Supreme Stock God

C538 Don't Worry about Our Family Business

C538 Don't Worry about Our Family Business

Zhou Lichang was in charge of building materials, and the Tongguang needed a lot of building materials to build the Tongguang building. Most of the 700,000,000 RMB was spent on building materials.    


Lu Shiping initially wanted to pick a big building material company to work with, but after Zhou Lichang found out about the building, he immediately went to Yan Tong, hoping that she could give him this business.    


Yan Tong didn't know about Zhou Liren's matter and thought that she would be able to reunite with Zhou Liren's family in the future, so her close relative, Zhou Lichang, should also build a good relationship with him, so she asked Zhou Lichang to provide the building materials needed for the Tongguang building.    


Building such a large commercial building, even the most conscientious builder would be able to earn 30 to 40 million from it.    


Zhou Lichang originally wanted to take advantage of Yan Tong, so after the Tongguang building was handed over, he could earn at least a hundred million. Zhou Hao said that he could earn 30 to 40 million from his own family, but that was only the most conservative estimate.    


At that time, Zhou Hao didn't want to give the Tongguang building business to Zhou Lichang, but Yan Tong said that since they were relatives, it was better to give it to his own family than to give it to outsiders.    


Furthermore, Yan Tong was the general manager of the Tongguang. Zhou Hao didn't want to interfere too much and put Yan Tong in a difficult position, so he agreed to that matter.    


Now, Zhou Lichang's family was still not satisfied after getting such a huge advantage, especially Xu Yongwei's arrogant attitude, which made Zhou Hao very angry.    


Compared to Zhou Hao's anger, Yan Qingqing, who was directly insulted by Xu Yongwei, was not so upset. Instead, she acted as a role to comfort Zhou Hao.    


After the two of them left the Tianbin Hotel, they went to the Hongford Park next to them to have some fun. Then, they went to the pedestrian street to go shopping. They didn't drive to the Zhou Village until five o'clock in the morning to meet Zhou Lichang.    


According to Zhou Hao's intention, even if they came to visit, they didn't need to buy any gifts for Zhou Lichang and the others.    


However, Yan Qingqing said that they couldn't visit their relatives empty-handed during the Lunar New Year, so she tried to persuade Zhou Hao. After all, even if someone else was in the wrong. . . He had to be polite on his side.    


"Then buy a box of instant noodles. Isn't it popular to send instant noodles to visit relatives recently?" Zhou Hao said with a snort.    


Regarding this, Yan Qingqing felt helpless as well. According to the current conditions of Zhou Hao's family, it would not be too much even if he gave gold and silver. Who knew that he would actually give instant noodles to Zhou Lichang's family? Although this was indeed the current trend, this was also too much of a drop in price for Zhou Hao.    


However, Yan Qingqing also knew that this was Zhou Hao's biggest concession, so she didn't try to persuade him anymore.    


Therefore, Zhou Hao casually bought a box of "Hua Feng" instant noodles from a grocery store in Zhou Village, and directly went to Zhou Lichang's house.    


When Yan Qingqing saw this, she curled the corner of her mouth and said in her heart, "Fine, I'll buy the cheapest one. "    


She pressed the doorbell and saw Zhou Lichang open the door with a bright smile. When she saw Yan Qingqing beside Zhou Hao, her smile immediately changed, but she still quickly invited Zhou Hao into the house.    


"Here, happy New Year. " Zhou Hao handed the box of "Hua Feng" in his hand to Zhou Lichang.    


Zhou Lichang's expression changed when he saw the "Hua Feng instant noodles. " He didn't dare say anything and accepted it with a smile.    


"It's Xiao Hao, isn't it? Come on in, come on in. Your aunt is personally cooking this time. " Xu Yongwei shouted in the living room.    


But after seeing Yan Qingqing who came with Zhou Hao, Xu Yongwei's expression clearly stiffened for a moment.    


Yan Qingqing, on the other hand, did not lose her manners and smiled at her, "Hello Auntie Xu. "    


"Oh, you, hello. " Zhou Hao was present. Xu Yongwei had to restrain herself no matter how much she splashed. At the same time, she said to Zhou Zhihao and Zhou Xinxin, who were in the hall, " Zhihao, Xin, quickly come and greet your brother. "    


Zhou Zhihao, who was already 1. 6 meters tall, and Zhou Xinxin, who was slightly smaller, stood up from the sofa and called Zhou Hao "brother. "    


Zhou Hao, however, could see the arrogance and unwillingness in their eyes. He knew that these two brats probably thought that he was the poor Zhou Hao from before and called him "brother. " It should be Xu Yongwei who had instructed them before.    


However, Zhou Hao did not have any intention of arguing with these two fellows. After all, it was the father's fault not to teach his son.    


"Come, Xiao Hao, Qingqing, quickly sit down. "    


Zhou Lichang led Zhou Hao and Yan Qingqing to the hall and sat down. "Xiao Hao, I heard from your mother that you haven't been in Xiang City these days. Where did you go to do big business?    


Haha, our Zhou family's children are different. He's a business genius at such a young age. "    


Zhou Lichang knew how amazing Zhou Hao was. Although he didn't know what kind of business Zhou Hao was doing, he also knew that the young masters of the mayor of Guangzhou were all good friends of Zhou Hao. Wen Xiangdong, the leader of the underground gangs in Xiang City, was also trying to rope Zhou Hao in, so his business wouldn't be too small.    


