Supreme Stock God

C628 Ungrateful Granduncle

C628 Ungrateful Granduncle

Yan Tong and Yan Qingqing had been traveling around the major cities of the country with the Tongguang Food Company's proposals during this period of time. On the one hand, they were inspecting the operations of the various branches.    


On the other hand, they were also looking at the market prospects of the second-tier cities that had yet to be established. They wanted to pave the way for the development of the Tongguang. On the other hand, Lu Shiping was left to guard the headquarters of Xiang City.    


They were currently walking to Xi'an, and it would take them another month to return to Xiang City.    


Zhou Hao let the delicate Wang Xijun sit on his lap. As he caressed her snow-white skin, he asked, "Relatives from Hong Kong? Do we have relatives in Hong Kong? Why didn't Mom tell me?"    


"Hmm. . . " Wang Xijun, who was shy by nature, felt weak all over when Zhou Hao touched her. She did not dare to stop Zhou Hao and said in a huff, "Aunt Tong said that is your grandfather's younger brother. You should call him uncle. "    


Zhou Hao's hand gently played with the bamboo shoots sized chili milk on Wang Xijun's chest. However, he said in a low voice, "Uncle? Does my grandfather still have a younger brother? He never mentioned it to his grandmother before. "    


His grandfather's name was Zhou Qiliang. During the war, in order to avoid war, he fled to Malaysia. At that time, Zhou Qiliang was only ten years old.    


It was not until the early 1960s that Zhou Qiliang, who was in his twenties, returned to Zhou Village and married Zhou Hao's grandmother, Du. After that, he gave birth to Zhou Liren and Zhou Lichang, who were also Zhou Hao's father and uncle.    


However, when Zhou Hao was five or six years old, both his grandfather and grandmother passed away due to illness, so Zhou Hao's impression of them was very vague.    


He only vaguely remembered that his grandfather Zhou Qiliang was an outgoing and optimistic honest man, while his grandmother Du Jiehao was a typical rural woman, and was also very hardworking and kind.    


His grandfather and grandmother were all very kind people. Zhou Hao did not understand why their two sons were so selfish and immoral.    


Since young, their grandparents, Zhou Lichang and Yan Tong had never mentioned that Zhou Hao had a granduncle in Hong Kong. So now, a granduncle suddenly appeared out of nowhere, which made Zhou Hao feel very strange.    


"Who is this great uncle? Why didn't he come here before?"    


Zhou Hao was very puzzled. Even in his previous life, that so-called great uncle had never appeared. Therefore, he was very suspicious about this. "Let's call Mom and ask her personally. "    


So Zhou Hao dialed Yan Tong's number. Wang Xijun, who was sitting on his lap, suddenly trembled and was about to cry out because Zhou Hao's devil hand had slipped between her legs, recklessly teasing that sensitive place.    


However, Zhou Hao made a silent mouth gesture at her. Wang Xijun immediately bit her lower lip and did not dare to make a sound. She was also afraid that Yan Tong would hear from the other side of the phone.    


Her entire body was limp as she lay in Zhou Hao's arms. Her two legs kept grinding.    


"Mom, have you had dinner yet?" Zhou Hao flirted with Yan Tong as if nothing had happened while he was taking advantage of the porcelain man in his arms. "You called and said that a granduncle came back from Hong Kong to visit us. What's going on? Yan Tong asked.    


Why did a great uncle suddenly appear? I never knew. "    


" Actually, your grandfather does have a younger brother called Zhou Qiyao. He also followed your grandfather to the Southern Ocean to take refuge there. "    


Yan Tong explained to Zhou Hao. "But he did not return to Xiang City with your grandfather. He went to Hong Kong instead. After that, he seldom contacted your grandfather.    


However, I heard that he made a fortune from his business in Hong Kong and married a 'Hong Kong lady'.    


Maybe it's because Hong Kong has returned, he came back to take a look. It was your uncle who informed me about this. "    


Zhou Hao frowned. "Then why didn't you tell me anything about this uncle?"    


"This. . . " Yan Tong looked hesitant.    


"Hehe, actually, even if you didn't tell me, I would have guessed what was going on. " Zhou Hao suddenly laughed.    


Yan Tong, who was on the other side of the phone, was stunned for a moment. Then she said, "Your uncle said that your uncle would probably go to Xiang City in the next two days. I haven't finished my business here, so I won't go back with Qingqing. Take good care of your uncle. No matter what, he is still our elder. "    


After instructing Zhou Hao, Yan Tong hung up the phone.    


On the other side, Zhou Hao revealed a cold smile. Even if Yan Tong didn't say it, Zhou Hao could guess the reason behind it.    


That Zhou Qiyao probably wasn't a righteous person. Otherwise, he wouldn't have gone straight to Hong Kong without even returning to his hometown, and didn't even contact his elder brother in the country.    


Zhou Hao knew that his grandfather had just returned to Xiang City from Malaysia, and his life had been very tough.    


It was not only because he wanted to start from scratch, but also because the people of the same village ostracized his grandfather. At that time, there was a bully in Zhou Village who often bullied his grandfather. He even made someone break his grandfather's left leg, causing his grandfather to become a cripple.    


