Supreme Stock God

C614 It Was the Li Family Again

C614 It Was the Li Family Again

Soon, Zhou Hao and the others arrived at the venue where the "Underworld King Cup" was held. It was at the foot of a small mountain.    


There was actually a very large golf course as a cover. If it was someone who did not know the background, who would have thought that there would be an enormous bomb shelter underneath the golf course?    


The existence of this golf course also made Zhou Hao even more certain of his guess. If it wasn't for the official support, how could those people make the facilities so perfect?    


Moreover, the terrain here was not suitable to build a golf course. Those who had some business knowledge would not throw money here. The reason why they did this was because they could hide the existence of the bomb shelter.    


On the other hand, real golf enthusiasts would not choose to play here, which would avoid the risk of being exposed in the underground boxing match.    


It was also because the golf course was a place of high spending. Thus, when those mafia leaders and drug dealers' luxury cars were parked here, it wouldn't arouse suspicion.    


When he arrived at the gate, Zhou Hao found that the guards in the security uniform were well-trained troops. There were watchtowers on the stone platforms on both sides of the gate. Zhou Hao estimated that the watchtower must have heavy weapons.    


"Now you say that the 'Underworld King Cup' wasn't approved by the officials. I don't believe it either. " Zhou Hao turned his head and smiled at Zhao Yuqin.    


Zhao Yuqin said hatefully. "When we go back, we must get even with brother! We still don't know how much money he earned from gambling at the periphery of this' Underworld King Cup '. "    


Zhou Hao laughed. "I estimate that most of the money will have to be handed over. "    


"Hmph! Even if only a small portion is left, it will still be an astronomical figure. " Zhao Yuqin said, "To think that guy often cries poverty with me and wants me to ask Tianhe to donate some money to their military district to support their military industry development. "    


"Ah? Why didn't I know about this?" Zhou Hao did not know whether to laugh or cry. "Brother, this is too dishonest. He is clearly using his own people to attack us. Are you not going to eat him?    


I think Big Brother is quite steady as well. Why did he do such a thing? Oh, right. Why didn't I know about this?"    


Zhao Yuqin smiled and said," He knew that you would definitely not agree to find you, so he came to find my connections. "    


Speaking up to this point, Zhao Yuqin leaned on Zhou Hao's shoulder and smiled charmingly. "But why would elder sister joke about your assets? Not to mention my brother, even if my father asked, I would not agree. "    


Zhou Hao naturally knew that Zhao Dingzhou was most likely joking. He was definitely not a person who did not know what was important and what was important. However, what Zhao Yuqin said made Zhou Hao very happy. His right hand unconsciously touched her slender waist.    


Lei Hu and Zhang Daniu, who were in front of them, consciously looked away, as if they could not see what was happening behind them.    


"Please show me your membership card. " A cold voice came from outside the car. It was the security guard at the door.    


Lei Hu did not say anything. He just handed a black metal card to the security guard. The security guard took out an instrument and put it on the card. He looked at the sign on the instrument, then nodded at Lei Hu and let them in.    


Zhou Hao nodded secretly. Those membership cards were clearly identified through precise instruments, greatly reducing the possibility of outsiders mixing in. It seemed that the security work here was still very good. It really did resemble a formal military base.    


After passing through the gate. There were a few more checkpoints in the future. The purpose was to prevent customers from bringing dangerous items to the venue.    


As Zhou Hao expected, there were many luxury cars parked in the parking lot. Some of them were not listed in China yet and were just like an international car exhibition. It made their modified but ordinary-looking Beijing jeep seem very shabby.    


After getting out of the car, there was a special waiter who brought Zhou Hao and the others in. They went through an elevator that was installed in a golf club and went deep into the underground shelter.    


Along the way, Zhou Hao and the others also saw other guests. There were people from all kinds of countries and different ethnic groups. Zhou Hao also knew that none of these people were good men and women.    


This bomb shelter that acted as the venue was really huge. It was like an international standard football field, and it was separated into different areas.    


For example, the home stadium, the players' resting time, the audience lounge, and so on. All kinds of equipment were very perfect, like a real sports field. If they hadn't seen the ceiling above, they wouldn't have thought that this place was a air-raid shelter.    


This place was more than twenty meters deep into the ground, and there was a thick layer of rock that separated it from the ground. Unless it was a missile, it would be very difficult to break in. Moreover, the ventilation equipment here was very complete, so the people inside did not feel stuffy at all.    


"Do you know about Da Niu's opponent later?" Zhou Hao asked Lei Hu.    


