Supreme Stock God

C612 Underworld King Cup

C612 Underworld King Cup

Zhou Hao didn't know if Lai Changxing had been noticed by the central government, but the domestic smuggling activities were much more rampant than before. If this continued, it would be like a balloon that kept expanding. Sooner or later, it would explode.    


Zhou Hao now knew that the "Yuan Hua case" that had caused a stir in his previous life should be a trigger, and it would cause the entire country to clean up the smuggling activities.    


It was impossible for Zhao Rixin not to know about this situation. With his ability, he should know that if Zhao Dingzhou continued to do the "business," the Zhao Family would definitely be affected by the big cleanup.    


He frowned and started thinking deeply. Although Zhao Rixin, his godfather, had always been kind to him, he had always regarded him as a family member.    


However, Zhou Hao knew that Zhao Rixin was definitely an experienced schemer. Otherwise, how could he be so skilled in the undercurrents of politics? He could not be so stupid as to break his own arm.    


Break his own arm?    


A flash of inspiration flashed in Zhou Hao's heart. Then, he slowly figured out the true outline of this matter.    


Zhao Rixin knew that the smuggling activities in the country were getting more and more rampant. Sooner or later, there would be an outbreak, but he didn't make Zhao Dingzhou restrain himself. Instead, he let Zhao Dingzhou expand his business. This was obviously done on purpose.    


According to Zhou Hao's estimation, Zhao Yuqin said that many people in the country were involved in the smuggling activities. When the Yuan Hua case broke out, a large number of officials would definitely be implicated, especially in the central government. Most of the people were not clean.    


Some of the smuggling activities were also tacitly approved and supported by the central government. However, these people would not be able to escape. Although those who were strictly dealt with were those who were related to Lai Chang Xing, the other officials would have to be punished more or less.    


If a large number of officials had to be criticized and punished in an environment like this, the Zhao Family would be the only one who was good at it. Not only would a large number of officials who were punished become hostile to the Zhao Family, but even the leaders would be wary of them.    


Especially now that it was almost time to change the term, the leaders would inevitably suspect that the Zhao Family was so 'clean'. Did they have any other intentions?    


Although the Zhao Family had a deep roots in the country, if they were suppressed by the leaders, the losses would be huge.    


Therefore, in order to make the leaders feel at ease and prevent the Zhao Family from showing off their talents, Zhao Rixin purposely "made a mistake. " After that, he would involve some of the Zhao Group in the clean-up activities, and even sacrifice some unimportant people.    


He had come to ensure the stability of the Zhao Family. This was just like how Zhao Rixin had retreated to the second-tier during the turbulent period and concealed his strength. It was the best magic weapon to live in peace.    


Sometimes, making mistakes was also a form of wisdom. Especially in an environment like the political scene where the reef was densely packed.    


After figuring this out, Zhou Hao could not help but praise Zhao Rixin in his heart for being "brilliant. " As expected of an old man who had roamed the political world for several decades. He was still far from being comparable to Zhao Rixin.    


After telling Zhao Yuqin the key, Zhou Hao sighed and said, "Sister, we still have a lot of things to learn from Godfather. "    


Zhao Yuqin also understood the meaning behind Zhao Rixin's actions. In the past, she thought that she was wise and steady, but now she knew that there was still a great distance between her and her father.    


Since Lai Changxing had no more problems, Zhou Hao was considering whether he should inform Zhao Rixin about General Ji and let Zhao Rixin be on guard. After all, the betrayal of a key figure like General Ji would cause great harm to the country.    


However, Zhou Hao wasn't sure if the central government knew about General Ji. If they didn't know about it, he would say that General Ji had betrayed the country.    


If he wasn't careful, he would be accused of slandering the important members of the country. Moreover, the counterattack of the Ji Family couldn't be ignored. If General Ji were to bite back, he and Zhao Family would be in trouble.    


Most importantly, Zhou Hao didn't have any evidence. Should he tell Zhao Rixin that he could predict General Ji's betrayal?    


After weighing the pros and cons for a long time, Zhou Hao decided to take things one step at a time. At most, he would remind Zhao Rixin to be careful.    


Zhao Yuqin agreed with Zhou Hao's refusal to cooperate with General Ji and the others. "It's good that you do this. Although you have offended the Ji Family, Leng and the others won't dare to do anything to you unless they want to suffer the revenge of Zhao Family.    


Besides, the Galaxy is the most important property in your hands. Now that it has received the attention of the Central Government, you can't ruin your future just because of some small profits. "    


Zhou Hao smiled and said, "I know, sister. I know what to do. Otherwise, I wouldn't have rejected them. "    


"Sister knows that you are the kind of man who won't make people worry. Sometimes, when you think about it, you really have some doubts. Are you really a seventeen or eighteen year old young man?    


How can you even see through my father, that old fox's purpose? " Zhao Yuqin joked.    


"Hehe, you dare to say that my godfather is an old fox. Next time you see my godfather, don't blame me for suing you. "    


Putting aside the matter of General Ji and Lai Changxing, Zhou Hao mentioned the "World Kung Fu Competition" that Lei Hu mentioned.    


