets through them. "    


The secretary called Dong Na responded. Liang Fengshan said again, "As for the 'orange fruit' formula. "    


Joukan Soutaku immediately said, "When there is a great reward, there will always be brave men. I think the people in the Milky Way Group are not united. Young Master Liang, leave this matter to me.    


However, Young Master Liang, if someone in the Heavenly River group can really help us get the recipe for the orange fruit, what price will you pay?"    


Liang Fengshan thought for a while and said, "20 million. We will use this price as the limit. As for the specifics, you can do it. "    


He stretched out his arm. "Alright. I have something else to do, so I'll be leaving first. Help me keep an eye on the company's matters. "    


Joukan Soutaku immediately bowed and said. "Yes, Young Master Liang. I understand. "    


Liang Fengshan stood up and walked towards the door with his arm around the shoulder of the female secretary called Dong Na.    


When he reached the door, he suddenly turned around and said to Joukan Soutaku, "Zong Ze, as long as you follow me peacefully, I won't treat you badly.    


However, if you have any disloyalty. . . Humph, humph, humph. . . You know that if it wasn't for me, you would still be in prison. If I can get you out, I can get you back, understand?"    


" Got it, Young Master Liang. " Joukan Soutaku lowered his head and said.    


On the other side, Zhou Hao had already left Huayu Village and returned to Xiang City with Yan Qingqing.    


After Zhao Yuqin found out that the person who bought over a dozen large beverage companies was Liang Fengshan, Zhou Hao was also somewhat surprised.    


Of course, he knew Liang Fengshan would not forget his grudge with him, but he did not expect Liang Fengshan to be so generous. He had bought over a dozen beverage companies that were worth hundreds of millions in one go.    


Zhao Yuqin told Zhou Hao that Liang Fengshan also integrated those dozen beverage companies into a Fengshan Group.    


According to the combined beverage companies, the Fengshan Group was very powerful. Their total assets were not only large multinational companies like Coca-Cola, but also the big brother of domestic beverage companies. They were not even comparable to Zhou Hao's Heavenly River Drink Group.    


However, the overall strength of a company did not depend on its total assets. For example, in terms of branding and fame, the Fengshan Group could not compare with the Heavenly River Drink Group, which had become popular all over the country.    


Zhou Hao also knew that the reason Liang Fengshan founded the Fengshan Group was not only because he wanted to make money, but also because he wanted to compete with him.    


With Liang Fengshan's ability, it wasn't difficult for him to find out that the mastermind behind the "Heavenly River" was Zhou Hao. However, Zhou Hao wasn't worried at all because the Heavenly River was developing very quickly.    


"Fruit and orange had swept across the domestic beverage market. Even the several types of fruit juice introduced by the Heavenly River were welcomed by many consumers, which made the Heavenly River mineral water famous. Now, it had officially expanded to the market in the north.    


In addition, "Heavenly River" and the ice tea series were the trump cards. Zhou Hao was confident that as long as the ice tea series was introduced, "Sky River" would have a stable position in the domestic beverage industry.    


Furthermore, Zhou Hao knew that in the future, the black tea and green tea in China would be very popular in all the countries in the world because of its health and health effects. Therefore, Zhou Hao's goal was not just the domestic market but to rush out of China and let Sky River's tea beverages occupy the beverage market in the world, or even become another Coca-Cola.    


Since Zhou Liren had moved to the Huayu Village, Zhou Hao also moved back to his home in Lakeview Manor.    


During the past few days at home, Yan Tong often mentioned Zhou Liren to Zhou Hao, saying that Zhou Liren had decided to change his ways and let Zhou Hao give him a chance.    


However, Zhou Hao's impression of his father was very difficult to change. He did not want to argue with Yan Tong, so he returned to his room in frustration.    


At the same time, Zhou Hao received a call from Gao Jingyi.    


"Zhou Hao. " Gao Jingyi called Zhou Hao softly over the phone.    


"Jing Yi, what's the matter?" Zhou Hao asked with a smile.    


Gao Jingyi had expressed her feelings to Zhou Hao before, and after that intimate interaction in the school's medical room, the two of them were in a vague and ambiguous state. They did not reach the level of lovers, but they were also more than ordinary friends.    


In class, Gao Jingyi had not displayed anything, but when the two of them were alone, Gao Jingyi would often blush and her behavior would also become bashful. She was completely different from the cold and decisive her in the past.    