Lei Hu shook his head. "No one knows who the opponent is before the competition starts. It was decided by drawing lots when the competition started.    


I saw it in the first round of the competition. It was used to stir the beads to draw lots. The possibility of cheating was not high. Furthermore, none of those contestants are weak. Cheating doesn't mean much. "    


Zhou Hao smiled and asked," There are also specialized judges. Who are they? "    


"I don't know either. They just look like some elders of the association. Anyway, I don't know them. " Lei Hu said.    


When they entered the venue, they saw that it was very lively. Guests from all over the world and service staff made it look like a festival.    


Zhou Hao also noticed that most of those people had female companions. There were all kinds of people, and there were even some men dragging a few women.    


However, unlike Zhao Yuqin, those young and beautiful women were clearly just toys for others.    


"Everyone, please follow me. Your seats are over there. " A female servant wearing a plain cheongsam greeted Zhou Hao and the others politely.    


Zhang Daniu followed the waitress and looked around. He looked very excited.    


"Hmm? I didn't expect to see a beauty of this quality here. "    


It was a male voice, and it spoke in English with a deliberately constructed British accent. Although it was very fluent, it gave people a strange feeling.    


Zhou Hao looked in the direction of the voice and saw a man in a grey suit standing there. Beside him was a tall and sexy beauty holding his hand. Clearly, she was his female companion.    


Behind the two of them was a bald man with a medium build. He had a pair of bean-like eyes that kept turning and turning.    


When Zhou Hao saw this man, he suddenly felt that his face was somewhat familiar, and he quickly recognized him.    


It wasn't that Zhou Hao knew this man, but that he had seen him on television in his previous life. In addition, he had been in a confrontation with the Li family and Temastin during this period of time, which made Zhou Hao pay more attention to the people of the Li family. That was why he immediately recognized this man.    


This handsome young man was Li Guangyao's eldest son, Li Xianlong. He was also the future prime minister of Singapore and the second generation leader of the Li family.    


However, the current Li Xianlong was clearly much younger than the one Zhou Hao had seen in his previous life.    


The current Li Xianlong should be around the age of Zhou Hao. However, Zhou Hao saw that his lips were red and his teeth were white as if he was in his thirties. He was very compatible with the sexy beauty beside him, who was at most thirty years old.    


Putting aside the impression he had of this person in his previous life, after the previous confrontation with the Li Clan and hearing Li Xianlong speak English in English, Zhou Hao's impression of this person was extremely disgusted.    


Li Xianlong clearly did not care about Zhou Hao's eyes that were filled with hostility. Instead, he arrogantly laid his eyes on Zhao Yuqin and kept making "tsk tsk" sounds, as if he was looking at a high-end product that he liked.    


In fact, the girl wearing a long dress with a exposed back next to Li Xianlong was also an outstanding beauty. However, she was still far inferior to Zhao Yuqin, who was a beauty that could bring disaster to the world. It was no wonder that Li Xianlong would perform in such a way.    


However, Zhou Hao looked at Li Xianlong with extreme disdain, thinking that this was the Li Clan's second generation leader? This was the future prime minister of Singapore?    


In his previous life, it was a miracle that Singapore did not perish under his hands. Or could it be that in this underground world that was not open to the public, he could reveal his true colors in peace?    


Li Xianlong walked straight to Zhou Hao and the others and smiled like a gentleman, but the words he said were not gentlemanly at all. "Sir, could this be the famous female star in China?    


How beautiful. Can you cut off your love and give her to me?    


I'll exchange this with you for a million dollars, okay? "    


He spoke these words in English, but other than Zhang Daniu, Zhou Hao and the other two could understand.    


Zhou Hao was thinking in his heart, if he found an opportunity to kill this Li Xianlong without anyone noticing, what would the Li family's reaction be? Would the relationship between Singapore and China be affected?    


Zhao Yuqin, who was completely treated as an item by Li Xianlong, took a step forward and gave Li Xianlong a loud slap. She then took out a wet towel and wiped her hands. She deliberately said in English, "My hands are really dirty!"    


Zhao Yuqin's actions scared Li Xianlong and the woman beside him. Li Xianlong even forgot to scream in pain.    


The bald man behind them had intended to stop Zhao Yuqin when she took a step forward and raised his hand. However, before he could move, he felt a cold gaze locking onto him. Then, he raised his head to meet Zhou Hao's sparkling eyes.    


Instantly, his mind was shaken. It was as if he was tied up by invisible chains and could not move at all. It also allowed Zhao Yuqin to smoothly slap Li Xianlong.    


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