Supreme Stock God

C523 I Can't be Alone

C523 I Can't be Alone

The car had already been driven away by Yan Tong and Lu Shiping, so Zhou Hao could only let Lei Hu drive him to Wanluo Community.    


This was the company's car, a black "Mercedes-Benz. " It was very grand.    


"Lei Hu, many people in the company are on vacation. Why don't you go back and meet up with your family?" In the car, Zhou Hao asked.    


Lei Hu scratched his head. "Boss, I am an orphan raised by the country. "    


"Oh, sorry. "    


"It's fine, I'm used to living alone. "    


Zhou Hao smiled. "But I see that you are not young anymore. You cannot be alone for the rest of your life. "    


Lei Hu, who had always portrayed a tough man's image, now had a few shades of red on his face. "In the army, the most I encountered were guns, bombs, and other weapons. I have been on missions all day. No girl would like me. "    


Seeing that his words were a little evasive, Zhou Hao continued to ask, "What about now? You are now a high-paying family, after all. "    


"Cough cough. . . Now. . . Now, she is a girl, but she has been home for the New Year these few days. She said that she is not ready to let me see her parents. So, I've been alone for the past few days. "    


Zhou Hao smiled. "Then you have to work hard. Hehe, this relationship is just like how you usually do on the battlefield. It requires courage.    


'I think you might as well take that girl down in one go. It would be best if you also make her pregnant. ' When the time comes, even if you're unwilling, her parents will come looking for you. "    


"Boss, you. . . You're too much of a hooligan. " Lei Hu's character was unyielding and upright. How could he be as crafty as Zhou Hao?    


They soon arrived at Wanluo Community. Although Wanluo Community was considered a high-end residential area in Xiang City, most of the residents here were either Kang or middle-class.    


Seeing Zhou Hao's imposing Mercedes-Benz drive into the community, they all looked at him curiously and enviously.    


After putting the car away, Lei Hu took out the gift Zhou Hao wanted to give Li Chufan and his wife from the trunk of the car and followed Zhou Hao upstairs.    


There were festive couplets pasted on the front door of the Li Family. There were also red pieces of firecrackers on the open space in front of the door, giving the atmosphere of the Spring Festival a lot.    


Zhou Hao knocked on the door, only to see an unfamiliar middle-aged man opening the door. There seemed to be a lot of people in the room, and it was very lively.    


"You are. . . ?" The middle-aged man was wearing a red wool coat and looked at Zhou Hao in confusion.    


"I am looking for Li Chufan, Mr Li. " Zhou Hao smiled politely.    


The middle-aged man looked at Zhou Hao and then looked at Lei Hu, who was behind Zhou Hao. He turned around and shouted into the house, "Old Li, a young man is looking for you. Is he from your unit?"    


"He's here. " Li Chufan, who was wearing glasses, walked out. He smiled in surprise when he saw Zhou Hao. "Xiao Hao, you're here? Come in, come in. Ruolan just told us you would come. I didn't expect you to come so soon. "    


Zhou Hao and Lei Hu followed Li Chufan into the house. It was a unit with three rooms and two living rooms. It was very spacious.    


At this time, in the spacious living room, there were more than ten people, old and young, chatting, watching television or playing mahjong. The atmosphere was very lively.    


Li Ruolan, who was wearing a pink high collar sweater, was sitting on the sofa over there. As she watched television, she chatted with the two little girls with braids beside her. Her beautiful face was like a peach blossom that attracted tender love.    


When she saw Zhou Hao come in, she immediately stood up. Her pair of beautiful eyes were filled with endless tenderness.    


Li Chufan introduced Zhou Hao to everyone in the room. "This is Ruolan's girlfriend and also my boss. Xiao Hao, these are all our neighbors. "    


When the people in the hall heard his words, they immediately became excited. They all knew that Li Chufan worked in a big company, and this handsome young man in front of them was actually the boss of his company. This made them very surprised.    


Originally, some of the third aunt and sixth aunt who were inclined towards Yue Lao had wanted to connect Li Ruolan with the red line and introduce their own boy to her after seeing Li Ruolan.    


Now that they saw the handsome and young Zhou Hao, most of their thoughts instantly died.    


The man was talented and beautiful, and the man was young and rich. How could his nephew have the chance?    


"Xiao Hao, this is?" Li Chufan curiously looked at Lei Hu, who was standing behind Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao smiled and said, "This is my colleague in the company. His name is Lei Hu. "    


Unexpectedly, Lei Hu immediately said, "You are welcome. Mr Li, I am Mr Zhou's driver and bodyguard. Oh, right. This is a gift from our boss. I wish you a happy new year. "    


When Zhou Hao heard this, he couldn't help but feel that Lei Hu was too straightforward. However, when those people in the hall saw that Zhou Hao had such a tall and powerful bodyguard, their gazes towards Zhou Hao and Li Chufan became even more envious.    


