Supreme Stock God

C430 The Challenge Letter

C430 The Challenge Letter

While Song Jiahao and Willie Worth were celebrating, Zhou Hao was also on the phone with Zhao Yuqin in the general manager's office of Galaxy Securities.    


"Sister, have you thought about where to go for a vacation?" Zhou Hao asked with a smile as soon as he dialed Zhao Yuqin's number.    


Zhao Yuqin was stunned. Then she remembered that Zhou Hao had told her that after he earned ten billion USD, he would go on a trip with her.    


Now that she heard Zhou Hao ask this question, Zhao Yuqin was interested in coming over. Her heart couldn't help but beat faster. She bit her lips and asked Zhou Hao, "Xiao Hao, you earned ten billion dollars?"    


"Yes. " Zhou Hao said excitedly. "And I'm afraid you will say that I'm cheating. I haven't included the fixed assets and shares of Tianhe and the North Pole Star.    


Right now, I only have 10. 9 billion USD in funds that I can transfer at any time. Hahahaha, sister, I finally did it!"    


Back then, Zhao Yuqin was Old Master Zhao's daughter, so her identity was too special. Moreover, she was seven or eight years older than Zhou Hao.    


Facing all these obstacles, Zhou Hao knew that with his status as an ordinary person, it would be very difficult for him to carry a beauty like Zhao Yuqin home.    


But he had no intention of having a career, so he could not work in politics, so he increased his strength through business.    


At that time, he had sold precious medicinal formulas to the Guangzhou and Nanjing military districts, which were represented by Zhao Dingzhou and Zhu Yongquan, in order to shorten his relationship with the military.    


Later on, Old Master Zhao took Zhou Hao as his godson, which made Zhou Hao's relationship with Zhao Family become much closer.    


Although the relationship between Zhou Hao and the Zhao Family had become closer, Zhou Hao knew that if he didn't have enough strength, it would be very difficult for Old Master Zhao to give his beloved daughter to him.    


With the status and identity of the Zhao Family, those wealthy businessmen in the country who had assets of over ten billion RMB might not be interested in them. Therefore, Zhou Hao set a target for himself - ten billion USD.    


In China, the concept of official status was very important. Even so, the power represented by money was also very important. When a person's wealth increased to a certain extent, the power that followed would also increase. This was the so-called privilege.    


And this power that was based on money was especially prominent in America.    


Of course, if a person really committed a crime that angered the heavens, or if it caused dissatisfaction among the upper echelons, No matter how rich you were, it would not work in China. However, dealing with a person with a net worth of ten billion was ultimately more difficult than dealing with an ordinary person.    


It was because of this that Zhou Hao made a promise not to eat Zhao Yuqin until he earned ten billion USD.    


In fact, even if Zhou Hao did not earn that much money, Zhao Yuqin was very willing to give her pure body to him. After all, Zhao Yuqin liked Zhou Hao's people, not his money.    


But since Zhou Hao made that 10 billion USD promise, Zhao Yuqin was happy to let him work hard.    


After all, no one wanted the man they liked to be a useless person.    


Seeing that Zhao Yuqin did not speak, Zhou Hao smiled and urged her, " There are so many countries and regions in the world. Where do you want to go? No matter where you go, Xiao Hao will always be by your side. "    


" How about. . . You decide, wherever you go, sister will go. " Zhao Yuqin said shyly, as if she wanted to marry a chicken and follow a dog.    


Although they did not meet, Zhou Hao could totally imagine Zhao Yuqin's seductive look.    


He said, " Why don't we? Zhou Hao asked. I heard that the scenery there is very beautiful. "    


Zhao Yuqin's soft" En "sound came from the other side of the phone. Just as Zhou Hao was about to discuss when to leave with Zhao Yuqin, the phone on the desk rang at an inappropriate time.    


Zhou Hao immediately frowned, thinking who was so annoying to call when he was chatting with Zhao Yuqin. He wanted to pull out the phone line on the phone, but he was also worried that Zhao Yuqin had something important to tell him.    


Helpless, Zhou Hao could only say to Zhao Yuqin on the other side of the phone, "Sister, wait a moment. I'll take the call first. " Then he put down the phone and picked up the phone on the other side of the phone. Ninja said discontentedly in his heart, "Hello, I'm Zhou Hao. "    


"Boss, something happened!" It was Dai Zhanwang again, and it was the same opening statement Zhou Liren had said when he stole the formula for the orange and fruit grains.    


"What happened again?" Zhou Hao sighed.    


Dai Zhanwang said anxiously. "Boss, do you have something on your side? Turn on the TV and take a look!"    


"TV?" Zhou Hao picked up the remote control and turned on the TV in the office.    


There was an advertisement for a TV that sold fruit juice drinks.    