During the few years when Zhou Liren and Zhou Lichang were just born, the family still lived a life of hunger and suffering. It was really dangerous to starve to death.    


Fortunately, Zhou Qiliang and Du Jiehao gritted their teeth and tightened their pants. They finally made it through, but it was also because of this that both of them fell ill and became the main cause of their death in the future.    


At that time, Zhou Qiyao should have had a certain foundation in Hong Kong. Even if he hadn't made a fortune yet, at least he wouldn't have any problems with food and clothing.    


However, he didn't care about Zhou Qiliang, who was suffering in the most dire situation in the country. He didn't provide any help at all.    


Zhou Hao guessed that Zhou Qiliang should have asked Zhou Qiyao for help at that time. Zhou Qiliang would definitely do the same for the two children.    


However, Zhou Qiyao was obviously not satisfied with Zhou Qiliang's help, which was why Zhou Qiliang did not mention his brother anymore. It was fine if he did not want it.    


Zhou Hao didn't understand why Zhou Qiyao would come back at this time.    


Yan Tong had guessed that Zhou Qiyao wanted to come back and take a look because he had returned to Hong Kong, but Zhou Hao didn't think so.    


Even when they had not returned to Hong Kong, Hong Kong did not prohibit people from returning. Instead, Hong Kong had very strict regulations in Hong Kong.    


Therefore, if Zhou Qiyao really wanted to return, it was not an excuse for him to not return.    


Furthermore, when Zhou Qiliang and Du Jihua died of illness and were buried, Zhou Qiyao did not return either. Therefore, although Zhou Hao hadn't met his great uncle yet, * Hong Long. . . . . . *    


"Could it be that he knows that the environment in our family has improved? That's why he came to see us, right?" Zhou Hao guessed in his heart.    


He couldn't blame Zhou Hao for thinking this way. Putting aside the astronomical amount of money Zhou Hao had, The Tongguang Food Company under Yan Tong's name was also a large company with billions of RMB in assets.    


Even Zhou Lichang had a net worth of tens of millions. He was a famous tycoon in Zhou Village and even Xiang City.    


As the saying goes, "No one asks about the poor houses in the busy city. The rich have distant relatives in the deep mountains. " For a person like Zhou Qiyao who forgets his own interests for profit, it was hard to guarantee that he would not have the same idea as Zhou Lichang about the Tongguang's food and beverage company.    


"Since he made a fortune in Hong Kong, then he shouldn't be a lonely and unknown person in Hong Kong. "    


Zhou Hao muttered to himself, then dialed Song Jiahao's number in Hong Kong. "Jiahao, help me investigate a person called Zhou Qiyao. He's about 70 years old and migrated from Malaysia to Hong Kong in the 1960s. "    


"Okay, boss. I'll send you a message tomorrow morning. " Song Jiahao replied respectfully.    


After ending the call, Zhou Hao sneered and said, "Then I'll take a good look at what an elder like you want to do here. "    


"Zhou. . . Zhou Hao. . . "    


Wang Xijun, who was in her arms, trembled and called Zhou Hao with a sobbing voice.    


When Zhou Hao came back to his senses, he saw Wang Xijun's face was red. Her whole body was stuck in his arms. She was still breathing heavily. Her small hands were tightly holding Zhou Hao's clothes. Her face looked like she was enduring it. It was very lovable.    


It turned out that Zhou Hao had been taking advantage of Wang Xijun's peach origin with his right hand ever since he spoke to Yan Tong on the phone. Later on, he thought about Zhou Qiyao's matter but his hand did not stop moving.    


Instead, he unconsciously went deeper and deeper, causing Wang Xijun, who was unconscious and did not dare to make a sound, to be tormented badly.    


Looking at Wang Xijun's aggrieved appearance, Zhou Hao felt pity and pity for her. He moved closer to her ear and asked, "Xijun, Aunt Ping is not coming back today, right?"    


"Mom. . . Mom went to Guangzhou to do some work. Only Zhongcai and I are at home. " Wang Xijun pursed her lips and said.    


Zhou Hao happily picked Wang Xijun up. "Hahaha, we haven't slept together in a long time, right? Today is a good day to revisit. "    


"But Zhongcai. . . "    


"Zhongcai is not young anymore. Could it be that he can't live without you as his elder sister? I think he is still playing the game. "    


Zhou Hao smiled and hugged Wang Xijun as he fell on the bed. "Don't worry. I said I will not eat you before you turn eighteen. I will not do anything tonight. I will hug you and sleep like this. "    


"Really? You didn't do anything bad?" Wang Xijun said timidly.    


She looked like a frightened little rabbit, which was really lovable. Zhou Hao couldn't help but kiss her fragrant face. "Don't worry, I'm not really a big bad wolf. "    


Zhou Hao did not plan to "eat" Wang Xijun because Wang Xijun was different from Situ Jianying, who had matured early in her body and mind. Her jade body was not much more mature than Yun Er, who was twelve or thirteen years old. She was just like a delicate flower, making people not want to hurt her.    


However, Wang Xijun was also very attractive to Zhou Hao. Therefore, there was no shortage of kissing and touching. Wang Xijun was shy and shy and did not dare to stop Zhou Hao at all. She let this big bad wolf invade step by step and let the two of them have a very restless and warm night.    


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