Supreme Stock God

C424 We must Find Him

C424 We must Find Him

Before this incident, Zhou Liren often ran to the Yan Family. Now that he had suddenly disappeared, Yan Mudong and the others would definitely suspect him. Furthermore, Yan Tong and Zhou Liren were husband and wife. If they suddenly lost contact with each other, Yan Tong would quickly find out.    


Therefore, in order to keep this matter a secret, Zhou Hao simply told Yan Tong and the others that he gave Zhou Liren five million and sent him to the northeast to do business. He hoped that Zhou Liren could have some achievements.    


Yan Tong was really surprised when she heard this. She thought that Zhou Hao had already forgiven Zhou Liren.    


Yan Tong thought that although Zhou Liren was older than the best period to start a business, with Zhou Hao's financial help, as long as he was willing to do it, he would definitely have some achievements.    


Wasn't she and Lu Shiping also an ordinary woman in the past? With Zhou Hao's help, didn't they also become the most famous female entrepreneur in Xiang City?    


Zhou Hao also told her that Zhou Liren would not be back for two years after he left. He also told Yan Tong not to contact him to avoid distracting him.    


Yan Tong thought that Zhou Liren would really do as Zhou Hao said and start a business. So even though she was worried about him, she endured it and promised Zhou Hao that she would not contact Zhou Liren for two years.    


At the same time, Zhou Hao also used an excuse to change the numbers of his family and Yan Tong's phone numbers. He wanted to prevent Zhou Liren from calling back, and his lie would be exposed immediately.    


Zhou Hao himself was not feeling good lying to Yan Tong and the Yan family. He lied to Yan Tong like this. Although it was out of goodwill, it was also equivalent to giving Yan Tong a false hope. Once this lie was destroyed, Yan Tong would suffer even greater harm.    


After arranging the work for Dai Zhanwang and the others, Zhou Hao contacted Li Shuihan.    


"Li Shuihan, where are you now?" Zhou Hao's voice was terrifyingly deep, which surprised Li Shuihan, who had always been cold.    


"In Xiang City. What happened?"    


"Alright, I will go there immediately. " After putting down the phone, Zhou Hao immediately rushed back to Xiang City. According to Li Shuihan, he found her in an ordinary house in Xiang City.    


When Zhou Hao found Li Shuihan, he saw two other people there. One of them was Big Boss of First Army, Mister Han Mei.    


The other person was a man in his fifties or sixties. The most prominent feature of his appearance was that his eyebrows were very long, hanging down like willow branches. He looked a little funny.    


Zhou Hao had never seen this man before. He guessed that this man should also be from the First Army, so he nodded slightly as a greeting.    


"Zhou Hao, why did you come to our Shui Han so leisurely? Don't tell me you want to pursue her?" Big Boss said with a smile when he saw Zhou Hao.    


Li Shuihan frowned. She looked at Zhou Hao and said matter-of-factly, "I don't like men like him. "    


"I don't have time to argue with you. " Zhou Hao just replied Li Shuihan faintly.    


Big Boss and Li Shuihan also noticed that Zhou Hao's face was expressionless. He did not have the kind of sunshine and humor that they had when they first met.    


Big Boss said seriously, "Zhou Hao, is there something you need our help with? Just say it. We were able to capture two Patriarch alive because of your help. Our First Army still owes you a favor. "    


Zhou Hao took out half a yellowed photo and placed it on the table between Big Boss and Li Shuihan. In the photo, there was a very bright smiling man. He was very young. However, his clothes were almost the same as twenty years ago.    


This man was the young Zhou Liren. However, this half of the photo was obviously torn off, and Zhou Liren still had a woman's hand at his waist, which meant that Zhou Liren was hugging a woman at that time.    


And that woman should be Zhou Hao's mother, Yan Tong.    


Zhou Hao pointed at the twenty-year-old Zhou Liren in the picture and said to Li Shuihan and Big Boss, "I want to ask you to help me find this man. I don't know if he has left Guangdong yet, but please find him and give him to me. "    


Big Boss looked at Zhou Liren in the picture. "If he. . . "    


Zhou Hao knew what Big Boss wanted to say without him saying it out loud. He said coldly, "If he's alive, I want to see him. If he's dead, I want to see his corpse!"    


Big Boss picked up the photo and put it into his bag. He said to Zhou Hao, If you are alive, you must see a person. If you are dead, you must see a corpse! "I understand. After we find this man, we will inform you immediately. "    


"Thank you. " Zhou Hao nodded.    


He knew that the First Army was not only the most mysterious and powerful force in China, but also one of the four major intelligence agencies in the world. That was why the network of the First Army was very large, and their ability to collect information was also very powerful. That was why Zhou Hao wanted to ask them for help to find Zhou Liren.    


At this moment, Li Shuihan suddenly said, "Oh right. Where is the girl who was with you last time?"    


The girl she was talking about should be Gao Jingyi.    