The advertisement was about a female high school student who wanted to buy a bottle of drinks for the boy she liked after the basketball game. When she came to the school's Little Merchandize Shop, she saw the "orange fruit" in the transparent fridge.    


She wanted to buy "orange fruit," but the "orange fruit," the price was three and fifty cents. And she only had three dollars on her. When the owner of the Little Merchandize Shop saw that the girl was in a difficult position, he took out another type of orange juice from the fridge. The name was "Fresh orange. "    


Then, the owner smiled brightly at the girl and said: "Let's buy this. It's only three yuan, cheaper than the orange juice. "    


The final advertisement slogan was: "There are more fruits, and the price is lower. "    


After watching this advertisement, Not only did the "fresh orange" juice drink, which was very famous in his previous life, shock him, it also showed that the price of "fresh orange" was lower than the price of "fruit orange.    


This "Fresh Orange More" advertisement was like a declaration of war against "Fruit Orange"!    


Moreover, although this "more fresh orange juice" was the same name as the beverage produced by the Unified Corporation in Zhou Hao's previous life, it was the same as "orange juice with orange juice. "    


Thus, the matter was very clear. The formula of the orange juice that Zhou Liren stole from "Sky River" was sold to this company that produced "fresh orange juice.    


Therefore, Zhou Hao paid close attention to the company that produced the "fresh orange" in the advertisement.    


"Humph!" Zhou Hao snorted coldly because the company that introduced "more than a hundred pieces of orange" was not the unified company in his previous life, but "Fengshan Group. "    


Zhou Hao had heard about the Fengshan Group from Zhao Yuqin a long time ago. This company was organized by Liang Fengshan.    


From this, it seemed like the Fengshan Group had ordered Zhou Liren to steal the recipe for the orange fruit.    


Even if it wasn't them who ordered it, but Zhou Liren who took the initiative to find them, Zhou Hao couldn't forgive him.    


Looking at the advertisement of "more than a little more than a little orange," Zhou Hao gritted his teeth and said. "Liang Fengshan. . . "    


"Boss, we bought some Fresh Orange back. The taste and texture are very similar to our orange fruits. " Dai Zhan said over the phone, "Moreover, their price is 50 cents lower than ours. "    


Zhou Hao took a deep breath. He had to admit that the Fengshan Group's advertisement was very good. Just like the advertisement of "Orange and Fruit" made by "Sky River," Fengshan Group's advertisement of "More and More Fresh Orange" was the same. It covered a very large area.    


Although there were no celebrities in the advertisement" Fresh Orange More, "no matter if it was the male and female high school students or the owner of the Little Merchandize Shop, they were all nameless people.    


However, this coincided with their theme, which was that the price was low.    


This was because big stars often represented a high price, and this advertisement without any celebrities walked the cheap path of being close to the people.    


Although "Fruit Ornaments" were advertised by the two Heavenly Kings Guo Fucheng and Liu Dehua, they were sought after by many admirers.    


Although the price of "more than an orange" was only 50 cents lower than "orange," many people were still willing to choose the cheaper "more than an orange" when the taste and taste were almost the same.    


"Damn it!" Zhou Hao slammed on the desk. Under his strength, a crack appeared on the desk.    


What Zhou Hao hated the most was not the competition between the Fengshan Group and his "Heavenly River" for the beverage market in the country. Instead, he hated them for letting Zhou Liren steal the formula of "orange fruit. "    


If it were someone else who stole the formula of the "orange fruit," Zhou Hao would not be so angry. Zhou Liren not only destroyed the last hope in his heart for his father, but also hurt Yan Tong greatly in the future.    


"Boss, do you think we should reduce the strengthening by a little?" Dai Zhanwang did not know how angry Zhou Hao was, but he still gave his suggestion.    


Because they had investigated the Fengshan Group before, they knew that it was only stronger than the Heavenly River. Dai Zhanwang and the others knew very well that once the formula of "more than orange fruits" was released, it would definitely take away a large portion of the beverage market created by "orange fruits" regardless of who the formula belonged to.    


"No way. " Zhou Hao refused flatly. "I won't fight a price war with anyone. This method of mutual destruction is not suitable for me. "    


He knew the disadvantages of a price war. Not only would it reduce the profits of the Heavenly River, but it would also make the consumers of the outside world think that there was something wrong with the Heavenly River, which would cause the power of the Heavenly River company to be questioned.    


"In the beginning, "more than orange" was used as a gimmick to lower the price. However, if "orange grains" were to be lowered, according to the common mentality of the people in China, they would only be more inclined to "more than orange.    


At this time, Zhao Yuqin's voice also came from Zhou Hao's handphone. "Xiao Hao, our headquarters in Sky River received a lawyer's letter and a subpoena from the court. They said that we violated the assets of Fengshan Group!"    


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