Supreme Stock God

C489 As They Wish

C489 As They Wish

Pang Jinting wasn't excited by Zhou Hao's words. Instead, he frowned deeply.    


Getting rid of the predicament of Indonesian men and raising the social status of Indonesian men, Pang Jinting and the Chamber of Commerce had worked hard for decades, but they still could not do it. Pang Jinting did not believe that Zhou Hao, a young man with a weak crown, could do it, even if he had a close relationship with the Zhao Family.    


Seeing Pang Jinting's reaction, Zhou Hao could guess that he didn't believe his words.    


However, Zhou Hao was not anxious nor angry. Instead, he smiled and said, "Elder Pang, since the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce helped Suharto and his family deal with the huge amount of money, you must have a lot of evidence about Suharto's corruption. "    


Pang Jinting snorted. "In fact, Suharto's corruption is not a secret, but he controls the Indonesian army and is also a dictator. No one dares to expose him.    


We do have a lot of information and evidence, but what's the use of that? Before Suharto's powerful political and military strength, these evidence is useless. "    


Zhou Hao leaned back in the chair and smiled at Pang Jinting. "Elder Pang, you are very familiar with Indonesia's situation, so I think you should know that Suharto is not popular at the moment.    


Due to the military's interference in politics and economics, the harm caused by it has caused the Indonesian people to hate it deeply. "    


He stretched out his index finger and said, "If what I said becomes the truth, Indonesia will really become the starting point of the second wave of financial storms. Then, with the rapid decline of the economy, the Indonesian people will definitely be dissatisfied with Suharto and the government. "    


This was also the main reason why Suharto wanted to divert the attention of the people through the Zhexiu incident.    


"At that time, if all the evidence of Suharto and his family's corruption is exposed, Suharto will have no hope of staying. He will have to step down. " Zhou Hao said.    


Pang Jinting agreed with what Zhou Hao said. If what Zhou Hao said really happened, Suharto would most likely be kicked out of the position.    


He said, "However, even if Suharto leaves the stage. . . Isn't the person who takes over the position of president those people who hate the Han people?    


In the Indonesian political circles and the military, none of them hold any goodwill towards China "    


Zhou Hao nodded. The situation that Pang Jinting had mentioned did exist. In his previous life, when Suharto stepped down from the throne, Indonesian politics and the military had been plotting against each other to fight for the position of President, especially the military, which had a huge influence in Indonesia.    


Finally, the one who represented Suharto was his son-in-law. He was the commander of the army's strategic reserve force, the former commander of the special forces, Lieutenant General Prabowo.    


In that 1998 Tanhua incident, it was Prabowo who wanted to fight for the position of president, and tried to create chaos, causing the general commander of the armed forces, Veranto, to be unable to restore the security of the capital.    


This way, Prabowo could force Suharto to announce military control and let him take control of the situation.    


At the same time, this could also give Suharto's political opponents and also make it difficult for Suharto's adopted son, Hubby.    


Prabowo, Veranto, and Habibi were not politicians who had a close relationship with the people of China. If they were allowed to control Indonesia's regime, the situation of the people of China would not improve at all.    


Especially Prabowo. If he was given power, his days in China would be even more difficult.    


Zhou Hao asked Pang Jinting, "Elder Pang, if Suharto leaves the position, who do you think will be the most likely to take over the position of president?"    


Pang Jinting stretched out four fingers. "There are four people who are most likely to take over as president, first is Veranto and Prabowo.    


Veranto is the Commander-in-Chief of the Indonesian armed forces, while Prabowo is the Commander-in-Chief of the army's strategic reserve force. At the same time, he is also Suharto's son-in-law. These two people have a lot of influence in the military.    


I think that although Veranto is young, his ambition and shrewdness are very deep. If he takes over the position of president, he will probably become the second Suharto.    


Let alone Prabowo, if he becomes the President, he will be even more brutal than Suharto. "    


" The third one is the daughter of the former President, Sugaro, Megawati. Although she is a woman, her means of dealing with interpersonal relationships and creating a personal image are very outstanding. " Pang Jinting said, "As for the last one, it is Suharto's adopted son, Habibi. The reason why he has the opportunity to fight for the position of president is not because he has outstanding personal abilities.    


Instead, it's because he doesn't have any abilities and his personality is weak. That's why those people in the Cabinet want to control him to take the position of President and use him as a puppet. "    


Zhou Hao also had a certain understanding of Megawati. This strong woman was Indonesia's fifth President and was very popular in Indonesia.    


However, Zhou Hao did not care about Megawati. At least at this stage, Megawati did not have the courage to clean up the mess that Suharto left behind, nor did he have the strength to suppress Indonesia's military.    


