Supreme Stock God

C469 Kill Them All

C469 Kill Them All

Fishing boats equipped with powerful engines galloped across the surface of the sea, quickly distancing themselves from the docks and ports, heading deeper and deeper into the sea.    


The night sky was covered with clouds, covering the moon and the stars. At first glance, it seemed like it was hard to tell which was the sea and which was the sky. In the darkness, only this fishing boat was emitting a weak light.    


Liang Fengshan sat at the bow of the ship, allowing the strong smell of the sea breeze to hit him.    


He was still thinking about the changes that had happened during this period of time. Originally, he was a proud son of heaven, had an unimaginable family background and wealth, and owned a company worth tens of billions. But now, he had to escape overseas like a rat that couldn't see the light of day.    


At this time, Ding Guangxiong walked over, and even brought a cup of steaming hot coffee to Liang Fengshan.    


Liang Fengshan took a sip of the coffee and asked Ding Guangxiong, "Black bear, do you think I can come back?"    


"To be honest, I don't know either. " Ding Guangxiong spread his hands and said.    


"Tell me, why did things turn out like this? I still don't understand. " Liang Fengshan said in a daze.    


Ding Guangxiong smiled. "You don't have to worry. You will understand soon. "    


"Hmm?" Liang Fengshan did not understand what Ding Guangxiong meant. Especially when he saw Ding Guangxiong's expression, there was always a strange feeling. It was as if he was looking at a person who was about to die.    


At this moment, another light appeared on the surface of the sea in the distance. It seemed to be another ship, and that ship was heading towards them at a very high speed.    


Liang Fengshan felt that something was amiss and asked Ding Guangxiong beside him, "Black Bear, who is that person?"    


"Don't worry, they are here to meet up. " Ding Guangxiong smiled.    


Soon, the boat arrived. Liang Fengshan saw it was a white luxury yacht.    


The people on Liang Fengshan's boat shouted, and the two boats leaned against each other. Two people appeared on the boat, and they jumped onto the boat.    


Due to the dim lighting, Liang Fengshan could not see the faces of the two people. He could only see that they were walking towards him.    


"Liang Fengshan, how have you been?" The leader of the group asked.    


Liang Fengshan was shocked. He stared at the man in front of him, because he was too familiar with the voice just now.    


At this moment, the lights on the fishing boat lit up, and the two people's faces became clear. Liang Fengshan took a deep breath because these two men were Zhou Hao and Joukan Soutaku.    


Liang Fengshan was already shocked when he saw Zhou Hao here. What surprised him even more was that Joukan Soutaku was also with Zhou Hao. This made Liang Fengshan dumbfounded.    


"Zhou Hao, you. . . Why are you here?" Liang Fengshan asked Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao smiled faintly. "I have been waiting for you here for a long time. "    


"What do you mean?" Liang Fengshan subconsciously took two steps back because he knew Zhou Hao knew martial arts.    


Zhou Hao said, "I know you will run away from crime, so I asked Rat to bring you here. Oh, you don't know yet, Lao Shu is Ding Guangxiong, who is beside you. "    


"What? Black Bear, you. . . " Liang Fengshan looked at Ding Guangxiong, who was beside him, in disbelief.    


He saw Ding Guangxiong, Lao Shu, kick Liang Fengshan in the knee without saying anything. Liang Fengshan couldn't help but kneel down. Lao Shu also grabbed his neck.    


At this time, Liang Fengshan still didn't understand what Lao Shu meant. Lao Shu was truly a fool. He shouted, "Hei Xiong, so you are Zhou Hao's dog! To think I treated you so well. I even suppressed your case in the Public Security Bureau! "    


Ratty chuckled. "Young Master Liang, you still don't know? That case was originally forged by my boss. I didn't even drive to kill the traffic police. It was all a lie. Right, I'm not from Jiangsu. I just know how to speak the Jiangsu dialect. "    


"You. . . You. . . Then you are with Biao Wang in Macau, and that wife of Biao Wang. . . " Liang Fengshan suddenly woke up at this time. If Lao Shu had planned this beforehand, then he met that woman in Macau and was kidnapped by Biao Wang. Someone had planned this.    


"Young Master Liang, are you talking about me?" A female voice came from the cabin, and a graceful figure walked out.    


Liang Fengshan almost fainted when he saw this woman, because this woman was the seductive woman he met at the Macau Hotel in Macau!    


Liang Fengshan, whose head was pressed down, stared at Zhou Hao and said while gnashing his teeth: "Good, Zhou Hao, so all of this was arranged by you. Good! But you don't have to be happy. Your Heavenly River has been taken away by me. You have to remember this. I, Liang Fengshan, have defeated you! "    


This seemed to be the last thing that could support Liang Fengshan. It was the fact that he had once defeated Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao smiled and shook his head. Joukan Soutaku sneered and said, "You still don't know, do you? The boss sold you the Heavenly River on purpose.    


