Supreme Stock God

C517 Showing off

C517 Showing off

It was unknown whether it was intentional or not, but the police cars did not stop below the school building. Instead, they were placed at the entrance of Guanghua University.    


Therefore, if He Xiangping wanted to get into the car, he could only walk over like this. During this period of time, he needed to walk for 15 minutes.    


Many teachers and students had heard about He Xiangping being arrested by the police, so they all ran out to watch. Thus, He Xiangping, who was handcuffed and held in the middle by two police officers, slowly walked under the strange gazes of the teachers and students in the academy.    


In the past, the teachers and students looked at him with admiration and admiration.    


But now, He Xiangping could feel the ridicule and disdain in those gazes, and many of them were gloating over his misfortune.    


It was no wonder. He Xiangping had always been aloof and aloof, always looking at others with high and mighty eyes. Now, he had encountered a situation where the wall fell and everyone pushed him.    


He Xiangping finally felt what it meant to be ashamed and unwilling to see others even if he went into a hole.    


He Xiangping only wanted to leave this place as soon as possible and leave everyone's sight. He felt that Yang Jiabao seemed to be in the crowd, looking at him with contempt.    


However, those policemen seemed to deliberately bring him to the streets. Their footsteps were very leisurely, and they did not seem to be in a hurry to bring him back.    


When the dean of Radiance Academy heard about He Xiangping, he also rushed over in a hurry. After all, he had a deep love for He Xiangping. He intended to nurture He Xiangping as his successor.    


Furthermore, He Xiangping's reputation had risen recently, and it had also caused Radiance Academy to show its face.    


Now that these policemen had arrested He Xiangping in such a high-profile manner, wasn't it the same as giving Radiance Academy a fierce slap in the face?    


"What right do you have to take away the professors of our academy?" When the dean saw that He Xiangping had been handcuffed the moment he arrived, a surge of anger immediately surged in his heart. He didn't care about anything else and interrogated these policemen.    


The leading police officer said unhurriedly, "Mr. Dean, we have official procedures. There is no problem at all with our law enforcement.    


If you have any objections, you can respond to my superior.    


But please move aside, or we can sue you for obstructing the law. "    


After that, he rudely pushed the dean aside and walked forward with the pale He Xiangping.    


The director shouted from behind, "I want to see your director!"    


The officer sneered. "It's useless to talk to our director. This is a direct arrest order from the Public Security Department. "    


When they arrived at the entrance of Radiance Academy, they saw that there were already many reporters here. He Xiangping's face became even paler. He shouted to the officer in front of him, "Officer, quickly take me out of here, quickly take me out of here!"    


However, as soon as he finished speaking, those reporters had already rushed over and surrounded them. One by one, the microphones that symbolized the various television stations squeezed in front of He Xiangping. The cameras were all aimed at He Xiangping, and the flashlights of the cameras kept flashing.    


"Professor He, the few shares you predicted earlier were suspected of illegal trading and economic crimes. The share price also fell from 30 cents to 20 cents. I want to ask, do you know about the illegal trading of those shares?" The reporter asked.    


"I don't know!" He Xiangping's heart sank when he heard that the shares had fallen. He had just asked his brokerage to sell the shares, and now that the shares had fallen, he might not be able to make a move.    


The reporters did not give up on He Xiangping's denial. They asked, "Professor He, why did these comrades from the Economic Crimes Investigation Bureau arrest you?    


Are you related to the deal behind the scenes? "    


"No, I have nothing to do with them!" He Xiangping shouted, "I went back with the police to assist in the investigation. Do you know that? I am not a criminal!"    


"Professor He, this incident has caused many shareholders to suffer heavy losses. Do you think you are responsible for this?"    


He Xiangping was stunned for a moment. His expression kept changing. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "I don't think I am responsible. I only said that these shares will rise, and they will also rise.    


However, the financial market originally had high risks. No one could predict what would happen next. Besides, I didn't force them to buy it. What responsibility do I have? "    


From a certain point of view, He Xiangping's words made sense. It was their own decision for the shareholders to buy those shares. It had nothing to do with others.    


However, even if that was the case, the shareholders would not let He Xiangping go so easily. On the contrary, what He Xiangping said was irresponsible in many people's eyes.    


"Alright, alright. We still need to bring him back to the police station. Everyone, give him some face and make way. " Seeing that the reporters were almost done with their questions, the police officer made a path for He Xiangping and pushed him into the police car.    