Zhao Yuqin was also very curious, "Oh? There is such a thing. I don't know either. It seems to be very exciting and fun. Huh? Are you planning to take a look at that 'Underworld King Cup'? Then don't you want to stay at Xiamen for a few more days? What about elder sister? If you're not here, elder sister won't be able to continue living. "    


Without waiting for Zhou Hao to say anything, Zhao Yuqin said," No, I might as well go to Xiamen too. Oh right, you don't need to stay in that Shengde Residences anymore. Anyway, you have already offended the Ji Family. Besides, it's not good for me to stay there. "    


Zhou Hao nodded. Zhao Yuqin had been "irrigated" by Zhou Hao for the past few days and was already sad at night. It was not easy for her to fall asleep. Now that she was suddenly woken up by Zhou Hao, how could she still sleep?    


Therefore, she planned to rush over to Xiamen overnight to reunite with Zhou Hao. She also wanted Zhou Hao to leave the Shengde Residences now and get a room in the hotel outside.    


Zhou Hao didn't agree because Zhao Yuqin had rushed over after he rejected General Ji. General Ji wouldn't believe that this was a 'private matter' between Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin. He would only think that Zhao Family wanted to deal with him.    


If he forced such a special task leader into a corner, Zhou Hao wouldn't be able to guarantee that he wouldn't do anything to him.    


After Zhou Hao's explanation, Zhao Yuqin also understood this reasoning, so she could only go there tomorrow morning. But before dawn, she could not sleep during this period of time, so she simply made a phone call with Zhou Hao to comfort her.    


In order to tease Zhou Hao, Zhao Yuqin got up and called Zhou Hao while touching herself. She also deliberately transmitted that mesmerizing moan into Zhou Hao's ear through the phone.    


With Zhou Hao's current body, if he only relied on the "Fifth Miss" without a real person, it would simply be a drop in the bucket. He also hated Zhao Yuqin, this seductive vixen, to the point that his teeth itched.    


Hearing Zhou Hao gnashing his teeth in anger, Zhao Yuqin laughed even more happily.    


The next morning, Zhou Hao bid farewell to the housekeeper of the Shengde Residences. Anyway, he had nothing much to discuss with General Ji, so he didn't have to worry about anything else.    


As for Huang Yuanyuan, who was sent by the Paulie Group to accompany him, Zhou Hao persuaded him to go back. He was with Zhao Yuqin, so how could he let such a light bulb be a hindrance?    


After that, Zhou Hao let Lei Hu, who had already settled down at Xiamen, meet up with him and pick up Zhao Yuqin at the airport.    


Not long after, Lei Hu drove an army green Beijing jeep to pick up Zhou Hao. Zhang Daniu was also there.    


What made Zhou Hao depressed was that ever since Zhang Daniu followed him, For some reason, This young man who was not even twenty years old had developed once again.    


In the time it took for half a year to grow, his height had increased from 1. 7 meters to 1. 9 meters. He was half a head taller than Zhou Hao, and his figure had also become much more muscular. His towering pectoral muscles and abdominal muscles would definitely cause a large number of female tigerwomen to scream.    


The only thing that remained unchanged was Zhang Daniu's shy and kind personality, as well as his loyalty towards Zhou Hao.    


Once they got into the car, Zhou Hao snorted at Zhang Daniu. "You're so smart, you even dared to participate in the underground black boxing. "    


In Zhang Daniu's life, besides his mother, the person he feared the most was Zhou Hao. When he heard Zhou Hao's scolding, he immediately lowered his head and did not dare to retort.    


Zhou Hao also knew that Zhang Daniu's greatest hobby was martial arts. It was precisely because of his stubbornness that made him the most suitable person to cultivate the "Great Ox Divine Fist. " He had stepped into the realm of a First Rated Warrior at the age of 20.    


However, the underground boxing competition was both dark and complicated. If Zhang Daniu were to participate alone, he would be eaten by those vicious and cunning drug lords. He didn't even know what was going on.    


Fortunately, Lei Hu was accompanied by an experienced veteran. Otherwise, Zhou Hao would not allow Zhang Daniu to come into contact with that world.    


To Zhang Daniu, it was like teaching children how to use both soft and hard methods to have the most effect. Therefore, after scolding Zhang Daniu, Zhou Hao said, "How is it? Did you see any experts inside?"    


When this was mentioned, Zhang Daniu immediately became excited. He made some gestures and said happily, "Boss, there are really many experts inside. Not only us Chinese, there are also Japanese, Korean Koreans, and Americans.    


Oh right, there are also experts from Thailand and India, although. . . I don't know any of these guys. They are really very powerful. They are much more powerful than those people who are fighting and wrestling on TV. "    


Zhou Hao curled his lips. Most of the fights and boxing matches on TV were just for show. The so-called experts in the show were just little pawns who knew a little bit about kung fu. How could they be compared with real experts?    


Lei Hu, who was driving in front, smiled and said, "The contestants who participated in the 'Underworld King Cup' are indeed not weak. However, our big names are not bad either. We have already won one round. "    


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