Supreme Stock God

C487 Respect You

C487 Respect You

"President of the Indonesian Chinese Chamber of Commerce?" Zhou Hao looked at Pang Jinting in surprise, but this also confirmed Zhou Hao's thoughts. This little Old Man was indeed not an ordinary person. No wonder Zhu Yongquan sent people to protect him.    


No matter how one looked at it, Indonesia was not a big country. However, China had taken root in Indonesia for hundreds of years.    


Relying on their hard-working spirit, the Han obtained very good results in Indonesia. In Indonesia, whether it was the government or the people, there had been rumors that the people of China controlled most of Indonesia's economic strength for a long time.    


Although these rumors were exaggerated, it was not baseless.    


In Zhou Hao's previous life, he had read an economic statistics. The statistics showed that more than 60% of Indonesian investors were Chinese, and they were Indonesia's biggest investment group.    


Therefore, it was undeniable that Indonesia's economy was greatly influenced by the Indonesian economy.    


Just like other countries, Indonesian businessmen also formed a Chamber of Commerce. Zhou Hao estimated that this Indonesian Chamber of Commerce might not be as powerful as the other developed countries, but it was definitely not weak.    


He heard Han Xixiang say, "Mr. Pang came to China this time to invest in China, and he specially came to see the investment environment in China.    


Because Mr. Pang's ancestral home is in Zhejiang, he came here first.    


He came to visit our Heng Dian Film Studio City today. The city government had told us to receive him well, but we didn't expect to encounter such a thing. "    


When he thought of the fellow who went to the Transverse Store Corporation to make things difficult for Han Xixiang, he had incited the local farmers to come to the Film Studio City to cause trouble. Zhou Hao frowned. "I'm also a major shareholder of the film studio complex, so I can't ignore this matter.    


Manager Han, help me tell that guy. If he knows what's good for him, he shouldn't provoke our film studio complex anymore. Otherwise, I won't be polite. "    


Zhou Hao had already schemed against Liang Fengshan until his reputation was ruined and his soul returned to the sea. Although Liang Zhendang already knew the news of Liang Fengshan's death, he didn't know about Zhou Hao's existence at all.    


If that fellow really didn't know what was good for him and offended Zhou Hao, Zhou Hao wouldn't let it go so easily.    


"Right, does Xu Wenrong know about this matter?" Zhou Hao asked Han Xixiang, "Aren't you his right-hand man? Now that you have been bullied, won't he help you?"    


Han Xixiang's face revealed a sad expression. He said sadly, "Sigh, Zhou Hao, the relationships in the state-owned enterprises are complicated. You don't know how deep they are when you are not in the martial arts world.    


Even Director Xu doesn't dare to offend that guy. "    


When he said this, his eyes showed some dissatisfaction. "Director Xu's fearless effort back then is now gone. Sigh, after all these years, Director Xu's edges have been flattened. "    


Zhou Hao could tell that Han Xixiang was dissatisfied with the fact that Xu Wenrong didn't stand up for him. Immediately, a thought popped up in Zhou Hao's mind.    


Han Xixiang was a rare talent. In terms of academic qualifications, Han Xixiang had not graduated from junior high school, which meant that he did not have any professional skills.    


However, the management experience gained through years of practice and his smooth interpersonal relationships were essential to senior management.    


When he first bought the shares of Heng Dian Film and Television, Zhou Hao had the idea of recruiting Han Xixiang. However, at that time, Han Xixiang was deeply moved by Xu Wenrong's kindness and was unwilling to leave him.    


Therefore, this was a good opportunity for Zhou Hao.    


However, this matter could not be rushed. Furthermore, although Xu Wenrong did not stand up for Han Xixiang, Han Xixiang might not abandon Xu Wenrong.    


Han Xixiang's personality was also what Zhou Hao valued. Zhou Hao felt that for a company, under many circumstances, the character of an employee was more important than talent.    


Zhou Hao was not in a hurry to recruit Han Xixiang. Furthermore, it was Zhou Hao's habit to plan before making a move. Before making a move, he had to consider all kinds of factors.    


At this time, Pang Jinting, who had finished bandaging, came to Zhou Hao's side. He patted Zhou Hao's shoulder and said with a smile: "Little brother, I don't think you are a child of an ordinary family. Moreover, those filming just now seemed to respect you. Could it be that you are their boss?"    


"Hehe, Elder Pang, your eyesight is really good. " Zhou Hao smiled and said, "You guessed right. That production crew is from my company.    


Oh right, my company is also a shareholder of this Heng Dian Film Studio City.    


Oh, let me introduce myself first. My name is Zhou Hao. Hello, Elder Pang. " After saying that, he extended his right hand to Pang Jinting.    


