Supreme Stock God

C518 I Am the Side of Justice

C518 I Am the Side of Justice

When he heard Zhou Hao say that he was here to show off his strength, He Xiangping's heart skipped a beat, and he felt a sharp pain in his chest.    


Initially, he thought that he had a net worth of 200 million. This way, he would be able to snatch Yang Jiabao away from Zhou Hao. At that time, he would have to show off in front of Zhou Hao.    


Originally, he should be the one to show off in this corner.    


But now, not to mention showing off his power, even He Xiangping could not protect himself.    


Furthermore, when he "once" had a net worth of 200 million, Yang Jiabao also said that she would not like him.    


At this time, she heard Zhou Hao smile and say, "Oh right, Professor He, you still do not know about the situation outside, right?"    


The man sitting next to Zhou Hao raised his hand. He was originally guarding behind He Xiangping. A policeman went over and turned on the TV. The TV was playing inside. It happened to be the news broadcast of the Central TV Station.    


"Today, the China Securities and Supervision Bureau confirmed that due to the major illegal actions of Yuanzhong Industrial Group and other listed companies, they have decided to remove the license plate and stop the company from going public. "    


The dignified female host meticulously reported: "All related personnel have been arrested. China's SEC, China's Silver Industrial Management Committee, and the Ministry of Public Security's Economic Crimes Investigation Bureau have all been involved in the investigation of this case.    


Due to this incident, many shareholders who bought these shares suffered heavy losses. "    


Then, the camera on the television changed to the various securities companies in Beijing. Many shareholders who bought those shares were stuck there, shouting that they wanted to take back their money. They were very emotional.    


The reporter interviewed a short and fat middle-aged woman. She screamed and cried: "That He Xiangping who killed thousands of dollars, it was all because he said that these shares would increase by a lot that I bought them.    


Wuwuwu, these are all the money I saved over ten years. That He Xiangping who killed a thousand knives!"    


The reporters interviewed many shareholders who had lost their money. Besides hating those few shares, the one who gritted their teeth the most was He Xiangping.    


Looking at his expression, he really wanted to eat his meat and drink his blood. He Xiangping, who was sitting in front of the TV, felt a chill run down his spine. He was so scared that he trembled.    


Then, the television screen returned to the female host of the news broadcast. She said, "At noon today, the director of the Ministry of Public Security's Department of Economic Crimes Investigation Bureau, Chang Huan, officially confirmed it to the outside world.    


The professor of the Finance Department of Peking University, He Xiangping, who recommended those few shares in the program Finance and Economic Line, was one of the main culprits of this case. He Xiangping had also been arrested.    


At the same time, because of this incident, the Central Committee of China's Ministry of Public Relations has criticized me severely. I cannot provide the correct and objective direction of public opinion. Therefore, I, Zhao Huayong, will take the blame and resign. "    


He Xiangping stared at the television with his mouth agape. He felt as if the entire world was going to collapse.    


Furthermore, he also noticed that the director of the Economic and Criminal Investigation Bureau, Chang Huan, who had appeared on the television was the man sitting next to Zhou Hao.    


After being stunned for a while, he suddenly wanted to jump up with a chair and throw himself at Chang Huan, but he was quickly stopped by the two policemen behind him.    


However, he still raised his head and shouted at Chang Huan: "What right do you have to say that I am the main criminal? You did not interrogate me according to the normal procedure. My lawyer has not defended me yet. What right do you have to convict me? I am not guilty! I am not guilty! "    


Facing He Xiangping's angry roar, Chang Huan's expression did not change at all. It was still the same cold and serious expression.    


Zhou Hao, who was standing beside him, revealed a mocking smile. It wasn't easy for the Department of Investigation to convict He Xiangping. Furthermore, this was a direct order from the higher-ups. Chang Huan would be able to do it with ease.    


Although Zhou Hao was not clear about the process, he knew that it was under the circumstances where He Xiangping did not know about it.    


Actually, the relevant procedures such as his confession, confession, and even the court ruling had all been prepared, and they were all legal. It could be said that the evidence was as solid as a mountain.    


No one could overturn his case unless that person had the ability to go against the entire Government of China and was willing to go against the Government of China for He Xiangping.    


"Professor He, you have also invested your money into those few shares, right? Humph, humph, humph. . . I'm afraid that they have already disappeared without a trace. "    


Zhou Hao smiled at He Xiangping and said, "Do you not understand why this kind of situation happened?"    


He Xiangping was shocked. He raised his head and looked at Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao said, "Of course you don't know. In fact, when the share price reached 25 RMB, they had already started placing their bets. When the share price broke past 30 RMB, they were actually closing the deal. "    


"You. . . How do you know?" As soon as He Xiangping asked this question, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his heart. He was not a fool and immediately thought of a possibility.    


