Supreme Stock God

C428 He Fell He Fell!

C428 He Fell He Fell!

After listening to Zhou Hao's vivid explanation, Yan Qingqing also had a preliminary understanding. She nodded and said, "So that's how it is. Then how do you know whether the stock will rise or fall? I heard that there are many factors affecting the rise and fall of the stock market. The risk is very high. "    


Zhou Hao smiled and said. "Of course the risk is high, especially when we are trading futures. Although the returns are very high, the risk is also much greater than ordinary people trading stocks.    


So futures can make people rich overnight, but it can also make people bankrupt overnight.    


As for why I knew that the Korean stock market would plummet. . . Hehe, in fact, with the current situation, many people could see that the scope of the financial storm would become bigger and bigger. As a part of Asia, it was normal for South Korea to be affected.    


However, I am more clear about the exact date of the fall of the Korean stock market than ordinary people. This relies on the analysis of various data and information. It is very complicated, but there are also some intuitive factors involved. My intuition tells me that the Korean stock market will fall. "    


He looked at the screen on the opposite wall that showed the trend of the Korean stock market and said, "This time, we will buy a large number of contracts from the Korean stock index. As long as their stock market falls, we will be able to make money. We will also make money from those who think that the Korean stock market will rise. "    


Yan Qingqing smiled and pinched Zhou Hao's nose. "You are not a girl. Why are you talking about intuition?"    


"You dare to say that about me? Watch how I deal with you. " Zhou Hao smiled and scratched Yan Qingqing's armpits and waist, making Yan Qingqing giggle. She kept twisting and dodging on his legs. During the process, she only rubbed her ears and temples together with Zhou Hao's body. It was very alluring.    


"But, since you said that many people can see it, will they still think that the Korean stock market will rise? But, since you said that many people can see it, will they still think that the Korean stock market will rise?" Yan Qingqing grabbed Zhou Hao's hand and did not let him continue to be impudent.    


Zhou Hao shook his head and smiled. " Cousin Qingqing, you do not understand the people of South Korea.    


How should I put it? They are arrogant and self-abased.    


To put it nicely, the people of South Korea have a strong sense of honor and confidence. To put it bluntly, they are very self-righteous.    


And because of their inferiority complex, they couldn't afford to lose and couldn't accept defeat.    


Even if everyone knows that the Korean stock market will fall and all the data shows that the Korean stock market will fall, they still won't admit it. No matter how you try to reason with them, you won't succeed. They just think that their country will win and think that their own country's stock market will rise. "    


He held Yan Qingqing's chin and smiled confidently. "So I have never been worried about whether anyone will buy the futures contract for the Korean stock index to rise.    


Humph, humph, humph. . . Just treat it as a lesson for them. "    


Yan Qingqing turned her head and shook Zhou Hao's hand away. She asked, "What about the exchange market you mentioned? What's the matter? "    


"The exchange market, which is also the foreign exchange market. " Zhou Hao explained, "Every country is involved in trade, investment, tourism, and other economic transactions. It is inevitable that there will be a monetary income and expenditure relationship. The monetary system of each country is different, which resulted in the exchange of their own currency and foreign currencies.    


And among them, the exchange market between their currency and foreign currencies is the foreign exchange market. "    


"Then why do you think the Korean currency will depreciate?" Yan Qingqing asked.    


Zhou Hao smiled and explained, "It's actually because of the financial storm in Asia, but the financial storm in Asia is just a catalyst. It's mainly because there are problems with the economy in Korea.    


In fact, the reason why the economy of Korea has been developing rapidly over the years is because of the support of the United States. However, now that there was a problem with America's economy, it naturally had no time to bother with South Korea.    


Furthermore, this financial storm was originally caused by America conniving Soros and Julian. "    


"In order to maintain a high rate of economic growth, when Korea's conditions are gradually insufficient, they will use loans to maintain economic growth.    


However, due to the high economic growth of overdraft and the expansion of unhealthy assets, South Korea slowly no longer has the ability to repay debts.    


Their foreign debt structure is unreasonable. Once foreign capital flows into their country more than foreign capital, and their own foreign reserves are not enough to make up for their deficiencies, it will be difficult to prevent the depreciation of their currency. "    


Zhou Hao said, "Because it is too easy for large enterprises in Korea to obtain funds from banks, once the company is not in good condition and cannot pay back the loans from banks, it will cause the bad assets of banks to inflate. This also increases the risk of the depreciation of Korean currency. "    


Yan Qingqing was somewhat entranced when she heard this. Previously, she learned about finance and management. On one hand, she learned it by herself, but the most important thing was Lu Shiping teaching her by hand. She taught her through practice, and this was the first time she touched on the stock market and foreign currencies.    