Now, the boss has bought the entire Fengshan Group and the Heavenly River from the Construction and Works Department, and it only cost seven billion yuan. "    


He looked at Liang Fengshan with extreme disdain. "In fact, every step you take is within the boss's calculations. From the moment you bought the Heavenly River, the result was already decided. To think that you were still immersed in such self-righteous joy.    


However, even if I told you everything, you wouldn't understand the wonders of it. After all, you are just an ignorant and incompetent second generation ancestor. "    


This was the first time Joukan Soutaku had used such a tone to ridicule Liang Fengshan. He felt extremely delighted in his heart.    


"Joukan Soutaku. . . " Liang Fengshan was so angry that his veins were bulging. He squeezed out a sentence from his teeth. "I want to send you back to prison!"    


Joukan Soutaku shook his head. "Do you think you can do it? I advise you to take care of yourself first. "    


"Ai, Liang Fengshan, if you hadn't provoked me back then, perhaps you could still enjoy your life now. " Zhou Hao sighed with emotion. "Back then, you tried to touch Ruolan. If it wasn't for the fact that you had a father who was the provincial governor, I would have torn you in half a long time ago. "    


He recalled that Liang Fengshan had captured Li Ruolan at that time. If he had not rushed over in time, Li Ruolan would have been in danger of losing her life.    


At that time, Zhou Hao already had the intention to kill Liang Fengshan, but Liang Zhoutang was the governor of Jiangsu Province, so the energy he had in his hands was not that simple. Even if Zhou Hao assassinated Liang Fengshan at that time, Liang Zhoutang would still suspect him, and he might also implicate the Zhao Family.    


If Liang Fengshan didn't provoke Zhou Hao anymore, perhaps Zhou Hao wouldn't care about him anymore.    


However, Liang Fengshan did not give up and even used all means to deal with Zhou Hao's "Heavenly River. " In the end, Zhou Liren betrayed Zhou Hao and Yan Tong again.    


Therefore, Zhou Hao had carefully planned this series of events. He had pushed Liang Fengshan into a dead end, and at the same time, he didn't want others to suspect him.    


Zhou Hao looked down at Liang Fengshan from above, his killing intent could not be hidden from his smile. "I say, Young Master Liang, this is the open sea. There is no one else within a hundred miles apart from us. Even if you die, your dad won't know who did it. I thought you had encountered some kind of storm and died. "    


Liang Fengshan's heart trembled violently when he saw Zhou Hao's gaze. He knew that Zhou Hao had really aroused his killing intent. Besides, this wasn't Jiang Su. No one could help him.    


Liang Fengshan naturally wasn't a hero with a tough bone. Because he had enjoyed wealth and wealth before, he cherished his life more than ordinary people, and he was even more afraid of death than ordinary people.    


He immediately begged Zhou Hao for mercy. "Zhou Hao, no, Big Brother Zhou, I have offended you in the past. You are my fault, but I have been forced to flee to another country by you. I don't know if I can come back in the future.    


I promise, I won't go against you anymore. No, I'll never appear in front of you again. Just let me go. "    


"Humph, humph, humph. . . You will also have a day when you beg for mercy. " Zhou Hao sneered, "But why don't you think about those people who were harmed by you?    


I heard that you raped a female classmate of your class when you were 15 years old. After that, many girls were destroyed by you, and those who were killed by you. Think about it, if it was them, would they spare you? "    


Liang Fengshan's forehead was covered in cold sweat. "Zhou Hao, I gave you a lot of money to live in New Zealand. He gave me a few hundred million. I will give you all this money, okay? Just spare my dog life. "    


Zhou Hao was his biggest and most hated enemy. He never thought that he would have the day to kneel and beg Zhou Hao for mercy. But now, in order to live, he had to throw away his dignity.    


"Shangguan, if he gives you that money, can you spare him?" Zhou Hao turned around and asked Joukan Soutaku.    


"Even if it's a hundred billion or a hundred billion, it won't be enough to exchange for my father and mother's lives. " Joukan Soutaku's eyes were cold.    


Zhou Hao smiled at Liang Fengshan and said, "Liang Fengshan, you heard it too? I have no choice. Who asked you to do so many infuriating things?"    


After saying that, Zhou Hao gave Ratty a look.    


Ratty immediately took out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at Liang Fengshan's head.    


Liang Fengshan had never been threatened with such a life before. He even peed his pants and cried. "No, please. . . Spare me. Dad, come and save me. . . "    


Ratty said with an expressionless face, "Young Master Liang, I hope you won't seek revenge on me after reincarnating. I'm just taking someone's life. "    


Zhou Hao sneered, "If there really is reincarnation, he will certainly become a beast. At that time, I can kill him once more. "    


As soon as he finished speaking, a gunshot rang out, reverberating on the deep sea surface.    


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