When the police car started moving, the surrounding reporters continued to take pictures. He Xiangping also left amidst the flashes of light.    


He really wanted to know what was going on. He really wanted to call Xiao Qian and ask him about it. However, the police took away his phone and didn't allow him to contact the outside world.    


He Xiangping wanted to ask the police who had been very angry with him. What was the situation in the stock market like?    


However, after he asked the question, the policeman stared at him with hatred for a long time, making He Xiangping feel like he was staring at a cobra. He finally looked away. Furthermore, the policeman did not say a word, so He Xiangping did not dare to ask again.    


When he returned to the Department of Investigation, He Xiangping was thrown into a room. There was no bed, table, or chair in the room, not even a toilet or light.    


There was an empty space of more than ten square meters, and the only "accessory" in the room was the wall facing the door. There was a small window the size of a brick, and it was separated by a thick layer of glass, so the sound could not be heard.    


He Xiangping stood on his tiptoes to see that there was a dull gray wall outside.    


He Xiangping naturally did not have the experience of being brought into the police station, so he was very uneasy as he squatted in the corner.    


He was afraid that his money would be locked up, he was afraid that the matter of those few shares would make him lose his reputation, he was afraid that Xiao Qian would betray him, he was afraid that what he desired would eventually become a dream, and he was even more afraid that what he originally had would all be lost.    


"Let me out! I want to go out! Let me out!"    


He suddenly jumped up and threw himself at the door. He slammed the iron door with all his strength, causing a" bang bang "sound to echo in the sealed room along with his roar, lingering around.    


"I am a professor at Peking University. I am a master's teacher at Radiance Academy. I am Stock God from China. Let me out!"    


After hammering the iron door for ten minutes, the iron door finally opened.    


He Xiangping subconsciously wanted to squeeze through the gap in the door, but he was kicked in the chest and sent flying back.    


Since he was young, he had never been attacked like this. He hugged his chest and rolled on the ground, moaning in pain.    


Two policemen walked in and punched and kicked He Xiangping, who was on the ground, while cursing. "I told you to shout, I told you to shout! Why the f * ck are you so arrogant after committing a crime?!"    


Both of them were experienced. When they hit He Xiangping, it made him wish he was dead, but at the same time, it did not cause any injuries.    


He Xiangping, who had never experienced such a beating, couldn't stand the pain anymore. He put down his dignity and begged for mercy.    


The two policemen also vented their anger. In the end, they spat at He Xiangping, closed the iron door, and left.    


He Xiangping curled up on the ground. The pain all over his body made him shiver. What made him even more uncomfortable was that he, who was respected by others, had now become a prisoner and was going to be humiliated and beaten.    


The most important thing was that he could not know the situation outside, so he could not think of a way to deal with it. He could only increase his anxiety.    


It was only when night fell outside and the room was shrouded in darkness that the iron door opened again.    


Light came in through the door. He Xiangping, who was still curled up on the ground, narrowed his eyes and looked over. He could only see two figures walking in. They grabbed his hands from his left and right and dragged him out of the room.    


After being beaten up and not eating or drinking for half a day, He Xiangping felt like he was about to collapse. He saw clearly that the two people who dragged him away were the policemen who had beaten him up earlier.    


They brought He Xiangping to a much more spacious room. There was a sofa, a coffee table, a television, and a heating system. It should be the Department of Investigation Services' reception room.    


What shocked He Xiangping the most was that he actually saw a person who should not and should not have appeared here - Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao was sitting on the sofa in the reception room with his legs crossed. He looked very satisfied. When He Xiangping was dragged in, a policewoman brought hot milk tea and exquisite cake and respectfully placed them on the coffee table in front of Zhou Hao.    


He Xiangping was roughly pressed on a hard wooden chair by the two policemen. His hands were also tied back in the chair. He was facing Zhou Hao himself.    


"Leave the two of you alone. The rest of you can go back now. "    


Only then did He Xiangping notice that there was a man in his 40s sitting on the sofa next to Zhou Hao. When he heard the man's words, other than the two police officers behind He Xiangping, the rest of the people left the reception room and closed the door.    


Zhou Hao looked at He Xiangping with a smile and said, "Professor He, why are you so haggard in just a few days?"    


He Xiangping's chest heaved up and down violently. He took a deep breath and said weakly to Zhou Hao, "What are you doing here?"    


Zhou Hao snorted and laughed. "To be honest, I am here to show off to you, Professor He. "    


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