In the past, Zhou Hao would always laugh and laugh in front of her. When he was alive, he would touch her. He had never told her such profound knowledge.    


Looking at Zhou Hao's serious and confident expression, Yan Qingqing looked at him. She said sincerely: "Xiao Hao, you really know a lot. "    


"Why else do you think so much money came from the wind? It was all earned through my hard work. " Zhou Hao curled his lips and said.    


"I know, I know. I know that my Xiao Hao is a genius. " Yan Qingqing kissed the corner of Zhou Hao's mouth and coaxed him like she did when she was young.    


Zhou Hao touched Yan Qingqing's breast again and continued, "After knowing that Korean Won will depreciate greatly, I asked people to borrow a large amount of Korean Won from the Korean banks a few months ago.    


Of course, these were all done through many leather companies. Otherwise, it would cause suspicion in the Korean banks.    


After borrowing Korean Won, we will sell it in the foreign exchange market and exchange it for US Dollar.    


When Korea is affected by the financial storm and the stock market falls, when Korea is unable to support the exchange demand due to the lack of US Dollar in the Treasury, the entire exchange rate system will collapse. We are no longer able to support the original exchange rate. We can only allow the exchange rate to fall, causing the Korean Won to depreciate greatly. "    


"At that time, we will exchange the US Dollar with the new exchange rate into the Korean Won that we need to pay the loan. Then the rest of the difference will be the money we earn. " Zhou Hao said with a smile.    


In fact, his move was George Soros and Julian. Robeson and other international speculators used to snipe Thai Baht.    


According to the history of his previous life, Zhou Hao knew that the exchange rate between Korean Won and US Dollar would eventually drop to an unprecedented 1737. 60: 1, the drop almost doubled.    


Therefore, Zhou Hao used the method from the top to snipe Korean Won this time, and the profit he could get was also very generous. It could be called a huge profit.    


Then he heard Zhou Hao say, "After South Korea is Japan. Speaking of which, Japan was dragged into the water by South Korea.    


Many Japanese invested large amounts of money into South Korea. Once South Korea collapsed, they lost all their capital, causing many companies to close down. This also dragged Japan into the financial storm.    


However, Japan's economic crisis lasted for a long time, so the profits were also relatively slow. "    


" Xiao Hao, after this, how much money can you earn? " Yan Qingqing could not help but ask curiously.    


Zhou Hao thought for a while and said, "After this investment plan against Korea, the funds that I can mobilize at any time will officially break the 10 billion dollar mark. "    


Yan Qingqing said with some confusion, "10 billion USD? Then, how much is that?"    


Even if it was a hundred million RMB, she had no idea, let alone ten billion USD.    


Zhou Hao said with a smile," The total economic value of Xiang City this year is about 10 billion yuan. The money in my hand is about the same as the money that all the residents of Xiang City can earn in eight years. "    


Of course, Zhou Hao knew that his words were not very appropriate.    


Because the economy of Xiang City was constantly developing, especially after two thousand years, its development speed could be described as shocking.    


He still remembered that in 2004, the total GDP of Xiang City reached 100 billion RMB, which was ten times higher than in 1997.    


However, Yan Qingqing was shocked by Zhou Hao's words. The population of Xiang City was above 500,000, and Zhou Hao's current money was equivalent to the income of these 500,000 people who had worked for eight years.    


Most of the people who were the same age as Zhou Hao were still in school. Their food, clothing, and housing were all provided by their parents, and they had never earned a single dollar with their own hard work. Zhou Hao, who was also a seventeen year old, had already grasped tens of billions of dollars of wealth. This was simply unbelievable.    


Moreover, this was only the circulating funds in Zhou Hao's hands. He did not include the North Pole Star and the Heavenly River. One should know that there were two channels under the North Pole Star, the Galaxy Television Station and the Asia Television Limited Television Station. There was also a broadcast satellite worth more than one billion yuan.    


The Heavenly River had become the leader of the private beverage companies in the country, and it was developing very quickly.    


The combined value of these two companies was probably 10 billion RMB.    


Looking at Zhou Hao's handsome face, Yan Qingqing really could not imagine that when she was young, he was still her little tail. Zhou Hao, who loved to act like a spoiled child, had already achieved such an achievement.    


After saying this to Yan Qingqing, Zhou Hao dialed Song Jiahao's number again.    


He knew that Song Jiahao should know what he was going to do, so he didn't call to disturb him.    


After the call was made, he heard Song Jiahao shout excitedly, "Boss, it fell! It fell! The Korean stock market fell!"    


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