Supreme Stock God

C541 The Wind Blew on the Egg Shell

C541 The Wind Blew on the Egg Shell

"What's going on? Is the power out?"    


The surroundings suddenly fell into darkness, making Zhou Lichang and his family very uncomfortable.    


Xu Yongwei hurriedly hugged a pair of children and shouted in the darkness, "Quickly go to that torchlight. Xin is most afraid of darkness. "    


"Got it. Didn't I go to look for it?" Zhou Lichang said impatiently.    


However, it was not easy to walk in this pitch black darkness. With a clang, Zhou Lichang shouted, "Ouch!" and bumped into the corner of the table.    


At this moment, the sound of a key rustling came from the door. Then, a few beams of white light shot in. It was a high-powered flashlight.    


Xu Yongwei could not open her eyes under the illumination of the torchlight. She scolded, "Zhou Lichang, what are you looking for so many torchlights for?"    


However, as soon as she said that, she realized that there were at least seven or eight light beams shaking there. How could Zhou Lichang get so many flashlights by himself?    


Only then did she remember that someone had entered the room. She hurriedly shouted, "Zhou Lichang, there's a thief!"    


What answered her was Zhou Lichang's scream. Under the strong light, Xu Yongwei could vaguely see a few figures moving over. Just as she wanted to escape with her two children, she suddenly felt her shoulders tighten. Someone had already grabbed her.    


Zhou Zhihao and Zhou Xinxin, the two children, had never encountered this kind of sudden situation. They opened their mouths and wanted to cry out loud, but they saw two people raise their hands and a knife hit the back of Zhou Zhihao and Zhou Xinxin's necks, instantly knocking them out.    


Xu Yongwei immediately struggled, "Don't move my child. . . " Before she could finish speaking, there was a sudden pain on the back of her neck. Then she felt as if all the strength in her body was instantly pulled out and her body went limp before she fainted.    


In the dark night, Zhou Lichang's family was quickly carried to a van. That group of people even closed the door of the Zhou family's villa and did not show any abnormalities before driving the van away.    


When Zhou Lichang woke up, the first thing he felt was that his neck and shoulder muscles were very sore, as if he had slept to the side of his neck.    


What he saw in front of him was a swaggering yellow, but the light bulb hanging on top of the skyflower was swaying back and forth.    


After a few seconds, he realized that he was sitting on a wooden chair. His hands were tied to the back of the chair, and his legs were tied to the legs of the chair. He could not move at all.    


"Dad! Dad!"    


Zhou Lichang was shocked by the cries. He looked over and saw that his son and daughter were tied to the wooden chair like him. They were on the wall opposite him.    


Xu Yongwei, on the other hand, was tied to the wall on his left. She lowered her head and did not move at all. Clearly, she had not woken up yet.    


" Zhihao, Xin, are you alright? Are you hurt?" Zhou Lichang asked anxiously.    


Zhou Zhihao shook his head. Zhou Xinxin, on the other hand, had tears streaming down her face. "Dad, what happened? Xin is so scared. Xin wants to go home, wuwu. . . "    


"Xin, don't cry. Dad is here. Be good, Xin, don't cry. " Zhou Lichang comforted his daughter as he looked around.    


He found that this was a room that was more than 20 square meters. It was very old and dilapidated. The walls had fallen off, revealing bare bricks. Moreover, this room was empty. Other than the wooden chairs used to tie them up, there was not a single piece of furniture.    


On the wall to the right, there was a window that had been welded to death by the anti-theft net. Through the hazy glass, one could vaguely see the shadows of the trees outside. It could be inferred that this was a remote wilderness.    


Recalling the previous scene, Zhou Lichang speculated that his family had been kidnapped.    


He was immediately afraid. Because if this was an ordinary kidnapping, he wouldn't have captured his entire family. At the very least, he would have to keep an adult responsible for paying the ransom. And now that they had captured their entire family, they probably didn't just kidnap them, but also wanted revenge.    


Zhou Lichang knew that he had offended many people, especially those who were competing with him for the government's projects. If it wasn't for Situ Li seeing that he was Zhou Hao's uncle, those fat and leaking projects wouldn't have been his turn at all.    


While he was secretly guessing, the rusty iron door in the room was roughly pushed open.    


Then, he saw a few strong men in camouflage clothes and masks walk in. Zhou Xinxin, who was crying, was so scared that she didn't dare to make a sound.    


Zhou Lichang immediately said to these big men, "Big. . . Big brothers, I don't know what I did to offend you and cause you to make such a big fuss.    


Just tell me, I will definitely apologize twice as much, as long as my brothers can let go of my family. "    


The leader of the men took out a black pistol from his shirt. Zhou Lichang, who was sitting on the chair, was shocked.    


"Boss Zhou, I'm really sorry. I brought you guys out of the house.    


