Supreme Stock God

C471 Some Things

C471 Some Things

Facing such a stunning beauty like Zhao Yuqin, even though Zhou Hao was used to seeing beauties, it was hard for him to remain calm. He lowered his head and was about to kiss Zhao Yuqin, but Zhao Yuqin slightly tilted her head to avoid him.    


"Don't be naughty when you come back. Go and take a bath first. " Zhao Yuqin pushed Zhou Hao into the bathroom.    


Zhou Hao hugged Zhao Yuqin and did not let go. He smiled and said, "Why do you need to take a shower? My body doesn't stink. Sister, do you smell bad? It's clearly very fragrant. "    


Zhao Yuqin hurriedly dodged and said in annoyance, "If you are sloppy and slovenly, don't go to older sister's bed tonight if you don't clean up. "    


Hearing Zhao Yuqin's words, Zhou Hao immediately did not dare to push it away and obediently went to the bathroom to take a shower.    


Zhao Yuqin went to the closet to get a set of clean clothes and walked straight into the bathroom for Zhou Hao.    


Seeing Zhou Hao standing under the shower and letting the water wash him, especially seeing his tall and strong body, Zhao Yuqin could not help but blush.    


Although the two of them didn't poke the last layer, they had already seen each other's body and had shared a bed with each other before.    


Zhou Hao saw Zhao Yuqin's charming red face and even deliberately made a few typical bodybuilding poses.    


"So shy!" Zhao Yuqin pouted and walked out with a red face.    


When Zhou Hao came out of the bathroom, Zhao Yuqin was already sitting on the bed waiting for him. Seeing him come out, she patted the bed beside her and smiled at him, "Come here. "    


Zhou Hao excitedly threw himself onto the bed and hugged Zhao Yuqin's beautiful body. He said, "Good sister," and then kissed Zhao Yuqin.    


This time Zhao Yuqin did not dodge. Instead, she skillfully welcomed his attack and engaged in a fierce verbal battle.    


After a long time, it was not until Zhao Yuqin could not catch her breath that Zhou Hao let go of her. He even closed his eyes and licked his lips. He looked like he was not satisfied and said with a smile, "Sister's saliva is really delicious. It is all sweet. "    


At this time, Zhao Yuqin was at a loss for words. She no longer had the appearance of a strong woman in front of her subordinates. She leaned into Zhou Hao's arms and her heart was completely tied to this young man who was six or seven years younger than her.    


"Xiao Hao, let's go to Venice tomorrow, okay?" Zhao Yuqin twirled her hair and fiddled with Zhou Hao's chest.    


"Of course, we will go tomorrow. " Zhou Hao's hand passed through Zhao Yuqin's armpit and covered her left breast. He gently played with it. Zhao Yuqin did not stop him and only occasionally snorted.    


Zhou Hao said, "Originally, if Liang Fengshan did not come out halfway, our journey in Venice would have been a success. There would not have been a need to drag it out until now.    


Humph, even if the Lord of Heaven came this time, he wouldn't be able to stop us from going on a trip. "    


Zhao Yuqin was a mature woman, especially since her identity was different. Regardless of whether it was experience or knowledge, she was much more experienced and knowledgeable than other women of the same age. Furthermore, there were always different men who fawned over her. What kind of deep love confession did she not hear?    


She was not immune to Zhou Hao's sweet words at all. It was as if Zhou Hao could penetrate into the deepest part of her heart and turn her calm heart upside down.    


"Besides, you have been busy for so long, it's time for you to take a break. " Zhou Hao smiled and said, "This time, only me and my sister are going to Venice, no one can disturb us. "    


"Sister is so busy, isn't it because of you, you evil brat?" Zhao Yuqin pouted, but her heart was sweet.    


She asked Zhou Hao, "By the way, how much money did you make this time?"    


Zhou Hao raised his head and looked thoughtful. He then said, "The money used to buy and sell the Heavenly River and the Fengshan Group is Liang Fengshan's money.    


That was why this deal did not make any profit. As for the companies that were involved in the stock market, they did not make much profit. There is a total of 45 billion RMB, which is about 600 to 700 million USD. The profit is very low. "    


Compared to the money Zhou Hao made in Southeast Asia and Japan and Korea, this was not much.    


Zhao Yuqin giggled when she heard that. "You really don't know how to satisfy. How many people can you feed with 45 billion yuan?    


Also, you said that you used Liang Fengshan's money to buy and sell 'Heavenly River' and the Fengshan Group. But if you sell and buy like this, it means that you didn't spend a single cent to bring the entire Fengshan Group here.    


I've seen the production equipment and land of the Fengshan Group. There are at least a few billion of them in total. In this way, you've earned nearly 10 billion yuan this time. You're still not satisfied with this?"    


