Supreme Stock God

C511 Scholar's Opinion

C511 Scholar's Opinion

Originally, Zhou Hao wouldn't put someone like He Xiangping in his eyes. However, He Xiangping's unrelenting attitude towards him and Yang Jiabao had caused Zhou Hao to feel angry in his heart.    


Furthermore, compared to Europe and America, China's stock market was not perfect, and the order was very chaotic.    


For people with huge funds, controlling China's stock market was much easier than affecting Wall Street in the United States. Furthermore, this was not Zhou Hao's first time doing this.    


Last time, in order to deal with Liang Fengshan's Fengshan Group, Zhou Hao had used several companies that had borrowed large amounts of money from the Construction Bank and Industrial and Commercial Bank.    


The scale of the few shares He Xiangping mentioned this time was not as big as the companies Zhou Hao had dealt with last time.    


"Are you really going to stop those shares?" In a restaurant in Beijing, Yang Jiabao asked Zhou Hao.    


"Of course. I didn't want to lower myself to that guy's level, but that kind of person. If I don't teach him a lesson, he will only become more serious. " Zhou Hao smiled and said, "Especially since that guy dares to have designs on my family's treasure. He is simply courting death. "    


Yang Jiabao revealed a sweet smile and then asked, "Then what do you plan to do?"    


"Of course I don't need to do it myself. If I have to do everything myself, then what do the people below want to do?" Zhou Hao said, "Just let the professionals do it. I happen to have such people under me. "    


This person was naturally the person in charge of the stock market when he dealt with the Fengshan Group.    


After the Fengshan Group was destroyed by Zhou Hao, he decided to let Qi Jiwen help him manage the Galaxy Securities in the country.    


With the large amount of money provided by Zhou Hao, Qi Qiwen was like a fish in water in the domestic stock market.    


He was originally a financial talent on Wall Street in the United States. The financial laws in the United States were very strict, limiting his performance to a large extent. But now, he was like a bird flying in the sky in the country, a fish swimming in the sea. He had earned a lot of money for the Galaxy Securities, and he himself was full of money.    


Of course, because Zhou Hao had previously instructed him, Qi Qiwen did not dare to play too big, in case he got into trouble.    


However, although Qi Jiwen was very happy in the domestic stock market, he was very envious of Song Jiahao who worked in Galaxy Investment.    


This was because Qi Jiwen also operated billions of RMB, while Song Jiahao operated in USD.    


After having lunch with Yang Jiabao, Zhou Hao originally wanted to bring her back to her residence to rest, because she still had lessons in the afternoon.    


But before they left the restaurant, Zhao Yuqin called, "Xiao Hao, are you free? Come to my place. Dad has something to discuss with you. "    


When he heard that Zhao Rixin had something to discuss with him, Zhou Hao quickly agreed. "Alright, I'll go over now. "    


Yang Jiabao held Zhou Hao's hand and pouted. "Where are you going? Didn't we agree to accompany him?"    


Zhou Hao patted her hand. "Be good, don't mess around. We have serious business to attend to. "    


Yang Jiabao obediently let go of Zhou Hao when she saw that he was being serious. She was only acting spoiled to Zhou Hao. When she heard that Zhou Hao had business to attend to, she would not mess around and pester him. She said thoughtfully, "Then you should hurry up and go. I will go back myself. "    


"Yes. " Zhou Hao nodded and left the restaurant. He drove to the Zhao Family residence.    


The guards of the Zhao Family residence had recognized Zhou Hao. They would greet him with a smile when they saw him, but the routine inspection was still necessary. Zhou Hao did not take it to heart.    


After the inspection, Zhou Hao entered the house and saw Zhao Rixin and Zhao Yuqin sitting in the living room watching the news. The nanny was cleaning the bowls and chopsticks, but Yan Xinning was not here.    


"Is your godmother here?" Zhou Hao asked with a smile.    


Zhao Rixin said, "She went to eat with her friends. "    


"Godfather, you were in such a hurry to find me. Did something happen in Indonesia?" Zhou Hao took the hot tea from the nanny and asked Zhao Rixin.    


Zhao Rixin shook his head slightly. "There is nothing wrong with Indonesia. You do not need to worry. I am looking for you because of another matter, Yuqin. "    


Zhao Yuqin nodded and pressed the remote control. The scene on the television changed and it was a video.    


What surprised Zhou Hao was that this video was the TV program called 'Finance and Economics Line' that he had seen before. And the guest invited was He Xiangping.    


Zhou Hao was surprised. Did He Xiangping attract the attention of the central government?    