Hearing this, Zhou Hao was stunned. It was not because he was curious why Li Shuihan would ask about Gao Jingyi, but because he suddenly remembered his promise with Gao Jingyi - he still had to send Gao Jingyi off today!    


Because of the sudden incident with Zhou Liren, Zhou Hao's attention was completely drawn to it. In order to deal with the aftermath of "Heavenly River," and to ask the First Army to help him find Zhou Liren, Zhou Hao had been busy for a long time, but he had actually forgotten about Gao Jingyi.    


He looked at the bright sky outside the window and then looked at the clock on the wall. Zhou Hao was surprised to find that it was already ten o'clock in the morning. Gao Jingyi's flight to America was about to take off at ten thirty!    


Gao Jingyi took a plane to the United States at the Guangzhou's Baiyun Airport, and the Xiang City to the Guangzhou's Baiyun Airport usually took forty minutes. Zhou Hao immediately said to Big Boss and the others, "I have something else to do so I will leave first. I will leave that matter to you guys. "    


Big Boss nodded. "Since you have something to do, then we will meet again. We will meet again in the future. "    


Therefore, Zhou Hao left the house and drove to Guangzhou. Once they left the crowded road in Xiang City, Zhou Hao stepped on the accelerator to increase the speed of the Mercedes-Benz to 200 kilometers per hour. He did not care about the speed limit card on the road.    


At this speed, they should be able to reach Baiyun Airport in 30 minutes.    


However, after 15 minutes, on the road 50 kilometers away from Guangzhou, there happened to be a traffic accident.    


This traffic accident wasn't considered serious. It was a light collision between a bus and a small truck. No one died, and the driver and passengers only suffered minor injuries.    


However, this traffic accident blocked the national road, forming a 100m long train of cars.    


Looking at the crowded car dragon in front of him, Zhou Hao could not help but curse. He did not have that much time to wait for the national road to open up again.    


He looked at the electronic watch on the car. There were less than 15 minutes left until 10: 30. If he delayed any longer, Zhou Hao wouldn't be able to send Gao Jingyi off.    


He gritted his teeth and muttered to himself, "This is the only way. "    


Then, he turned the car around and parked it by the side of the national road. He pushed the door open and got out of the car. Then, he jumped off the national road and walked into the lychee forest.    


Baiyun Airport's terminal. Gao Jingyi was sitting in the seat. Next to her was Gao Houlu and Gao Jingyi's mother, Yao Yue Ning. In front of her were two luggage bags.    


Gao Jingyi could be seen sitting there with an anxious expression on her face. She kept looking towards the airport entrance.    


Yao Yue Ning asked in puzzlement. "Jing Yi, who are you waiting for? Is there a friend who came to see you? "    


"Mm. " Gao Jingyi gently nodded her head.    


Gao Houlu knew that his daughter was waiting for Zhou Hao. In fact, last night Gao Jingyi said that she wanted to go out for a stroll and take a good look at the Xiang City. Gao Houlu knew that she wanted to go out with Zhou Hao.    


His wife was originally worried that Gao Jingyi going out alone would not be safe. Gao Houlu also told his wife to be at ease, because with Zhou Hao around, Gao Jingyi would be fine.    


Although Yao Yue Ning and Gao Jingyi's relationship was very close, because Gao Jingyi hid it too closely, Yao Yue Ning also did not know that her daughter already had someone in her heart.    


As for Gao Houlu, he had been in the government for many years. His observation skills had long been perfected, so he could see through Gao Jingyi's thoughts.    


"Attention passengers on flight AF5934. The flight is about to take off. Please board the plane in time. "    


At this time, a pleasant notification sound came from the airport broadcast. Yao Yue Ning said to Gao Jingyi, "Jingyi, it's about time. Get on the plane. I think your friend won't be able to make it in time. "    


Gao Jingyi's expression became even more anxious. Her gaze was still fixed on the entrance of the airport.    


Gao Houlu knew what his daughter was thinking, so he said to his wife, "Let's wait a little longer. My daughter has been gone for a few years. Let her see her friend again. "    


"But the plane doesn't wait for people. " Yao Yue Ning said.    


Gao Houlu was also very helpless. Indeed, the plane did not wait for people. They could not delay the entire flight just to wait for Gao Jingyi.    


Therefore, he could not help but complain in his heart about why Zhou Hao did not come so late.    


Yao Yue Ning and pulled Gao Jingyi towards the boarding gate. Gao Jingyi even turned her head as she walked. She pursed her lips tightly and her eyes were very blank.    


At the same time, a figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of the airport. There seemed to be a whirlwind behind, blowing the papers at the airport counter into the air.    


Gao Jingyi cried out in shock and suddenly broke free of Yao Yue Ning's hand and ran towards that figure. That figure was also quickly walking over.    


This figure was naturally Zhou Hao. He used his physical speed, which was faster than bullets, to run all the way from over fifty kilometers away. He actually managed to get there within ten minutes.    


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