Supreme Stock God

C526 Top Quality Lolis

C526 Top Quality Lolis

"Yun Er?" Zhou Hao looked at Li Ruolan, puzzled.    


Li Ruolan smiled at him. "It's a girl. Her name is Tong Yun. She was sent here by the police half a month ago. She seemed to have been separated from her mother at the train station. We can't contact her mother now. "    


The two of them followed Teacher Song to the second floor. Li Ruolan said to Zhou Hao, "Yun Er is introverted and may not be used to life here, so she is not willing to talk.    


The first time I saw her, she was sitting alone in the corner watching other children play. I also spent a lot of effort to make friends with her. "    


Looking at Li Ruolan's expression, it seemed that being able to make friends with Yun Er was a very impressive thing.    


When he followed Li Ruolan to the corridor on the second floor, Zhou Hao saw that there was a row of single rooms that were not large in size. It might be the dormitory of the old factory.    


Looking down, Zhou Hao saw Lei Hu holding two children and playing "human roller coaster. " From time to time, the crisp laughter of children could be heard. Lei Hu's iron man face was also filled with pure happiness.    


At the door of the room at the end, Teacher Song knocked on the door and shouted inside, "Yun Er, Yun Er, are you inside?"    


There was no response from the room. Teacher Song shook his head and smiled at Li Ruolan before shouting towards the room, "Yun Er, Teacher Li is here. If you don't come out, she will have to leave. "    


Immediately, the sound of footsteps could be heard from inside. Then, the door of the room slowly opened and only a small crack was revealed.    


The first thing Zhou Hao saw was a bright and clear big eye behind the crack. It was like a cat's eye, filled with spirit energy and also had a strong vigilance, as if it was afraid that Teacher Song would use Li Ruolan's name to trick her to open the door.    


When she saw Li Ruolan outside, she immediately opened the door and rushed out to throw herself into Li Ruolan's arms. She used her very pleasant voice to call out crisply, "Sister. "    


This was a petite and delicate girl. She wore a white dress and was about 1. 4 meters tall. She was about 11 or 12 years old and had two pigtails on her head.    


Looking at the side profile of her face in Li Ruolan's arms, she had delicate facial features and her face was pink and cute. She looked like a little beauty carved from jade, making people feel tender and loving at first glance.    


Li Ruolan squatted down to support Yun Er and said with a smile, "Yun Er you are not obedient. Didn't Big Sister ask you to chat and play with other children last time? Why are you disobedient again? Big Sister wants to hit your little butt. "    


Finishing, Li Ruolan patted Yun Er's little butt twice and saw Yun Er pouting her cute little mouth. As she rubbed her butt, she said, "Big Sister, you are lecherous. Mommy said that a girl's butt cannot be touched by others. "    


Regarding Yun Er's words, Li Ruolan did not know whether to laugh or cry. She pinched Yun Er's nose and scolded, "You lass, you are really a little devil. "    


"Aiyo, elder sister, don't pinch Yun Er's nose all the time. If you pinch her flat, you can't get married. " Yun Er pulled her head back.    


Zhou Hao, who was beside her, felt that he really couldn't take it anymore because this little girl called Yun Er was really too cute. Her delicate facial features, her big, bright eyes, and that sweet voice made Zhou Hao's heart feel like it was going to melt.    


Especially her red and pink cheeks, Zhou Hao took a lot of effort to suppress the urge to pinch her a few times.    


According to the standards in the future, Yun Er was a typical loli. She was even the best kind.    


Looking at Yun Er who looked like a porcelain doll, Zhou Hao couldn't help but think in his heart, If a girl like this were to fall into the hands of a lolicon, the consequences would be unimaginable.    


At this time, Yun Er's gaze also fell on Zhou Hao who was standing behind Li Ruolan. However, her gaze was completely different from when she looked at Li Ruolan. It carried a strong sense of vigilance and vigilance, just like a little beast that was guarding against danger.    


"Yun Er, this is Big Brother Zhou Hao. You should greet Big Brother Zhou Hao. " Li Ruolan stood up and introduced Zhou Hao to Yun Er.    


However, Yun Er pursed her lips and lowered her head, unwilling to call Zhou Hao.    


"Yun Er. " Li Ruolan frowned slightly.    


Yun Er's cute face still carried stubbornness and a bit of grievance. It made people feel that forcing her like this was a huge sin.    


Zhou Hao pulled Li Ruolan's hand, "Sister Lan, forget it. After all, she is a child. "    


Li Ruolan sighed and did not force Yun Er in the end.    


She saw Yun Er pull Li Ruolan's hand into her room. After entering, she instinctively wanted to close the door. But after hesitating for a moment, she still did not close the door.    


Teacher Song smiled bitterly at Zhou Hao. Yun Er clearly did not want anyone other than Li Ruolan to enter her room, but she was also afraid that she would make Li Ruolan angry again. That was why she "reluctantly" did not close the door.    