But we have no choice. Our brothers are just making a living. Don't blame us. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for offending someone. "    


This person's voice was hoarse, and he wore a mask on his face, so when he spoke, his voice was muffled. He skillfully played with the black pistol in his hand. Clearly, he was an experienced gun player.    


He suddenly stopped and hit Zhou Lichang's face twice with the pistol.    


The coldness of the gun barrel spread from Zhou Lichang's face, making Zhou Lichang tremble in fear.    


"Brother, may I know which big boss I have offended? Please help me and ask that big boss to be magnanimous. Please let go of my family. I am very grateful. "    


Zhou Lichang said with a sad face.    


The man laughed and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter if it's us brothers or whoever hired our boss. It's all for the sake of money. Otherwise, we wouldn't have so much trouble catching your family here. If we wanted to kill you, we could just shoot each of you, right?"    


"Yes, yes. " Under the cold gaze of the man, Zhou Lichang kept nodding his head.    


At the same time, another man walked in front of Xu Yongwei, who was still unconscious. He raised his hand and gave her a few big slaps. The sound of "Pa Pa Pa" was exceptionally loud in the room. Xu Yongwei was also woken up by the slaps.    


Just like Zhou Lichang, Xu Yongwei also took a lot of effort to figure out the situation of her being kidnapped. She saw that her children were also tightly tied up, and there were a few big men in the room whose faces could not be seen clearly.    


She shouted, "What do you want to do? Why are you arresting us? Is there really no law? Aren't you afraid of the police?"    


The man who was in front of Zhou Lichang walked a few steps to Xu Yongwei's side. He raised his hand and slapped her twice. He sneered. "If I were afraid of the police, I wouldn't do this. Pah!"    


As he spoke, he spat on Xu Yongwei's face. Xu Yongwei was also stunned by the slap. She only regained her senses after a few seconds and shouted, "You bunch of bastards who have killed a thousand times!    


Do you know who we are!    


We are the friends of Mayor Situ Li and Situ. Our nephew, Zhou Hao, can speak in both the black and white circles of Xiang City. If you know what's good for you, then let us go!"    


"Hahahaha!" The big man laughed loudly. "I'm so scared, hahaha! That's right, Zhou Hao is really an amazing figure. Originally, the boss behind us wouldn't dare to touch you, just because Wen Xiangdong from the underworld and Situ Li from the White Road didn't dare to offend Zhou Hao.    


However, you all don't know, right? Not long ago, Zhou Hao said that you guys have nothing to do with him. No matter what happens to you guys, he won't stand up for you. That's why our boss dared to touch you. "    


Zhou Lichang and Xu Yongwei's expressions changed dramatically when they heard this. They never thought that Zhou Hao would really cut off all relations with them.    


"Brother, how much does your boss want? You, just say it. As long as he is willing to let us go. "    


Zhou Lichang gritted his teeth and said, "But you better let us go after you receive the money. If you really kill us, who can guarantee that Zhou Hao will not stand up for us? "    


"En, what you said makes sense. " The brawny man laughed. "Boss Zhou, you are really fast.    


Hehehe, our boss knows that you've earned quite a bit of money recently, and our boss doesn't want much either. It's just that one hundred million RMB. I believe you can take it out, Boss Zhou. "    


"One. . . One hundred million!?" Zhou Lichang roared, "He's crazy! I, I don't have one hundred million! "    


Over the past half a year, he had earned a total of more than a hundred and ten million from Zhou Hao's name and his previous savings. When the other party spoke, he said, I, I don't have a hundred million! A hundred million yuan was even more unbearable than killing him.    


The brawny man did not say much. He picked up the gun and pulled the trigger at Zhou Zhihao's head.    




Zhou Zhihao's body trembled. His crotch area slowly became wet. His face was ashen, but he was safe and sound. On the other side, Xu Yongwei kept screaming, and her face was completely pale.    


The man smiled at Zhou Lichang. " Boss Zhou, this time my big gun is empty. Next time, I'll load real bullets. "    


Xu Yongwei also shouted from Zhou Lichang, "Surnamed Zhou, quickly agree to them. Zhihao and Xin have goosebumps all over their bodies. I will not let you go even if I become a ghost!"    


Zhou Lichang was also scared out of his wits. When he heard the gunshot just now, he felt as if his heart was about to jump out. He didn't expect the other party to be so ruthless. Looking at the expression on his son's face, he was afraid that he was scared to death.    


This time, Zhou Lichang didn't dare to persist and said dejectedly: "I'll give it, I'll give it. Big brother, I promise. "    


The man patted Zhou Lichang's face. "That's right. Money is a good thing. But can it be worth more than your life? Moreover, as the saying goes, when the wind blows on the egg shell, the moneybags will be happy. "    


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