Li Chufan took the gift from Lei Hu and gave it to his wife, Xie Zhiqiu, before inviting Lei Hu to sit down and taste the rice cake made by Xie Zhiqiu.    


Lei Hu did not have any reservations. After eating the rice cake, he started playing poker with the young men in the hall. Zhou Hao liked his pretentious personality.    


Zhou Hao walked straight to Li Ruolan's side. In front of so many people, Li Ruolan did not want to be so intimate with Zhou Hao. She only asked gently: "You are back?"    


This simple sentence contained her deep longing for Zhou Hao. Zhou Hao nodded and smiled. "Yes, I am back. "    


Both of them sat down. The two little girls who were pestering Li Ruolan were also carried away by the sensible adults.    


In a corner where no one could see, Zhou Hao held Li Ruolan's jade-like hands. His fingers passed through the gaps between her fingers and interlocked with her ten fingers, feeling the warmth coming from each of their palms.    


Li Ruolan's face was flushed red, and her eyes avoided looking at Zhou Hao. She looked very cute.    


"Have you been living well these days?" Zhou Hao asked gently.    


Li Ruolan nodded slightly. "Yes, I have been living well. "    


"You lied to me. " Zhou Hao scratched the back of her hand. "Why didn't you tell me?"    


Li Ruolan was a little surprised. She looked at Zhou Hao in surprise and then lowered her head. "You know?"    


She looked like a child who had done something wrong and was discovered by adults. She did not realize that she was Zhou Hao's teacher.    


Zhou Hao said in a blaming tone, "Sister Lan, you are a good person. You like to keep everything in your heart. Even if you feel wronged, you will not tell me. Let me help you share the burden. "    


Although Li Ruolan never mentioned it, Zhou Hao understood that she had already known that there were other women by her side, but she never said it. She just kept it in her heart and continued to treat Zhou Hao gently.    


"Young man, how long have you and Ruolan known each other?"    


Just as Zhou Hao was whispering to Li Ruolan, a smiling woman came over and asked Zhou Hao.    


"It has been many years. " Zhou Hao said with a smile.    


Zhou Hao had known Li Ruolan for more than ten years in his previous life.    


Then there were a few more gossipy housewives who kept asking about Zhou Hao's situation. Zhou Hao answered them one by one with a smile, and responded appropriately and generously.    


These housewives were all matchmakers who originally wanted to pull a red line for Li Ruolan, but after chatting with Zhou Hao for a while.    


Seeing that this young man had an extraordinary bearing and was mature and steady, he also had a close relationship with Li Ruolan. His own nephew could not compare to him at all, so he could only give up in the end.    


Li Ruolan, who was beside him, quietly looked at Zhou Hao. When she saw that he was able to advance and retreat with ease between these annoying third aunt and sixth aunt, she could not help but feel proud. She felt happy that she could have such a loving partner.    


After being noisy for a day, these neighbors had all returned home. Li Chufan also left Lei Hu here to eat dinner, which made Lei Hu very touched.    


After dinner, Lei Hu made an appointment to pick up Zhou Hao the next day and left.    


Xie Zhiqiu and Li Ruolan cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks while Zhou Hao chatted happily with Li Chufan.    


It was late at night when Li Chufan and Xie Zhiqiu found out that Zhou Hao had spent the night here. However, they did not know whether he would sleep in the guest room or somewhere else.    


Just as the couple was considering whether they should ask Zhou Hao, Li Ruolan lowered her head and pulled Zhou Hao into her room with a red face.    


The couple only came back to their senses when they heard Li Ruolan close the door.    


Looking at each other, Li Chufan shook his head and smiled. "Forget it. The child is already old. Besides, Ruolan cannot marry anyone else. Let them be. "    


In Li Ruolan's room, looking at Li Ruolan whose face was still burning hot, Zhou Hao deliberately revealed an aggrieved expression and said, "Sister Lan, what are you doing? Uncle and aunt are all watching. If you do this, won't their reputation be ruined?"    


Li Ruolan, who had originally cast aside her face and ignored the fact that Li Chufan and his wife were there to drag Zhou Hao in, was furious when she heard Zhou Hao's words.    


She pushed Zhou Hao with all her strength towards the door. "Alright. Go to the guest room and sleep. Don't say that I will ruin your reputation. You go, you go. "    


"It's already like this. Even if I go out now, uncle and aunt won't believe me. " Zhou Hao laughed and said, "It would be better to have a fight to the death. I will also break the jar and break the jar. "    


After saying that, he hugged Li Ruolan's soft and plump body and both of them fell onto the bed. He pressed his mouth on Li Ruolan's delicate lips.    


Li Ruolan even struggled a few times at the beginning and then completely gave up resisting. She even retaliated against Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao also loved his beautiful teacher very much. His mind rippled as he savored the sweet lips and tongue of the beauty in his arms. He did not hold back as his hand slipped into Li Ruolan's pink sweater.    


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