Zhou Hao smiled and did not take it to heart, and walked into the room. Teacher Song followed him in.    


This was a room that was more than ten square meters. There was a wardrobe and a desk. There was a high and low bed next to the wall, and the bed sheets were neatly stacked on the bottom bed.    


There was also a wooden single bed on the other side of the room. It looked very new, but there was no bed sheet. It was very empty.    


Teacher Song saw Zhou Hao's puzzled expression and explained, "Yun Er originally slept in another room with the other two girls, but a new girl came the day before yesterday, and Yun Er did not like to play with other children.    


So our dean transferred her to this room and even bought a new bed for her. But Yun Er did not sleep in that new bed. Instead, she liked to sleep in that high and low bed. "    


Yun Er was currently sitting on the lower bed of the high and low bed with Li Ruolan and whispering into Li Ruolan's ear.    


Li Ruolan saw that Yun Er did not pay attention to Zhou Hao and Teacher Song, so she gave them an apologetic look.    


Zhou Hao and Teacher Song sat on the side of the new bed. Teacher Song said to Zhou Hao, "Mr Zhou, thank you very much for you and Teacher Li, especially Teacher Li. She donated so much money to our welfare institute, but. . . "    


She also shook her head sadly. She naturally knew everything about the welfare institute. However, she was just an ordinary person. How could she fight against those "big shots" above?    


"Right, Mr Zhou. " Teacher Song suddenly lowered his voice. "If it is convenient for you and Teacher Li, can you take Yun Er out to live for a few days?"    


"Hmm?" Zhou Hao was very curious why Teacher Song would make such a request.    


"Mr Zhou, I know this request is a bit too much, but. . . " Teacher Song looked like he was in a dilemma. He looked like he wanted to say something but stopped himself.    


"Hehe, I heard Teacher Li came to celebrate the New Year with the children. "    


At this time, a man with a medium build, who was in his fifties or sixties, walked in with his hands behind his back and smiled.    


Seeing this man, Teacher Song's expression changed slightly. He immediately swallowed the words that he wanted to say to Zhou Hao. He stood up and smiled at Zhou Hao. "Mr Zhou, this is Director Fang of our welfare institute. "    


"Yo, Mr Zhou. Hello, hello. Thank you for buying so many things for our welfare institute. There aren't many people as caring as you nowadays. " Director Fang quickly went forward and grabbed Zhou Hao's hand.    


"Hello, Dean Fang. " Zhou Hao nodded slightly.    


When he saw Yun Er and Li Ruolan, Director Fang smiled and said, "Yun Er, what are you whispering to Teacher Li about?"    


When Yun Er saw Principal Fang, she immediately hugged Li Ruolan's arm. The vigilance in her eyes intensified and there was even a hint of fear in her eyes.    


When Li Ruolan saw Principal Fang, she did not have a good expression and just pursed her lips and did not speak.    


Zhou Hao also noticed that Principal Fang's gaze was constantly looking at Li Ruolan and Yun Er. His gaze was very unfriendly. Zhou Hao immediately frowned but did not say anything.    


Principal Fang said a few more words of thanks to Zhou Hao and said that he still had something to do and then left.    


Not long after he left, a little girl of eight or nine years old walked in, her face full of tears. Teacher Song quickly went over to comfort her. "Anan, what's wrong? Who bullied you?"    


The little girl named Anan sniffled and cried. " Teacher Song, Director Fang took all the red packets. "    


Teacher Song was stunned. Anger flashed on his face. He said to himself, "That damned old man, he even took the red packets from our children!"    


Zhou Hao's frown deepened. In his heart, Director Fang's impression of him was becoming worse and worse.    


After that, Teacher Song did not mention to Zhou Hao about taking Yun Er out again. Zhou Hao saw that she seemed to have something difficult to say, but since Teacher Song did not take the initiative to speak, Zhou Hao did not want to dig deeper.    


After staying in the welfare institute for a long time, Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan were about to leave. The children in the welfare institute were very reluctant to part with Li Ruolan. Especially Yun Er. Her watery eyes made Zhou Hao really want to rub her in his arms to comfort her.    


However, Yun Er was very cautious of people other than Li Ruolan. She was even more serious to Zhou Hao. Zhou Hao wanted to tease her a few times, but his face turned grey.    


When they left the welfare institute, Zhou Hao asked Li Ruolan, "Who is that Director Fang? Sister Lan, you seem to not like him?"    


"That old man. He also stole the money I donated to the welfare institute. You saw it just now. He didn't even let go of the children's red packets. I've never seen such a shameless guy. "    


Li Ruolan said angrily: "When I went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to argue with him, he advised me not to continue pestering him. He was clearly the same as that director. "    


"It's not appropriate to let such a person be the director of the welfare institute. "    


Zhou Hao said, "Also, I always feel that something will happen to Yun Er. Just now, Teacher Song asked us to bring her out for a few more days. "    


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