Supreme Stock God

C627 Relatives from Hong Kong

C627 Relatives from Hong Kong

"Drip, drip, drip. . . "    


The spacious and comfortable room was flowing with gentle pure music. It was the "Banderui" band "Sunshine Coast. "    


The music was mixed with the crisp sound of keyboard tapping.    


Zhou Hao sat in front of his desk and quickly typed in all kinds of data on the computer screen.    


At this time, his personal computer had already developed to a relatively high level and was able to satisfy most of the text and digital analysis.    


And now, Zhou Hao had formulated his next plan based on the memory of the financial war in Hong Kong in his previous life.    


The date of the financial storm in Asia was July 1997, which happened to be the time when Hong Kong returned to its motherland.    


The place where the storm broke out was Thailand. After that, it spread across the entire Asia at an extremely fast speed. Japan and Korea, which had a more developed economy, were inevitably caught up in it.    


After returning to Hong Kong, although Hong Kong was also greatly affected, it was not directly affected by the storm.    


However, when this financial storm ravaged the financial markets of Southeast Asia, some speculators tried to test Hong Kong on a small scale.    


By October 197, the scale of the international venture into Hong Kong's financial market had increased significantly.    


Although these international speculators were limited in their own scale, through the "leverage effect," the amount of funds they could bring along was enormous.    


According to statistics, every day in the international capital market, liquid investment funds, which was also known as "hot money," exceeded one trillion, a total of more than seven trillion.    


The scale of the speculators attacking the Hong Kong financial market caused Hong Kong Bank to rapidly increase their investment rates. The Hang Sheng Index and Futures Index plummeted, allowing those speculators to return with full returns.    


After that, these greedy wolves sniped Hong Kong's currency several times, using the interaction between the foreign exchange market, stock market, and futures market to make a large number of investments. They greedily plundered Hong Kong's money and arrogantly made Hong Kong their "super ATM. "    


This situation happened again and again in January to May 1998. The speculators' actions in Hong Kong were very fruitful, causing the western public to make jokes. Once the speculators were short of money, they only needed to press a few buttons on the "super ATM" in Hong Kong.    


During this period of time, the news from the Galaxy and the various media outlets in Hong Kong had all returned. They had made a detailed report on this situation.    


Zhou Hao also knew that the real big waves had not arrived yet. In August of this year, George Soros and Julian had arrived. Robert and the rest would lead a large number of speculators to launch a real attack on Hong Kong, officially declaring war on Hong Kong.    


At that time, the investment group led by George Soros and Hong Kong, which had the backing of China's huge foreign exchange reserves, would start a war that would draw a heavy line in the world's financial history.    


It involved hundreds of billions of dollars, which was even more than the money invested in the financial storm in Southeast Asia.    


Due to the focus of this "Great War of the Century" and the far-reaching influence it had on the world's financial market, when Zhou Hao was studying at Fudan University in his past life, he had a research project that lasted for the entire semester, and the subject of his research was this great financial war.    


Therefore, Zhou Hao knew every specific strategy and step of that financial war like the back of his hand. He had also done a detailed analysis of the results and effects of each decision made by both sides. He could even compile a textbook.    


Zhou Hao had now turned the various data that he had memorized into words and numbers and made them into concrete and feasible data.    


He did not want to force himself to be able to influence this global financial war, but he also wanted to fish in troubled waters. Of course, he would be touching the enemy's' fish 'and contribute some strength to his motherland. At the same time, he would also slaughter those arrogant alligators. He would be satisfied.    


The main reason why he could not control the situation at will was that he could not control the situation at will. Another reason was that Zhou Hao had invested most of his funds into Russia.    


In 1998, a serious financial storm broke out in Russia. In August, the Central Bank of Russia announced that within the year, the ruble exchange rate would increase to a maximum of 9. 5: 1, and it would delay the repayment of foreign debts and suspend the transaction of bonds.    


In September 1998, the ruble depreciated by 70%, causing the Russian stock market and the exchange market to fall rapidly, leading to economic and political crises.    


It was precisely because of Russia's economic crisis that caused the international speculators who had invested a large amount of money to suffer a huge blow that they indirectly delayed the attack of these speculators on Hong Kong, making it difficult for both sides to deal with them. In the end, they suffered a crushing defeat.    


Russia would become a nightmare for those international speculators, but for Zhou Hao, it was another wonderful opportunity to profit.    


Just like what happened to South Korea and Indonesia, after the matter in Indonesia ended, Zhou Hao immediately invested large amounts of funds into Russia.    


He borrowed large amounts of Rubles from the Central Bank of Russia and various powerful financial institutions, and also placed a foreshadowing of the exchange and stock market, waiting for an opportunity to make a move.    