After saying that, Zhao Yuqin curled her index finger and knocked on Zhou Hao's forehead. However, in fact, she was very proud in her heart. Who in the world could earn tens of billions like Zhou Hao?    


Moreover, the funds he had were far more than that. If he added up all the funds he could transfer, Zhou Hao had more than ten billion USD.    


Which woman did not want the man she liked to be a promising person? Zhao Yuqin was very satisfied with Zhou Hao.    


"Then what are your plans next?" Since they were going to travel with Zhou Hao tomorrow, they naturally had to make arrangements for the matters here.    


Zhou Hao smiled and said, "It is now the end of the year. Before this, I had Song Jiahao and the others set up in Indonesia. Because I believe that at the beginning of the year, the Indonesian stock market will fall again, so I want to make another profit from them. "    


Zhao Yuqin frowned and said, "You said before that if Indonesia had a financial storm, the local Indonesian people might be robbed or even killed.    


I told Dad about this. In fact, before this, there had been many incidents in Indonesia.    


In the military, including my father, some hawk-faction generals advocated for the mobilization of the peacekeeping force to suppress it.    


However, Indonesia has always been a foreign country, and our country has always advocated not interfering with foreign internal affairs, so. . . "    


In fact, how could Zhou Hao not know about this? In his previous life, after the world-shocking Indonesia Tsinghua University incident in 1998, many people in the country blamed the government for not lending a helping hand to the foreigners.    


Even the domestic media did not have much news about this incident.    


But in fact, many people blamed the government wrongly. Including the government, the government was actually very concerned about Indonesia's immigrants. At that time, they opened up many routes to contact Indonesia to bring the local immigrants over.    


Furthermore, not only Hong Kong, but also Taiwan had also opened up flights to contact Indonesia, trying to bring as many Indonesian immigrants as possible.    


However, Indonesia's local flights to China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan did not need to take off. Even the China embassy staff in Indonesia was prohibited from leaving Indonesia.    


China could not forcefully send troops to save the foreigners, or else it would cause the United States and other countries that were eyeing China.    


The domestic government wanted to do something about Indonesia's victims, but they could not. The reason why they controlled the domestic media reports was to prevent the people in the country from being too agitated, in case they were incited by people with ulterior motives.    


At that time, Zhou Hao was also very excited about that incident in Indonesia. He even participated in the protest organized by the university students and was extremely angry at the government's "inaction. "    


But after working, Zhou Hao, who had more experience, also knew the difficulties of the government.    


At this time, he said to Zhao Yuqin, "Then what did Godfather say?"    


Zhao Yuqin shook her head lightly. "Those Indonesian people have always been very averse to the local Han people. There were also many incidents in China. Dad said that although he did not like Japanese people, Indonesian people were more detestable than Japanese people.    


If it wasn't for the domestic and international situation not allowing it, he would have long ago brought an army to flatten Indonesia. "    


Zhou Hao smiled. Old Master Zhao was a true iron-blooded soldier. Although he was old, the hot blood in his heart never cooled down.    


He heard Zhao Yuqin say, "Dad said that even if he really wanted to teach those Indonesian people a lesson, even if Indonesia really did as you said, even if there was a large scale blood case of Tanhua, it would be very difficult for the government to do anything. After all, we can't openly send troops. "    


She said to Zhou Hao, "Since you said that Indonesia will have a blood catastrophe after the financial storm, then why are you still involved in their stock market? Aren't you afraid that the economic decline of Indonesia will make the atrocities of China more serious?"    


Zhou Hao shook his head and said, "Even if I don't do anything, Indonesia's economy will still not improve, and the Tuohua incident will still happen.    


Moreover, if the Tanhua incident really happens, and the previous incidents, this is actually the Suharto government's scheme. "    


"You mean the current President of Indonesia, Suharto?" Zhao Yuqin asked.    


"Yes. Ever since Suharto came to power, his government has issued dozens of discriminatory policies. "    


Zhou Hao said, "Suharto's government has always claimed that more than 40% of Indonesia's economy is controlled by the Chinese, but these are just excuses to distract the Indonesian people.    


He used his power to let his family monopolize many industries in Indonesia, and constantly nibble away at Indonesia's economy. These are things that cannot be known to the Indonesian people, so Suharto pushed the responsibility to the biggest investor in Indonesia's economy, the local Chinese. "    


Zhao Yuqin shook her head helplessly. "politics has never been clean, especially when it is controlled by the dictator. "    


Zhou Hao said, "I heard that from the time Suharto came to power until now, more than five hundred thousand people have died in the various incidents. Is that true?"    


Zhao Yuqin nodded. "According to our country's intelligence department's statistics, there will only be more and more. "    


"This is no different from another 'Nanjing massacre'. Ah. " Zhou Hao raised his head and let out a long sigh.    


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