"No, I just have to travel back and forth between Beijing and Hong Kong. I'm just tired. I can't make much money. " Zhou Hao said lightly.    


Yan Qingqing, who was beside him, heard him and secretly laughed in her heart. Although she did not see Zhou Hao often, she more or less knew about Zhou Hao's matter.    


The business he was doing now was calculated in one billion dollars, and it was often calculated in US dollars. This was not what Zhou Lichang and the others could imagine.    


Of course, Zhou Lichang would not believe what Zhou Hao said that he could not make money, but he did not delve into this topic. Instead, he said, "Xiao Hao, has Ah Ren come back recently?"    


Zhou Hao and Yan Qingqing quietly looked at each other. They both said in their hearts, "He's here. "    


He shook his head. "No, I heard he is still in the three provinces in the northeast. "    


"Actually, according to what I said, it's unknown whether Alen really repented or not. "    


Zhou Lichang sighed and said, "Alen has been restless since he was young. He often runs outside when he was in his teens. Although we are brothers, the number of times we meet is much less than other brothers.    


Xiao Hao, it's not that big uncle wants to talk about your father. Although I don't know him very well, I also know that it's hard to change a person's nature. Your father is used to having sex, so I'm afraid it will be hard for him to stop. "    


Zhou Hao thought to himself, "You can see that clearly. "    


He heard Xu Yongwei say, "Your mother married Alen. She really entrusted him with something inhuman. She even suffered so much because of your father.    


As the saying goes, it's hard to judge a clear official's family affairs. Although we don't want to interfere in your family matters, we feel that it's not worth it for Ah Tong. "    


Zhou Hao sneered in his heart, "If you really care so much about Mom and me, when we borrowed money from you in the past, you wouldn't shirk from it. You would even often say some harsh words, as if you were giving it to a beggar. "    


"Oh right, Xiao Hao, my cousin Dong is working in the Tongguang. Your mom told you about it, right?" Xu Yongwei suddenly asked.    


"I know about it. "    


"Dong Zheng, although he's young and doesn't have much work experience, he graduated from a real university and studied finance. Your mom said he's quite helpful in the company. "    


Xu Yongwei smiled and said, "I don't know which guy in the company has such a bad conscience. He insisted on framing our Dong Zheng and even fired Dong Zheng.    


Xiao Hao, you have to tell your mother and help Auntie uphold justice. "    


Xu Yongwei did not dare to criticize Yan Qing Qing in front of Zhou Hao, but the meaning in her words was that Yan Qing Qing wronged Xu Dong Zheng.    


Zhou Hao also did not expect Xu Yongwei to still want to stand up for Xu Dongzheng at this point. He sneered. "Humph! I found out that Xu Dong Zheng asked for a rebate and misappropriation of public funds. Auntie, you're saying that I'm slandering him?    


The evidence is still in my hands. If I really wanted to uphold justice, I would have sent him to jail long ago! "    


Xu Yongwei and Zhou Lichang's expressions changed. Xu Yongwei still did not give up and said, "Xiao Hao, I have already said that Dong Dong is right. He also said that if he knew he was wrong, he would change.    


Xiao Hao, seeing that we are relatives, you should not remember this lowly person's past. Forgive Dong Zheng. "    


"He is your relative, not my relative. " Zhou Hao glanced at her and said," He is relying on his relationship with us, which is so far away, to do whatever he wants in the company. He bullied his superior and harassed the female employees.    


If it wasn't for my mother who arranged for him to join the company and was afraid of making my mother lose face, I would have gotten someone to tear that guy apart a long time ago! "    


Xu Yongwei still wanted to speak but was stopped by Zhou Lichang. Zhou Lichang smiled at Zhou Hao and said, "Xiao Hao, it's fine. You did the right thing. This matter was indeed Dong Zheng that brat did not know what was good for him.    


Come, come, let's not talk about business. Let's eat first. Let's eat first. "    


Just like that, Xu Yongwei's resentment in her heart still had not dissipated but she did not dare to say anything else. She quietly prepared dinner.    


Zhou Hao and Yan Qingqing moved to the side of the dining table, and Zhou Lichang poured some beer for the two of them. "Xiao Hao! Let's talk about what happened just now. I don't think it's a good idea for your mother and Alen to waste their time like this.    


Why don't we let your mother and Alen leave? Don't let Alen delay your mother anymore. Your mom is still young and has a lot of years to live.    


Although I'm Alen's elder brother, this time, I'm also wrong about things and people. "    


" Zhou Liren is indeed not a thing. He has ruined my mother's life. " Zhou Hao took a sip of his beer. "I also agree that my mother will divorce that guy. "    


Zhou Lichang and Xu Yongwei looked happy when they heard what Zhou Hao said. Zhou Hao narrowed his eyes and looked at them. "But whether my mother divorced or not is her own business. It is not up to you to ask.    


Besides, even if my mom really divorced, what does it have to do with you guys? "    


"Xiao Hao, what you said is wrong. We are just. . . "    


Zhou Lichang wanted to continue, but Zhou Hao suddenly slammed the table and raised his voice. "Don't worry about our family matters!"    


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