Gao Jingyi said on the phone, "I will be going to America tomorrow. "    


Zhou Hao was shocked in his heart. He just remembered that Gao Jingyi would be leaving Xiang City and going to America this month. He had been busy with the matter of "Sky River. " So he forgot that Gao Jingyi wanted to go abroad for a while. Or perhaps, he subconsciously did not want Gao Jingyi to go abroad, so he denied this fact.    


"Jingyi, you. . . " After having an affair with Gao Jingyi, Zhou Hao felt that although they were not intimate lovers yet, there was already a thread of love between the two of them.    


Hence, when he heard that Gao Jingyi was leaving tomorrow, a strong reluctance to part arose in his heart.    


"Can you come out tonight?" Gao Jingyi asked over the phone.    


"Yes, no problem. " Zhou Hao immediately said, "When and where?"    


"Tonight at eight o'clock, in front of the school gate. "    


After the call with Gao Jingyi, Li Ruolan called again. "Xiao Hao, Jing Yi is leaving tomorrow, do you know?"    


"I know. "    


Li Ruolan sighed, and said, "Actually, we are also very reluctant to part with her. The classmates in the class originally wanted to hold a farewell party for her, but Jing Yi refused.    


I know her character. She originally did not like lively events, and also could not stand the reluctant gazes of the classmates in the class.    


But I think she'll come looking for you. After all, she has liked you for so long. "    


"I've already looked for her" Zhou Hao smiled bitterly. "She asked me to go out with her tonight. "    


"Then you. . . Then you can accompany her for a while. " Li Ruolan said hesitantly. "However, you are not allowed to mess around. Jing Yi is not an adult yet, and her father is the mayor. If you dare to mess around, Mayor Gao will not let you go. "    


Zhou Hao said helplessly, "Sister Lan, Am I that kind of man in your heart?"    


"Isn't that so?" Li Ruolan snorted in anger.    


In fact, she could tell that the three most beautiful girls in the class were all in love with Zhou Hao. It was impossible to say that she did not have any thoughts in her heart, but Li Ruolan was not the kind of woman who would cry, make a scene, and hang herself. She also accepted the fact that Zhou Hao was haunted by peach blossoms.    


So at most, she could only play around with Zhou Hao and express her dissatisfaction.    


Therefore, at eight o'clock in the evening, Zhou Hao drove to the school gate of Yining Middle School.    


He knew that girls would need time to dress up when they went out. They would usually come a little later than the appointed time.    


However, Zhou Hao had always been punctual, so he still arrived at eight o'clock on time.    


However, what surprised him was that when he arrived in front of the Yining Middle School's door, he saw Gao Jingyi already waiting there.    


Furthermore, Gao Jingyi's attire today was very different from usual.    


In Zhou Hao's impression, Gao Jingyi had always been wearing the school uniform. It was the typical image of a good girl.    


However, at this moment, Gao Jingyi was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt on the bed with a light blue long dress. She was wearing a pair of pink autumn shoes with a flat bottom, slightly exposing her white and cute back.    


Gao Jingyi was dressed in such a manner. She was casual and pure. In particular, she was originally a very beautiful girl, so the young men who passed by all looked at her.    


Under their gazes, Gao Jingyi, who had always been cold, also seemed to be a little shy. She lowered her head slightly and did not dare to look around, so she did not notice Zhou Hao driving over.    


Zhou Hao got out of the car and walked straight to Gao Jingyi. He looked at her from head to toe for a long time before smiling and saying, "Jingyi, you are so beautiful today. "    


Gao Jingyi heard Zhou Hao's voice suddenly and trembled slightly. Then she looked up and saw Zhou Hao in front of her.    


Because he wasn't going to school, Zhou Hao didn't wear his school uniform. Instead, as usual, he wore a light blue casual suit shirt and dark blue straight jeans. It showed off his tall and straight figure very well.    


Nowadays, horn pants were still popular. Therefore, Zhou Hao's attire was rather special among the young people on the street.    


It was just him. If it was someone else wearing it, In the eyes of the pedestrians wearing horn pants, he would be a weirdo.    


However, because Zhou Hao's appearance and temperament were excellent, his attire gave him a unique charm, making him stand out among the men around him.    


Therefore, when Gao Jingyi raised her head and saw Zhou Hao, she was slightly stunned. Then, her cheeks blushed, making her look even more beautiful and charming.    


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