"Xiao Hao, take a look at this video first. " Zhao Rixin's face darkened.    


Zhou Hao nodded and looked at the video seriously. Judging from the date of the video, this episode of Finance Line should have been broadcasted two days ago.    


He Xiangping had recommended those few shares in this episode of The Finance Channel. After those shares really rose up, The Finance Channel once again invited He Xiangping to be a guest.    


He Xiangping said on the show, "Yesterday, Finance Line invited two financial experts.    


They said in the show that in this Asian financial storm, China should not depreciate RMB to stop the expansion of this financial storm and reduce economic losses in Asia. At the same time, we should establish the image of our country. "    


He adjusted the glasses on his face, and then the corners of his mouth curled into a cold smile. "I think that these so-called financial experts are all soft-hearted!    


Last time, I said in the program that this financial storm does not have much impact on our country. That is to say, even if the impact of the financial storm spreads twice, we do not need to worry about our domestic economic decline.    


As for reducing the economic losses of those countries affected by the financial storm, I don't think that's necessary. "    


Hearing He Xiangping's words, He continued to watch. He Xiangping said calmly, "In Asia, which countries are affected by the financial storms? Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia.    


Hmph! Among so many countries, which one of them has a good attitude towards China?    


Why should we help them resist the financial storm?    


In the past when our country was in trouble, which one of these countries had given us assistance? What about establishing a country's image? Do we have to be like those foolish dynasties in the ancient times, using a huge price to exchange for the title of 'Heavenly Empire'? Hmph! That's fishing for fame!"    


" The United States and the European countries do not want our RMB to depreciate. Why? "    


He Xiangping said, "Because in recent years, the export scale of our China has become bigger and bigger, and it has a huge impact on the markets of Europe and other countries.    


And if the value of RMB depreciates to a certain extent, it means that our goods will be cheaper, which will impact their market even more.    


Personally, I am absolutely in favor of the depreciation of the RMB, because that will make our trade more competitive.    


Furthermore, the United States wants to depreciate the value of USD?    


It is because China has a large amount of foreign reserves, most of which are US Dollar. That is to say, the United States owes China a lot of money. If the US Dollar depreciates, it means that our foreign reserves are worthless, and we will suffer a great loss. "    


At this time, the female host said to He Xiangping, "Professor He. But our country seems to be partial to not depreciating RMB. If you say so now, isn't it going against our government's standpoint? "    


He Xiangping sneered. " Does the government's standpoint have to be correct?    


As a qualified citizen, I personally feel that if the government is wrong, we have to boldly bring it up.    


Why is Wei Zheng praised in history?    


It is because Wei Zheng dares to speak directly to the Emperor or even to the death. I will now give the government a direct admonishment. I believe that there must be some wise men in the government. . . Even if my view contradicts the government's, the government will not make things difficult for me. "    


The recording ended there. The living room was quiet. Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin did not speak.    


Finally, Zhao Rixin asked Zhou Hao, "What do you think?"    


Zhou Hao scratched his head and smiled. "Actually, to a certain extent, I quite agree with this guy's point of view. "    


Zhao Rixin did not get angry when he heard that. He only said faintly: "Not only you, but He Xiangping's words have caused a huge reaction in the country. Many people support him. "    


Zhou Hao was not surprised. If it was him who was still in university in his previous life, he would definitely support He Xiangping, because his opinion represented the thoughts of a large number of people in China.    


Especially when he no longer had to be proud of "the heavens above the country. " This undeserved reputation would definitely win a lot of praise.    


Zhou Hao had never seen this episode of Finance Line, so he did not know that He Xiangping would make such a comment.    


Presumably, his name had already broken through the financial world and became a famous person in the country.    


Zhao Rixin said at this time, "To be honest, what this He Xiangping said may not be entirely wrong. If I was 20 years old, I would also support him.    


But now it seems that, sigh, the view of a scholar, the view of a scholar, this He Xiangping views problems too much, of course, too idealistic. "    


Zhou Hao understood that the current He Xiangping was, in fact, an angry youth. Furthermore, he was the kind of angry youth who acted recklessly just because of his hot blood. Although the original intention was worthy of praise, it was usually done with good intentions.    


In Zhou Hao's opinion, He Xiangping's words were not purely out of patriotism. Instead, it was mostly out of goodwill. He was afraid that He Xiangping was trying to gain more reputation for himself.    


Besides, He Xiangping must have stubbornly believed that his point of view was right. Even if other people raised an objection, he would not care.    


Judging from He Xiangping's actions, he was truly fishing for fame.    


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