When she took over Wahid's position as the fifth Indonesian President, after Wahid's "baptism," the Indonesian military had become much weaker.    


According to the development of her previous life, Habibi would take over Suharto's position as the President of Indonesia, destroying Prabowo's dream of becoming the President.    


However, Habibi had become a string doll for Veranto. After that, Wahid, who had suddenly risen up, defeated Veranto and became the fourth President of Indonesia.    


In Zhou Hao's mind, Wahid was the most suitable candidate to become Indonesia's President.    


This was because Wahid treated the people of China better than the others. After he got on the stage, he abolished many exclusion policies and allowed the Indonesian people to reply to his name in Mandarin. He was known as the savior of the Indonesian people. Furthermore, Wahid's ancestor was also a Chinese.    


Zhou Hao obviously did not think that Wahid being kind to the Indonesian people was a selfless act. All politicians were not selfless. They were all doing it to achieve their own goals.    


He even wondered if Wahid abolished the anti-Hua policy because he wanted to get help from the Chamber of Commerce. If that was the case, then the Huangs Chamber of Commerce might have already made contact with Wahid.    


Therefore, Zhou Hao immediately asked Pang Jinting, "Elder Pang, do you know a person called Wahid?"    


"Wahid?" Pang Jinting said, and said, "I do know a Wahid. He is the chairman of the Indonesian Teachers' Association. He is also a member of the Indonesian People's Consultation Conference. "    


Zhou Hao nodded. "That's him. "    


Pang Jinting was puzzled. "Brother Zhou, do you know him?"    


"I have heard of him, and I also know that he has a very high reputation among Indonesian Islam. " Zhou Hao said.    


Pang Jinting nodded and said, "Brother Zhou, I will not hide it from you. In fact, this Wahid is one of the many politicians that our Chamber of Commerce deliberately roped in. He was able to become the chairman of the Islam Teaching Association previously, and it was also our Chamber of Commerce that contributed a lot. "    


Zhou Hao was also surprised when he heard this. Pang Jinting and the others had indeed gotten in touch with Wahid.    


But now it seemed that Pang Jinting and the others did not attach much importance to Wahid. They just treated him as a politician that could be roped in.    


Zhou Hao did not plan to tell Pang Jinting about Wahid becoming the President of Indonesia because of this "foresight. " But his advantage was that Zhou Hao wanted to use this foresight to maximize his own benefits.    


"Elder Pang, let's not talk about this for now. Now we all have a common understanding. The financial storm will attack Indonesia once again. At that time, Indonesia's economy will definitely collapse.    


If that's the case, shouldn't we plan ahead and obtain the greatest benefits from it? " Zhou Hao said with a smile.    


Pang Jinting said with interest. "Brother Zhou, what do you think?"    


"My thoughts? Hehe, I don't deserve it. " Zhou Hao laughed, "But I predict that when the financial storm blows over Indonesia again, not only will Indonesia's stock market fall, Indonesia Shield will also completely collapse.    


So, I want to add two fires and use Indonesia Shield's exchange rate to profit. I won't hide it from you, Elder Pang. I have already borrowed a large amount of Indonesian shields from Indonesia's banks through operation and have gradually converted them into US dollars. "    


Pang Jinting raised his eyebrows. If Indonesia shields really fell, then Zhou Hao would be able to obtain a huge profit from it.    


And most of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce's funds were in USD, not the Indonesian shield. Because compared to Indonesia Shield, USD was more secure. So even if Indonesia Shield fell, it would not have much of an impact on Pang Jinting and the others.    


However, Pang Jinting also had a bank under his banner. If Indonesia Shield fell, he would suffer heavy losses.    


Zhou Hao said, "Elder Pang, if you also run a bank in Indonesia, I advise you to exchange all your savings into US dollars. At the same time, loan Indonesia Shields to other banks and convert them into US dollars.    


This way, when Indonesia Shields falls, not only will you not suffer any losses, you will also be able to earn a large sum. "    


Pang Jinting frowned. "But if that is the case, doesn't it mean that you have taken all the money from the Indonesian people?"    


Zhou Hao shook his head and said, "I believe that most of the people who deposit money in your bank are Indonesian people. Think about it. If your bank loses a lot of money, won't they be the ones to suffer in the end? You are protecting them like this.    


As for the other Indonesian people, even if we don't do anything, we can't stop the financial storm. We might as well make the most out of it.    


Besides, isn't your China Chamber of Commerce still investing in the local areas? With more money, you can rebuild your society better. "    


Zhou Hao sneered. "Besides, didn't the Indonesian say that the Indonesian controlled their economy?    


Then let's just do as they wish and control their economy. If we want to obtain political power or even military power, we will need money. "    


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