However, the financial crisis of Russia this time was largely caused by the political crisis. Faced with the change of government, the government was very sensitive to all kinds of situations. A single mistake could cause a very serious chain effect.    


Therefore, Zhou Hao did not dare to directly invest in the Russian financial market through the Galaxy. Instead, he went through a few "shells.    


In the end, he used the names of a few German and British energy companies to invest. He did not want the Russian government, which was deeply affected by the economic crisis in the future, to be angry and take revenge on the Galaxy. He even used the connection between the Galaxy and the central government to expand international disputes.    


"Beep, beep, beep. . . "    


Zhou Hao's speed was very fast. The data on the monitor was flashing in his bright eyes.    


To produce this proposal for the Hong Kong Financial War, it was actually similar to the research report that Zhou Hao had produced in his previous life. However, his current equipment was much better.    


In his previous life, when he was in university, although the school had just installed a computer room, it had been monopolized by the relatives and children of the school leaders and instructors.    


And Zhou Hao was too shy to use the computer. Therefore, the data of the research report was all calculated by him using a small ten level computer.    


Although this computer was not as advanced as the dual-core, four-core, or even six-core computers in the future, it was still much better than those small solar computers. Zhou Hao was able to do it with ease.    


At this moment, the door was gently pushed open and Wang Xijun walked in with a tray. On the tray was a cup of fragrant milk tea and a delicate Black Forest cake.    


Wang Xijun was also dressed very casually. It was a set of Mickey Mouse yellow pajamas which made her look very cute.    


"What are you doing?" Coming to Zhou Hao's side, Wang Xijun curiously looked at the lines of complex and incomprehensible data on the monitor. She only felt that it was very difficult to understand. Her eyes were blurred. "You are doing mathematics homework? But these diagrams. . . I don't think I have seen them before. "    


"Hehe, these are just analysis diagrams for price evolution models. Ordinary people rarely use them. " Zhou Hao smiled and picked up the cup of milk tea and took a sip.    


He knew Wang Xijun was not good at science, so he did not explain too deeply.    


"Hmm? This milk tea smells so good. Xijun, did you make it?" Zhou Hao asked.    


Wang Xijun's face turned slightly red as she nodded her head and said shyly: "Do you like it? I poured quite a bit of milk. Wouldn't the taste of the milk be too strong? Also. . . Don't you think it's too sweet?"    


"Yeah, it's too sweet. " Zhou Hao smiled and said, "The milk tea Xijun personally brewed for me is so sweet that it reaches my heart. "    


Wang Xijun originally thought that Zhou Hao did not like to drink it but when she heard his last sentence, even her neck started to heat up and she lowered her head.    


She said softly, "This, this Black Forest cake was sent over by the people in the 'romantic house' earlier. I put it in the snow cabinet and froze it. Try it and see if it tastes good. "    


Zhou Hao naturally knew that this cake was not made by Wang Xijun. Although her culinary skills were good, to make this kind of extremely difficult artistic cake, it would not be possible without a few years of hard work.    


However, Wang Xijun's intention to prepare supper for him also made Zhou Hao very moved.    


Especially when he saw this little girl's innocent and shy appearance, Zhou Hao's heart could not help but ripple.    


He held Wang Xijun's jade-like little hand and pulled her into his embrace. Then he dipped his finger into the chocolate milk of the Black Forest cake and gently rubbed Wang Xijun's cherry lips.    


"Hmm. . . What is it?" Wang Xijun, who was curled up in Zhou Hao's arms, felt a burst of softness. She was also puzzled when she saw him rub the chocolate on her lips.    


"Hehe, it's dessert. " Zhou Hao smiled ambiguously.    


Just when Wang Xijun was confused, Zhou Hao lowered his head and kissed her two soft lips. He carefully licked the chocolate on it and felt that it was soft, fragrant, and not intoxicating.    


Wang Xijun did not expect Zhou Hao to eat dessert like this. She was also stunned for a moment, but in the end, she also fell into Zhou Hao's arms. She only wanted him to "eat" her whole body.    


Just like that, Zhou Hao smeared the chocolate and cream of the cake on Wang Xijun's lips and even her tongue over and over again, and then he tasted it himself. This supper was very charming and sexy.    


When Wang Xijun finally recovered from her infatuation, she found that her shirt had been mostly undone by Zhou Hao. Even the white shirt inside had been pushed up and exposed in front of Zhou Hao.    


Wang Xijun shyly covered her breasts and said to Zhou Hao, "I forgot to tell you. Aunt Tong just called back and said that a relative from Hong Kong will come to visit you. "    


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