Supreme Stock God

C633 The Cry of Despair

C633 The Cry of Despair

Zhou Hao did not go home during lunch break. Instead, he stayed in the school library. Because Li Ruolan had been staying at the library to read every day during lunch break, Zhou Hao came over to accompany her.    


The Yining Middle School's library was a three-story tall ancient jade tile building. It turned out that it was a private school that existed since the Republic of China.    


After the establishment of the country, Yining Middle School had taken the address here and made this private school the library of the school. After three renovations and maintenance, it was a very famous cultural ruin in Xiang City.    


Moreover, this library had a very rich collection of books. Even the Xinhua Bookstore in the city was far inferior to it. There were even many precious depositories that were published many years ago. There were even some alone thread-bound books that were preserved at the end of the Qing Dynasty and at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty.    


Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan were currently sitting opposite each other at the table by the window on the second floor. As it was lunch break time, there was no one else in the library. Outside the window was a verdant banyan tree. Occasionally, the rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds could be heard, making it seem very quiet.    


Zhou Hao rested his head on his arm and looked at Li Ruolan. He saw that the beauty in front of him was focused on reading the book that introduced education management and human resource application. Her soft hair was gently hanging down, shining with a black luster under the gentle sunlight.    


That elegant and refined face revealed a kind of tranquility that could make people feel at ease and calm. Occasionally, her eyes would blink and her long eyelashes would tremble slightly.    


The surroundings were very quiet, as if the entire world had settled down. Zhou Hao could not help but have a glimmer of hope in his heart. He hoped that time would stay at this moment forever.    


Perhaps it was a telepathic connection, Li Ruolan seemed to have sensed Zhou Hao's gaze on her. She lifted her eyes slightly and saw that he was indeed looking at her quietly. His expression was very pleasing to the eye. Li Ruolan's face was slightly red as she laughed softly. "Silly, what are you looking at?"    


"I'm looking at you. I really can't see enough in my whole life. " Zhou Hao's voice was more lively than usual. Suddenly, it sounded like a young man who was naive and did not know what to worry about.    


Li Ruolan rolled her eyes at him, but she did not know how charming her every frown and smile was. Her gentle and silent style caused Zhou Hao's calm heart to ripple.    


She saw a book with yellowed pages under Zhou Hao's arm and asked curiously, "What book is that? Didn't you always only read economical books?"    


"I have to take a look at the taste occasionally. " Zhou Hao smiled and flipped the cover of the book for Li Ruolan to see. On the cover was written "Zeng Wenzheng's grandfather's book. " The font was very simple and gave people a sense of heaviness.    


"Zeng Wenzheng's Book? Is it that Ceng Guofan?" Li Ruolan asked.    


Zhou Hao nodded. "This Wen Zhenggong could be said to be the most important person in the late Qing Dynasty. When his power was at its peak, more than 70% of the Qing Dynasty's military power was in his hands.    


With a single thought, he could easily overthrow the Qing Dynasty and become an emperor. In any case, his influence on China was extremely deep.    


Moreover, our founding ancestor also said that he was' under the sole control of Zeng Wenzheng '.    


Zeng Wenzheng's Book of Family was one of the three books that Jiang Jieshi had been reading all year round under his pillow. The other two were respectively the Biography of the Bess and Records of Zeng Hu's Soldiers. "    


Li Ruolan had never come into contact with such things before and was immediately interested. "So you have such a big background. Then what is written in this Zeng Zhenggong's Book ?"    


"It's all letters from Zeng Guofan to his family. "    


"Hmm? Isn't it the way to rule a country and the art of military use? If it's just a family book, why would a formidable character like Jiang Jieshi be so highly respected? " Li Ruolan did not understand.    


Zhou Hao smiled and said, "Zeng Guofan has been leading troops outside for a long time, but he insisted on giving it to me regularly. The letters contained what he saw and heard, as well as instructions to his family.    


Including what kind of teacher should be chosen for his son, what kind of gifts should be given to him, what kind of ceremony should he perform to worship his ancestors, and no matter how big or small, he gave instructions one by one.    


Although these are just some complicated family matters, as the saying goes, one can see the bigger picture from a small perspective, and rule a large country as if it's a small dish. From these minute details, it shows how amazing Zeng Guofan is when he treats people. It can be said that he's really good at reading articles everywhere. "    


After Zhou Hao explained, Li Ruolan finally understood. No wonder people like Great Ancestor and Jiang Jishi, who were influential in the times, praised this Zeng Wenzheng's Book of Family.    


She then heard Zhou Hao say, "I think that the two most outstanding books in our country are this Ceng Wenzheng's Book of Family and Sun Tzu's Art of War. The former is the epitome of receiving and training people to reach the world's sentiment, while the latter is the treasured book of all competing actions.    


When it comes to China, the most amazing thing is to cheat each other. When it comes to the word 'fight', there is no race in the world that can compare to us in China. "    


"Your words are too biased. " Li Ruolan smiled bitterly.    