He stared at Zhou Hao. "Could it be, you. . . Impossible. . . Impossible, you are just a student, how could you. . . "    


"Professor He, why do you doubt your own guess? Actually, you've already guessed it right. "    


Zhou Hao's smile looked very evil. "Humph, humph, humph, humph. . . Professor He. . . You guessed right. I am the one who takes charge of the business. "    


He Xiangping trembled violently as if he had been electrocuted. He shook his head and murmured, "No, how is this possible, how is this possible. . . "    


He Xiangping knew that this time, he needed to invest a few billion yuan. How could Zhou Hao have so much money?    


"Professor He, you looked down on me from the very beginning. Do you think that if you don't study abroad and get admitted to Tsinghua University or Peking University, you are inferior to me?" Zhou Hao smiled and shook his head. "I only want to say to people like you that you are too ignorant. "    


He Xiangping seemed to have calmed down a little. He said, "If you are the one sitting in the village, why are you still sitting here? You are the real culprit! Chang Huan, he is the main culprit. Why don't you arrest him? "    


Chang Huan just sneered and did not say a word. Zhou Hao was also laughing at He Xiangping's naivety.    


In fact, those listed companies did not follow the law completely, but it was only a small problem. It could not be said to be a "major violation of the law. "    


However, with the cooperation of the government, it was very easy to list the crimes of these listed companies. Everything could be done internally.    


After Qi Yiwen and the others finished, the "major illegal actions" of those listed companies were exposed at the right time. China's securities regulator immediately removed their cards, causing the current situation.    


"Professor He, I say you were teaching and writing theses when you were free. Aren't you living a very comfortable life? Why are you hanging out with those profiteers? "    


Zhou Hao picked up the cup of hot milk tea and took a sip. "Why do you have to sacrifice your life for an impossible woman? You know, Jiabao said she wanted you to earn 100 million, but she just wanted you to back out.    


Who knew you were so capable that you had to go through all this trouble. "    


Upon hearing Zhou Hao's words, He Xiangping suddenly burst into laughter. "I know, Zhou Hao. You are jealous of me. You are afraid that I will take Jiabao away from you. That is why you used such unscrupulous means to frame me. No, Zhou Hao, say something! "    


"Professor He, I really don't know if I should say that you are arrogant or that you are naive. "    


Zhou Hao smiled coldly and said, "Let me tell you the truth. If I want to deal with you, you naturally won't have any ability to resist. But now, I am not dealing with you because of personal grudges. I am eradicating evil for the people, do you know that?    


Your words that caused the depreciation of RMB have already caused a huge hindrance to our country's policies. Right now, it's not me who wants to deal with you, but the country who wants to punish you. "    


"You can say whatever you want, Zhou Hao. You are a great villain, and you colluded with corrupt officials to frame good and loyal people. "    


He Xiangping suddenly laughed out loud. "I believe that history will prove my innocence in the future. In the future, my name will be passed down for generations, and you will be left behind for tens of thousands of years. Zhou Hao, just you wait and see. "    


Hearing his words, even Chang Huan couldn't help but burst into laughter.    


Zhou Hao said, "No wonder my godfather said that you are a stinky and stubborn stone. It's true. People like you always think that you are right. Everyone else is wrong.    


The true intention of the country. How can a short-sighted person like you, who only cares about small profits, understand?    


I know that being famous for thousands of years is the dream of you scholars. When I tell you that history has always been written by the strong, do you think your name will be remembered for thousands of years? "    


"If the future history really records this matter, Then you are a criminal who blocks the development of the country, harms the interests of the people, and destroys the country and the people. "    


Zhou Hao sneered. "The one who will be left in shame for ten thousand years will be you, He Xiangping. As for me, I represent justice. "    


Zhou Hao could not stand He Xiangping being so arrogant and conceited. Many people in the upper class thought that scholars were the root of the chaos in the country.    


Although this view was a bit biased, Zhou Hao also felt that among all the factors that could cause chaos, scholars could cause the greatest damage.    


It was just like many peasant revolts in history. If it was purely farmers who participated, then the influence and destructive power would be limited. But once scholars joined, the destructive power would not be mentioned in the same breath.    


Zhou Hao said to He Xiangping, "Professor He, this should be the last time we meet. That's all we have to say. "    


He knew from Zhao Rixin that whether it was to calm the anger of the people or to destroy the traces, He Xiangping would not live for long.    


When they left the reception room, they could still hear He Xiangping's desperate and unwilling roars, but Zhou Hao ignored them.    


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