Pang Jinting held Zhou Hao's hand. "Sigh, I heard that there was a big film studio city in my hometown, so I came here to take a look. I didn't expect to meet such a group of thugs, which made me suffer a bloody disaster. "    


Zhou Hao smiled and said, "Didn't Commander Zhu send those few big brothers to protect you, Elder Pang? Were they unable to protect you? I will immediately tell Commander Zhu to punish them properly. "    


When those few special forces soldiers heard Zhou Hao's words, they also knew that he was joking, but they also revealed helpless expressions.    


Pang Jinting scratched his head in embarrassment. "Actually, it's not their fault. It's because I think they are troublesome to follow us. So I came here alone and walked away. I didn't expect to meet those thugs as soon as I walked away. "    


Pang Jinting had a good impression of Zhou Hao. He smiled at him and said, Zhou Hao. " Little brother Zhou, are you free? Anyway, I have nothing to do today. Let's find a place to sit. "    


"Alright, that's exactly what I wanted. " Zhou Hao smiled brightly.    


There was a hotel in the film studio city. Wang Zhonglei immediately booked a room for Zhou Hao and the others.    


Han Xixiang originally wanted to accompany Pang Jinting, but after what happened just now, Pang Jinting complained to him. Han Xixiang also had to deal with the aftermath of the farmers coming to the film studio city, so he could not follow them.    


The guest room's location was still very good. The wide floor-to-ceiling windows allowed one to see most of the scenery in the film studio city. It was very spectacular.    


Accompanying Pang Jinting and Zhou Hao. . . Apart from Zhao Yuqin, there was also Wang Zhonglei.    


During the feast, Pang Jinting raised the champagne to Zhou Hao and laughed loudly. "I didn't expect you to have such a big family business at such a young age. Hehe, I'm afraid that this is the only private television station in China that has a communication satellite. "    


"Elder Pang, you flatter me. " Zhou Hao smiled and said, "Actually, I'm just in charge of funding. It's all thanks to Wang Zhonglei and the others that I can achieve today's results. "    


Wang Zhonglei was secretly touched by Zhou Hao's words, and Pang Jinting was also very appreciative of Zhou Hao in his heart.    


There were very few young people who had such a huge business, but were not arrogant at all.    


"Brother Zhou, this girl is your wife, right?" Pang Jinting looked at Zhao Yuqin, who was by Zhou Hao's side and thoughtfully adding wine and dishes for him, and said with a smile. "Brother Zhou, you are so lucky. "    


Zhao Yuqin was generous and polite when she heard Pang Jinting's praise. She smiled and nodded at him, and the atmosphere became tense.    


"By the way, Elder Pang, I heard from Manager Han that you want to come back and invest. Hehe, it just so happens that I also do some investment business. "    


Pang Jinting sighed. "Sigh, actually, I am also forced by helplessness. Indonesia had been affected by the financial storm a while ago. Many of the business of our Chamber of Commerce had suffered a huge blow.    


Also, I won't hide it from you, Brother Zhou. We feel that Indonesia's political situation is a bit unstable. "    


Zhou Hao and Pang Jinting both knew that when Indonesia's political situation was unstable, the Indonesian government would often point the blame at Indonesian people in order to shift the domestic conflicts.    


In Zhou Hao's previous life, during the 1998 incident in Indonesia, it was because of the corruption of Indonesian President Suharto that the Indonesian government was exposed. In addition, the financial storm caused the economic decline of Indonesia.    


In order to divert the attention of the people in the country, Suharto's government strongly advocated that it was because the Indonesian controlled Indonesia's economy that this situation was created, and that the fury of the people in the country was poured onto the local people.    


Later on, all kinds of evidence showed that Indonesia's military played a very important role in the Tanhua incident.    


Therefore, with Pang Jinting in the lead, the upper echelons of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce planned to prepare a way out and transfer their funds to China.    


Zhou Hao said, "Elder Pang, I'm afraid it's too late for you to make any moves now. "    


It was already January 198. In Zhou Hao's memory, the second wave of financial storms in Asia happened in Indonesia in January 1998. In other words, the second wave of financial storms would happen in this month.    


"According to my analysis, the financial storms will start again soon, and the first wave will be Indonesia. " Zhou Hao said with a serious expression, "And if you want to transfer the funds, the Indonesian government will not let you go so easily. "    


This was because many countries had very strict control over the funds that were transferred out of the country. Moreover, under the shadow of the financial storm, the Indonesian government would not allow the domestic funds to be transferred out of the country on a large scale.    


Pang Jinting was an old fox who had been in the business world for many years. His sharp senses told him that the financial storm would soon set off a second wave.    


Moreover, what Zhou Hao said was the truth. The Indonesian government would not easily transfer the funds of the Chinese out.    


"Elder Pang, do you know that the Indonesian President Suharto and his family have stolen tens of billions of Indonesian wealth?" Zhou Hao asked Pang Jinting.    


As far as Zhou Hao knew, Suharto and his family controlled almost all of Indonesia's monopoly industries.    


Pang Jinting said indignantly: "How come you don't know? Many of Suharto's family's money was taken care of by the people of our Chamber of Commerce. "    


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