"This is the truth. " Zhou Hao smiled and looked at Li Ruolan. "I do not remember which western scholar said that there are two smartest people in the world. The first is Han, and the second is Jewish.    


The Jews use their talents to make money, and the Han use their talents to fight.    


Do you remember what our Great Ancestor said?    


Fighting against the heavens is endless joy, fighting against the earth, endless joy. Fighting against others, endless joy. Hehe, that's the way we, the people of China, are. "    


Seeing Zhou Hao's pair of bright eyes that seemed to see through everything in the world, Li Ruolan's heart could not help but tremble. Because at this moment, Zhou Hao, while sighing about the world, appeared to be even more wise. That was a maturity that he could not possibly have at his age.    


Recovering his thoughts, Zhou Hao smiled at Li Ruolan and said, "Actually, this Zeng Wenzheng's Book of Family is much better than your management, human resource application, and so on. Because this is the classic example of teaching you how to manage and use people. "    


Li Ruolan nodded. Because the construction of Tianhe Primary School that Zhou Hao had invested in had already entered the second half of the project, it was estimated that it could be handed over within the year.    


In the future, Li Ruolan would become the manager of the school and a series of other education institutions that had invested in the school. Therefore, she had to make preparations now to increase her management knowledge.    


"The school library's Zeng Wenzheng's Home Book is a handwritten version. The words are written with great force, and from these words, it can be seen that the person's state of mind is far higher than his heart. Even without looking at the contents of Zeng Wenzheng's family book, just looking at the words had already benefited him a lot.    


However, this person didn't leave behind his signature. Otherwise, I would really like to pay him a visit. " Zhou Hao sighed with emotion.    


From the words that carried the wind of dragons and tigers, not only did Zhou Hao see the man's mental state, he even felt that these words contained some profound meaning of martial arts, allowing Zhou Hao to comprehend a lot.    


Zhou Hao had once seen some martial arts masters improve their martial arts by calligraphy in martial arts novels. For example, Zhu Ziliu, the disciple of Master One Lantern in "The Divine Carved Couple," was a famous calligraphy master who had combined One Solar Finger with calligraphy.    


"It's not good to stay here all day. Let's go out for a stroll. " Zhou Hao said to Li Ruolan.    


"Okay. "    


So the two of them left the school and went out for a stroll in the commercial street outside.    


Because Zhou Hao's school uniform was very conspicuous and this was close to Yining Middle School, it was very easy to meet acquaintances. Li Ruolan did not dare let Zhou Hao hold her hand and only walked side by side with Zhou Hao.    


"En? There is a new pyjamas shop here?" Li Ruolan's eyes lit up when she passed by a pyjamas store. She pulled Zhou Hao along and walked in.    


The store was filled with the business of pajamas and there were all styles of men, women, old and old.    


Zhou Hao originally thought Li Ruolan wanted to buy them herself, but he saw her suddenly take out a blue male pajamas from the clothing rack and stick it in front of Zhou Hao. She intimately measured the size of the pajamas.    


The salespeople in the shop immediately looked at Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan strangely. Because Zhou Hao was still wearing his school uniform. It was a very important issue to be in a relationship at this time, especially since Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan had such outstanding appearances.    


Luckily, they did not know Li Ruolan was Zhou Hao's teacher, otherwise they would be even more surprised.    


In the end, Li Ruolan bought Zhou Hao and herself a set of pajamas for a couple. Her eyes were full of happiness, like a little wife.    


"Eh? What's going on over there? Why are there so many people?" After exiting the shop, Zhou Hao saw that the intersection was filled with people. He could vaguely see the lights of police cars coming out from the crowd. Zhou Hao also heard a heart-wrenching cry. There must have been a traffic accident.    


"Let's go and take a look. " Yes, Li Ruolan said. She did not want to join in the fun. It was because that intersection was very close to Yining Middle School. She wanted to see that place. She wanted to see if there were any accidents that would happen to the students of the Yining Middle School in the future.    


When she got closer, the sad and sad cry of the woman became even clearer. Zhou Hao frowned because he could hear the sadness in the cry. If it wasn't for the fact that he really felt despair, he wouldn't have cried like this.    


After that, Zhou Hao and Li Ruolan saw a bicycle lying on the right side of the intersection. Next to it was a four or five-year-old boy. His chest was sunken and blood was coming out of his mouth and nose. He had long lost his breath. The ground beneath him was also covered in a pool of blood, and his death was extremely miserable.    


Not far away, there was a woman in her thirties crying and screaming. She wanted to walk towards the place where the boy was lying, but she was stopped by a man and two policemen.    


"I want to see my son! Let me go, I want to see my son!" The woman was the one who cried out in grief and indignation. She was like a madman, continuously beating the man and policeman who stopped her.    


She cried at the top of her lungs: "I want to see my son! Why is it my son! Impossible! Impossible! Is the driver dead? Is the driver dead? I'm going to kill him with my own hands. I don't want a single piece. I want to kill him with my own hands!"    


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