Supreme Stock God

C519 Seven Kills

C519 Seven Kills

It was true what happened after that. Since that time at the Department of Investigation Services, Zhou Hao and Yang Jiabao had never seen He Xiangping again. The news of He Xiangping being sentenced to death soon appeared on the news.    


However, Zhou Hao knew that He Xiangping was actually dead when the news of He Xiangping being sentenced to death was broadcasted.    


Regarding He Xiangping's crimes, the Public Security Department handled them differently from how they treated criminals. Instead, they listed all of He Xiangping's "crimes" one by one.    


Among them, the most eye-catching one was He Xiangping's collusion with the criminals. He used the media to deceive the public to buy stocks and profit from it.    


In almost one night, He Xiangping had turned from being respected as the Stock God of China to the target of everyone's curses. The change was so huge that it made people sigh with emotion.    


As for the other "main offenders," because He Xiangping had attracted everyone's attention, not many people paid attention to him. They only vaguely remembered that there were a few people who were sentenced to ten years to life imprisonment.    


It was worth mentioning that Radiance Academy. Those old professors, old deans, and others originally wanted to use their connections to save He Xiangping.    


However, after seeing that the evidence of He Xiangping's crimes was conclusive, and that the country had dealt with him with such swift and decisive actions, coupled with the public's deep hatred for He Xiangping,    


Thus, the dean of Radiance Academy immediately changed his attitude and joined in the verbal attack against He Xiangping. He even held several self-reflection meetings in the academy and held a few activities with morals as the theme to correct the school's style.    


Even though Yang Jiabao was very displeased with He Xiangping, seeing this situation, she could not help but sigh with emotion.    


Other than He Xiangping, Central TV, which had "promoted" him, was also severely criticized by the Central TV's Public Relations Department. Station Head Zhao Huayong took the blame and resigned. Many of the station's leaders were screened and injected with a lot of fresh blood.    


After that, the Public Relations Department had even held a "public opinion and moral cleansing activity" in the country. It had allowed the various provinces and cities to seriously punish the public opinion and media in the various regions. It had caused the increasingly corrupt domestic media industry to become clear.    


Although Zhou Hao knew that it was impossible to completely "wash away" the media industry, at least it could make the public opinion in the country less wanton and reach a point where it was difficult to control.    


As for the Galaxy Television of the Northern Pole Star Media Group, due to its strict and objective style of reporting, it made the Ministry of Public Relations give a huge round of praise, causing the Galaxy Television, which was already in the limelight, to once again show its face.    


Zhou Hao knew that the government was "repaying" him, so he accepted it safely.    


With Zhao Yuqin and Yang Jiabao accompanying him, Zhou Hao felt that the days passed very quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was the end of the year.    


Beijing University had already had winter vacation a long time ago. Yang Jiabao, however, was reluctant to leave Zhou Hao and insisted on staying in Beijing until the twenty-ninth year of the year before taking the plane back to Guangxi.    


Although it was still during the Spring Festival, Zhou Hao had already booked a plane ticket for her a long time ago, so there was no hindrance.    


The day they left Beijing, Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin went to the airport to see Yang Jiabao off. Zhao Yuqin and Yang Jiabao were also the first time Zhou Hao appeared in front of him at the same time since he returned to Beijing.    


"Bad guy, you are not allowed to look at other girls when I am not around. " Yang Jiabao, who had a tough personality, could not help but have teardrops on her nose when she left. When she saw Zhao Yuqin beside Zhou Hao, she added, "Except for sister. "    


Zhou Hao did not comment. This matter could not be casually agreed to by her.    


He went forward and hugged Yang Jiabao and softly instructed her. "When you go back, be filial to your parents and old man. Don't be as willful as before. After all, you are still a university student. "    


"Yes. " Yang Jiabao pouted her cherry lips and answered like a little beast that felt wronged.    


After that, Yang Jiabao hugged Zhao Yuqin again and whispered into Zhao Yuqin's ear, "Older sister, watch him properly and don't let him flirt with girls. "    


"Big sister, save it. " Zhao Yuqin nodded her head in agreement.    


In the end, Yang Jiabao practically turned around and walked into the boarding passage step by step, leaving behind a graceful figure for Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin.    


Seeing Zhou Hao's gloomy expression, Zhao Yuqin gently comforted, "Don't be like this, it's not like we are not going to meet again. "    


After she finished speaking, she held her hands and said helplessly, Don't be like this. It's not like we are not going to meet again. "How can there be a person like me in the world? I have to accompany my man on the plane to send his lover and also comfort him. I think I am the only one in the world who is so stupid. "    


Looking at Zhao Yuqin's aggrieved look, Zhou Hao quickly hugged her and said sweet words to her. It was only then that he managed to coax this beautiful and beautiful elder sister, who had a prominent family background.    


Very soon, it was New Year's Eve. Although he could not go back to Xiang City to spend time with Yan Tong and the rest, Zhou Hao still made a long call with them.    


First, he chatted with Yan Tong about family matters. Then, he chatted with Wang Xijun and Yan Qingqing for half an hour. Next, it was Li Ruolan and Situ Jianying. Of course, he could not forget Su Lin, who had to stay in Hong Kong to watch Asia Television Limited and return to Hong Kong after the concert.    


Originally, Zhou Hao wanted to give He Xueyun a call too, but when he thought about how she had left him without saying goodbye in Venice, he could not help but feel sad and angry.    


Moreover, He Xueyun was currently either in Xu Family or He Family. It would be inconvenient to call her, so Zhou Hao thought about it and held back.    


Gao Jingyi, who was far away in the United States, called her home and asked Gao Houlu to tell Zhou Hao that everything was fine in the United States.    


Zhou Hao's heart softened when he thought of the girl who was proud and aloof but liked him silently.    


"Come, come, come. Have a taste of the frying pan made by your godmother. She started preparing before dawn today. " Zhao Rixin's cheerful laughter called Zhou Hao's thoughts back.    


"Haha, I remember now. Godmother is a Boshan person. I think this crispy pot must be very well made. " Zhou Hao smiled.    


Yan Xinning smiled kindly. "Ding Zhou and Yuqin both like to eat this. The cooking of this crispy pot is not too difficult. It takes a long time. In the past, in our hometown, this dish must be learned before marriage. Otherwise, it will not be a good wife. "    


Zhou Hao said, "Alas, the girls in the past are still virtuous. Now, there are less and less girls who know how to cook. "    


Immediately, a hand reached out from the side and pinched his ear. It was Zhao Yuqin. "You brat, stop pointing fingers and cursing. I have help with the frying pan. "    


Yan Xinning smiled at Zhao Rixin and said, "Look at these two children. They don't seem to grow up. "    


Although she said so, the two elders were very gratified in their hearts that Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin got along so well.    


What they did not know was that the relationship between Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin was far more "harmonious" than they had imagined.    


As Zhao Dingzhou was a great general, he could not casually leave his territory, so he could not return to Beijing. Zhou Hao staying here this year to accompany the two old men on New Year's Eve also made the two old men have a lot of fun.    


After the bell and drum tower's New Year's Eve bells rang, a new year officially arrived. Listening to the lively voices outside, Zhou Hao felt very emotional.    


In his previous life, he never would have thought that he would have the opportunity to spend New Year's at the home of the Political Bureau's Regulatory Committee.    


"Xiao Hao, come. Take the red packet. I hope you can progress in your studies. " Zhao Rixin and Yan Xinning handed the red packet to Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao smiled and said, "I also wish my godfather and godmother a healthy and successful life. "    


Although Zhao Rixin had a prominent status, the red packet he gave Zhou Hao was only a symbolic one hundred yuan. Anyway, Zhou Hao had so much money that he could not spend it all. He didn't care about these things. He just wanted luck.    


That night, Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin naturally had to stay overnight here. Of course, with Zhao Rixin and his wife around, the two of them could not share the same room to avoid being discovered by the two elders.    


The next morning, Zhao Rixin brought Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin to the chairman's house to pay their respects. There were also the premier and a few other regulars who brought their family members over. This was their habit. If there was nothing else, they would come to the chairman's house to pay their respects on the first day of the new year.    


This was the first time Zhou Hao had seen all the regulators in real life. He saw the big shots who could only be seen in the television and newspaper talking about their son and grandson as if there was no one else around.    


Zhou Hao felt that his horizons had been broadened. He thought, "I didn't expect that I would also have the honor of attending this New Year's' regulatory committee meeting '. "    


These big shots had long heard of Zhou Hao. Each of them went up to him and continuously praised him. They also gave him red packets as a routine.    


Zhou Hao held the red packets in his hand and thought, "If I told others that I gathered all the red packets from all the regulars in the country, I don't know if anyone would believe me. "    


Today was the first day of the Lunar New Year, so these regulars tacitly didn't want to talk about national affairs. Instead, they were happy and relaxed.    


At this time, Zhou Hao also saw a young man who looked to be only fourteen or fifteen years old standing in a corner of the room, quietly looking at the people around him. He was different from the other children.    


This young man was not even 1. 6 meters tall. He was also very thin and slender. His skin was also a little pale. In addition, he had delicate facial features, bright eyes, and white teeth. Moreover, there was a faint melancholy in his features.    


According to Zhou Hao, this young man had the potential to be a hypocrite.    


Seeing him standing there alone, as if he was looking at this world as a bystander, Zhou Hao couldn't help but walk over and smile at him. "Little brother, why are you here alone? Are you here with your parents or grandpa?"    


Suddenly, the surrounding people quieted down. That stagnant atmosphere made Zhou Hao feel that something was not right.    


Seeing Zhao Yuqin's stunned expression, Zhou Hao asked puzzledly. "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"    


"You don't seem to know who I am. "    


The young man opened his mouth and looked at Zhou Hao curiously. Judging from his tone, he didn't look like a fourteen or fifteen year old young man.    


"Uh, I really don't know you. " Zhou Hao scratched his head.    


"My name is Seven Kills. Those who know me, call me Second Head. " The youth said with a faint smile.    


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